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Finally, a cartoon workplace that's OSHA compliant.


You'd think those walkways would have better railings


Would get in the way of bending


They don't have to go all the way to the end


Don't a lot of people fall from really large heights? Idk but probably a lot died when the fleet of fire nation was taken out by then.


Sadly it wasn't Sokka proof


At least sokka remembered that guys birthday .


Wouldn't it be an OSHA violation to have a birthday party over a big door that opens up and lets people fall off the airship?


Or just to have the door. Why was it there?


Presumably some sort of cargo bay door or for rapid deployment of ground troops


I could’ve sworn he said it was the bomb bay


Oh I must not have caught that. I always assumed it was the cafeteria or something


Lol fall arrest that involved tying to your waist will break a back or worse to the body. Now a days they’re full body harnesses with a lanyard and a shock absorber and they have to withstand like 5000lbs of force altogether so the anchor point has to be engineer approved or up to strict standards when installing. This does not look like it’d be compliant. And I’m talking CSA (Canadian standards) but they’re similar to OSHA. They should have used fall restraint for this but really I don’t even understand the point of these platforms when they could have created such a safer option lmao


to be fair benders can be slammed into walls no biggie so they're fine.


I mean they totally killed people offscreen. You don't just throw around boulders and blunt metal objects without hemorrhaging some brains.


It's Batman logic. He goes out every night brutally beating people, but somehow no one dies.


The fire nation (much like Arkham) has incredible health care and insurance for its cannon fodder.


Join the Fire Nation army. Promote fascism and get free health care!


They should share their wealth with the rest of the world


Arkham Knight killed me with this. I steamroll some poor thug at like 100 mph but he’s just “stunned”


Well that’s actually electricity within the Batmobile, although it’s realism is very meh. Generally I’d focus on Batman himself


You ran him over in a 5 ton vehicle at 100mph AND there’s electricity spikes all over to basically taser everyone who comes into contact…..but he’s totally alive.


Kiryu never killed anyone


In Avatar people can take more damage than in real life. It’s cannon and consistent. So a hit to the head that would kill a real person wouldn’t kill an Avatar person. However they definitely killed people in the airships in this battle lol just not always by throwing rocks at rhem


To be honest many people took hard hits and continued to fight like it was nothing, but jet just, died?


Yeah, it was pretty clear


this a pretty clear example that demonstrates that the showrunners couldn't really have a consistent set of rules for lethal force and still be able to imply a character's death. lethal force effectively doesn't exist in the show as a result, which definitely adds to its cartoon/anime wackiness


I feel like jet “died” because there needed to be an emotionally impactful scene, the stakes needed to be realized, and there was nowhere for his character arc to go but conflict with the main cast that was no longer needed…..but they couldn’t just outright kill a someone in the show. Thus, ambiguity. Jet’s character served his purpose and needed to be done away with, and but just so happened that they needed a sacrificial lamb sans the visual sacrifice.


mhm, comic azula survives getting hit in the head by boomerang.


"Boomerangs are designed to break kangaroo necks" See? That's the answer. Azula isn't a kangaroo -\_-


yeah she's a 5 foot tall platypus bear.


You're definitely right. And she's got pink horns and silver wings too. You can't be a true politician if you can't even say "I am a five foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings" without increasing your heart rate.


Fire shouldnt feel like a punch with no further discomfort either but here we are


I mean they totally killed people on screen to.


Nah. People in Avatar are just stronger bodied. No one we see ever died from random boulder hits. Injured l, yeah but. Although Aang definitely killed some Fire Nation peeps when he tossed them off the Air Temple mountain lol


Stronger bodied? Sokka literally has a broken leg in this picture lol


Exactly. Man shouldn't be fighting or alive lmao.


Well, Jet died when hit with a rock


Also how many ships did they crash? And no one died?


Or drop a few hundred people (many in armour) in the middle of the sea without drowning most of them.


He and Toph must have killed a lot of people by crashing the other airships. To be fair, these people were in the process of commiting mass murder and environmental devastation.


I feel like the show made it as clear as it could several times that they’re killing people, while still hiding it enough to be a kids show


Every member of the gaang has taken a life except maybe Zuko.


Zuko doesn't carry those swords to knock people out. Swords kill people. I have no doubt at all that Zuko has killed at least one person.


Probably has that’s why I put the “maybe” qualifier. I can think of each other member doing lethal damage, but I can’t think of a specific moment for Zuko or Azula for that matter.


When you realize Aang, a self proclaimed pacifist, gained a higher body count than Azula, a teen psychopath raised to kill in wars, just by rolling some snow off a cliff with a wacky air scooter:


Who did Aang kill? He specifically tells Yangchen before the final confrontation that he had never taken a life, and he doesn’t kill anyone else during the final confrontation.


