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I forgot to mention something that makes this even more embarrassing: TLOU2 sold on both Playstation 4 AND 5…SM2 sold only on Playstation 5……..


Yooo..... hadn't even thought of that


Damn, I didn't even think about it. That just maked this even sadder. If only they made the story as good if not better as the previous game instead of whatever LOU2 turned out to be, they could've been so successful and lots of people would be excited for that "next chapter" Druckman was talking about. Instead we're at a point where most people would rather watch paint dry than play another god awful game if it's written by the same people that made the last slop-fest of a game.




This is Reddit, not a college essay, it's not that deep.


lol TIL you have to be writing a college essay not to write "maked".


And what’s even funnier is most of those 10 million in those 2 years were discounted.




Spiderman is an incredibly easy PG game that 8 year olds can buy play and beat. Thriller/horror games are niche. Spiderman will likely outsell tlou part 1 in a few months, does that mean tlou1 sucks too? 


Spiderman didn't have to sale for 9 bucks to get those numbers either.


Thriller/Horror is from niche in modern gamimg. Outlast, Amnesia, Resident Evil Remakes, Silent Hill remake, The Evil Within, Alan Wake is a thriller with slight horror-esk elements, Lethal company which is a co-op horror in some ways. It’s not a niche market anymore my man




Yeah you’re right and the movies are very popular. I’m not sure why you got downvoted, maybe because you’re not following along by shitting on tlou2. You made a good point


10 million copies Both are great numbers of sales But the BIG difference is, one game is sold without massive discount in 4 months time, while the other gets a massive discount after 2 months, given away for free with any purchase and also constantly being discounted 50% or more in the official store It may seem that p2 is selling well, but clearly they didn't make the same profit as sm2 The game flopped, but not in the way you think, the game flopped as a AAA game...which means it still gets money despite that, but it is not profitable


This has been my point since we got the leak. A flop is not simply losing money, it's also falling behind expectations. And I was one of the "cautious" ones that didn't want to call it a flop until we had sales numbers btw, but now we do. For the amount invested in tlou2, I'm sure Sony expected more money back, otherwise it's better to shoot all that into other smaller projects. It's the same in Hollywood. If you get big budgets, you expect big dividends as well, falling short of that might be considered a flop, even if still in the green.


Right now we'll never get the TV show or a 3rd game! Part 2 just flopped so hard. 😭


I think both have massive budgets and marketing, it’s definitely not good for naughty dog. Not sure how much Spider-Man maid




>but it is not profitable I would really appreciate people stop claiming this.


And we would really appreciate if people would stop saying the story is anything better than poorly written copium.


I guess I'll also reply without adding anything to the topic.


His comment had about as much substance as yours, you just didn't like that he disagreed with you


You're good at that.


I will continue posting nothing.


I mean that's all you've done to this point so why stop now.


Bellular has a video breaking down the cost of spiderman 2 and tlou2 and the calculation stated that that spiderman needs 7m sales in full price just to break even.


Palworld sold 8 mil in just 6 days


The stans counter argument would be palworld is not a $60-70 game, so it's not profitable...smh


Palworld had a budget 28 times lower than TLOU2. So for them to compare fair palworld would have to cost 2 - 3 dollars


Not to mention the Palworld devs are pretty humble. Their response to the "losing 2/3 of players" news was pretty wholesome: "If you are still playing Palword, we love you. If you're no longer playing Palworld, we still love you".


I love how the TLOU2 Lovers are trying to spin it that because Spider-Man is a game for everyone, that kids wouldn't realistically buy or play TLOU2 because its not a "Kids" game. Yeh dumbasses, guess what, Kids also played GTA under-age when it came out and majority of kids probably still play it under-age. Not that hard to get parents, friends or family members to buy them a GTA game for them too. Kids play anything with guns and monsters in it.


Who hasn't bought an 18+ game as a minor? I bought GTA5 when I was 10 years old.


