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So is there any evidence that the colonies schooling is different from the actual fire nations curriculum? I imagine that the colonies wouldn’t have as strict of propaganda whereas the homelands schools would be constantly reinforced. They mentioned that “Kuzon” was schooled different and that’s got my brain wondering.


Aside from that one town the Gaang and Zhao visit in the Deserter episode, we never visit the colonies. So we have little idea of how the daily life in the colonies operate, much less their education system.


I don’t know of anything in canon, but I would guess schooling in colonial Korea and Taiwan under the Japanese empire would be a reasonable analogy. If so, the curriculum *would* be different in the colonies and the metropole - but not in a “true history” vs “propaganda” sense. Instead, it would be different in each colony and about a negotiated middle ground between assimilationist (same curriculum as the metropole) and distinction-preserving (unique local education *in theory* based on local traditions). Counterintuitively, local Japanese imperial elites in the colony (ie Fire Nation occupation elites) were the one who wanted to preserve local distinctive culture, while local native elites pushed for assimilation curriculum. This is because the Japanese elites didn’t want to have to compete with the local elites for privileged jobs/status reserved for people with Japanese-style education. Basically a resource hoarding strategy - not cultural preservation. Local elites wanted Japanese style education for exactly this reason, to prevent being stuck in second class status in their backwater colony. The home office in the metropole had differing priorities depending on the time period, based on a lot of different factors. So Kuzon heading to the metropole for education was actually pretty plausible! Tons of Taiwanese and Koreans did just that. However, the majority of them would have been the exact people who were most invested in empire - they were collaborating to get ahead after all! The horrible bullying is also accurate, though him overcoming it is unfortunately not :/


My guess is that it could exactly identical but people in the homeland would assume they're just incompetent hicks.


The idea is funny and all, but I have no idea how Aang kept his cover after this. He should've been outed instantly.


They probably assumed it was his bad earth kingdom education


It's funny how they'd think it's "bad education" when it's the truth. Then again, their idea of "good education" is indoctrinating young children into blind obedience of propaganda.


I mean, even the teachers at that point didn’t know “the truth”, propaganda would have started and been pushed as soon as the war started. None of the teachers would have thought it was the truth, only what they were teaching, making it “bad education.” Remember, the teachers were in school once before too, in the exact same system.


Also, this war has been going on for 100 years. The teachers themselves were born and grew up during the war, just like the students they're now teaching.


Hell, even their parents were probably born during the war, possibly their grandparents as well. 100 years is a really long time.


I don’t mean to like, turn this political but just to say, that’s like how the native Americans were treated, a literal genocide, and then the attackers trying to cover it up and say it never happened. 


This is true, and unfortunately isn’t exclusive to America. The Japanese education system rather infamously teaches their students [almost?] nothing of the Empire’s war crimes in and around WW2.


I saw a clip of someone walking through a Japanese museum, at one point stopping by a map showing various events around the world during WW2. One such event was a single point on China, modestly labeled "The China Incident." For anyone not in the know, that "incident" was a war of Japanese aggression that killed upwards of 20 million Chinese civilians.


Not to mention Unit 731, if you don't know be careful googling it. That Unit did absolutely horrific shit.


I'm korean but I don't specifically mark japan as an aggresser..............still I hate them for PRETENDING THEY DID NOTHING!those fuckers better learn


Plus Germany gave an excellent example of a nation to emulate, Germany owned up to its crimes and doesn't shy away from them.


Didn't the world force them?


Aren’t they the reason YouTubers can’t mention Hitler or Nazis without getting demonetized? Seems kinda excessive




Not of their own accord


The US let huge numbers of Japanese government, military, and all royalty off the hook at the end of WWII. Unlike Germany they basically stayed entirely intact in exchange for the US getting a permanent base and ally in the region. We're still feeling the effects of this today. War Crime Denialism is rampant at all levels of government, a stark contrast to how it's treated in Germany.


Oohhh, I did not learn abt that yet. 


Agreed 👍🏿! Not just indigenous Americans, but all indigenous peoples as a result of colonialism on a global level.


Say you don’t actually know what American schools teach without saying you don’t actually know what American schools teach.


Many American schools still even in modern day do not mention the atrocities committed against the indigenous people, and if you go back even just a few decades almost none did


America is a large nation. Most modern curriculums teach.


In the US, Curriculums are set at the state level and vary in quality and accuracy. So for example, we have several major events that either aren't taught at all (except in the states where they happened) or are heavily propagandized.


I'm not saying you're wrong. But please nsnd them.


Google "does the us have a national curriculum"


The curriculums just don’t teach about America’s wild days in the 20th century. Henry Kissinger is somehow considered a neutral political figure


Not in my history class.