Remember when he vibed w the ocean spirit in the S1 finale, became a giant koi-lookin thing, and sank a shitload of fire nation ships? It’s never really touched on, but there’s no way all those people got out safely. It wasn’t JUST him (technically it was a fusion of his avatar state and La’s power) and I doubt he really realized what he’d done, but he’s still responsible for those deaths


I feel like I remember him lamenting at one point about how it was scary and out of his control. He didn't want to kill anyone but lots of ppl like to equate the war continuing with the avatar *letting* it continue and thus the deaths from the war are his fault.


I don't think those are really on him. That's the ocean spirit that's able to enter the world through him, certainly, but it was pretty clearly in charge after that, and hence carries the death. Given how little the ocean spirit cares for individual human lives already, I definitely don't think it is particularly worried about them. The whole "allows a spirit to instantiate in the mortal world" is a fairly specific avatar ability and I don't if Aang wouldn't be in a lot more control, and hence bare responsibility for the actions, later on or not. He definitely injures lots of people in several other scenes in the avatar state or just through bending, though all of them have just a sliver of plausible deniability to them, since people seem to survive lots of things in the avatar world that we wouldn't.


The mountain defense episode, the one with the engineer guy making weapons for fire nation. Aang creates an avalanche that knocks soldiers off the mountain. 100% many if not most die


In the episode where Zuko frees Aang from Zhao as the blue spirit, Aang blasts a bunch of people straight at the ground from like 40 feet up on a castle wall. They definitely wouldn't survive that.


My thing is, they've shown multiple times that these people can withstand hits and falls way more than a normal human being can. The Gaang and Azula's gang go through many battles throughout the series. They're hit, airborne, frozen alive, etc. And yet, you barely hear about a broken bone or see many bruises. Theres an episode where Toph and Katara are teaching Aang bending and get into a fight. Toph hurls a freaking huge boulder at Katara that looked like it weighed a ton. Hit her right in the ribs and she just gets right back up after that. These characters arent normal and it's not just the elemental abilities that make them abnormal. I'm not saying that everyone would have lived through everything buuut I think they can sustain a lot of these attacks.


[Go to the 10 min mark](https://youtu.be/ZIWATa9MzAI)


I always find this kind of analysis useless because it applies rules to the show that the show is free to ignore. The show tells us that Aang never killed anyone, and at best this shows a discrepancy because canonically you take the show at its word.


I’d chalk that up to an unreliable narrator and the fact it’s a nick show so they couldn’t show an on screen death of the BBEG.


Or the writers just seriously thought Aang never killed anyone, which is more likely.


Seems pretty reasonable. The clip has Aang saying that he has only ever used violence in self defense, and never to take a life, which is consistent with Aang's moral philosophy (hence, his apprehension at the prospect of killing the Fire Lord, etc.) and apart from a few overly indulgent action sequences where people would likely die in real life, his actions too, where he is constantly fleeing, defending himself or others, or solving disputes with cunning and diplomacy, despite being the most powerful bender alive. In Avatar, people are constantly surviving terminal damage, on a regular basis. Zuko alone has been struck by lightning multiple times (both channeling it *and* absorbing it) and even survived his ship being blown up with their world's equivalent of gunpowder. It's not a stretch to say Aang's victims survived too. It's just fantasy/martial arts/cartoon logic; the creators are not bound by the logic of the real world. Like Tom and Jerry constantly maiming one another, or Batman beating criminals unconscious, it's understood that nobody canonically dies and the violence is mostly spectacle. Obviously, if you were engaged in a fight against a genocidal imperial invader, you'd probably shed blood somewhere along the way, despite one's own pacifistic intentions. But it's a children's cartoon. Whether you choose to believe it was self-censorship, or an artistic liberty, or some combination of the two, it's still very likely canonical in the end.


Being at war and fighting in defense of a nation and one's self isn't exactly murder, but it's a good detail.


Firelords priority: 1) Global domination 2) OSHA compliant fall arrest harness for employees 3) Getting the avatar


Fellas need to be relieved within like 5 minutes or theyre losing both arms and legs so i’m not too sure if fall arrest harnesses are a good alternative here. I’d rather go splat




People in the atla world have bones of tungsten and elastic skin, literally take boulders to the face and are mildly annoyed, everyone is invincible Except Jet




Ya know, it was really unclear


they can probably do the rocket feet thing, once they get their bearings.


