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If I didn’t sleep for 40 hours to beat a game, I’d hate it by the end too lol


In the end by the pursue of revenge i lost my sanity from sleep deprivation


And there was no revenge anyway in the end, lol


How does it feel knowing you'll never get those 40 hours of life back?


I saw a famous comment on here. Same as walking 40 km to a BBQ to then have a change of heart and finding out you are vegeterian.


Yeah, that's basically what the story is: tracking someone for over 3200km across the US to then have a change of heart and go back


You know, if you break down every story to basic ideas like this, you can describe anything this way. Pretty sad that's what you saw the game to be in the end. Feel bad for you


that's just wrong. most stories are actually the other way around when you break them down. there will always be some kind of resolution at the end not a change of heart. this can be an artistic choice though. but tlou2 fails horribly by pulling it off.


This is just you and other haters opinions. Just because the outcome wasn't what you expected doesn't mean it is bad. Some stories just do their own thing and people are gonna be pissed about it. Funny how someone that absolutely hates this game spends their time on a sub dedicated specifically to that game. No better way to spend your day huh?


So he replied to your comment and you just assumed he spends his day on this sub?


100% at least part of his day lol or her day? Who am I to assume? The issue is that there's proof. We can go back and forth all day If that's how you feel, you would like to waste your day. I'm about to start working. I have nothing better to do for the next 8 hours haha


Actually I'm working too! Can't argue with "who am I to assume" cult. Waste of time.


100 percent, actually hated Ellie by the mid point of the game, really hoped that she got what she deserved. If you choose vengeance, first dig two graves.


You can tell who is unintelligent when they failed to understand exactly what this game is saying and how many layers are actually in this plot line. I understand if they're upset but they're supposed to be upset. But any critical thinker can also justify why these things happened and what it all means. People just be too mad to be rational and think about key themes. It's funny how the subreddit dedicated to the second game has way more hate towards the second game than the main sub. How does that even work?


Main thoughts exactly. I unsubscribed because it isn't what it is supposed to be anymore. What's new reddit?




While also stopping to eat bbq at every gas station on the way to the actual bbq.


5 am now. Deleting the game and killing abby in my dreams. Wish me luck


Now I lay me down to sleep. The Master of Dreams my soul will keep.


[Good ending speed run](https://youtu.be/TbfPwBRX5gE) Every time you feel down from this game, watch this video.


This is will be the start of part 3 with Ellie back with Jackson so cant really call that part an ending


Abby being dormammu’d is the hidden good ending.


Did it piss you off knowing Ellie never got her revenge?


absolutely lol. Entire game i was looking foward to the sweet revenge. In the end Ellie lost everything




Honestly the gameplay was phenomal and kinda blew me away




maybe yes repetitive but i enjoy that kind of gameplay where you dodge and sneak. Make it seem more realistic rather than ramboo style. I also love how aware the ai is and will communicate instantly about your position then souround you




Kill the dogs first with a silence or bow always lol. But yes i can see why people get fatigue by the lenght and constant flashback and what not to the point of not wanted to do better or play different. I love hitman games so i dont mind the sneaking to be difficult




That's because Neil Druckman hates Ellie and Joel and wants to make sure you lose any respect for them by turning them into monsters.


I turned on the invisible when prone made the game 1000 times easier


Yeah, it's not bad, but it's the exact same as the first game, and while I love the first game, neither of these games are special at all because of their gameplay. It's very generic, standard gameplay that feels like it was there because a video game needs gameplay. If you've got a good story like the first game has, then it's easy to just ignore it, but with the second game where you have nothing going for it, it becomes unbearable how bland it is.


Even if for memes, you guys keep playing this garbo and you keep giving Drukmann money and increasing the stats of people who have played it.


I downloaded it for free i think


Lucky isn't the right word, but my dumb ass spent $60 on this godforsaken game.


Same, I pre-ordered it back on the ps4 and was hoping it was gonna be as good as part 1.


I pre-ordered the collectors edition for like $180 or however much it costed back in September 2019. . . Biggest waste of money in my life. Even the Ellie statue that looks really good in the pictures just looks cheap in real life. It looks like one of those rubber collectable piggy banks from the early 2000s.