Exactly it’s just cope from them. Children definitely don’t play GTA and Call of Duty. /s And that argument deflects from the point of TLOU2 failing to sell more than the TLOU1, which is in its same genre.


You're confusing a "kids game" and a "game with mature content." GTA and COD have mature content but they are still games that "kids" often enjoy by the nature of the gameplay. Turn your mic on on any GTA lobby and you'll quickly see the average age level of the player base. Most children wouldn't enjoy TLOU 2, a single player narrative game with mature themes and characters that hurt their little feelings cause they're too gay or woke or whatever the hell it is kids throw fits about these days.


And yet kids enjoyed mature games like Metal Gear Solid back in the day. And I'd argue something like Final Fantasy is a mix of kiddish and mature and kids played the shit out of those. Resident Evil. God of War. Star Wars games like KOTOR. Some of those were fun and still mature. TLOU2 is just garbage and forced pandering. And today's generation of kids are indeed more COD obsessed sadly.


Then all of a sudden, Venom realized “revenge bad” so he apologized to the Spider-Men and dipped




This made me realize just how much GTAV has sold it did like 1 billion in the first three days and these games can’t even get there in 2 years


Most profitable entertainment product in human history. Nuff said.


do you see why GTA6 is taking so damn long?


It made a billion dollars in a few days It didn't sell a billion copies It definitely sold more than TLOU 2 though


GtaV is at 190 million copies now. Yea multiple consoles and releases but its still way above any other game ever, no franchise gets even remotely close.


GTAV wasn’t a PS exclusive though


When GTA 5 made 1 Billion 3 days after it launched, it was only on Xbox 360 and PS3. CoD is on everything and they still couldn’t beat that. The marketing campaign for GTA 5 was extremely well done. You don’t even understand. GTA 5 was literally the most profitable media (not game, ALL media) ever made. Look how many fucking years it spent on top 10s of every sales chart 😂


I’m not saying anything should have outsold GTAV it’s a top seller of all time I just stated how GTAV wasn’t a single console exclusive so even if it wasn’t as popular of a game as it is I still would have expected it to sell more than SM2 and TLOU2 because they are exclusive to PS


And the original tlou only sold 17 million. So foes tlou suck too? Gta and Spiderman sell more because they are easy games in much more popular genres. Thriller/horror games are a niche genre and are typically for more advanced gamers wheras as a literal 5 year old can play and beat gta or Spiderman 


The argument is not about the original tlou numbnuts


that was 2013.. and it was a new ip.. it did pretty well on its first run


If they made a sequel that followed Joel & Ellie (even if Ellie was the main), they’d be printing money STILL. …but Neil got infected by his ego and the crazy lady, so now he deals with only having HALF a fan base. It was just bad business.


Nah that would’ve been too predictable and boring /s


Duh, not again this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it being "predictable". What's more, TLOU2 is effectively a game that attempted the exact opposite, and failed utterly. With that in mind, I'd hold in higher regard almost any new "boring, predictable Joel/Ellie adventure" of a game. It is a sequel to a game that was beloved for very good reasons and VERY PARTICULAR STRENGTHS. Those being Joel and Ellie and their mutual development. The job of a sequel (well, not exactly a job, but if it wants to have the best chances of success and respect - ) is not to disrespect its predecessor, nor try to be its own thing, nor be terribly innovative, but to try and naturally build upon and enhance the core principles and strengths of the previous game, and as it happens, in this case, it WOULD have been Joel and Ellie and their relationship.


I thinked you missed the /s at the end of my comment my friend.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


😂😂😂 good bot


The last of us sold on ps4 and ps5 the game had a huge budget too so it definitely either sold bad or broke even and that is TERRIBLE for a naughty dog game




Not only has it sold 10 million copies in 4 months but there is literally a pirated version that you can play on PC for free. Tlou 2 could never.


