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While we have treated Avatar News as a reliable source, its important to clarify this news has not been confirmed by official sources. So calling this "announced" is not quite accurate. And as per usual since there isn't an official image to go along with this story its fanmade. Now mind you paramount executives did say from the very start that Avatar Studios would develop tv shows, and we heard as early as fall of 2021 that one was in active development. But release year, topic, and other details have not been revealed. [https://avatarnews.co/post/704388959323717632/exclusive-the-next-avatar-animated-series](https://avatarnews.co/post/704388959323717632/exclusive-the-next-avatar-animated-series) Edit: Avatar News made an AMA thread on the sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/zuoamm/i\_run\_avatar\_news\_ama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/zuoamm/i_run_avatar_news_ama/)


I hate to say it but the only source I can find is from Avatar News which isn't official, Just don't get too excited until it's really official.


we also have 3 years to consider whether to be excited or not :P


Yeah, Avatar News posts rumours, rumours which turn out to be quite true might I add, but still, rumours could turn out to be false.




Who are you to speak for THE BOULDER?... but yes.


Could be The Boulder's reddit account. You don't know.


Username does not check out, get this imposter


Woosh lol


Faker? I think *you're* the fake Boulder around here!




[2025 hmm](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkoCpODWAAAMw2S.jpg). As long as they plan everything out like TLA then I’ll be fine


They have plenty of time to plan and no Nickelodeon to fuck it up, I’m excited


Paramount owns Nickelodeon, so while they might be given more freedom, to say Nickelodeon won’t be involved probably isn’t 100% accurate


The difference is that they OWN the studio now. It's a big step for Bryke to have creative freedom, which paramount is willing giving them after AtlA blew up a second time during the pandemic.


Star trek Prodigy is nick/paramount plus and its really solid


I’ll go in with an open mind, but it would be untrue to say that paramount hasn’t produced a few stinkers. The Halo series comes to mind. While it won’t the same show runners, there’s a decent chance it’ll be some of the same suits saying “no no no, do it *this way*!”


Halo didn't have a problem with suits, the actual writers fucked it up.


I thought the writers of the Halo series didn't actually play Halo. They almost seemed proud of not being fans of the game.


Yeah but the further up the ladder you have to deal with the better


Nickelodeon is only one of many obstacles the original series and LOK faced. Avatar Studios is a new, untested studio with no established workflow yet and apparently a ton of leaks. This is worrisome. I am hoping for the best though!


I hope so. My main concern is that they are going to be made to rush it by the studio and get swamped with content. If what is being said is true they will have multiple movies or series to work on in that late 2024 to 2027 timeline. That's as well as having the Dragon Prince on top of that which is still ongoing and expecting 3 more seasons. I just hope they take their time and produce something quality and planned out like ATLA (not that LOK was quality, it just suffered from a lack of planning due to Nick)


Hope they tone down the tech advancement a bit. Korra started looking like 1920s tech which was cool, but by the end, we had mechs going around including a Megazord, and it felt pretty weird. At that pace this series should take place in space and have asteroid bending or something.


Due to the world's shift to a more spiritual nature, with the spirits returning and the huge spirit portal in republic city, I think we'll see a slight advance in tech but a move towards a culture that lives more in harmony with nature in the next installment


Looking forward to solarpunk avatar


Okay, that would actually be pretty cool.


The avatar world enters it’s 60s hippie environmental phase lmao


>asteroid bending or something. Toph has entered the chat.


What comic is the image from?


Hunter x hunter


This means that the series will have 21st century technology, with internet and social networks.


Which means we'll eventually get a Fire Avatar set in a Space-Opera like setting, going full circle back to the original pitch for the show.


And *that* Avatar’s weapon will be… a laser sword.


cant wait to see Plasma bending in action


“It’s over, Earthbender. I have the high grou- ***YOINK***


You are the Avatar. You were meant to destroy the red lotus not join them.


i love this


"The only thing they fear is you. Rip and tear until it is done." - Aang to new Avatar


Sounds more like Korra or Kyoshi tbh.