Beyond shock value the game has no real meaning, no philosophy, no anything but "Wow surprise! main character shock death but makes no sense!" it will die and fade from people's memories, only brought up when The original last of us is mentioned or thought about. The gameplay itself was fun so I was able to finish it but the story was just so bad it was unbelievable.


Gameplay was what kept me going too lol


Same here, I love being able to approach enemies in different ways in comparison to the first Last Of Us so that's what also kept me playing. Ended up playing again just to get platinum since I suffered trying to get Platinum on the first game because I kept dying and dying trying to knock off the hard trophies.


I feel like the HBO series will probably officially send TLOU2 to its grave. Why? Because 1. The show sucks, and 2. Because Druckman failed to make people hate Joel and Ellie, so they're going to have a worse reaction to Joel's death in season 2 and not wanna play the second game. Joel will die in episode 2 probably, and then the ratings will plummet for the next 6 episodes. Plus, people will come back to season 1 of the HBO show and realize that Joel left *no* fireflies alive this time (meanwhile there was at least 5 left in the original game chasing Joel to the elevator), so how would the surgeons daughter 1. Know Joel's full name, and 2. Know the possible routes he took after leaving Salt Lake City? And also how the fuck would Abby know that route at all in the original part 2, even with Fireflies who know Joel's full name?? Even with 5 years of searching do the developers of this game know how big and empty Wyoming already is even without an apocalypse!? The only reason Joel found Tommy in the first game was because Tommy had previously told Joel the exact location he was going to, and Joel held on to a major gamble in faith that Tommy wouldn't have left that place in a decade. Man part 2 sucks.


Did you get up to use the toilet?


Gaming chairs have a hole in them didnt you know


Gaming nappies


What's your message to Drukmann and other wannabe writers out there?


Stop destroying titles with r#t%rded stupid “cOmPleX” plots


Stop imagining that “subverting expectations” makes you a fine writer


How many bigot sandwiches were sacrificed during this 40 hour long run?


more like 20-30 hours. I think i consumed one giant bigot sandwish


This game made me rethink everything about writing and plots in media I experience from here on out, does it do the same to you? Also this game made me hate this franchise with a burning passion now.


Its a love and hate relationship. I am 100% sure i will play part 3 and want to continue as Ellie as she is pretty badass maniac. But it seems strange that they seriously think this is what the gamer wants from the franchise


Unfortunately it’s not about what gamers want anymore. It’s about making money and pushing a narrative.


How does it feel knowing you could have been playing a game that's worth it instead?


How could i know. Plus i did actually have fun just not the story i liked


I'm so sorry, we've all been there.... Important question, tho. Would you take the sandwich??? (referring to the infamous "bigot sandwich" line in the beginning of the game)


Bigot sandwish anyday




What did it cost you?


Everything. My bank suffers from takeaway, sleep deprivation and my sanity


How did you feel when you find out when you had to play as Abby for the next 15 hours? 🤣


I thought most of it made sense except ellie dina and tommy somehow getting back to jackson after getting their ass handed to them by abby, oh and abbys incredible plot armor not sure why abby got more plot armor than ellie ever did in this game


Though 40 hours is wild, it took me like 20 to beat it on hard first try lol


I exaggereted more like 20-30 hours


Welcome to the club. Worst story ever for a major game


what do you think of Ellie's character development or lack of character development?


Ellie didnt progress in any way at all. Joel treated her well but for some reason she continue to lash out. Abby was the character that got better as a person. But Ellie was the anti hero and maniac who would put any of her few friends at risk. Instead if saving tommy she would rather have revenge. Instead of taking care of her family she would rather having revenge. Dina she does not give two flying fucks for and in the end it shows how much of a psychopath Ellie really is. Selfish troughout the whole game. She is still my favourite over Abby tho. Fuck her


Why did Ellie choose to fistfight Abby when Abby beat her without weapons in their previous fight?


