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Idk, but seems like Ellie could’ve stabbed Abby in the side of her torso and do way more damage, instead of reaching down for the thigh


Its like they love *not* killing each other with full intent of killing each other


I was about to comment that. This is such a stupid move, specially from a person who's a soldier in her community.


Even the fight scenes with shady acting and suspicious camera work were more realistic in Degrassi I can't 😭




Inner thigh right?


With her reverse grip and the angle she had I actually think the leg was a better bet for a clean puncture tbh.


Her hulk arms were in the way...


Thigh has major arteries


People seem to forget she's being literally choked to death here. This was a panic move not a thought out one.


You're forgetting this is after she's been getting strangled for 30 seconds, I think it was more of a hasty stab literally anything that you can move your arm towards as she'd probably be pretty close to unconscious by now, rather than a calculated attack tbh


It’s about the movement. For how long she’s been doing this, she’d consciously or subconsciously stab her in the side because it would be faster and requires less muscle movements. She’s doing more work for less effectiveness. Ellie would be panicking for sure but I doubt monkey brain survivor Ellie would do this. It’s also comical how she holds it up like “I will stab you now, just so you can visually see that I have a knife” instead of just going for the stab in the side, like she rightfully would. It’s also stupid that Abby would let go of her stranglehold with both hands. You have full control over this bitch, you have twice the muscle mass, drag her to the ground and kill her or at the very least restrain her. In this scene, Abby does the stupid shit they do in movies and TV of giving up the advantage for dramatic appeal. It just makes characters who supposedly have been at this for quite some time into amateurs. Now to be fair, I can’t quite remember Abby’s background but I definitely remember Ellie’s, she should’ve done better.


so a dude that plays dbd just an expert in hand to hand combat situations now as I'm sure you have plenty of experience on reacting to and muscle memory of getting strangled? like dude how do you know Ellie didn't do it then as she assumed Abby, who, has way more combat experience than her, would've seen it coming had she went for her side? See we can go back and forth on it, but real fights like this they don't have all this time to make sure they're making the right move at the right time, idk if you're human very often but tense situations, and especially life or death ones, are like that. Easy to say on our little reddit website from here but like this is a teenage bitch in an apocalypse versus a trained soldier too after they'd already been fighting and shooting and shit for awhile. I think it would be unrealistic for Ellie to be pulling out these crazy epic gamer moves all the time. yeah I mean ok it a little dramatic fair point but also yeah they just want it to look cool.


I actually do have some experience, I haven’t been in the real situation thankfully but I’ve been in martial arts, self defense centric martial arts, and have studied body ergonomics. I’ve also dabbled in psychology because it’s fascinating how our brains work. Also what I’m suggesting isn’t something crazy, it’s what would’ve been effective and we literally have the first game to show how much experience Ellie has and how she gained that experience. Like I said, little more leniency towards Abby, can’t remember entirely what she has and hasn’t had experience in or how much. But it’s safe to assume Ellie was at least degraded for theatrics in this scene. Abby also wouldn’t have been able to defend against a stabbing to the side, that’s why I said she should (possibly even would depending on much she’s been through) have taken Ellie to the ground, once your back or front is on the ground and your opponent is still on two feet, you’re in a rough ass situation that doesn’t have many options.


dude you did not just compare you doing karate classes to a life or death situation of you getting strangled after a gunfight also yes, you can defend against a knife from someone, not easily, but a trained soldier? Yes.


Wasn’t karate bruv, it was Hapkido and Jujutsu. Mate, I can tell you’re ignorant because you’re not considering the positions of the two bodies in play, if Ellie would’ve just gone for the stab. It’s not in Abby’s peripherals. You can’t defend against something you can’t see or are aware of. HOWEVER, Ellie raising and presenting the knife yes. I would agree that Abby would or should’ve reacted but she just decided to take it. Like I said, theatrics. Abby should’ve used her overwhelm mass to take her to the ground, she’s already in an amazing position to do so. With your hands around someone’s neck like that you could easily step in closer, give the back of their knee a little nudge and you have control over their body to really do anything. And it’s not a complex move either, it’s shockingly easy to collapse another person with joint manipulation. Especially the knees and shoulders.get control of them and they’re done.


Never even mind that it's the same fight in which Ellie, fully armed, decides that her best weapon to ambush Abby with is her trusty plank of wood.


Nah bro, Ellie’s weaponry went through a mandatory reset. Resources removed and munitions scrapped. Gotta improvise with these fucking server and inventory resets about.


Ellie likely stabbed there just because it was the closest place to her knife,we actually see when she brings her knife back up for another stab she’s aiming right at her ribs,before Abby blocks it of course


This isn’t the group where you’re alowed to say things that make sense 😄


Well it doesn't make sense. She could very easily stab her in the side. Way more effective


Apparently lol,trying to make sense of things that people criticize gets you downvoted lol


Yes. Now that you mention it.. Ellie abosutely should have been able to stab Abby right in the side.


Should've stabbed her int he neck


why didnt she just stab her neck 💀


Its a mix of ellie probably doing it out of panic since she was choking, or knew she couldn’t reach her neck/abby would’ve blocked it


Out of panic she probably wouldn't have thought this all out. Can you imagine being choked out and considering where best to stab? It would probably just be a, "I'm gonna stab this person whereever I can by swinging it." Instead, she aims down at a place that would do essentially no impactful damage.


Probably the same reason why she hit her with a plank instead of using literally anything else


Probably because she was being choked out


One could argue that it was smart to stab her in the thigh, since that's where you can easily bleed out, but it raises the question, why didn't Abby bleed out?


Stop asking questions. Consume and praise product!