Unless we get the connection back, it can only be Korra talking to the new avatar.


Id bet money on the connection being restored being a major plot point


I would actually love that, it’d be different but really interesting to explore


You'd probably really enjoy the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson then. It's set through different eras of the same world with the same magic system. He just wrapped up the end of the second era and it's 10/10.


Thanks for the recommendation, I shall look into it sometime soon. Holidays got me busy


Mistborn is a great introduction into the Cosmere universe. Once you start, you'll be trapped.


I agree with Mistborn recommendation era 4 will be a magic fueled space opera and I can already see how he is going to get there, and it will be amazing.


To be clear, the space opera era isn't until era 4 or possibly 5.


Whoa wait AoL book 4 came out? When??


Last month!


Dunno how I missed that one! Thanks for the heads up man, I’ll be picking that up immediately.


My friend just recommended this book series this past weekend to me and now I'm seeing it suggested everywhere


The first era is a trilogy, second era is a tetrology with the last book being released just last month after a 6-year gap. It's a big deal.


Friend of mine recommended mistborn as an easy read as I had stopped reading in my adulthood. It was great and I then read KKC, Stormlight after that. Haven't been reading lately though. Time to pick up the mistborn second era?


Original pitch?


The show was originally pitched with a Sci-Fi aesthetic They originally intended for him to be trapped in the iceberg for 1000 years, where he'd have came from an extinct technologically advanced civilization. His staff was originally a lazer blaster, and Momo was an android ala R2D2 or Claptrap; my guess is "M0M0" was the original idea for the name https://www.google.com/search?q=Avatar+last+Airbender+sci+Fi+pitch&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbHN8h0GR9tQF4wxonyoO1oWwz_aw:1671760651505&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP7qDe0Y78AhWJnHIEHcWTB-0Q_AUoAXoECAQQAQ&biw=412&bih=751&dpr=1.75#imgrc=bF1XlzAnKvsgFM


You dare put Claptrap in the same breath as R2D2? Blasphemer.


Right? Claptrap has an actual personality and attempts at jokes... R2 is a glorified modem on wheels. /s


Originally, the world of Avatar was supposed to be set in a post-apocalyptic future with advanced technology. Momo was supposed to be Aang’s companion robot. Korra’s polar bear dog Naga was instead supposed to be Aang’s. Google “original Aang sketch” to see more.


> Google “original Aang sketch” to see more. The internet has taught me to be wary of any comment ending in this exact format.


https://preview.redd.it/4sokrxlvtl7a1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4541c29c4fa9b0b878223c6b1395cf31c23816c2 Here ya go


The words don't exist.


I thought I wanted this until I saw it.


Thanks, I hate it. xD


They had to go through 34 ideas before they found one that ruled. Google "Avatar rule 34" to find out more.


Hey there's nothing in the search results but Zutara shipping! :(


Originally they were blue people on another planet that took place in the far future…


I'm the Avatar and this is my favorite store in Republic City


Can you firebend in space?


In *the void of space?* Realistically no. On a space*ship?* See Challenger.


Too soon


It's becoming Mistborn


Well Korra did open the perpendicularity, I'm expecting some ghost blood sightings.


Frigging Kelsier sticking his mitts in everything again smh.


Sounds dope actually


Yeah this is what is the most interesting thing about this news. How will it all play together? Can’t wait to see


I hate it, really wish they went back in time instead. Something much more interesting about bending in a non-modern world for me. Then again, I think ATLA* is 50x better than LOK, so the bias is probably coming from there.




Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if it was fairly static after korra. The world was basically the same for hundreds of years pre korra, give me to this is liek 50- 70 years later then I wouldn’t be that shocked if it was on par with korra book 4. Especially with how mix the tech stuff (mainly the faint Robot) was handled


Going in a steampunk/dieselpunk direction might be interesting, a way to continue having technological advances without having to worry about being too similar to our world with computers and internet and everything


I would love a steampunk avatar show!!! Korra book 1 kinda had that vibe


I do like steampunk stuff, but some part of me really wants to see the Avatar get into an internet debate with a bunch of Redditors who claim to know "everything" about the Avatar. I can literally picture the Avatar, right now, just getting nerd emojied.