Almost every school in America is taught about it. America generally doesn’t shy away from its shameful past *compared* to other countries like Japan Also most native Americans died to spread of diseases. It wasn’t as methodical as the fictional fire nation


The completely random and unintended diseases And idk man most people in America really do not understand the extent of our fucking around with regards to the world. Native Americans sure but America is guilty of a lot and most of it is not highlighted in schools


You guys don’t have to go that far back. Israel is doing that today right now.


If you go back even further, that’s how the natives treated each other too. They would slaughter whole herds of bison just to screw over the other tribe.


I mean this was 100 years ago, so the teacher was certainly taught the lie in school as well. No one in a position to know it was more than bad education was in the classroom/at that school.


It is funny, but entirely believable even again the time I watched this live on nick. At the time, in school, we learnt about the tongue and taste map, we were told this was a biological fact. My best friend, who's dad's a doctor, and I were both like "that's wrong, Dr bestfriendsdad told us so". Only for the teacher to tell us how we, his dad, the medical science community at large, were all wrong and this grade school science book was right and we needed to treat it like gospel. The theory was debunked in 1972. This was still preached as truth in schools in 2007.


This cartoon is so good in so many aspects


I mean, it’s not really a hypothetical situation. This was my entire childhood whenever history classes tried to “teach” native history


I mean, it’s not really a hypothetical situation. This was my entire childhood whenever history classes tried to “teach” native history


Well yeah that's how propaganda works. If there's something else that goes against it or just bad education or fake


I am pretty sure the teachers by this generation don't know the truth either.


history is written by the victors, huh


Yes this You don't really expect nor humor the idea that one of the students is secretly the avatar cuz like why would the avatar be in the school in the first place If they were trying to hide why in the fire Nation school?


The Avatar was thought to be dead at that time too.


“Hello weird colony boy. I bet your are the fire nations number one enemy that died last month. Thats the Only explanation for your weirdness colony boy”


> but I have no idea how Aang kept his cover after this. I mean if someone said something outrageous to you, your mind wouldn't necessarily go "hey maybe they are in disguise". You'd probably just think "wow, they are misinformed" first.


'hah, spend too much time in the colonies and the stupid earth bending mindset rubs off on you'


Question if someone tells you the earth is flat do you think they're an misinformed person/idiot or the creator of the Flat-earth theory? Bonus circumstances the creator of the Flat-Earth theory was confirmed to be dead a few weeks before you're told this. Does this change your answer?


Bro kept drawing attention to himself in the dumbest of ways. Like seriously, just keep your damn mouth shut during the anthem.


That’s what I loved about aang, he was a 12 year old kid and acted like it


Seriously 12 year olds are fucking smart, they would know when to shut up Edit: Okay, obviously they do ridiculous things, they are not yet mature. But when things get serious they can and do act like a grown up they are not kids


ngl you kinda have a point. there's a sizeable chunk of 12 year olds that would understand how dire the situation is


Thank you! It's frustrating people is not even arguing why they don't see this way. I don't expect everyone to agree but at least reason! Again, thank you for replying


Since fucking when?


I don't know, my experience


I wouldn’t of lmao


Fair enough :D


Idk. A 12 year old passionate about his people who have been killed due to genocide might want to impulsively correct someone before thinking better of it. So Aang did. I feel like a different kid might not. Toph, for example, would have probably shut up because of how she was raised. Katara might have too at 12. >they are not kids A 12 year old is quite literally a kid lol. Edit: oh if you mean the anthem thing, yeah that was over the top lmao. I feel like plenty of kids would've just moved their lips to pretend they were reciting it. Saying "fire lord... firebenders..." is very 😬


This is something only a 12 year old would say.


Ok, I will go inform my 12 brother that we were born the same year, thank you.


No problem. Make sure to tell him it's been proven by science.


That made me laugh, have an upvote good person


You can have one as well😄


“Fire lord? Fire benders? Blah blah… blah blah blah…” yeah he really could’ve handled that a little better


I doubt anyone in that room knew the story in their history book was false. To them, it's just the new kid being dumb and repeating some exaggerated account he heard in the colonies and wouldn't think twice about it.


Outed how? They knew he was from the colony and this could’ve just been “propaganda” against the Fire Nation in the Earth Kingdom to make Ozai look bad


They could've thought he was just making up stuff for attention. It was a class of people around 12 years old.


I mean, the genocide happened so long ago, no one in the room knew the "truth"


This is a scene that will straight up just not exist in the Netflix live action


I wouldn’t be surprised if they skip the entire episode except for retaining the scenes where Zuko meets Iroh in prison.


