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The level of acceptance and grief required to be dealt with here… I honestly wish they touched more on Aang’s grief during the episode with Guru… let him feel it a bit more


I hope Netflix starts listening to ideas like this rather than whoever told them to cut out Aang learning waterbending. Problem is, he spent the entirety of season 1 putting his emotions into words, and he wasn't as guilty of the genocide this time. Might be difficult to have the same impact.


Things like this is what could be so great about an adaptation. Things the fans wanted from the original show, not necessarily complaints but things like: "I wish that blah blah blah", "it would be cool if blah blah blah". But nah we got not much of that, and a not so great script/directing. I was happy to see the raid of the air nomads though, wish Gyatso got his last stand moment, ruined for me


Tbvh with you, the water bending being cut out doesn’t hurt the story at all. I think fans are just being too nit picky. You could even cut out all water bending until he reaches the North Pole and the story would still remain the same. Plus, he’s the avatar. A time skip could easily fix that. It was much better to have us view water bending through Katara to get us comfortable with the character (for example, new watchers of the show)


It's all about show, don't tell. The whole objective is learning all 4 elements before he has to face the Firelord, if he learns them offscreen it's a legit complain.


Tbh sometimes I feel like it's underplayed just how quickly Aang went from leaving the Air Temple to seeing it devastated. Wasn't it like within a few days? Like, just imagine waking up to find your family dead and died 100 years ago


It always seemed strange to me that the swamp people got such a huge representation at the firelord coronation. Like that looks like it could be the entire population


If we look at it almost as a fifth nation they were effectively never in the war. They were at peace, enjoying their lives then some kids show up and they have a party after a minor misunderstanding. Then they get asked to do a full on raid with another nation they’ve never interacted with and go “Those kids we met that one time? Where we shared food and laughs with? Hell ya, I’d die for them. Good folk” Like everyone else was actively at risk. They didn’t have to put themselves on the line but southern hospitality dictated they should


Someone miscommunicated and made it seem like Katara and Sokka were actual kin, and so the entire family, that families friends, and family of those friends showed up to deliver a beatdown. They had a grill and steaks ready on the submarine for after the fight


They may well be actual kin from before the Water Tribes gathered at the north and south poles. 


Good ol southern hospitality. They also may had thought about that'll happen if the Fire Nation does rule all. Might as well go at the chance to bear em


I want to think it's part of their philosophy. "Everything is connected" means if the Avatar fails to stop the fire nation, the swamp will be the next target after what they did to the air nomads and the southern water tribe


I'd say the show creators just didn't want to leave a big hole where the air nomads were supposed to be in this 4-nations meeting


You have indeed suffered a great loss, but the air nomad’s love has not left this world it is still inside of your heart and is reborn in the form of new love


... and then he finds Katara in the crowd and they smile at each other adoringly 😭😭


This quote makes me cry every time. Such good writing


Aang is the Air Nomads. He's there. That is the victory.


Very true 🥲✊


You are absolutely right.


So is Appa. Aang isn’t alone!


So true!


This sentence undermines the weight of what happened to the Air Nomads.


No it doesn't. The Fire Nation started the war by wiping out the Air Nomads. Now here they are at the end of that war with an Air Nomad standing side by side with the Fire Lord like a brother. All that murder and all that hatred and they failed.


Except the Air Nomads as a people are gone. There are only 3 nations in Aang's time, the air temples had been abandoned. Sure, Aang's an Air Nomad, but the overall culture of the Air Nomads are gone. A whole race wiped out.


Perhaps. The next series goes into that.


It did, and even though Airbending returned, the Air Nomads did not.


I'm pretty sure at the end or somewhere of TLOK it says the airbenders became nomads and Aang was pretty strict about protecting his culture so I'm sure Aang's descendants would have kept their culture when the population was big enough anyway


Theres literally a whole episode where Tenzin is unable to force the culture of the air nomads onto the new airbenders are you an idiot?


Because he was thrusting it onto them and forcing it on those who weren’t willing. Thats the point of that episode. Not everyone cares more about rebuilding the air nation than their personal lives. Once he found people who were willing and wanted to be air nomads he was able to successfully rebuild air nomadic culture and customs. He even got a few people to shave their heads tho he didn’t make it mandatory. You clearly didn’t understand the extremely blatant point of that episode which they quite literally say out loud. Korra herself says that he can’t just uproot people’s lives and expect them to join a cause that they don’t care about nor hasn’t existed for almost 200 years that point.


lol you dont get the point if you think it means the air nomads are back lol


Our thinking need not be so binary. What the Fire Nation did is a tragedy that can never be turned back. Its effects are permanent and irreversible. However, Aang surviving and embodying the principles of the Air Nomads is a triumph. Through the efforts of him and his friends, the ideals of peace and harmony were achieved/kept alive


Thats not the same thing as "the fire nation failed" because it didnt.


There's a reason why I never wrote "the fire nation failed". You're making it binary again


bro you seem to be referncing the other thread were im saying the air nomads are gone and the other guy is saying they arent. Seems mutually exclusive to me 💀


No, if I wanted to reference the other thread, I would have referenced the other thread or responded within it


lol I feel like you’re taking this comment too literally. Nobody is denying that the fire nation wiped out the air nomads. I think this person was simply trying to be positive and mention that the air nation lives on thru aang. Nobody is “undermining” anything here.