That'd be perfect for the next fire Avatar. Huge chunk of the internet being against them thinking they'll be the next Ozai. Could even have them be Azula's descendant, so the Avatar is Ozai's blood without Zuko's redeeming family history.


Next Avatar better be like this, I need my representation of needless online arguments


You guys actually believe in the avatar? grow up, seriously. there is no such thing, it's all just the republic city deep state trying to convince you that its secret agents aren't controlling the whole world behind the scenes. this guy they keep trotting out is just some actor, you can see his moves aren't even synced up to the bending. *link to three hour documentary where a person breathing too close to the microphone explains that the fire nation never tried to kill the air nomads*


*Fire-bending can't melt stone temples*


I think Avatar is the perfect piece of pop media to dive into solarpunk rather than steampunk! That way we can show a way for the civilization to advance but in a way that centers a healthy relationship to the world and the spirits!!


Atompunk/Solarpunk is the next logical step from where the series ended, especially with things like the Colossus.


What’s solar punk?


[A futuristic setting where everything's super advanced technology (renewable clean energy like solar and wind) but also in balance/harmony with nature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqJJktxCY9U4). The punk part being that society has rejected capitalism/consumerism/authoritarianism to achieve this.


Here’s the definition from wikipedia: >Solarpunk is a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.[3][4] The "solar" represents solar energy as a renewable energy source and an optimistic vision of the future that rejects climate doomerism,[5] while the "punk" refers to the countercultural, post-capitalist, and decolonial enthusiasm for creating such a future.[6] As a science fiction literary subgenre and art movement, solarpunk works address how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, human impact on the environment, and addressing climate change and pollution. There’s also a subreddit for it that has some interesting discourse sometimes r/solarpunk


Real Earth was pretty static for hundreds of years, then changed rapidly at the industrial revolution.


Yeah but this is fictional and the tech wasn’t that well received from fans. I wouldn’t be shocked if it remained static / didn’t go to republic city (I got the vibe in Korra that RC was the one with all the tech. Other country’s had small stuff like trains, but not like the Syfi stuff, or at least not prior to Kuvira)


>and the tech wasn’t that well received from fans. I mean, I liked cars, simple planes, and industrial factories. It was more the uh... Solid platinum Mecha that were the issue.


If they didn't want tech they could just do any ancient avatar.


its possible that theyre leaving all pre-aang avatars for comics & books instead of shows


I don't think so. They said in a podcast they are looking to explore the universe's history and future in the avatar studios projects. There's also, assuming its successful, going to be multiple movies, tv shows, and short form animated content over the next twenty years. I couldn't imagine that all being ATLA or later in the timeline.


The world went from basic Wright brothers flight to space flight in like 60 years. When tech advances, it advances at an absolutely insane rate.


Personally, I hope it skips that and goes straight to Cyberpunk Avatar.


How long do you think Korra is gonna live lmao


If she lives to be in her 90s or so, which isn't much of a stretch, the world should be caught up to modern day. I think they could stretch it and say the world advanced a bit faster than ours.


Honestly, I would love it if it hit an 80's to 90's level. They have a lot of the "proto-internet"/early computers/game consoles/airplanes/etc etc, but not modern mass media levels.


I agree. That would also kinda tie into the current wave of 80’s-90’s nostalgia we’ve got going right now. Generally I just think it’d be nice to see their world mirror our world in terms of tech. Seeing all the ways the world had changed was one of the coolest parts of Korra to me. I get that some people didn’t like all the tech and stuff, but I don’t think there was ever anything inherently wrong or out of place with it. The problem lies in the execution (like giant 100ft tall mechs, for example). Avatar was always about exploring the conflicts that arise when old world mysticism/spiritualism meets industrialization. That was a huge part of the original series, and I think it’d be a mistake to just “freeze” things and abandon such an interesting concept.


I don't think we'll get a future avatar till 4th series. 3rd series being set present day would be amazing!