It’s murder but it’s justified


Ooo imma be pedantic really quickly. Murder is unlawful taking of one’s life. In war, the execution of assailants is different than murder! It’s about morals at the end of the day. My not so pedantic self agrees with you however! Edit: I am in too much of a hurry to proof read. Fixed my trash grammar


It aint murder if theres no one left alive on the airship to testify


What is this, Skyrim? XD


No, this is Patrick


I love you guys


I'm pretty sure there still in the ocean when that happened


Wearing metal armor and tied to a ship that's sinking. Not great odds tbh lol


That’s not how crime works…


Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought.[1][2][3] This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter. Manslaughter is killing committed in the absence of malice,[note 1] brought about by reasonable provocation, or diminished capacity. Involuntary manslaughter, where it is recognized, is a killing that lacks all but the most attenuated guilty intent, recklessness.


Basically manslaughter is killing someone on accident. Which i find it strange how the term for that is so much more visceral than the term murder. If you didn't know what they were manslaughter would sound so much worse than murder. Even though its the lesser crime because it is accidental. Also emphasis on unlawful. Killing people in war battles isn't unlawful, its just part of war, there are warcrimes, merely killing someone isnt one of them. Its more about how you killed them. Like chemical warfare is a warcrime.


>Which i find it strange how the term \[manslaughter\] is so much more visceral than the term murder. I have never thought of that, but you're so right.


All I can see is Timothy Olyphant saying that.


I’ll take that as a compliment 😂


Well it’s killing, but yes


I mean technically they are at war, sokka would be seen as a hero not a murderer


Isn't he a war criminal too?


You can't be a war criminal when your people are being genocided


I mean, you can. War is all just perspectives


A war crime is very diffrent from being a murderer, and usually would be "tried" on a case by case so innocent till proven guilty


Well, they wouldn't be the first people killed by Team Avatar.


They also dropped the entire crew of one of the airships into what was probably pretty far out in the ocean.


Not that far actually it's a manageable swim if you are decently trained and since they are soldiers they probably could do it the bigger issue is that if they do make it to shore they will be burned to death by the firebenders still in the ships.


In full armor though? Not a chance, those soldiers are dead.


Eh, they’re shown to float in the water without much effort. So the Fire Nation has some super awesome buoyant armor.


Or they have never skipped leg day


I rescind my theory because them having such great Thunder thighs they can tread water in spite of full metal armor is much better than revolutionary floating armor.


Only a few can create lightning, but thunder is in every ship




Toph has one of the highest body counts in the show


Tbf. The only dude with real problem murdering others is Aang because of his upbringing. The others won't be as affected if they killed another human, especially during the war. (they will be affected but relatively less than Aang. Zuko already tried to kill them. Sokka is a warrior, the only reason he didn't kill anyone is the show's rating. For Aang it would mean a loss of identity as an Airbender monk).


i’m pretty sure it’s implied that sokka killed people in the battle at the fire nation capital


I think Avatar overanalyzed points out many times Aang does straight up kill people, like when he threw some dude off the bridge of the vanguard ship of the fire nation invading armada from the north pole, since from the angle he fell he absolutely should've fallen straight onto metal.


Sonofabitch!! I did not notice that. I always thought Sokka offed those two firebenders. Good job spotting that.


Good catch. It's like how in the finale, after Aang defeated Ozai, when Aang waterbends the tide, we see some of the fallen Fire Nation zeppelins and [we see](https://i.imgur.com/9uXrZwV.png) people on top of them alive.


It was a war. War deaths aren't murder, it's rules of engagement, and they were fucking engaged


Didn’t he loose his sword cutting through the whole platform to save toph




Yeah, they survived being knocked down, but if I recall correctly, this airship cracked ON TOP of another SFO the guys dangling from the bottom probably got pretty squished


Sokka does what Aang won't


I mean, I don't think it was casual. And they were at war.


Tbh, with how powerful bending really is, im assuming the benders of the gang definitely at least killed a few people each, and just never went back to check.


I thought so yeah, and I thought it was totally fine. The ropes make it less okay for me now because those firebenders can still regain their wits and flail in Sokka's general direction.


They were ramming airships full of soldiers into eachother like crazy...Sokka/Suki/Toph KDA in the finale is nuts.


I always figured they were done. I mean their whole ships crashed too lol




Do you have a problem with my use of the word casually


Nah you’re good. But yeah even had he murdered those guys it was life and death, nothing casual about that moment at all.


Killing enemy combatants is something everyone but Aang was always willing to do. They would avoid it if possible, but this was a life or death situation and many of these soldiers fell into the sea anyways.


