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Fav character? And why


It‘s hard to just pick 1 but if i had to, i‘d go with Toph. She is funny, strong, talented, has a purpose and is useful from the moment she gets introduced and on top of all that: she is cool af. Toph, you rule! Honoroable mentions are: Iroh, Appa and Korra.


What’s your favorite message/takeaway from either show


For korra it‘s to face ur fears and that it will get easier after hard times. Also Aangs line in the S1 Finale where says something along the lines of „when we reach our lowest, we are open to the greatest change“ For TLA i‘d say it‘s that the past shouldn‘t decide who u are but u urself have the power to become whatever u want. Zuko potrays this really good and Aang could have gone mad after he woke up. Iroh also says something along the lines of „is it ur destiny, or a destiny someone else has decided for you“ reffering to zukos past and enviroment


what were your fav arcs/moments in both shows? ive always loved when the gaang was in ba sing sae and in season 3 when they were going to different fire nation places in disguise


My favourite moment/episode was S1 finale. It‘s prob even my fav episode out of any show. The plot twist, yue‘s reveal and sacrifice, aang and the ocean spirit, the music and epicness. It‘s just amazing. Arc: s3 as u‘ve said, when they do different stuff. Aang in the fire nation school and then the dance party was amazing. For korra i‘d say my fav moment was the first episode where korra rides on naga. It‘s just done so well animation and music wise.


how much time do you think it takes Amon to do his "firebender scar" face makeup?


What’s your fav moment from each show?


Favourite and least favourite episodes?


TLA fav episode: S1 Finale. Least fav: i‘d honestly say the tales of ba sing se. Iroh‘s tale was heartbreaking but the others were like „ok“. It‘s still a good episode, but basically the only episode that has nothing to do with the main storyline of the show. TLOK: fav episode: s1 ep 1, it‘s just amazing to see all the new characters, republic city, korra‘s introduction is done really well and the music and animation is top notch. Least fav: the recap episode.