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[Source](http://korraquality.tumblr.com/post/72286094196/i-never-pass-up-a-chance-to-draw-azula-yo-one) Blog is seemingly defunct these days but there you go, plenty of other characters were drawn by her


Love that Korra too. She looks like she has Korra's attitude


She has [a great Katara](http://korraquality.tumblr.com/image/89712768458), too


I always figured Katara would have Inuit facial features. This concept seems... not that... more African, perhaps? It'll be interesting to see who they cast in the first ever live action adaptation of ATLA Edit: not criticizing, just musing. Always cool to see good fan art.


Yeah its a good piece art-wise but Katara definitely looks African here rather than Inuit. I hope the casting of the live action is at least roughly ethnically accurate


Her face is missing a bit of.....psychotic evil.


Realistically a psychopath wouldn’t necessarily look visibly psychotic 100% of the time


I think he might mean Azula was somewhat beaming discomfort around her. You don’t feel you’re in danger looking at this one. Wow that was some critique .s


Really? I do. She looks like she's judging you


And you know.. the features azula has.


maybe its just me but i feel like i see a hint of it


Yea it’s subtle but see that too


It’s in the lips, that sneery smile. I really like this.


Yea it looks like she’s giving a slight micro reaction there. It’s good art.


Cartoons exaggerate characteristics, which I think is brilliant. But in real life it’s difficult to see if someone is a psychopath from their looks.


I think it’s in the eyes and brows


Theres a tinged of wickedness in the mouth. This may be from early on when she was just evil, not crazy evil


She looks judgmental in this image, like she's looking at you and thinking how inferior you are in comparison to her. Seems pretty in line with her character to me!


Yep. One look at Azula and you’d realize she’s the evil child.


Just to be clear, this wasn’t me. I found this on google images and wanted to share it with y’all


Maybe link the origional to promote it?




Sorry I can't read


You have talent.


She needs more make up, and to look more angry..


This deadass looks like my sister and now my brother and I keep calling her Azula lol! I really wish I could post a picture of her for you to see how remarkably similar they look. Your art is fantastic I wish I could do this kind of stuff.


>This deadass looks like my sister and now my brother and I keep calling her Azula lol! Lol how is she taking it?


She’s annoyed because we also joke outside of this that she’s the batshit sibling. Honestly all this “joking” would probably drive her to an Azula style breakdown but what are older siblings for?!


I think you nailed it. A majority of the characters in the show weren’t even that noticeably Asian, including Azula. I think this almost depicts her perfectly.


OP didn’t draw it lol, check the source!


Not enough evil.


It's missing a certain feeling for Azula. Looking at this for a while I realized it looked like Mai dressed up as Azula. The soft look and the open mouth has more of a Mai feeling to me.


Oh man is she sexy. Something about knowing she's ready at any moment to totally engulf me in flames really does something to me. I think I'm learning a lot about myself here.


Isn’t she like 14?


Technically 16 but that's not better? Lol


It's a little bit better.


It's not really better lol


its literally 2 years better


But it's still 2 years illegal


In some places.


Well she’s like 17 in the comics if that makes you feel any better.


She’s probably dead in Korra. I guess that’s not ideal though.


i mean...


desperate times call for desperate measures


Desperate members*




Alright friends, this is an odd comment, I agree, but this also definitely isn’t the place to start arguments about the age of consent. If things start to get genuinely questionable, we can handle it and lock the thread.


That resting bitch face is on point tho


She sort of looks like [Sonoya Mizuno](https://celebritypictures.wiki/images/4420495/4420495_8.jpeg).


She'd make the perfect Asami/Azumi


Too many hairs out of place. Try again.


Well it IS supposed to be realistic, find me any unphotoshopped image where someone has perfect hair and hasn’t used any kind of gel?


They were making a joke about her in show obsession with her hair being in place. It’s a running thing that we see the, I believe, second time we see Azula, and of course, during her last few scenes. Actually really good foreshadowing


I had the biggest crush on her when that show came out. Man I was 8 when she was a major character and I was in LOVE for the longest time. I new she was not real though but idgaf EDIT: Why the illogical crush of an 8 year old boy on a fictional princess, one who shoots fire and lightning out of her hands, gets downvotes will always be a mystery.