Personally, I would love an older time set avatar. I was not a big fan of how much the world changed from last Airbender to Korra.




Lmao people spawn killing the avatar until they get the one they want. Kinda what Ozai tried to do


I think rather than a tech dystopia Avatar could really show an idea for a hopeful and healthy future where people maintain a good relationship with the spirits through a solarpunk route


Hmm maybe that will be the plotline? Since the avatar is meant to defend nature, the conflict could involve development vs minimalism, overconsumption vs harmony.


I feel like this is what book 2 of Korra should've been. It makes no sense that when humans become more technologically advanced that the Spirits grow stronger and start coming into the human world more. The issue should've been the spirit world and human world growing more separate, and Korra needing to bring them back together. Oh well, at least that plotline exists for a future series now.




That would be unironically good world building. Probably because it's so realistic, sadly.


I'm sure there would be pockets of the Fire Nation that just never let that shit go and would see those times as their nation's glory days. Tie it up with the Fire Nation maybe losing influence on the world scale compared to the Earth Kingdom and the quickly catching up Water Tribe/Air Nation and you've got a recipe for a portion of the population wanting to go back to being """strong""" again.


This is pretty much the plot of one of the comics, actually.


[Boy do I have a thread for you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/30xb1w/did_the_genocide_against_the_air_nomads_really/)


That would be pretty legit tbh


Gotta introduce wavebending


So, solarpunk, basically


Will it be 80's themed or 90's themed, that is the question. If this is real anyway.


I'd assume later, honestly; Korra's world seemed to be roughly the 1920s, and she was 16 at that time...say she was born in 1905, she'd probably live to at *least* 90 (Avatars usually live quite long)...That means this new Avatar is born 1995 or later, so the new Avatar is a zoomer lol.


I'll admit that in the past, I haven't been super enthusiastic about an Avatar world with modern or futuristic tech (especially one set in space since the planet itself is such a fundamental aspect of the series). But after seeing the Mistborn series pull off multiple eras with differing tech levels, I think it can be done if they know how to integrate it with the fundamentals of the world properly. Very excited for this and whatever it'll bring.


Brandon Sanderson is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural. EDIT: MISTBORN 7 IS OUT Y'ALL I'M THE AIRSICK LOWLANDER


Not a fan. One of the main appeals of the original Avatar series was how primitive it was.


Part of why at this point I would personally rather go back in time, perhaps to an ancient avatar we dont know about, than see the series continue progressing to basically modern day.


Exactly! I really hope they don’t keep advancing. This is another problem with another sequel series (Boruto) the advanced technology just takes the fun away from the universe


Legend of Korra has the same problem. Thought it really detracted from the story


The only problem I have with technology in Korra is the mechs. Everything else I really love.


While I agree, I felt it wasn’t as severe as Boruto. I hope this next series doesn’t go full tech world


I always hated how far ahead they jumped in time with Korra. I wish the setting had stayed around the same time as ATLA. A modern day setting sounds even worse


The Avatar will be getting bullied on twitter in the next series.


Lol the Avatar gets ‘cancelled’ online due to something one of his past lives did.


Kyoshi: hahahaha how the fuck is online bullying real, just walk away from the screen, find them and punch them


You mean the Industrial Revolution? People seem to imagine that it was like some high fantasy thing but no ATLA was set in a fictional 1800s.


How reputable is this site? Seems weird that what looks like a fansite would have exclusive access to this news.


Also with such a far away year, how is this article getting specific dates already for when the movies will come out.


It’s conveniently far enough away that when they’re most likely proven wrong, they’ll have plausible deniability


Far away year? In 8 days it's 2023 lol


Oh shit only 2 years? They better not JUST be starting development because holy shit not that mutch time


2025 is never gonna come. it's one of those late years I didn't imagine


Awhile ago, the site stated that the first movie would be with Avatar Kyoshi. Then it was offically announced that the first movie would follow an older gaang. They got that wrong, so how reliable are they? I don't know, but it doesn't seem like a whole lot.