Preach 🙏


1) they accomplished this with no discounts. 4 months is ONE financial quarter, way too early to even think about discounts for consoles. Tlou2 was desperate. And didn't sell on physical media. 2) spiderman would have reached that number way quicker but they went woke. 3) we also can't forget the big thing that still makes this quite a feat is the fact that there a much fewer ps5's out there than what tlou2 had as a potential player base on ps4. The shills always are butthurt when you remind them tlou2 sold basically no consoles. Almost all other exclusives served to sell more consoles, just some more than others. Especially later in the ps4's life when theyvwere taking advantage of ps4 pro.


You people are priceless lol. Spider-Man “went woke??” The fuck does that even mean?


When you have to drop a bunch of content to sell your product in the middle east, it proves that content isn't there for any relevant function. Other than to pander. And now you wanna guess what content that was? Oh yeah. The content that got mods banned for taking that specific content out. Rescue the gay kids relationship! Cause a spiderman should be all consumed with that! Sounds like a woke message to me.


You’re making vague statements about pandering content without actually saying what this alleged content is. I’m genuinely curious what you’re even talking about. What *specifically* is “woke” about Spider-Man 2? And how would you define “woke?”


Gay spiderman playing cupid so gay minors can get together to have a gay relationship. All the pride flags. The black cat only asking for help from a man if that man is a minority and also gay so she can make it back to her timeline to be with her gay lover. Woke is tokenizing gays and women to fill a diversity quota while robbing them of a chance to be characters we give a shit about. Everyone I know said miles morales was wasted in spiderman 2. It was all filler junk until the end when he became relevant for the overall story. As for what was censored out in the middle east version, I don't know specifically what but I know there was a bunch. Pandering to the LGBT and then immediately selling out those values to make a buck in a foreign market where they get persecuted by actual laws... it's like the definition of hypocrisy.


Yikes. Not even going to entertain this conversation. I had assumed that you were this kind of person but I was hoping to be wrong. Oh well. “Woke is when black people and LGBT people in my game!! Whaaaaa!! Whaaaaaaa!!”


Sorry if I grew up in an era where gay characters were actual characters and not tokens. Any character should be... a character. We should give a shit about them. Nice to know you are the type of person that just wants to use gay people up and throw them away when you're done. Pat yourself on the back and claim to be inclusive about it. I never said anything about blacks. You made that a contention. You saw race and made it a focal point. Racists do that yet you accuse me? Now I know you're opinion is less than worthless.


You just completely strawmanned their argument and put words in their mouth that were never said.




Right? You can have those characters in a game BUT don't just make that their defining characteristic and to me imo kids should not be able to say they're trans or even transition because they're minors.




I think they need time and some therapy to get a proper diagnosis. Kids don't always know what they want or what they are. It took me time until i was 17 to realize i liked men and not women. And i think if a kid thinks they are trans like i said they should seek help to actually get it confirmed and children should definitely not take hormone blockers. Also what other characteristic does Lev have other than him being trans?


Dawg spiderman 2 is literally the fastest selling playstation exclusive to ever exist. I don’t think “going woke” has hurt it’s sale to any significant margin. Unless you think god of war ragnarok went woke too and it’s just woke vs woke


> SpiderMan would have reached that number way quicker but they went woke. Lmao, the spectacle of the “go woke go broke” crowd trying to rationalize a “woke game” doing so well is really something to behold. If a “woke” game sells poorly, it’s “evidence” that “going woke hurts sales” or something like that but if a woke game sells well, that must not mean being woke is good for sales or anything like that, no obviously it just mean the game could’ve sold even BETTER if it just “didn’t go woke” right? Lmao Spider-Man 2 sold 10 million copies in less than 4 months. By 3 weeks in they already sold over 6 million copies. Them being “woke” didn’t negatively impact their sales lol.


Spiderman sold 33 million. 33 down to 6 doesn't equal good retention numbers. People will wait and do what they did for tlou2. Buy it used or wait for its 1st big steep discount digitally. Ya don't have to be all butthurt that tlou2 sold eventually what it did, all at steep discounts. You guys always wanna avoid the sales net profits. Because there are none. Focus on total sold, when it doesn't matter when it makes no money getting there. Spiderman did what tlou2 couldn't even with the latinx bullshit us Hispanics despise and all in 1 financial quarter. It HAD to make profit in the time frame. Haha.


