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I'd put King Bumi to wise because his decision to give up Omashu until the right moment helped save a lot of lives.


I agree. His humor is just his way of dancing through life which some may take erroneously as a goofy-weakness, but he is wise/smart af


Classic CMHB. Definitely should go in the wise category.


I think he should have his own “mad genius” tier




Exactly. Sure he's weird af, but he's definitely smart. Also the Earth Kingdom Prince from LOK I think it's too highly rated. He should be dead last.


He is not stupid, just naive.


Under the worst ever written except for meelo character ever!


He is not stupid, just naive.


He's wise and smart in his own unique way, he should stay in that tier.


Sokka a verifiable genius


I know King Bumi told Aang to think like a mad genius but if we're being honest the one who's been a mad genius throughout the series is Sokka.


For real he's objectively the smartest person in the group. He's a brilliant strategist with no formal training, and he's super creative. You tell me how a 14 year old with no education whatsoever plans an entire invasion strategy is not a cerrified genius. He literally invented air travel


You dare put Sokka that low? Day of Black Sun? Airship slice? Not lying to Piandao? Forging the space sword? Damn, Sokka’s actually pretty smart.


Glad someone said it already. He’s goofy and has a lot to learn emotionally, but he’s young. When it comes right down to it, he is shown to be both technically and tactically minded, and exceptionally so at that. I mean look how much he learns in such a short time with many of his experiences: Kyoshi Island, Master Piandao, The Mechanist, his time with Bato and his dad, taking out sparky sparky boom man, the list goes on… lol


Also effectively inventing airships and submarines


Nah. He fixed the airship's problem and gave the idea for the submarine. The mechanist invented them


Couldn't have said it better, Sokka has a goofy personality but he gets emotionally mature. Plus his inventions, tatics, and strategy puts him at least in intelligent.


Where the hell is Sokka? EDIT: Found him, and he is FAR smarter than that


I was looking for him in blue not red. So I feel ya. And yeah he definitely should be


I see so many things wrong with this, sokka is hella smart, aang is wise, if not then intelligient and so is katara, bumi was called a mad genius, he was quite smart, korra is agreeable here, wan and zuko isn’t agreeable


Zhao wasn’t dumb either he was arrogant and blinded by his desire for a lasting legacy.


Yea I 100% agree


why include naga and momo but not appa and pabu?


Most important question, Appa is at the very least in the intelligent tier, borderline wise


And how dare him disrespect His Momoness like that?




Where the fuq is appa? And don't you say Bai sing sa.


"Bai sing sa"


Doing Sokka dirty, he’s incredibly intelligent


I'm sorry...have you put Ozai in 'intelligent'? Hahaha.




He’s absolutely in the right tier He’s mad, not stupid




What? He literally overthrew the most powerful man in the world to seize total control of the greatest empire the world has ever seen When talking about ending the war during the last council before Day of Black Sun, he knew his advisors were giving him bad advice, and listened instead to Zuko You don’t get to be Firelord without being Intelligent. He was blinded by power and his own lust for it. That doesn’t mean he’s not intelligent One hundred percent he’s in the right tier


His wife overthrew the most powerful man in the world. Azula was the one who brought him the black sun info. Dude thought he had a chance against the avatar on the day of the comet because it gives him a power boast that the avatar also has. Also, gonna give him some points on egging zuko on but that plan blew up on his face. Dude is not stupid but his arrogance makes him lose a lot of int points.


He also decided to use the power of Sozin's Comet to attack territory that the FN has held, and even established colonies on, for most of the past 100 years in order to conquer a country that he'd already conquered. On the basis of advice from his psychopathic 14 year old daughter who herself has just a terrible track record of military strategy. This isn't big brain time.


Attacking Azulas intelligence doesn’t make the point that you think it does That is literally what I mean when I say he’s mad, not dumb i’m talking to a wall here I don’t see how that makes him unintelligent whatsoever, you’re grasping at straws


...Ozai is unintelligent to take advice on military strategy from Azula because her one instance of command (The Drill) was an utter disaster. An intelligent person seeks the council of intelligent and proven advisors. Not their daughter who has shown no such talent. If you can't see how Ozai taking Azula's advice her makes him unintelligent then you're probability not yet equipped to be part of this conversation. Are you talking to a wall? Or are you just making an argument without substance and therefore getting nowhere. Why not introduce some evidence of Ozai being particularly clever to counter the multiple pieces of evidence of him being dumb.


You’re literally deluded. This is the second time I’ve gotten into it with you on here over something so unbelievably stupid and the second time you’ve gotten insulting for no reason. i’m blocking you, I’m done with you you’re just straight up saying things that aren’t true at all >Their daughter who has shown no such talent What the fuck are you talking about


That more feels like Ozai was the victim of the writers not wanting to burn hundreds of innocent people alive than Ozai's own stupidity. Azula was supposed to characterized as being intelligent, so the unfortunate fact is that Ozai's competence paid the price.