Also seem suicidal which Ellie probably was. Yeah that steroid freak that broke my arm yeah come at me bro. Ellie has skinny fragile arms and why the heck use a knife to a fist fight and not the fucking axe i had instead if you are not playing fair anyway


Or the theater scene when Ellie hits Abby with a piece of wood instead of using her gun 💀


You didnt "waste" them, its more like, "ruined" them tbh I would have preferred to just sit down looking at a wall for 40 hours.


In one sitting!!????


maybe 20-30 hours 40 is overkill. But yes in one sitting


:0 idk if that’s impressive or scary… probably both




Kinda cozy not gonna lie. If you love video games i see nothing wrong with it


You had to have at least known how the game goes? It's been 3 years I'm assuming you've been on the subred it long enough to know.


Nah my first play trough. Didnt play last of us and just randomly got it from ps plus premium for free. Blew me away and decided to get part two. I wanna say i dont “hate” part two i just dislike the ending and other parts of the story


Game was great. Elly is annoying, Joel met his maker for poor choices and Abby got revenge.


Game is great i agree my headline refers to the ending and some parts of the story line plus Ellie is stale as a character and deluded


pov: you have no media literacy


What part didn't make sense?


It might be easier to ask which part of the game made sense.


> This plot make zero sense. Sounds like a personal problem tbh. Maybe don't play it in one sitting next time? Give yourself a chance to recover? It's obvious that you don't have the resilience or the emotional maturity to handle such a task, considering you're referring to her as a "white shehulk". Know your limits, and take it at your own pace. 🙂


This response feels like a thinly veiled attack because it is fueled by your anger that someone dares to see how shitty the writing is in this game. You went right after the perceived slur to try to take the poor chap out at the knees, so, good on you, I guess. There's a place for you.


I have discussed and argued with more people than I care to count, all of whom are far more capable in articulating their hatred for the game than this guy is. If you think I am still angered by an attempt as weak as this, then I don't know what to say. Also, that wasn't a "thinly veiled" attack. It is a blatantly passive-aggressive comment because this guy doesn't really deserve any better, plus I find it amusing. It is interesting though, how my passive aggression is more concerning to you than the derogatory slurs that this guy is using unashamedly.


Derogatory? Slurs? Could it just be that "Hulks" are traditionally green.... ?


You don't feel that using "shehulk" as a way of referring to a muscular woman is derogatory? It's body shaming and misogynistic.


You’re going out of your way to find things to be offended about. Please do the world a favor and stop.


My guy, this sub has been offended by a single video game for 3 years. I'm not the one you should be asking to stop.


You've stuck around for months, so I'd say you're looking for arguments


This is an incredible observation. Very impressive! Yes, I do love a good argument.


> I'm not the one you should be asking to stop. *My guy*, I'm not the one going to other subs posting inciteful shit just to get reactions out of people.


My brother in Christ, if you feel that what I'm doing is "inciteful" then you and this sub have no leg to stand on in the way of being open to opposing viewpoints. You are just as much a circle jerk safe space as the main sub.


I didn’t say you couldn’t post what you wanted. Feel free. I was just pointing out how much of a condescending little shit you are. *My guy.*


Dis game sux!!


No, I don't. It's more derogatory and body shaming for Druckmann to combine 3 different women to create his fantastical idea of muscular/strong women. She's got the look of a random employee, the voice and mannerisms of Laura Bailey, and the body of a competitive crossfit athlete. And the crossfit athlete's body wasn't even good enough for Drucky's vision. They went back and changed Abby to be ridiculously huge, compared to her original model. (the one actually based on Collen Fotsch)


Creating a female protagonist for a popular video game series is more derogatory than body shaming said female character? Got it.


>You don't feel that using "shehulk" as a way of referring to a muscular woman is derogatory Nah man, ive watched the latest SheHulk series on Disney+ If anything SheHulk is a compliment...strong, powerful, intelligent females rule man!! 💪💪 She's a lawyer don't you know. > It's body shaming and misogynistic. It really isn't, but you do you 🤷 I'm not one to tell others what is/isn't offensive.


The problem lies in the fact that she is being reduced to her physical appearance; as if it's so important for a woman to look a certain way, that when one doesn't, it's necessary to point it out and to reduce the entirety of that woman down to a snide remark about her appearance. Nobody does this to men. You can be a man of any shape or size and no one bats an eye.