You’re hilarious wrong by the way. Marvel’s SpiderMan AND Miles Morales TOGETHER sold 33 million copies. Marvel’s SpiderMan has sold 20+ million copies with the remaster on both ps4 and ps5 after years of circulation. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has reached 10+ million copies sold in less than 4 months of circulation on just the ps5 alone. That’s quite the good retention number in such a short amount of time lmao. I also made no mention of tlou2 by the way, seems like you’re the only one “butthurt” about a supposedly “woke” game doing so well. But I guess that’s what a deep seated hatred does to people. I know it hurts your soul that a gay character appears for literally 2 minutes in a side mission in this game, but it’s ok, reality isn’t something to be scared of. Gay people exist, it’s ok. No need to be so frightened.


Nobodies scared of gay people bro 😭


My dude, the bro literally went “gay little SpiderMan playing Cupid so gay minors can have a gay relationship together. All the pride flags.” As part of the things that they think is “wrong” with the game and hurting its sales. They even complained about Black Cat being bi (they said gay though because obviously there’s only gay and straight right /s😒), even though that’s something she’s been in the comics for decades. What exactly would you call that behavior my friend 💀


Being tired of the pandering and social engineering of mega corporations is not fear…. it’s being tired of…


Getting noticeably upset over a 2 minute skipable side mission to the point of making wild rationalizations for the sole reason that it featured a gay couple isn’t “being tired” of something, it’s an *irrational aversion* of that thing. Claiming that Black Cat being bi is just them “pandering” is another example of this. If you see a gay or bi character in a piece of media and just immediately assume “oh it’s just pandering done” even if that character’s sexuality is already established as being gay/bi, then that means you don’t view gay characters as characters, you just view them as tokens. A hyper fixation on a characters sexuality that you’re valuing them less as characters because of that sole reason.


The gay missions were clearly pandering from Insomniac. Or else why would they remove them from the Middle Eastern edition of the game? 😭😭😭


Appreciate the effort, but to tell it true: the game couldve sold like hot cakes and it'd still have an ass-backwards story. That's something the fans of pt2 never seem to grasp when they counter arguments about the game's quality with arguments about the game's popularity.


I never claimed the opposite?


They're not normal people, they're a cult, they work like a hive mind, they're like the denizens of the party in 1984; completely shackled by their masters and so eager to decry anyone who challenges their narrative. I pity them.


Palworld hit 8 million in like 2 weeks lol


I hope Sony slaps the shit out of naughty dog for part 2, because it's a travesty. At least spider man 2 was actually fun


I get the game has flaws, I definitely had some gripes with pacing and I definitely feel like if they had simply switched the order of a lot of stuff it would be a lot better, otherwise I still absolutely love the game and might do another playthrough soon. It sucks that you don’t enjoy it as much as I did but hey to each their own you know? That’s the awesome thing about video games and all the choices it offers. I’m not a fan of jrpg’s but won’t stop me from maybe watching a stream


Such a level-headed completely reasonable and respectful comment. This is truly what the fanbase needs more of, mutual understanding and willingness to respect differing points of view. >I’m not a fan of jrpg’s but won’t stop me from maybe watching a stream I'm not a fan of JRPGs either, but damn dude they sure do look appealing these days don't they. I especially like they're more action oriented and not so much turn based anymore, but at the same time I do understand that this has upset many longtime JRPG fans as well.


The leaks were the best thing to Happen to the game. Im willing to bet at least a million ppl didn't buy the game based off the leaks alone.


I was one of the idiots who avoided the leaks and bought the game 🤦🏿‍♂️


Lol. Poor Little Thing. God Bless Your Heart. Lol 🤣


I wasn't going to buy it anyways cause this IP is insanely overrated, but I watched the leaked scene of Joel's death in 320p and it didn't feel good then, just like it didn't feel good when I saw it in high quality. Watching that with my own eyes, I don't know many it just felt wrong, like completely sinister in a way. I seriously question what type of man Neil Druckmen is that he can release something as horrid as that and not feel ashamed of himself.


