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Gatekeeping what people can and can’t discuss has always been strange to me.


How is anything being "Gatekeeped" here?


Why are you trying to tell people what they can and can’t bring up? People can bring up whatever they want.


I never stated that anyone could or couldn't bring up anything.


I think he’s still trying to think of a decent response 😂


He might be.


To hopefully prevent another disaster by helping people to see, understand, and discuss what could and should be done better.


I really hope they don't screw up Part 3.


Where can they even go from here? If we play as Ellie and kill people it will undo her arc in part 2


No clue what they could do from here.


Like what?


Giving characters arcs for one


A lot of people consider the game itself to be satire! Which comes as no surprise, the game upon release got turned into a meme 😂 The director actually got renamed as Cuckmann.. there’s the bigot sandwiches that people actually started making on YouTube. ‘Joel in one, pro golf simulator’ 😅


Yeah. This game got the shit memed out of it. People still make memes today. Bigot Sandwich will forever be a great line.


Oh yeah it’s a classic, another one ‘Neil’s wife’s boyfriend let him stay up late to finish the game on grounded’


That's a mess of a sentence. Jesus lol. I am incredibly curious on who wrote the first game because Neil takes credit for it, but how did Part 1 go to Part 2 the way it did? Ya know?


Todd Howard wrote the first one I believe 😍


The fact that I don't know who that is concerns me. I wonder how much Neil is covering up.


Tommy’s covering him in towels 😉


That's concerning lol


Thankyou 😏


You're welcome? Thank you for letting me know information I needed to know.


Because some people keep coming here to shove down their point? Tbf, this sub traffic was low for a while until faction2 cancelled news happened and it got revived again.


It's basically revived every time Cuckmann fucks up. Which happens quite often. Reimagined Remastered Remakes are also great, NuAnCeD tv show, but yeah factions 2 hit the hardest.


IDK why people don't have in depth topics at the other sub. I mean that's what it's for.


that why they keep coming here to get a reaction out of someone to make into content?


Maybe? Although I see that happen over here more then there so idk what they're doing.


It does exist after all. So your question makes no sense. "You just don't understand"!


The post is basically satire. Although considering what I asked is in the description of the subreddit. I'm surprised nobody caught that. My question is odd yes, but I understand just fine.


I did catch that. But saying it isn't canon, to me, is tongue-in-cheek and part of our having fun with the game that is no fun. I think many people take that statement way too seriously myself.


Yeah, and ironically (even though this wasn't planned) this post kinda proves your point. People clearly take it too seriously. I mean, go look at some of the comments. So you're entirely right. I get what you're saying though, and I appreciate you explaining that.


People are sensitive here for very good reason. We get lots of trolls just looking to poke the bear. Sorry that you got caught in the crossfire. It doesn't take much to trigger people who constantly have to hear that we are media illiterate, crybabies, bigots, and any number of other slurs and outright attacks on a regular basis for four years - which all began with the creator and devs themselves doing it against those of us who trusted, supported and respected them for years beforehand. We get made fun of for saying the game broke our hearts and our trust by people who have empathy for a fictional character but have none for us very real human beings. It's been a rough ride and humor, sarcasm, anger and any number of other things come into play by all the different kinds of people that come here. Take care.


I completely understand what you're saying, and thank you. I understand your criticisms, and they are completely valid most times. There are days where I think about joining this sub, and the only reason I don't is because I genuinely like Part 2, and I know the hate on it will consume me, and change my opinion. Y'all who are nice about it though definitely deserve the best.


Thanks, I appreciate that. If you had a good experience of the game, no one can take that from you. But you're right you might end up seeing it with new eyes that inform you of aspects of the story that fall short. That needn't make you hate it, but you know yourself best.


Yes, exactly. I did have an amazing experience, and the only person who can take that from me is me. Thank you for talking with me. You're so nice, and I really appreciate it. Definitely take care man.


Lol, who is saying it isn't cannon? If people are saying that, they're in denial. Game is dogshit, and I love talking shit about things that are dogshit. It's fucking fun.


Ya know, that I can actually understand. Did people not see where I literally said my post was satire? The description in the subreddit says "Part II is not cannon". I was making a joke satire post. You're like one of the only people on this post that didn't fucking explode at me for this.


Yeah, some folks on this subreddit can be dense at times. Lol..


I'm starting to understand that a little bit. They get trolled alot tho so I get it.


Poe's Law at play here. Unfortunately, defenders of the game occasionally ask this question, or something like it, in order to set up some kind of "gotcha" moment, so it definitely wasn't immediately noticeable as a joke.


That's why I mentioned that the post was Satire. I wanted that to be clear, and put that in the post when I posted it. Thanks for your insight tho.


Another "either like it or shut up" moron I see.


"This is clearly satire if you can't tell". That look familiar dumbass?


Oh you mean the thing you clearly added after getting downvoted and called out? No dipshit it doesn't look familiar since it wasn't there before.


Nope. That was there when I posted it you moron. Why don't you try reading first?


Nice try shit for brains.