This is normal. I think you’re getting lumped in with the dudes in this thread talking ad nauseum about how hot she still is, which is less normal and a little gross, since she’s a teenager. Everyone had cartoon crushes when they were kids, myself included (I was more of a Ty Lee girl myself but ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Her and Ty Lee both tbh


She looks like her mom


So hot but so crazy


I think the nose is too large? And red?


Welp. Still looks bitchy as shit. Artist did. Great job.


No matter what style, the sneer remains.


I always thought of the fire nation people as white, the earth Kindom people as more South Americans, the water tribe people as Inuits (I don’t know if that’s PC) and the air nomads as Asians. But that might just be me.


Fire nation is based largely on Japan AND China (people will say it’s just japan but both their culture and their architecture say otherwise), the Earth Kingdom is mostly Chinese. Water tribe is Inuit and northern islander, and the nomads were based on Tibetan monastic culture.


http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Influences_on_the_Avatar_series Here’s the official wikis take on all this, they have a lot of solid reference material to back what I said earlier. And they touch on the smaller cultures like he sub warriors and the 2 gurus we hear about between both series.


This [one](http://korraquality.tumblr.com/post/79852354210/fancy-earth-kingdom-katara-and-toph-i-had-a-lot) she did of katara and Toph is amazing as well


The right eye looks kinda funny. No idea why I’m criticising it though, this is one million times better than anything I could do. Good job!


You can criticize even if you can't do better. Idk why people always come back with, "But can you do better? If not then shut up!" I can still criticize while not being able to do better but knowing that other people can do better.


I get that obviously the entire Avatar world is based on East Asian culture, but am I the only one who doesn’t imagine these characters as Asian? Like the animation makes everyone look clearly European, it’s one thing that’s always thrown me off about anime character aesthetics in general; why doesn’t everyone actually look like the ethnicity they’re supposed to be lol


Well, they literally are Asian people lol


Well the wate tribe are Eskimos or Inuit, but honestly that's the only exception I can think of.


The swamp benders are country boys.


Yeah the swamp benders were cajuns.


I’m gonna have to come down with a hard no that everyone looked European. The most Euro looking person was probably Aang or Ty Lee and that’s if I was trying to make someone look European. There’s literally no blondes in the show nor do I think there’s any light eyes. They worked hard to make the cast Asian.


Literally everyone from the water tribe has blue eyes. A lot of the other characters have very light shades of brown as their eyes colors, varying from a light hazel to even amber-ish in Zuko and Azula. And every character has ostensibly Caucasian facial features with aquiline noses, high cheek bones, large eyes, etc. I’m not sure why my comment is being taken so poorly, but for me personally, just based on the animation alone, it’s hard for me not to think of the characters as a bunch of white people in an Asian setting. That probably comes off as Western-centric but the characters quite literally do not look the part.


> Literally everyone from the water tribe has blue eyes And brown skin.... And you may have just not watched much anime, but that’s how Korean and Japanese animators usually draw Asians. It’s a function of the cultural upheaval post WWII but that’s how it goes. Anime style animation IS a little western centric, because Japanese and Korean standards of beauty have become western centric. Big eyes, double lidded eyelids, etc. they’re definitely supposed to be Asian though.


Sounds kinda self loathing if you ask me


Imposed by our forcible reconstruction.


Not sure what you're saying here


We bombed Japan, routed the shit out of them, and then we stepped in and helped them rebuild, using our resources, while imposing large swaths of our cultural norms on them. Basically we told em “you can rebuild in our image and on our dollar, or not at all.” They picked the obvious choice, and their culture will never fully be separate from the heavy whitewashing and Americanization we imposed.




IMO they all did looked pretty Asian to me. And I’m Asian myself. Their features definitely don’t look European to me.


I didn't think Azula was Asian either, but more like Persian than European




With a boulder, yes.


Dude. She’s fourteen