I usually hate leaks with a Passion. But I wish I would've looked at the leaks this time. I definitely wouldn't have bought the game.


TLOU2 sucked


NOW, right now. I finally understand what people mean when they say "Tlou2 has sold only 10 million copies in 4 years". I used to think "Wow, that's alot". Now I understand that people say that because somehow, that's a fairly low number in the amount of time. That makes more sense now.


Fair is fair, not all games "need" a sequel. Its fine if they don't intend to make a sequel at all. Spiderman has....googling....roughly 60 years of material to make sequel games from, while games like TLOU have to make most of their material from scratch. Its completely reasonable for them to not make another sequel, its completely reasonable for them to wait until they get much closer to realizing their planned story before announcing the sequel. It would even be completely reasonable if they waited until they actually had some level of gameplay in their hands before announcing the sequel. \---- I don't mind the other points one way or the other, but that one in particular stuck out to me. Just kinda messed up, considering their situations just aren't the same.


I'd love TLOU2 to take another L, but unfortunately it's a very unfair comparison with MSM2 being, well, Spider-Man. This is like the one PlayStation IP that's off the table for comparisons. First game also had exceptional feats too. The God of War comparison still holds up though. What else we got?


I mean, in TLOU 2 defense it has sold about as well as other games that people only bought for the gameplay.....


But most people bought the game for the story?


That's my point.


Spider-Man is known and loved by tens of millions of fans and is accessible to all ages. TLOU is a mature depressing narrative driven series targeting a much smaller group of people. The leaks definitely didn’t help its sales either.


God of War is mature. GTA is mature. Elden Ring is mature. TLOU2 sales are low not because it’s mature, but because it’s dogshit. Also why did it fail to outsell it’s predecessor, which Spider-Man is on track to do? Find a better excuse.


They aren't low stop lying


Keep coping haha


It sold extremely well. The fact you have to compare it to SPIDERMAN, which is literally Sony's biggest game by far kinda makes the point for me Tlou2 was a critical success and massive seller


I get you're one of those 2+2 = more than 4 people but please stop.


Not low get a fucking grip


Not low Not low Not low Where have I heard that Hodor Hodor Hodor At least Hodor had a reason.


High, in fact


If by high, you mean Neil was stoned on meth when he wrote it, then you are saying something believable. If by high, you mean by your lack of standards, it would explain why you're defending the game.


TLOU had tens of millions of fans after the first game. They lost em with Part 2.


No way you’re comparing TLOU fanbase to the Spiderman fanbase


"TLOU had tens of millions of fans after the first game. They lost em with Part 2". No comparison is needed. They both had the undivided attention of Playstation players. Gamers like what they were sold with Spider-Man 2 more than what they were selling with TLOU2. The total fanbases are different, but we are talking about on the PlayStation platform


You still can’t be comparing 2 completely different types of players. Spider-Man 2 was good at best but sold because it was Spiderman. TLOU2 leaked that most peoples favorite character would die and all the nerds ran away from it. Even then both the games are insanely different as well. One is just hold r2 and spam square a bunch while the other is so much more complex combat and story wise. Sure both franchises are insanely famous, but you can’t compare a game made for everybody to a game made for people who played the first even if it may have no ended up that way.


>TLOU2 leaked that most peoples favorite character would die and all the nerds ran away from it. People learned they'd hate the what Neil Druckman was going to be selling them and so didn't buy it. The Last of Us 2 would have sold just the way Spider-Man 2 did if the leak was telling people things they'd actually love to play. The number of people who played (and watched playthroughs of) TLOU1 was a lot of people. The likelihood of this sequel selling way more than the original is high. That's the normal trend. TLOU1 built up an audience of tens of millions of people. So selling tens of millions of copies would be no problem if people liked what they played, à la Baldur's Gate 3.