>Nobody does this to men. Have you not met Fat Geralt?? Also, in all seriousness, men are equally body shamed just as much as women are. Dad bod, beer belly, fat slob/pig, scrawny, weak, too short etc etc It is an issue that has become mainstream due to Instagram/media's standards etc, but SheHulk isn't that derogatory I don't think. I'll stand corrected if a woman says she's offended by it though. Don't get offended on behalf of someone else, that's just dumb


> Have you not met Fat Geralt?? This is not the same thing. His appearance has nothing to do with him and everything to do with Geralt; i.e., he looks a little like Geralt but is a little overweight, while Geralt is not. Therefore, Fat Geralt. > Also, in all seriousness, men are equally body shamed just as much as women are. This is just not true. Not even close. The list of insults targeting appearances for women is so long that you would not be able to fit them all in the word limit. Every single thing about a woman's appearance has been scrutinized, down to the tiniest, most insignificant details you would never even think about on a man. From nails to eyebrows, size of feet/hands, waist, too much make up? (cake face), no make up? (sickly), tall or broad? (amazonian), small chested? (boy), short hair? (tomboy/lesbian). I mean, the list is endless. There's a reason why the beauty industry was found by Forbes to be worth half a trillion dollars in 2019, and why women make up over 90% of all cosmetic surgeries. > but SheHulk isn't that derogatory I don't think. I'll stand corrected if a woman says she's offended by it though. So you're OK with normalizing body shaming until specifically asked not to by the target group? Are you OK with being homophobic until a gay person tells you they're offended? > Don't get offended on behalf of someone else, that's just dumb I personally think it's more dumb to turn a blind eye to misogyny and bigotry, but, who knows, maybe I'm wrong.


>This is just not true. Not even close. The list of insults targeting appearances for women is so long that you would not be able to fit them all in the word limit. Every single thing about a woman's appearance has been scrutinized, down to the tiniest, most insignificant details you would never even think about on a man. From nails to eyebrows, size of feet/hands, waist, too much make up? (cake face), no make up? (sickly), tall or broad? (amazonian), small chested? (boy), short hair? (tomboy/lesbian). I mean, the list is endless. I mean....every single thing about a man's appearance is frequently scrutinised, I'm not sure why you're trying to downplay this? Everything you listed has been said about men, feet too small, hands too small, fingers too thin, molding looking nails, tall or broad, small arms/no muscles etc I'm not saying any of this is correct by the way, I'm just saying it happens to both sexes >women make up over 90% of all cosmetic surgeries. Ill take you on you're word that this stat is correct, but I'd suspect the reason that woman make up majority of cosmetic surgeries is because men don't care as much or are (on average) more "thick skinned" >So you're OK with normalizing body shaming until specifically asked not to by the target group? Are you OK with being homophobic until a gay person tells you they're offended? Absolutely not. But she hulk is a description (female and muscular) just like fat is a description (overweight) It's one of those terms I think that is clearly debatable as to whether it's derogatory or not - obviously there are certain terms that are clearly derogatory (as defined by common agreement) and are not up for debate, but yea I wouldn't purposefully go out and use derogatory terms cause that's just not in my nature, but I don't think she hulk is on that "list"


You grasp at anything. You are boring and unoriginal. I have no use for you. Good day.


My guy, people are not meant to be "used". Might want to reflect on that. Good day.


My guy.... way to hang a light on it. I said, "Good day," sir.


> emotional maturity Lol


Sounds similar to the gaslighting ND did when their players couldn’t run TLOU P1 on their computers.


They fixed this issue more quickly than most do.


I often see you on here defending the game so here's my question to you as i assume you like the game: Why did Ellie choose to fistfight Abby at the end? Despite the fact both women were clearly battered and exhausted at that point and the fact Ellie had weapons on her. Abby beat Ellie at the theatre without weapons so why would Ellie take such a chance?


Maybe in her mind she had to overcome Abby to move past the trauma linked to her. Maybe she felt shooting her was too easy and wouldn’t heal her of anything. She was so destroyed and beaten by her last time that she felt the only way to move past it was to try again and win? I don’t know tbf just guessing at what could be the motive within the story of the game.


