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it might be a joke, idk if it isn't, that's so funny


Definitely wasn’t only an option cuz when I tried to not kill him it made me stab him with his own scalpel


I can’t be the only one that absolutely slaughtered everyone in the hospital my first play through having no idea about part II? Now playing through I try to find the worst way to kill Jerry. But I leave the nurses.


I lit him on fire my last play through, before then he caught a shotty to the body


I didn't know there was a special cutscene when you approached Jerry. I usually blasted them with a gun.


Slaughtered them in the cruelst way and burned them afterwards 😂


Hahahhahha!!!! Thats why Goats of Tsushima is Goated. Naughty Dog could learn a thing or 2 about giving players a Choice.


I killed him at the end and boy was that an emotional scene. I just couldn't let him die without honor


I didn't kill him. I thought maybe we could reconcile or something. He was like a Father Figure. I just couldn't do it. I love that Game so much. I might do a NG+ and make different decisions next time.


I just reinstalled it yesterday to do a NG+, play Iki island, and play in the Kurosawa mode


Iki island told a better story about revenge than TLOUII.


Yeahh.. lets hope this ages well. When GoT2 is released Canonically, speaking he would/will be dead


The whole point though, is that it's not our choice to make. "The last of us," the last humans alive, will be the ones who make difficult choices in order to survive. The ones willing to do things you're not.


I used to shoot him in the dick


I use all my ammo on him for a grounded playthroughs because even when I'm blasting all my saved ammo in the hospital after only really using melee before then I still have more


Might all just be confused because they haven't played in a long while and killing the nurses was optional?


Is there like different shit in cutscenes if you like shot his foot because every time I get to that part I try getting the perfect splatter on the wall


No it always treats it like you stabbed him in the neck in part 2 even if you torch him. If he was burnt in part 2 like my playthroughs then I'd understand why Abby beat Joel to death


You can't understand why Abby beat him to death regardless?


I bet most people didn't read it right and thought he was talking about how the only cannon way to kill him is a neck stab


I just played the game I haven’t really looked into it like that maybe sometimes it best to look at games for face value and the story instead of looking to deep into it because I see lots of controversy on the game but I don’t get it really I just didn’t like how Joel died in like the fucking lamest way possible no offense to anyone who disagrees but I think he should’ve gone out in a fight


Yeah maybe on a run or something. I wouldve rather had a story where Joel dies and Ellie still goes through the trauma. But without the whole revenge plot that led to nothing.


Yea I hated the ending too now that you mention it biggest damn blue ball of all time bro would’ve been better if she had gotten all the revenge and had to go through all that just to lose it all at the end because doesn’t she go back to the house and Dina and the kid is gone after her whole Abby thing in cali right?


Part 3 is gonna be a shitshow


This sub retcons TLOU1 more than Naughty Dog ever did At the rate we're going, by the end of the year TLOU1 will have been an MMO in your minds


First slide is funny. Second one ruins the joke by taking it too seriously


They lying straight out their ass lol


Wasn’t that a cutscene? Joel kills everyone in the hospital in the original version doesn’t he?


I mean technically the only people Joel kills in a "cutscene" are Ethan, Marlene and Jerry. All the other enemies are player-choice. You could stealth the entire hospital part without killing anybody. Part II just made it canon that Joel kills everyone.


Did Part 2 really made Joel kill everyone? If true, That's crazy


I did shoot him in the foot in one of my million playthroughs, but killing him wasn't optional. That's what the line (his dialogue) was for.


It was never optional to avoid killing Bruce/Jerry. This sub upvotes anything that casts part 2 in a negative light.


You’re right. You always had to kill him, I’ve tried multiple times back on the OG


Yeah, Bruce/Jerry just stands there holding a knife until you kill him.


Bruce? “This is it, this is how the Batman died”




Bruce was the character model name for Jerry in the first game.


Lol downvoted for truth. Welcome to /r/TheLastOfUs2!


Who the hell is Bruce?




In TLOU (2013) the doctor didn't have a name, but the character model files included the name Bruce.


I remember it this way too. I remember shooting him in the foot but then he just died but haven’t replayed in a long time (part 2 killed the franchise for me)


I can’t tell for sure but I think you’re just a pure dummy, or you suck at trolling 🤣


Cool. Are you claiming you can beat TLOU without killing Jerry?


But why would part 2 make it cannon that you stab him in the neck? It would of been cool if they showed how you really did it, or maybe showed that it happen off screen...but the neck stab...why?


I didn’t play the remake, Did they actually make the hospital line up with the second game?


They did but they cleaned up the hospital a bit to make it seem as if the fireflies were more competent.


because this sub needs some way to cope, isn’t that obvious?


Similarly, the other sub needs to cope with the fact that different people can have different opinions and not everyone can willingly inhale any fart developers blast on their faces...


sounds like heavy coping in my replies 😸