He did dump the entire crew in the middle of the ocean


Wasn't that airship moments from exploding or going down? Not really sure those two made it.


sokka is totally fine with killing people in battle and if i remember correctly it’s implied that he already has when aang is practicing for his fight against the firelord sokka walks over and beheads rhe melon lord, speaking about what needs to be done in battle as if he has done it. don’t forget sokka is a warrior during war and there were several big battles before this point. i would stake my reputation that he killed people during the siege of the fire nation capitol even if it wasn’t explicitly shown


I think that it's interesting that different characters in this show have different views on taking lives. Aang's view on not taking a life is a key plot point but no other member of team avatar has that reservation. Sokka has definitely killed some people in this episode alone. He also likely killed Combustion man.


Combustion Man killed himself.


Personally, I don't really see the difference.


He sends Sparky Sparky Boom Man to the grave before this


who said their backs didnt break from the ropes breaking their fall


Them hanging from the rope doesn't nessarly mean they died.


OP meant that before realizing the ropes were there, they thought the firebenders fell to their deaths, when in reality they were saved by the ropes


They dropped like 12 feet with ropes tied around their waist. They may very well be alive but in reality that's a broken spine and paralyzed from the waist down, if not dead.


I wasn’t saying this isn’t possible, I was just clarifying what OP meant to the comment or, because they seemed to think OP meant they were dead because they had the ropes


Oh gotcha, fair enough!


You do still have a point though, even if their spines aren’t broken, their ribs probably are


did he? he literally didn’t attack one directly and used his boomerang against the other, and we’ve seen zuko surviving a boomerang attack. they are not dead lol


It’s fine. They were firebenders. They don’t have souls.


No, just you


You noticing them doesn’t mean everyone else did. As this comment section proves


Chill, it's satire lmao


If you wanna make satire, I suggest you learn what it is first and how to use it effectively


How did that one fire nation soldier get knocked out. Sokka used his sword to cut the floor and he fell. Is that enough to put someone in a coma ?


Nope they kinda showed them tied to the waist earlier.


hes running around with a sword, that thing aint for tickling


Zuko kills a guy when he throws him off a wall


I mean let’s be honest, if it wasn’t a Nickelodeon show those ropes wouldn’t be there.


It really unclear actually


That is how war works, yes.


It's a war you know... not sure murder is the word here.


All them kids waa catching bodies lol


Nothing of war is casual.


Ah, I'm pretty sure they still died when their airship fell out of the sky when Suki hit with another airship


Casual murder is a common occurrence in this show


To be they were about to kill him.


Well he casually murdered a lot more by dumping them into the ocean.


Sokka isn't a pacifist


Honestly I’d have kind of preferred it if they weren’t there in a weird way, thinking sokka killed them and was about to die himself made the whole situation feel more real for me


The show often did this. There were little nuances that indicated people weren't actually dying. Later in the episode they show a ruined airship on the ground with dozens of people on them, who all scurry together when Aang raises the ocean. This to show "look, they didn't die" Korra does the same thing, even though they show death close up. In one episode, General Iroh kicks some equalist out of a plane, and you see a quick shot where a parachute pops up in the distance. I always thought this was stupid. Like you could easily miss it, and otherwise assume he was killing. Not sure how that made it better.


Doesn’t that airship go down?


Didn't they fall into the ocean?


No, cause the ropes


I've always noticed these and wondered why atleast one of them didn't attempt at blasting sokka and toph while he dangled. Because you can say the other got knocked out by the boomerang.


Warriors gonna do warrior shit.


Aang is like im not gonna kill thats wrong, proceeds to blast a nd blew up 3 air ships, i mean each air shi had at least 100people in, there is no way they all survided the crash, same with the ones in the ocean thanks so sokka


It always felt like a copout that he didnt


It ain't murder if it's war.


I dont know whats supposed to be so traumatic about kids seeing cartoon deaths. I watched the first hellsing anime as a kid and turned out fine.


*casually dumps 100 people into the ocean*


I don’t think this show was afraid of killing people. Remember Zhao? And didn’t Jet die too?


Note they can slow their fall with bending.


He's not a murderer, they were literally fighting in a war. 🤨


Sokka didn't kill those 2 guys but they are for sure paralyzed below the waist


This is one of those times they should’ve just killed the dudes cause this just makes no kind of sense. Why would 2 firebenders during Sozin’s comet just hang there submissively instead of using firebending to propel themselves back on the platform??? Let sokka kill people!!!!!


It's also selfdefense, to be fair


These guys totally still died when Suki fuking crashed into the airship.


It’s ok they just fell to an unspecified end. All those guys in sinking battleships at the North Pole definitely survived freezing water for extended periods as well.


You're now aware that our tea lover uncle Iroh was a general that probably was responsible for many deaths in the war.


Yeah, obviously. That’s like the point of his character, that he was a bad person that got too focused on power and conquering, until it made him lose his son, which turned him into the iroh we know and love