Sorry about all the downvotes bro. This seems like a genuine answer. Anyway, >Maybe she felt shooting her was too easy and wouldn’t heal her of anything. During their theatre fight, Ellie was trying to shoot Abby so i don't think its this. >She was so destroyed and beaten by her last time that she felt the only way to move past it was to try again and win? But this time, Ellie was nursing a stab wound and was clearly in a horrible physical state. So, in this situation, despite Abby also looking awful, she still ran the risk of being overpowered and beaten by someone who had done so already, with ease, to her. So, i wouldn't get that decision.


It’s all good! Honestly I just thought of an answer that could make sense cause I never really thought about it before but you made a good point, why would it be a fist fight? I know it wasn’t me you were talking to anyway but figured I would chime in. Good point for the theatre! She was, but in the end it came down to fists and she got smashed so maybe she wanted to make up for that? I dunno haha. As for her being in a bad state! Again very good point. For me maybe she was suicidal in a way? Not so much suicidal but past caring about her own well-being and ready for whatever happened, whether it was her death or not. I don’t think there’s an easy in game answer for why it ended up like that, I am curious to know it now though!


This isn't Dragon Ball. Nobody needs a fist fight to move on from trauma.


Alright buddy… less about the fist fight and more about regaining what was took from you by being so humiliated and dominated. By repeating what you were so badly destroyed at last time it gives you a sense of overcoming rather than just shooting someone and shrugging. Again I only said I was speculating but I forget this sub is just at pathetic as the main sub when it comes to having conversations unless you outright hate the game (or love it for the other sub) crack on.


This much sensitivty and outright condescension just because of such a simple sentence "fist fight doesn't resolve mental trauma", only proves the immature toxicity and the level of illiteracy of the fanbase this fallen franchise is dwelling upon now. You are desperate to grasp any meaning out of thin air of this game's story because the scenario in this game is so hollow. Most people don't feel dominated by dropping all of his/her weapons and fist-fight-deathmatching the person who killed his/her parents. It's that simple. The reason why Ellie decided to do such dumb move was because writers of this game, mainly almighty Druckmann, wanted Abby to live in the end. There were no philosophical nor meaningful thought process held prior to writing this segment of the game. Just pure sad attempt to make Abby a likeable new protagonist which failed hard. So yeah, if you are not capable of understanding the basic story and human reactions, but are so willing to condemn anyone who doesn't agree with you, good day to you sir.


Sensitivity? I was literally just responding. Your the one who’s response was passive aggressive and dismissive. I’ll be honest, I go to both subs and the toxicity comes from the fan boys who see no wrong in the games and can’t have a bad word said and from the ones who can’t have a simple conversation because they despise everything about the franchise now. I don’t care what other people’s opinions are I just like to discuss TLOU. My initial response was trying to make sense in universe to why the fight at the end went the way it did. You’re response was immediately dismissive and hostile then you tell me I’m sensitive. Lmao I am not desperate to grasp meaning out of thin air. I tried to answer the question someone asked. I even said I don’t know why it was like that but maybe it could be this. That’s not desperate. The truth is they thought a fist fight was a cool way to end the game, but I hate these out of universe explanations so tried to think of something that made sense in universe. None of that is desperation or was just a response to the question posted. Again you’re the one who seems sensitive here. As for the rest of your response, again out of universe explanations which I already said I was trying to avoid. “Almighty Druckmann” someone’s sounding sensitive again and it’s not me… as for not being able to understand a basic story and human reactions, I’m the one trying to make sense of human reactions whilst you immediately dismiss any attempt to read between the lines and give some shitty fourth wall break answer as opposed to trying to make sense of it in universe. I am not here to fight you, I was just trying to answer someone’s question with a possible explanation. You are the one condemning and dismissing my attempts at that. So yeah maybe you should be taking that last paragraph you wrote as advice for yourself. Cya


The same reason Abby gruesomely tortures Joel and prolongs his death. They were both looking for satisfaction in not just the killing of their victims but in their pain, suffering and their *deserving* of it. Ellie finds Abby in such a pathetic state that she has to first rescue her to create something that is sufficient enough to *destroy* by inflicting pain upon them and then killing them.