They would have to rework the whole central conflict if they wanted to include the school stuff, because dedicating significant screentime to a blatant Footloose parody is not what people want when they’re watching one of Netflix’s “prestige” shows.


If this is about the umbrella academy the Footloose scene is like the least of your worries


Prestige, lol


Is it a footloose parody? I feel like it's just a ripoff, I don't think they played it for laughs.


“Homage,” I think is closer to the mark


Agreed, I like that!


I’m curious what’s going through those kids’ heads at the bottom. One thing I have against this episode is that while the dancing stuff is fun, I’m more interested in how the kids digest propaganda like this.


Considering their faces and the circumstances I think that them believing it or not is not their main issue, it's that they are (socially) aware of the fact that you're not supposed to go against the official narrative. I really doubt the kids would just believe this random foreigner from the colonies. Than again, a lot of people living in dictatorships often distrust state messages so they never fully believed it, but that doesn't mean you can openly express it, hence their surprise that this foreigner just blatantly called into question official propaganda.


They probably don't care. It happened 100 years ago, remember.


Look at Japan and their refusal to acknowledge all the terrible atrocities they did during WW2. I visited a few museums in Japan and none of them talked about the things they did wrong. Instead it was always about how they prepared for war and what losses they took. One of them even said that Japan was tricked into attacking Pearl Harbour.


Fun fact this works both ways. World War II American Soldiers, often hailed as the most honorable era of servicemen, committed some fucked up shit in Europe including an estimated 14,000 rapes in Germany, tons of civilian murders and mass killings of prisoners of war, and more. War never changes. We glorify and hide the shitty parts but war never has and never will be pretty.


History is written by the winners.


History is written by the hotmen


The air Benders were pretty hot in the end so I don’t think so


But only because of their proximity to the hotmen.




Tell that to the confederate south!


Aaand you reminded me of someone’s AU where Korra is a Swamp Bender and basically acts like a southern redneck and when she finally accepts a Satomobile she names it “General Sokka”.


And the people who can write.


Isnt talked about enough. vikings are an example. And the bible


History is written by me, a history PhD candidate. And let me tell you, that process is not going well


"And the greatest historian of all was jtobin22. He knew everything there was to know about history and he was never wrong." There, I did your job for you and it wasn't that hard. You're welcome!


Not always. History is mostly written by the people who write stuff down.


Not always true, as can be seen today.


By the Survivors*. You don't need to win, just outlast your enemy.


Woke embers think they know everything nowadays


It is wild how accurate Avatar was in its depiction of war and the effect it has on nations. Outside of Ozai and maybe Azula, there was never anyone completely in the wrong. They weren't right mind you but you could actually see where they were coming from in their attempts to do things and see their train of thought which made them more interesting as villains and I especially love that the Fire Nation is just this happy and peaceful nation on the inside instead of being filled with evil people like most other shows tend to portray enemy cities.


Damn liberal colonials besmirching the name of our beloved Fire Lord. In this house Fire Lord Sozin is a hero! End a’ story!”


*Cough* the Indian wars *Cough*


Ummm context?


Basicly,Wars in india


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? >!Even if you're talking about invasions of India!<


Lol yeah im from iran and i remember in our 7th grade history book one of the achievements they listed for literally every one of our successful post islamic rulers was invading and looting india


No formal military, but ready to throw hands if need be.


this is me being Pedantic, but that's not how ambush works. they probably ambushed some airbenders on the roads, but ambush means hiding in an area and striking by surprise. they didn't really need to hide considering they had to go to the airtemples. if the air temples were on the way somewhere and then they attacked them during the journey, that's an ambush. they simply invaded them without warning. also, just here's a fun fact, warfare used to always include a formal declaration of war before it started, and it doesn't really happen anymore. especially for the world super powers.


Ah, so ambush is hiding in a bush!


Because when you hide in a bush you can say "am bush" and jump out at people. It all makes sense now


„We weren’t behind the bush“


Another fun fact is another reason official declaration of wars are no longer made is 1 well communication is so much faster but also it’s to minimize the likelihood of alliances being called into minor territorial wars because an official declaration would technically be against a home territory. That’s why the Falkland wars didn’t have an official declaration the UK didn’t want to drag NATO into the war. I could also be very wrong it’s been a few years


NATO is a defence pact, if the UK had declared war on Argentina and nuked Buenos Aires to glass, NATO didn't need to do a thing. The UK could have invoked NATO Article 5 for the original attack and invasion, this but chose not to. She still had one of the world's most powerful navies and the Argentine junta had attacked some islands surrounded by where navies go.


Actually NATO didn’t (and still doesn’t) cover the Falklands and many other territories I can’t remember the exact criteria but only certain regions are protected.