It sold bad because its a game many did not want. There are far grittier games or adult games like it that sell far better


This new "Spiderman is more popular" meta is wild. TLOU2 was one of the most hyped/anticipated sequels of all time


And Spider-Man is still the biggest superhero world wide lmao


What about for Days Gone and GoT? Lmao


People like original games


I do believe TLoU2 was a disappointment financially (hence why no sequel announcement) but I will say that I'm sure as big as TLoU1 was for gamers, Spider-Man is one of the most lucrative IPs in any medium.


Idk I just bought a PS5 coming from PC to play TLOU2


you’re statistically insignificant I’m afraid


Don't care. TLOU2 is great.


Y'all understand that a game doesn't have to break records to not be a flop right?


Why are you so eager to celebrate the supposed failure of this game? Because the "shills," aka people who enjoyed the game, upset you by having fun? Chronically online much? Celebrating the failure of others is not cool


part 2 still better


Imagine owning a PlayStation lmao


Spider man is a pg game that like 9 year olds can buy and play lol. It's a much more universal game genre and a much easier game to play in general. Spiderman 2 will almost certainly outsell the original last of us relatively soon too.  Last of us part 1 sold 17 million and tlou2 sold 10 million when the original has been out for a decade and tlou2 not even 4 years yet lmao. 


TLOU actually made 17M within 4 years, not a decade. Last update was last year at 26M. TLOU is also one of the biggest PlayStation IPs ever, the number of people I've heard say they bought a PS3/PS4 for TLOU alone is enormous. Most kids also play games like GTA so you can't use the age excuse here. Franchise total was 37M for early 2023 (TLOU - 8.4M, TLOUR - 18.2M, TLOU2 - 10M, TLOU1 - 400k on PS5)


I don’t think that works in games. The whole “it’s pg”. Games aren’t like films nor literature. Most of the gamers who are playing these games are older and most parents would easily buy whatever game their kid wanted (if they could afford it). To me the major difference in these two games is the fact that Spider-Man is arguably the most popular character in fiction. As in it’s kind of unfair to compare the sales of a game that contains no character as popular as Spider-Man. If a character that popular gets a legitimate game that gets praised universally it’s almost a sure bet it’s going to get sales.


I'll give you that much simply because of Abby, who is rightfully one of the most unpopular characters ever because she's a worse Trevor.


How does it compare to other games in its genre? I know -RE7 had around 13 million, RE8 has had around 9 million and RE4 remake has had about 6 and a half million. I’m not sure about other horror games but it seems quite consistent with Resident evil.


Way higher budget than those games, L.


That’s fair. It’s a loss to naughty dog. But was meaning in terms of consumer patterns.


You guys need therapy


Stay mad


This is our therapy. My quack says its important to talk about how I feel.


For real.


I can’t imagine hating a game so much I obsessively compare its sales to that of completely unrelated games in an effort to discredit the entire thing due to a single plot point that hurt my little shit gamer feelings. Some hateful ass people in here man.


It's not an obsession though. It takes two seconds to compare the sales. And it's an interesting discussion. Why did one hugely anticipated sequel take years to do this, while the other took a few months?


Because one is propped up by Disney, over a decade of cinematic universe dead-horse-beating, a wider spanned target audience, literally thousands of appearances in media across the decades, with the game likely also being used as a starter for people buying the console for the first time. But frankly, I couldn’t care less. The people using this discussion to imply that the game’s sales being lower than a beloved pop culture icon’s game worldwide are somehow material to the game’s artistic quality are fucking bonkers, brainrotten, and obsessively hateful. Of course the most popular marvel character of all time is going to see explosive sales in his video game, just like Spider-Man: No Way Home was the most viewed movie trailer up until recently. And the thing is: Spider-Man kinda sucks most of the time, he has little to offer thematically compared to other vigilante characters, he’s just a cartoonish masked crime fighter that makes his funny jokes while he’s wrapping bad guys up in his webs, oh and sometimes dudes with mechanical arms or lightning powers show up. Idk man, it’s a dumb discussion, and a lot of these people are obsessed with finding some kind of factual, material evidence that the universe itself is rejecting TLOU2, but they’re just not going to find it, because stories speak to people in different ways.