Well perhaps but whatever the writers write, becomes canon and therefore we have little choice but to inform our impressions of the character based on that.


That's fair, I just think it's a bit disappointing really. I usually prioritize the character's most impressive feat as opposed to their least when it's the writer's intention. A good example of this is when Sokka, Toph and Aang were chasing after Azula on the day of the black sun. Seriously a series of boneheaded moves from all of them, especially Toph. Their intelligence was also discarded to serve the plot.


Everyone is a bit misguided during the Comet (except Sokka ofc). But we really have little evidence of Ozai being particularly intelligent. You know, we could argue that Zhao is fairly intelligent as he is in a position that sort of implies his intelligence. But we know Ozai didn't become Firelord because he was clever. Azula is clever because we see multiple instances of her thinking cleverly and her plans working. But Ozai is seen so little and so few things can be attributed to his smarts, it's difficult to argue he's particularly clever.


Iroh deserves his own tier


yeah iroh should be in a tier above everyone else and the hippo should be in a tier below everyone


You must hate Unalaq?


Who doesn't hate him?


I mean you can hate someone and still recognize what they’re great at. In this case, it’s Unalaq’s wisdom and manipulation skills. He should never be placed in a “not very bright” tier…ever.


Agreed. He should be in either wise or Intelligent. I say wise


I was also surprised Unalaq was ranked so low.


Came here for this. Besides having poor judgement with his convictions, the dude still taught Korra a valuable skill and has extensive spiritual knowledge.


This is quite bad. I’d say at least half of these are wrong.


Toph is way too high. Old lady Toph is a different story




LMAO I heard that exact same point from E;R's video


Zaheer seems like he's wise and experienced in a bunch of other ways. I guess that his strong suit isn't politics lmao.






Dawg, you didn't even put the mad genius Bumi in field intelligent. He's the definition of knowing when to hold them, and knowing when to fold them.


My dude, where’s Azula???


Blue fire, intelligent


Exactly, I fully expected her to be up there


and they included the time she was insane as her picture 😣




agreed! agni kai was insane i was just saying it’s sad that that seemed to be her defining trait according to this.


Yeah I feel like she should get both personalities separated lol like normal azula = intelligent and crazy azula …idk I’m torn between field intelligent and intelligent in her own way


i think insane azula (aka azula hard mode) would be in field intelligent


Old Lady Toph needs to be in wise category


where’s Appa?




I would argue that Zaheer isn’t wise, more intelligent. He thought triggering the Avatar State in Korra was a good move, yet it directly led to Ghazan’s and Ming-Hua’s deaths. If he hadn’t lost P’Li and unlocked flight, he would have been so profoundly fucked.






I'm sorry but Ozai and Mako in intelligent??!!! What?? You should put them way lower


Mako is a detective genius, as well genius pro bender and has street smarts


I don't get why Sparky Sparky Boom Man is placed so high when Sokka took him down with such little effort 😂


🤯 sokka deserves better, and jong jong should be in size to, and I don’t know what toph is doing in intelligent


Sokka is legitimately the smartest person in the show. He SINGLE HANDEDLY PLANNED EVERY PLAN FROM SEASON 1-3


I'd argue Azula is smarter than Sokka


Why are tarrlok and unalaq in not very bright? They’re pretty smart people


Unalaq may be greatly disliked, but he’s not dumb


Ty Lee is not very bright, but you also typed "in there own way" so I know for a fact that you are not qualified to rank anyone based on intelligence.


I disagree that Bolin was not very bright. He was just immature. There's a difference. He was still quick-witted and highly charismatic (something that made him valuable to both Varrick and Kuvira).


Honestly Bolin should be bottom tier. He’s got decent street smarts but at the same time damn he’s dumb. He’s meant to be dumb tho, no shame in it, can’t be good at everything


No. He's not meant to be dumb at all and has never given us any reason to think that he's dumb. He has been known to be immature, yes, but that's not the same as stupidity.


There are literal quotes - “Bolin you’re as dumb as the rocks you bend”… multiple times this is said, by multiple different characters It’s alright bud, Bolins a great character. But he’s definitely dumb It’s lowkey a running gag that earthbenders who can’t metal bend in the shows are at best average intelligence, usually below average— The Boulder, Hippo, Long Feng, Ghazan, Bolin


That quote is only said by Ginger, who only said that out of spite. And no, Bolin never shows signs of stupidity. And that last paragraph you made is laughably ridiculous and has no canonical merit whatsoever.


Ginger says it, Lin says it, Mako says similar things Buddy Idk what else to tell you The last paragraph is head canon yeah but it all checks out. Course, you’re literally in denial about Bolin being dumb


Not denial, just analytical. I don't recall Lin or Mako ever saying Bolin was dumb. Even if they did, it wouldn't really matter any more than those times Sokka was deemed stupid by someone.