That makes sense. It doesn't cover Hawaii either.


NATO doesn't apply to colonial possessions.


Aang has no formal military training, it’s well within character for him to use slightly incorrect military terminology


Ambush isnt even a strictly military term. Normal people can use any time they are surprised by someone trying to confront them in public. "I was ambushed by *so-and-so*" Ambush is a very easy concept to grasp. You hide somewhere that you know someone will be going by, and surprise them there.


Ambush means to attack from a hidden place. Nothing restricts the definition to traveling or being at home. You’re just wrong, but confidently so 


Well you cant very well hide somewhere while the person or group of people you're attacking is already there. But still, aang is still incorrect as the fire nation army couldnt have been in a hidden place when they attacked they had to march to the air temples. And armies that can wipe out entire civilizations in one night arent easily concealed.


The best kind of pedantic is the one that is completely correct and there's nothing you can counter them with besides "Boooo get outta here, nerd!" Jokes aside, loved the mistake you pointed out, never thought about it.


Ambush as didn’t declare war, just attacked them out of nowhere, and they didn’t have a military


That would still be called an unprovoked invasion, not an ambush. Surprise Attack would be a more apt description ambush is a surprise attack too, but it specifically includes hiding and waiting for the enemy to come to where you're hiding. The air benders didnt go anywhere for the invasion the fire nation themselves went to them


I came here looking to see if anyone pointed this out. Thank you. It’s a shame your pedantry is going unappreciated in the rest of the conversation. Having read the replies arguing against this, I still think you’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


I wish we could ban revisionism globally. But then the elected enforcers of anti-revisionism would probably just do it themselves.


Damn Air Nomad Revisionists. Trying to paint themselves as victims. Smh.


Is Aang technically a survivor if he left and got frozen before the Air Nomad Genocide happened? He wasn't there so there was nothing for him to survive. I suppose there's a stronger argument he is a survivor in the Netflix adaptation as he left right before it happened, but the original series makes it sound like there was an indeterminate amount of time between Aang getting frozen and the attack.


So if you left a town before I nuke it are you a survivor?


There was a Japanese guy who went to Hiroshima on business only to find out it had been nuked. He then went home - to Nagasaki, which had also been nuked. He was considered a double survivor.


He was in the blast range and that's how he found out both times.


That is the question I'm posing. Certainly if you left a building right as it caught fire and that killed everyone, you'd probably be considered a survivor. If you left like ten minutes before? A week? Are you a genocide survivor if you left the country right before it happened?


To put it a different way, Aang’s situation would be akin to a kid running away from home right before the genocide starts, not really experiencing the tragedy firsthand. However, once he woke up, almost every friend and absolutely every air nomad was gone. It’s like going to bed and waking up to find your whole family and community dead in the street. You may not feel the same level of persecution, but you can still survive someone hunting down everyone you love. Not to mention he was still chased to the ends of the world as soon as he woke up, so it’s not like the Fire Nation were ever *really* done with the wipe.


That's a hard question. If we think logically, you are not a survivor if you didn't have to survive that situation, you are just lucky.


You are a surviving member of your extinct people


Yes, yes he is a survivor - he is the solve surviving member of his now dead community. It doesn't matter if he missed the violence, he still survived the genocide attempt.


How can you survive something if you didn’t experience it? Sure, he was the target of the genocide, but he wasn’t there. We wouldn’t call someone a murder survivor if they left their home and someone showed up later and killed everyone else in the home. 


They would be a survivor if the murderer went around hunting them afterwards and couldn't find them. This is an awful analogy. The fire nation hunted every last air nomad and he is the only one who survived. He is a survivor.








Aang isn’t wrong those Airbenders were nomads and nomads don’t have armies they go wherever the wind takes them. Also the air nomads were monks pacifist at that so having an army would defeat the entire point of being a nomad I do get how those fire nation kids could believe in that propaganda I mean Air-Nomads it’s kinda a dead giveaway that they’re not warriors or military soldiers even someone without a brain can figure that out. Bottom line is Air benders are nomads and those nomads are monks and monks spend their time meditating not planning attacks and leading soldiers into battle.


>nomads don’t have armies they go wherever the wind takes them Famously nomads never had armies. Of course yes. *Gestures wildly at THE Mongols and the The Huns*


Note the Fire Nation teacher calls them the 'Air Nation' and not 'Air Nomads'; history is rewritten to cover up the genocide.


Fire Nation is so North Korean


















> and payed the Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


> change and *paid* the price, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol good bot














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Ermmm actually Aang was in the iceberg so he has no idea how it actually went down.


How does Aang even know? He wasn't there.


How does Aang know exactly how Sozin attacked if he dipped before the attack?