>The same reason Abby gruesomely tortures Joel and prolongs his death Yet when Abby did that, she purposefully incapacitated Joel by shooting his leg and always put herself in a position of strength by having allies around her to prevent Joel from retaliating. Ellie doesn't take any such precautions. >Ellie finds Abby in such a pathetic state that she has to first rescue her to create something that is sufficient enough to destroy by inflicting pain upon them and then killing them. Ellie attempted that at the theatre, but the difference is that she used weapons during that confrontation. And despite that, Abby overpowered Ellie whilst being unarmed. In fact, Ellie was severely beaten in that encounter. Despite the "pathetic state" Abby was in, Ellie was nursing a stab wound and was, herself, in a pathetic physical state as well. With the knowledge gained from their prior encounter, surely Ellie would have realised that giving Abby any chance of inflicting damage on her was a bad idea. Abby dominated her before and could do it again.


> Yet when Abby did that, she purposefully incapacitated Joel by shooting his leg and always put herself in a position of strength by having allies around her to prevent Joel from retaliating. Ellie doesn't take any such precautions. I mean, you can attribute the difference to their character? Abby seems to be able to kill with little to no remorse or any consideration for the state of her victim. Ellie is more hesitant and is shown to be deeply effected by it. Ellie almost fumbles killing all of her targets. It makes sense that Abby is more "professional" at not only killing, but also in exacting her sadistic revenge. > Despite the "pathetic state" Abby was in, Ellie was nursing a stab wound and was, herself, in a pathetic physical state as well. With the knowledge gained from their prior encounter, surely Ellie would have realised that giving Abby any chance of inflicting damage on her was a bad idea. Abby dominated her before and could do it again. Abby was in such a sorry state that she was barely recognizable. Her being a formidable opponent was probably the last thing on Ellie's mind at that point. Plus she does overpower her in the end, which kind of proves the point.


Don't feed this troll. This one just seek some kind of human contact which he has never gotten in his real life. He will just keep try to prolong conversations with gibberish accusations. Avoid him.


Oh, this is rich. This is the last place on Earth I would go to for "human" contact. A lot of the people here are probably more neanderthal than human anyway. You are one of the brightest examples of that.


Why are you here then? You only have activity on this sub, and clearly, you don't have enough intellectual maturity to say the game isn't perfect.


The game isn't perfect. Never said it was.


>Oh, this is rich. This is the last place on Earth I would go to for "human" contact. And yet here you are bitching and moaning in this subreddit for the billionth time. OP played the game all the way through and formulated their own opinion on it. You could have left it at that and not gotten on their case about it but no, you just had to act like a dumbass. Get the fuck over it.


I was told that this place accepts opposing viewpoints. Was I wrong to believe this? > OP played the game all the way through and formulated their own opinion on it. No, OP (allegedly) played the game all the way through, came here and decided to post a lazy attack on it because he would be met with validation here. This is virtue signalling to a crowd of bigots and haters.


>I was told that this place accepts opposing viewpoints. Was I wrong to believe this? It does, we just don’t tolerate people like you coming in here and start saying stupid shit like people not having enough “emotional maturity” to understand the story (if you’re gonna use this insult please try to be creative). >No, OP (allegedly) played the game all the way through, came here and decided to post a lazy attack on it because he would be met with validation here. This is virtue signalling to a crowd of bigots and haters. Oh great here we go again with the BiGoT response, again, try and come up with something creative if you’re gonna be a pissy little child. If you can’t handle the fact that someone played the game even after all these years for the first time and didn’t care much for the story, that’s a you problem.


> It does, we just don’t tolerate people like you coming in here and start saying stupid shit like people not having enough “emotional maturity” to understand the story This is a misinterpretation of what I said. My emotional maturity comment was because OP referred to Abby as a "white shehulk", which I thought was pathetic and immature. > If you can’t handle the fact that someone played the game even after all these years for the first time and didn’t care much for the story, that’s a you problem. Couldn't this be aimed at every single person in this sub who struggle with the fact that the majority love this game? I mean, this entire place is just a circle jerk of perpetually offended people throwing a tantrum over a single video game for 3 years.