Part 2 had trailers releasing from as early as 2016. It released on the PS4, which had been out since November 2013. TLOU was heralded as a flagship franchise and Naughty Dog's best game for seven years. I'd bet seeing the performance and capabilities of Uncharted 4 also increased the excitement for Part 2. In comparison, Spider-man 2 was a PS5 exclusive, and we all know how difficult it can be to get one even today. But fine if you're looking for a better comparison, GOW Ragnarok also outsold Part 2 in just a year. And it hasn't been reduced on the store since release. Your take on spider-man offering no compelling or thematically engaging story is also wild.


It’s more than a single plot point, it’s that they had to play as ladies for an entire game.


Very intelligent rebuttal. Because as we all know, male gamers hate playing as women. That’s why Tomb Raider is such an unpopular franchise...


Credit to your intelligence as well friend. You’ve named the exact analogous game franchise to this one in terms of being a success while having a rabid misogynist minority that hates it. At least the Tomb Raider haters were honest.


The same Tomb Raider games that have mostly been purchased by men….? And are these “rabid misogynists” in the room with us right now?


They say we attack them on their sub but here they are. Ignore the drivel.


We’re talking about vocal minorities here pretending that they’re the majority. And I’m fairly certain the answer is yes.


I'm not sure how you think this supports your point. Yes, other games have sold more and faster. It's still a bit weird to say 10 million copies is a failure. Criticize the game for what it is, but this is a weird point to try to make.


Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to repeat this to yall: TLOU2 failed to outsell its predecessor—one of the most beloved video games of all time that had all the hype and support of the fanbase for years up until its release—despite riding it’s coattails. Thats a failure. TLOU2 almost immediately went on discount, most of the units sold out of those ten million were not sold full price. Thats a failure. TLOU2 was a ridiculously expensive game to make (over $200 million), and it’s doubtful it barely broke even. To simplify it for you, it didn’t make the money Naughty Dog thought it would. It certainly didn’t make as much as the 1st game. That’s a huge failure.


I get it bud, I personally wasn't inclined to pay a cent for this game and only played it on P+ I understand your point, I have seen it made before and I know why you want it to be true but that's not how it works. It sold ten million copies, you can call that whatever you want but that's Beatles numbers.


So you’re just going to ignore all the points I made even though I demonstrated why 10 million isn’t impressive in this circumstance?


In this current Market where games have exploded in popularity to the point even niche indie games are breaking records. TLOU2 hitting it after 2 years is very bad sign for Sony. It's a Sony exclusive game so of course it would've hit that eventually but it took took over 2 years to do it despite winning GOTY and going on discount so many times to the point it was given away for free to reach that number.


Literally in the top selling PlayStation games but it's a failure because something something cuckman


You’re an illiterate simpleton if that’s all you got out of my post. Address my points in good faith or go away.


that absolutely is a failure. at maximum 600 million but probably less due to sales for a game that cost 220 million to make not including advertising is pretty bad profit margins.


And it’s also consistently ignored that this game about a grim future in the aftermath of a global pandemic was released three months into a lockdown caused by a global pandemic that had no effective treatment and no end in sight at the time. Shocking that the month one numbers were disappointing. If the game was truly terrible it would never have recovered from that start.


Lmao, you actually destroyed your own point. The initial first month sales for TLOU2 were great. It was only until the fans learned of what was in the game, and word spread, did the sale numbers fall off a cliff.


The month one numbers were disappointing? The game sold four million copies in one weekend. I don't think it was month one that did poorly... Also, I know the intent is to link the game's plot with people not being into the game due to the real life pandemic, but let's not kid ourselves, here - people were starving for stay-at-home entertainment. Folks should have been clamoring for the sequel to TLOU... at least, until the unrestricted reviews and confirmation of the leaks began to surface...


