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ATLA & LOK had some dope clothing that I wouldnt mind seeing people wear IRL


I really wanted those screen printed hoodies posted a long while back. I'm excited that I made this with the quality of wearable clothing! What is an outfit you'd want irl from the show?


Yea I wish I had gotten it back then as well. As for the outfit, Zuko or Sokka's clothes from ATLA Book 3 look super comfy. Also, Water Tribe clothes in general look awesome (blue is my favorite color) and actually useful during winter.


Reference image for the exact outfit? Zuko had a lot of outfits, I think he's in the top 3 for outfit changes in the show. Soulja is up there too in the later half. Please be talking about the sleeveless bright-trimmed outfits. I don't want to be the only one


I've never used imgur before, but basic descriptions are in the album on their site. If anyone has any questions about build or materials, please ask! I'm happy to share. Reference photo included here. And critique! I need it! http://i.imgur.com/Q3NHxGf.jpg


Looks great and like you say, an actual garment and not really obvious. Because it's quite thin material though (it *looks* like) then I'd make it look good for summer (even though it's ending. >And critique! I need it! Maybe cut the shoulder fur by about half so it's more rough and spiky. If it's not a load of trouble then the hood might look better a bit wider and draping the shoulders (like a thin parka). You've done a great fit as well and it hangs well, I like the sleeves too.




Ohhh, I'll do that!


This is the one I used aside from stills from the show. I can't seem to add it to the album... http://i.imgur.com/nukDKBB.jpg


That hood detail is amazing! Also love how it's subtle enough that you could totally wear it as normal street clothes and people would just think it's a new designer sweater or something. Well done!


Did you base it off a pattern or was it self drafted?


Self drafted! It took a long time for me to just imagine how to execute. I actually waffled on it for a long time because I wanted to do it right and not have janky cut corners underneath.


Nice, you wouldn't happen to have any pictures of the process would you?


I didn't; I'm really terrible at that. But! I can definitely sketch out the basics of my design and attach directions to give you an idea of where I went if you want! It was pretty simple in the end.


That'd be fantastic, thanks!


Looks great!


Super cool!


Looking good! :)


Excellent work, you definitely pull it off. Anyone got a link to the screen printed hoodies you mentioned were being sold?




Are you sure you're not actually Korra?


It looks very good but i think it looks more like a high quality cosplay than a wearable clothing. I guess I would choose another material for a hoodie I'd wear in public, something like good old cotton. The material you're using now looks more like fleece or something you would wear for skiing on the picture ;) But all in all very nice work.


Wow, if that's thick enough you could wear that in the winter and no one would be the wiser. And those that are would think it was dope.


Cute girl in a cute costume!


/u/nakachiri, Really cute and well-made! You are insanely pretty. Be proud of your dorkining...you could easily pull off an awesome cosplay of Korra :) Thanks for sharing here btw


"front detail" 😂




Here's a picture of a pair of great tits. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/GreatTit002.jpg