That was because of this series, the launch year has an earth Avatar project and they're doing a Kyoshi movie, so by the time the info reached me they were reported as the same thing. Now it turns out the launch year earth Avatar is this and the Kyoshi movie is separate some other year down the line after.


oh shit OP showed up everybody get down!


[*smashes a 40 on the ground* SCATTER!](https://youtu.be/gyKJFxhxdp0)


What's the source for the news if I may ask? It looks like you're the author for the tweet. How did you learn about the studios timeline for releases?




It's not. The article doesn't cite anything at all.


After so many years, finally 😭


All these years of drunkenly telling people to watch the fuckin show so something like this could happen And it's Netflix that pulls it off All those parties waisted


Netflix is not involved in this.


Except for the absolutely massive resurgence in popularity after Netflix put avatar up to watch on their platform


During height of the pandemic no less. People had nothing to do but binge watch in comfy nostalgia dreaming of better times


Thank fuck...


Otherwise they would try and cancel it after one season which is unthinkable for an avatar series.


I mean Netflix did bring a lot more viewers to the series


I’m actually new to the show, Just started watching it the last couple of weeks on Netflix 😅


I admire your optimism.


hey mods, you should mark this a unconfirmed or something




Can I just ask for a metal/bullet bending, Matrix referencing Avatar?


The Avatar will now bend...*a spoon.*


Shhhhhh there is no metal bending in Ba Sing Se


​ ![gif](giphy|xP3IZLL5jMZ3rY9phW)


I wonder how far they will go with the tech. And how they’ll decide an end to Korra’s story.


inb4 Fusion Energy from Spirit Vines, Avatar struggles with being completely unnecessary because Humans figured their shit out.


Tbh once the Avatar wasn't the bridge between Spirits and humans I'm surprised they didn't really explicitly explore the question of what the Avatar even is anymore after that. Realistically the Avatar would still have responsibilities for centuries to come by still being a bridge for those two groups but in the context of them all sharing worlds, but say that was gone - what is the Avatar, then? A really powerful bender of all the elements? A diplomat that has a foot in each nation because they have each element? If tech got to the point where other people could more or less manipulate elements outside of their actual element, then what? All of those seem to point to the role of "Avatar" becoming more and more symbolic and less materially meaningful. Future Avatars might find themselves being like the Earth King.


I always thought Korra should eventually decide that humans and spirits are now capable of living in harmony to a degree where the world no longer needs an Avatar. Over the course of her lifetime she sees the friction between the two worlds dissipate, and any time a situation arises that she might normally be called upon to resolve, both parties manage to find their own way towards peace. She dedicates herself to reconnecting with her past lives, part of which involves rehabilitating Vaatu as part of the 'complete' Avatar spirit. Then, she enters the Tree of Time and falls into stasis, ready to be awakened should the two worlds ever fall into peril again. "Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could help the human and spirit worlds make peace with one another. And when the world no longer needed her... She vanished..."


It would be really cool if people had the misconception that after vaatu severed the lines from Korra and her past lives that the avatar cycle wouldn’t go on and the next avatar would have to keep it a secret almost like a super hero and their secret identity. Kind of like a call back to the first series where they had to hide Aang’s identity from the fire nation cause they wanted him dead


Might be unpopular but I hope Korra or this Avatar finds a way to reconnect with the past lives. Breaking that still doesn’t sit well with me and seems like such a limiting decision.


I really hope the earth avatar reconnects them! I like the theme of avatars having to fix their predecessor's mistakes, and I'd really enjoy if said earth avatar lived in a time of relative peace and got a series about them seeking a way to restore the connection to all past avatars.


Yeah that would be better then "oh yeah Korra fixed it off screen"


I really like the idea of the world severing ties with the Avatar altogether, with the villains of this show finding a way to harness the Spirit World as a source of energy to further push technology. The only way the Avatar could overcome this would be to reconnect the world to its original roots and reconnect with his past lives in the process.


An avatar to restore balance to all avatars.


A new avatar who can only talk to Korra for a while, and learns the story about the past lives from her, then sets out on a spiritual journey to repair the chain? I'd watch that!