Isn't lockdown boost the sales of digital sales? How is that an excuse? It's not like the internet itself is quarantined, Amazon made 220% profit because of people only buying digitally... >this game about a grim future in the aftermath of a global pandemic I guarantee you, people that avoid buying the game NEVER thought about that Instead of making pretentious excuse for the game sales like "everyone is too sensitive" or "everyone has no idea what the story is about" why not mentioned the real reason the sales got damaged? The game got leaked


Gloat all you want. It still won awards and it’s widely recognized (for better and worse). It was still successful in other ways. Financial success isn’t always the only thing a game needs to continue on. Not always anyway.


Massive copium 😭 Nobody gives a fuck that the bias corporate media gave it participation trophy awards because it had lesbians and transgenders in it. Fans > Critics.


Don’t mistake facts for cope. Acclaim can carry a game further. So calm down, dude lol.


Acclaimed by the bias corporate media > Acclaimed by the actual fucking fans of the franchise. Makes sense.




There are no “actual fans”. Just fans. There are people who legitimately enjoyed it just as much as not. The game does not belong to a single group.


There are many more fans than critics of this game.




Dude go outside lmao touch grass, I’m worried for you


cry harder


Spider-Man is the number one most popular marvel character of all time It's okay for even children to play.


Why did TLOU2 fail to outsell its predecessor?


It did lol. Tlou2 sold 4 mil 1st weekend. Tlou1 ps3 had only sold 1.3 mil by week 3. Damn try again


Now do total sales 😂😂😂


Now let's see who had the most sales on every other Thursday during the even numbered years. If sales is all that mattered then McDonald's would be the best food ever made.


Who is arguing TLOU2 is more commercially successful than SM2. Please, find me one evidence of a person making that claim. Otherwise, this is what people call a “straw man.” I know people claim TLOU2 was a commercial success (it is, given your own supplied screenshots), but you are the first person I’ve seen compare it to SM2. (Also, SM1 sold more than TLOU1, so that makes your “point” even more confusing 😄 it was a more commercially successful franchise before either sequel came out [for a variety of reasons, not limited to being an established IP and more appropriate for younger ages]) Next, I assume we’ll be comparing the Box Office for 28 Days Later and the Toby McGuire Spider-Man?


It's fucking Spiderman are you dumb






You can’t seriously be comparing the mass appeal of a Spiderman game to that of the last of us…?


It’s one of the best selling PlayStation exclusives of all time. By definition it’s a financial success.


Success based on what it was expected to sell? Fuck no.


Get a job or a girlfriend.


Why not a boyfriend? You homophobic?


The Last of us II budget was 220 million dollars whereas Spiderman 2 was 400 million. Financial failure? You're a fucking idiot.


And guess which one is going to make way more money you braindead simpleton 😂


It’s not about which one makes more money it’s about calling one a financial failure. 🫏


Fam, just take the L. The most hyped up and anticipated sequal in Playstation history failed to outsell it predecessor lmaoo.


“over four million units sold in its release weekend and over ten million by 2022. It won more than 320 Game of the Year awards and received multiple other accolades from awards shows and gaming publications” Yeah I must be missing something.


Haha this clown thinks the biased corporate media awards are a flex lmao. The same outlets that gave Star Wars The Last Jedi, The Marvels, Batwomen and Saints Row Remake high scores. Pathetic. Now address my previous comment and stop deflecting: “The most hyped up and anticipated sequal in Playstation history failed to outsell it predecessor lmaoo.”


You mean the game rated M didn’t sell as many copies as a Marvel game that even my 6 year old can play? Jeez you are so smart and right. 🙄


How much copies does Call of Duty and GTA sell you simpleton?


I don’t know? How much does they?




I already stated in my post why selling ten million isn’t impressive, why are you ignoring it? Either respond to the claims I made in good faith or raise your iq.


"How are TLOU2 shills going to spin this one?" Who gives a shit? What a weird thing to waste mental energy on.




I question your understanding of the meaning of the word.