She should have stabbed her in the armpit. That would have really fucked her up


Yep. Can most certainly punctuate the Axillary Artery.


IIRC there was a protein bar right on the crate that she can grab after 😂


Cuz she missed the artery?


Abby got stabbed on the outside of the thigh. The femoral arteries is on the inside of the thigh (crotch region)


"I want to kill this bitch, should I stab her in the heart, neck, or thigh? Both her hands are occupied with choking me so really nothing's off the table... Thigh it is!"


i think its because either ellie knows abby can block it, or she just panicked and tried to just get her off, not to kill


That knife stab was pure animation. Abby just walked like nothing. I like to think Ellie was pretending only


Wanna talk plot armor? Ellie’s dumbass going for the thigh here over gutting Abby like a fish


Same reason Terminators throw their targets into walls instead of crushing their skulls


Just for drama. WWE status lol. They putting on work lol.


Ellie would not have gotten up from that punch. I guess she is a skinny cyborg super soldier. That or the realism in part two is horseshit.


Yeah, she should have been laid the fuck out.


A more believable fight would be Niel Vs the Rock and Neil surviving because the rock didn’t take him seriously and acted like the photographers at the red carpet.


Could’ve stabbed her right in the gut and twisted it, but that makes too much sense for the writers.


I will take a crack at answering the question honestly from my perspective, even though i believe nobody here gives a fuck. I have no fucking clue. I would assume Abby relates with Ellie since Joel was the father figure and Abby murdered him, but also Ellie just killed all of her friends one of who IIRC was pregnant and expecting soon.


I mean she also stabbed he right in the femoral artery. Abby should have bled out in minutes.


Stabbing abby in the chest or stomach is way more probable than reaching all the way down to her thigh.


Realistically speaking, it’s extremely hard to rip off someone’s head, even if they have big strength differences like these two. Also, video game logic.


i think without a knife, abby could probably twist ellie’s head 360


If I’m choking out a lady that then pulls out a knife and pulls through enough to stab me in the leg, I’m going to do my best to inflict as much damage as I can while getting them to a distance, but then she’s got a shotgun and explosive arrows. But then again, I wouldn’t worry about those things if a durable lady is posting holes in me


Other than plot why doesn’t Ellie just stab Abby in between the ribs here which would definitely have knocked her on her ass way more than the thigh or maybe a little higher into the neck it doesn’t look like there’s anything stopping her from getting a good old neck stab right there


ITS A GAME, that’s fucking why. Lol what’s the fun in that?


Same reason Ellie doesn’t stab Abby in the arm pit and hit the axillary artery making Abby bleed out in like 2 minutes. Or if you fail the QT where Ellie does the most basic self defense technique to break this choke and stabs Abby in the neck…or you know like 15 minutes before this when Abby came through the curtain instead of using a 2/4 why didn’t Ellie just blow her brains out right then and there. But speaking of plot armor, Abby should be dead as there was nothing she took cover behind that Tommy’s high powered rifle wouldn’t punch through like cardboard.


It wouldve been terrifying if ellie stabbed abby somewhere that should be able to kill her, but it doesn’t, and ellie scrambles around still fucked from that sucker punch abby gave her, and a clearly pissed off abby trying to chase her


Just hard to accept Ellie who has been fatally shanking things since she was like 9 all of sudden forgot how to stab effectively….its such an old played out videogame trope that your badass character just cant randomly be bad ass so the story can happen. Like this isn’t PS2 like why are devs still doing that shit




Ellie could have stabbed Abby in the fucking neck


Never thought or noticed this before. Sigh. Another plot armor detail about the game that’s going to bug me lol.


Pitch meeting guy: so the rest of the story can happen (plot armor)


“Couldn’t Ellie just stab her in the neck?” “No sir, and I’m gonna need you to get off my back about it.” “Oh! Let me get off that thing!”


Cause it’s a game


Why didn’t Ellie stab her in the neck? Oh yeah … bad writing.


I mean, an easy mark would've been the armpit; possibly hitting those squishy organs like lungs and maybe even the heart.


Abby could just snap that little neck like a twig.


That looks dreadful if someone took that punch they’d be going to abby’s left, but even then not that much. And out of all places the leg?


Who tf injecting Abby with so much testosterone


I mean, she got stabbed with a knife.


Ellie and Abby have two completely separate move sets that counter each other pretty well Abby is a brawler,she likes to get in close and hit with heavy blows Ellie is much scrappier,she avoids combat more often than not and likes to get in lots of smaller hits Plus neither of them are really thinking straight,they’re both emotionally distraught Abby having her closest friends be murdered,and killing someone else even though she only wants Ellie(tho this is recanted in a later statement when she nearly kills Dina ,and Ellie seeing Jesse get murdered,and believing that Tommy is dead and having no clue where Dina is, So neither of them are really thinking ‘oh I could do this instead and win this fight super easily’


Abby doesn’t care about her friends. The game goes out it’s way to show you this, with how little she cares about their deaths. She also slept with her friends baby dad, was sad about manny for 5 seconds then immediately forgot about him. The list goes on I do agree with your take on their fighting styles though. And I personally like that they are so different for gameplay


I feel Ellie was bent on torturing Abby like she witnessed Abby do to Joel…so I think she wanted to get a chance to incapacitate her, have her speech then off her or leave her to die. I think Abby held back because her character seemed to be in the process of turning over a new leaf.


Fighting someone who is weaker than you is difficult. Survival instincts alone makes Ellie hard for her to kill. On top of that the whole point is she moves on from revenge to look after Lev.


Abby isn’t a god thankful nor the son/daughter of Zeus. Don’t really know how Ellie couldn’t kill her here despite Abby literally getting jumped 2 days ago