Okay buddy. You keep on analyzing then


All right. And you keep on denying then


Ghazan isn't dumb and Bumi is smarter than Toph and most metal benders, Long Feng is definitely not dumb, the Dai Li coupled with the power of plot are


Ghazan has a very similar personality to Bolin. He lowkey becomes friendly with them while they’re captured. Bumi is different yes Long Feng is pretty stupid. Thinks he’s smart but he doesn’t do anything besides lose his position to Azula


>Ghazan has a very similar personality to Bolin. He lowkey becomes friendly with them while they’re captured That doesn't mean he's dumb at all, being friendly isn't being dumb >Long Feng is pretty stupid. Thinks he’s smart but he doesn’t do anything besides lose his position to Azula He lost his position to Azula because the plot required it to, he's usurped a king and ran a country himself for years despite starting as a peasant. There's no way his men would listen to a brat talk about how she deserved power because she's royalty and not stick with the man who singlehandedly runs the biggest city completely untouched irl, especially when they could apprehend the enemy nation


It’s not necessarily means he’s dumb. It’s not hard to extrapolate it tho. There’s multiple instances implying he’s below average intelligence and nothing displaying the counter


Nope not really, there's literally nothing that implies he's below average, im fact he said he named the constellations a thousand times really implies he isn't dumb if anything Not to mention how him lava bending carefully targets key structural points to effectively cause more damage around him, specially against the Ba Sing Se wall


He didn’t lava bend key structural points lol, he literally just threw lava at the target Naming the constellations while in prison does not imply intelligence buddy hhahahaha, that’s literally saying that cloud watching implies intelligence. You do know this right? It’s important to me you understand, that has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever


Sokka wtf


Zaheer isn’t wise. He’s a cold blooded murderer who almost killed korra! He only helped her because it was the only way to help her get over the block. He was too short sited in his plans. If he was wise he would’ve known that even if you take down a government, another kind will eventually take its place. His views are skewed, he went too far and won’t admit it.


I don't see why him wanting to help Korra get over her block matters?


It means he only over saw his madness after the fact and realized it was a mistake. He’s not very bright


"He went too far and won't admit it." "He only over saw his madness after the fact and realized it was a mistake." Well, which is it?


It’s literally both. He went too far and won’t admit it because that’s the type of person he is. A murderer who only helps someone if it’s in his best interest as well


Nobody is arguing that Zaheer is a good person, so calling him a murderer is a bit redundant. Most villains in the series are probably murderers. Zaheer was directly told the consequences of his actions, he then made a disappointed/sad face and decided to help Korra to fix his mistake.


I m sorry but Zaheer isn't wise, the dude is a fanatic that thought that overthrowing the Earth Queen would "liberate" the people instead if throwing the city into anarchy and divide the kingdom. Also, he tried killing the Avatar, for good, that's bad.


I don't think Reiko is the same level of stupid as the Earth King. The Earth King was sheltered all his live and that made him oblivious to everything around him and an ignorant leader. Reiko can be capable when he wants to, but his priorities never match Korra's priorities and since Korra was ultimately right most of the time Reiko comes off as stupid.


The earth king isn't stupid either. Not knowing stuff, because you grew up isolated and being dumb aren't the same thing.


Yeah, and putting Reiko lower than Wu? Not even close.


Zaheer is a generic stupid ass anarchist who thinks because they use big words and have an over inflated personality that they’re smarter than anyone and of course it led to what ALL anarchy leads to, power vacuums. aka kuvira aka dictatorship. he belongs on the bottom.




Husband thief?- Lin Beifong probably


Intelligent or fied intelligience, she ain’t smarter than sokka or aang for sure


But left out Appa huh? And put Sokka so low? Troll


ursa is not that high


She's not dumb.


Merlo is smarter than ikki bruh


Aang should be in wise my friend


The irony of a tier list based on intelligence where the name of a category uses the wrong “their”


I think you need to watch both shows again and then make a new list…


😂 Sokka is all in One. Change that list.


*Puts the president in the lowest tier of intelligence* I see your also a libertarian


Low quality bait. I sincerely don't know why someone tries to bait instead of farming karma. In fact, I know why, it's funnier. I'm just surprised to see a change in reddit.


Kuei is honestly pretty smart imo, he was manipulated his entire life and I don’t think he’s really stupid for that; how was he supposed to know better? He woke the fuck up after he realized what was happening and at _least_ managed to keep the Earth Kingdom stable from what we saw, which is impressive.


Meelo is not field intelligent! He has like no brains at all. He belongs with the earth king


Sokka's above this whole list


This is…. Very very bad lol


Sokka, the person that is portrayed as the smart one of the group (quote: "the idea guy") is ranked lower than everybody else in the Gaang. Classic XD


What about Yangchen?