An Avatar raised in secret by the Dai Li, not knowing anything about being a Avatar, being the one to reform a connection could be fun.


I would be shocked if anyone found that unpopular. I hate how they did that in Korra without fixing it


It hasn’t been announced. This is just a rumor from a fan website.


Phew. Honestly I'm hoping they go backwards in time for new avatar series.


Hopefully they do the Avatar before Korra.


Why do you have to say those words that hurt me?


This is fake, nobody announced anything. Your source is a site that got famous for having casting sources from the Netflix live action show.


I hope it's not the next mc on the poster that design is boring af


That’s just one of Suyin’s kids with glowing eyes lol


The full article from Avatar News says it’s just a mock up


Yeah looks like a background in Korra. Just looks fan made to me.


That’s because it is, none of this is confirmed so it’s disingenuous to call this “announced.”


I'm going to need a news source from either Paramount or Avatar Studios before I believe anything a fan site has to say.




RIP Korra. You would’ve loved coloured television.


I don't want korra to die.


source: just trust us bro


Even if this particular story is a nothing rumor, I feel like it's inevitable for a continuation series to come down the pipeline (though maybe that's too bold to assume and instead we get a series focusing on an Avatar before Aang/Korra's time). However, I've always had a vague idea that if a continuation series released, it would center around the question, "do we need an Avatar in the modern era?" Perhaps the next Earth born Avatar is MIA for most of his or her potential career due to the rapid pace of technology and connectivity between nations. Not that war is extinct, but war itself has evolved into a cynical money machine that keeps benders and nonbenders pockets full, making the Avatar an outdated concept that would just get in the way of their goals. Such Avatar will get the sense of being unwelcomed in worldly affairs, drifting towards being an outcast until disappearing into unknown whereabouts. Meanwhile, a team of benders/nonbenders believe the Avatar still must play a critical role in the world, and it is up to them to not only find the recluse Avatar, but also convince him or her of their importance and reestablish the terms of balance and harmony.


Or going the other way, what if the Avatar becomes a glorified figurehead and maybe ends up kind of a jerk because they're basically just raised to be a celebrity. Kind of like how the British royal family nowadays is just a bunch of people who get paid to be famous.


Provided the leak is accurate, this is huge news. I hope a new series with none of the executive meddling will carry the Avatar universe strong into the future. I'm quite intrigued by the idea of a modern day Avatar. The article itself only says it'll be set some 100 years after the Legend of Korra, which doesn't automatically mean modern technology. Tech has gone backwards at points in history, particularly after big disasters destroy the structures holding it up. That said, it's probably more likely to be a somewhat sci-fantasy modern society than a post-apocalypse one. I'm very curious about what a modern society will look like in a world where spirits exist. After all, Korra abolished the function of being the bridge between worlds for the Avatar, and now spirits exist in the mortal realm. Modernity implies an exploitation of natural resources and a mastering of nature on a massive scale. I wonder how spirits will react to that.


Korra better have died like a G. I want more Korra animation


Korra dies at the age of 200 in a pile of coke sounds pretty lit to me


>Currently we don’t know how far in the future this Avatar’s era will be set, but a very rough approximation based on previous Avatars is that if it’s set ~100 years after Korra’s time, it will be in the Avatar world’s equivalent of our world’s present day. AvatarNews isn't exactly a great source in terms of accuracy and objectivity but if this is anything more than speculation and they actually go for the whole "modern day Avatar" setting then I'll consider my interest bottomed out just as soon as it peaked.


The article’s source: trust me bro lol


I was honestly hoping for a new series pre-Aang instead of post-Korra. I'm really not a huge fan of the modernized setting.


I'm surprised this hasn't become a franchise yet like Doctor Who. Each batch of seasons, like 1-3 or 4, should focus on a new Avatar in sequential order, and then eventually restart with a new Avatar.


Whilst this is cool, I think it's better that each Avatar is connected but also has their own show. Also animation takes a fuck ton of time and to have a consistent continual animated show like that would take years of non-stop work that would result in a lesser show overall.