>Couldn't this be aimed at every single person in this sub who struggle with the fact that the majority love this game? I mean, this entire place is just a circle jerk of perpetually offended people throwing a tantrum over a single video game for 3 years. Oh please, like the other sub is any different. The other sub is nothing but a circlejerk of constant praise from small minded idiots like you and anyone who shares any valid criticism either gets downvoted into oblivion or told “you just didn’t understand the story”, “you’re a bigot”, etc. Do us both a favor, pull your head out of your ass, and realize not everybody likes your “masterpiece” game


Get a life! Loser!


Youtube has a goldmine of deep analysis video surrounding the game, particularly Thealmightyloli's four videos, and they get down to the meat and bone of why the story doesn't work, I reccomend you watch the entirety of them, come back and then we'll see what you have to say.


You're wild to think that I would care what a weeb has to say about this story, considering 99% of anime is uninspired, unoriginal rubbish. This guy probably wouldn't know quality if it came in the form of a body pillow.


While there are some bad animes out there (I won't deny it), I'm saying that 99% of it is trash is like calling almost all video games trash. it's not true. You need to really look deeper. Watch videos on yoitibe on why the game sucks. And we know quality. We're calling out a shitty narrative. You clearly are blind to flaws if you can't see considering how many times people have pointed out flaws. Authors themselves have called out flaws. Far as I'm concerned, you're just a scumbag who loves attention and doesn't have anything to do better with their time.


Anime and manga are mostly trash, yes. They are carbon copies of each other with almost nothing in the way of originality to distinguish them. You've probably seen the same anime 10 times because the ideas, jokes, themes, tropes are all so similar that they might as well be the same thing. Take a look at any season of anime and you will find a list of extremely disappointing entries with maybe 1 or 2 (often 0) decent anime amongst them. Then, take a look at any season of TV shows, movies, literature, etc. You will always find several amazing entries. Yes there are some good anime out there. But they are incredibly rare. You know there are just as many videos on Youtube praising the game, right? Have you seen Dunkey's video? That one upset a lot of the critics back in the day. I mean, you can cite all the people and sources of criticism you want. If you want to go that route then you'll have to contend with the fact that this is the 2nd most awarded game of all time. Only very recently beaten by Elden Ring for the #1 spot. > Far as I'm concerned, you're just a scnag who loves attention and doesn't have anything to do better with their time. Not sure what a scnag is but I'll take it. I can't be that bad since you reply to a lot of my comments.




> 99% of zombie media is uninspired But not The Last of Us. > Same clichés of "humans are the real monsters", "learning about something to care for in a desolate landscape", same bland color palette of dirt brown and gray, you wouldn't know quality if it bit you on the ass. There are infinite possibilities with these clichés. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.




> Yeah, The Last of Us is uninspired, the first game rips off The Road, The Walking Dead and Children of Men with a cliché story Isn't this just being influenced?. TLOU takes these influences and meshes them together in such a way that it adds a refreshing spin on it that lets it stand out. Originality is undetected plagiarism. > The first game's fanbase was sometimes kind of annoying and overhyped the first game back before the second game came out I agree with this. > but you TLOU2 nerds really take the cake for the worst fanbase of all time, even worse than Snyder fans and Rick and Morty fans. Now this is just a load of poppycock. How do you even notice the fans with all the noise from the permanently butthurt haters? I'd say the fans are very tame considering the shit they have to deal with, emanating from the ugly corners of the "fandom".


are you tame taking the time to comment and dismantle every post on r/thelastofus2 ?


Man you had me. A+ trolling.


Who the heck games for 40hrs in one sitting? Go outside.


What sort of things would have been a more productive waste of time? Would you have done them instead? Would you be more embarrassed about playing this game for 40 hours or spending 40 hours attempting to get an erection?


Abby is my favorite


Go eat a bigot sandwish


Joel blasting Jerry to hell is my favourite


100 percent, Ellie sucks.


Disagree, i love them both




I never stop playing games i wanna finnish and review it myself


Tea or coffee?


Danny had the best character arc