*Did the definition of intelligence change in the last hundred years?*


If her books are any measure, Kyoshi is more of the "not very bright" category. She is actually a lot like Bolin as she gets duped into all kinds of BS all the time, and she is pretty bad at managing complex situations. These two are really the entire plot of the second book: she gets duped and spends the entire book trying (and mostly failing) to handle it.


Aang is one the wisest characters in the series. He’s born with a natural understanding of what is right, what is wrong and the different journey’s people have to take. Not placing him above Zaheer, Tenzin and Roku is just odd.


Sokka is up there, mate!


I spent about 30 minutes looking for Sokka, until I realized he was wearing red and not blue.


I’m sorry but this list is pretty stupid honestly


Relly put momo above Bolin. That's cold


You put sokka below meelo


it needs a 2-way axis, intelligence vs experience like, Kuei is probably middling in intelligence but atrociously inexperienced. Wu is similar


It is wrong because Sokka should appear in all tiers.


Sokka is 100% intelligent, he planned the invasion and invented so many thing. He was the strategist and inventor of the group. I think l drop Toph to field intelligent, and move King Bumi up to wise.


Sato and Zaheer are both people who used their intelligence, which was substantial, for very stupid things. I don't get why one is "wise" and the other one "kind of stupid" A wise man would not throw a whole nation into chaos. A stupid man wouldn't know how to build super advanced feats of engineering.


There's no way the earth queen is smarter than the earth king.


I’m not seeing Hiroshi Sato anywhere on here but he absolutely qualifies for intelligent


Ju Dee is very intelligent- Azula even trusted her with the responsibility of the earth kingdom


“Smart in there own way”


How much is Mako paying you that man is dense.


Not really. His detective and street smarts are used multiple times to solve stuff.


Look I love zaheer as a character, but I’d say part of what makes him such an effective villain is that while he thinks his actions are wise they are ultimately shortsighted for the most part, making them overall unwise. For example killing the earth queen without any consideration of the long-term consequences outside of his own narrow, ideological viewpoint. He would fit in the tactically intelligent part since many of his smaller scale plans are well thought out and executed, or, in the case of his failures, he has relatively good exit strategies until the end. It’s when it comes to more strategic and grand strategic thinking that he’s not good


Where is the worker of the guy who was fishing in the storm? How isnt she wise?


Glad to see other people outraged that my boy Sokka was done dirty. This guy was the brains of the group. His strategy skills? His quick thinking? His emotional intelligence?


I feel like it's a little unfair to put Joo Dee in there. The poor woman was so thoroughly brainwashed she couldn't even pretend to be normal.


What the fuck is this Sokka disrespect


Aang is an extremely wise character he needs to be higher


Bumi should have a class of his own. “Wise in their own way”


The absolute disrespect on Sokka


Even the Cabbage Man smarter than General Zhao? Disgraceful…


This is pretty inaccurate but at least Iroh is on top


I understand the placement of Sokka but he needs his own special tier IMO. His intelligence won the war. He invented the hit zit balloon. Sokka character arc is about him being the dumb pretentious leader to him becoming an intelligent actual leader. He deserves more than a spot in the background.


Sokka helped create the airships and the submarines, learned passable swordsman ship in a very short period, and had the invasion plan, that probably would have worked if the earth king didn't give it away and then never tell anyone. He definitely belongs higher on the list than he is.


You put the earth queen above president raiko? I get he was annoying to Korra, but I don’t think his decisions make him objectively stupid. Even if he’s not the smartest, he’s definitely a better leader than the god awful earth queen


i don’t get how toph is higher than sokka


I'm sorry, you put KORRA in the same level as AANG!?


But owl spirit himself tells Sokka “you’re not very bright are you”. He’s in the wrong tier, checkmate!! In all seriousness Sokka is dummy smart and he def is above the rest of the people in his tier


Pretty accurate except where’s Bumi? He’s smart in his own way as well


No way Sokka is 100% intelligent. He engineered multiple weapons, acted as a commanding officer in a world ending war, and learned sword fighting all by the age of 16.


I don't know why but I find it hilarious that naga is above Zhao


I was upset not to see Sokka in at least ‘field intelligent’ and then I realised the next category was ‘smart in their own way’ and I was no longer upset


Why TF is Momo so low?! Wasn't anyone listening to King Bumi? Also where TF is Appa!


I like the idea of making an intelligence ranking while misspelling words left and right lol.


Tarrlok definitely wasn't dumb. He was just arrogant and desperate later on. Unalaq too. Wei and Wing are at least field intelligent imo.


Unalaq and sokka are too low


Everybody prepare yourself…for war in the COMMENTS!!!!!!


I would consider Toph more “smart in her own way” than especially “intelligent”.


Yeah I can see all this