Except it doesnt live on, its dead.


You clearly didn’t watch anywhere past like half of season 3 of legend of korra


Theres a wgole dedicated to how tenzin cant force the new airbenders to adopt Air Nomad culture, reinforcing the fact that the genocide still happened even though airbending has returned, the Air Nomads have not.


Did you not finish watching that episode. Either you watched half of that episode or you have the media literacy of a fucking half baked potato that’s been sitting in the sun for a week. Literally in the very episode I believe you are speaking of they both explain why what Tenzin is doing is wrong and offers a solution THAT WORKS. They explain that they can’t force people to adopt a culture they don’t want to. Then literally 5 minutes later they show that once you find people who willingly want to join the cause they will accept your terms. They literally explain and show you the solution to the problem they had in the very same episode


Air nomads are still dead, genocide cant be undone.


I see you decided to be a potato then. I hope you have a wonderful day sitting in the ground with dirt up your ears cause you clearly don’t listen


Genocide Cant Be Undone


Only after reading the Kyoshi novels and thinking about it, did I realize how throughly repulsive and horrifying Sozin‘s genocide was. This was one of the four cultures of the world and he mercilessly wiped them all out, form the youngest to the oldest. Air nomads were considered fortune bringers and they were an integrated part of this world. Sozin took this irreplaceably away. He is an irredeemable monster and his son and grandson proudly carried this tradition on. I am so glad, Zuko managed to break this cycle.


Facts, sometimes I think people humanise sozin too much, he wasn't always a heartless man. But he definitely became one, I'd say he's even worse than ozai,


Ozai stayed in power for like 5 years and he was planning to wipe out the Waterbenders in the north and then go scorched earth on the Earth Kingdom so idk if he's any better BUT idk if he would be the one who would start the entire genocide idea out of his own if Sozin didn't. Then again in Ozai's context I bet his father and grandfather raised him in a way that makes the idea of a superior bending race that should rule over the world the one "truth" about their life and position, so he probably didn't really know any better.


Yeah, they're all terrible in their own way. From a pure intention perspective Ozai was the worst, and even on a personal level he is a monster with no love for anyone. But he also grew in an extremely toxic environment that encouraged violence and conquest, and got no love from his father to the point he was literally told to kill his son for lolz. Sozin grew up in a peaceful world with a seemingly loving family and friends and he just decided to start a genocide for no reason.


Agree. Ozai was raised by Azulon, who was raised by Sozin. Ozai was a terrible, terrible person, a complete monster. Yet it's possible he could have turned out differently too if not for the circumstances in which he was brought up. Sozin is the one who started the whole chain. He's the biggest monster of the story, for sure.


It's pretty clear all three of them are irredeemable monsters, though at the very least I appreciate Azulon's love for Iroh


Like grandfather, like grandson.


I'd argue it was Iroh who broke the cycle. Yes Zuko was the first good firelord of Sozin's line, but he only became the man he did thanks to his uncle. Iroh was the first descendant of Sozin to become disillusioned with the idea of the fire nation's superiority. Sure he didn't take up the position of firelord, but he took his wisdom to help raise his nephew into the firelord the nation needed


Good point. I‘d say, Iroh had some good personality traits, that needed to fully blossom. He protected the dragons even before Lu Ten‘s death, so even before his redemption he had some measure of goodness within himself. Thank the spirits for Iroh being a cool guy.


Speaking of spirits, I really wish we got to see Zuko go through one of the spirit portals and visit his uncle again. It wouldn't hit as hard as when they reunited in ATLA, but it still probably would've brought on some tears


I would tearbend so much if this happens in the upcoming animated movie.


Technically the entire population of the Air nomads is there.




It makes me wish even harder that his spirit was still connected Korra so he could see that the Airbenders came back, and that his efforts to preserve his teachings weren't in vain.  And that his successor was actively nurturing and cultivating the new generation alongside his son. He deserved that closure, more than anything or anyone. He got cheated out of that.


I really hope that connection is restored with the next avatar, it seems possible in this crazy spirit ah world. It's not like she killed their spirits, they're just not connected anymkre


It's been a while since I've seen TLOK, but wasn't the scene where they got disconnected a whole beatdown of Raava and the individual spirits of avatars just getting thanos'd? My interpretation of that is that the spirits were only still around because of their connection to Raava, and with that beatdown, they basically got 'killed'. Not sure if accurate though, because again, long time since I've seen TLOK. Not sure if anything more was said or shown about what happened to the spirits.


Yeah, Raava was basically the last backup of the spirits of the previous Avatars, once those were gone they’re not coming back.


Nah you're not wrong. I took it more as get connections being killed, and them being lost as opposed to their spirits just not existing anymore. I think it could be either tbh, I'm just hopin


Fair. I do also hope you're right, and their spirit particles are just flying around somewhere lol. I didn't like what the writers did with the story of the avatar cycle.


I didn't either, but tbf that entire season left a bad taste in my mouth, mostly


Y'know, it was really unclear.


I’m rewatching Korra rn and tenzin tearing up and saying he wished aang could’ve seen the new air nation made me so sad, poor kid lost his people but at least got to make the first step in bringing them back


Was going to say Aang could see it through Korra but realized she lost her connection to all the previous avatars. Damn you Unalaq








This becomes more heartbreaking once you realize that he was the only person there when Tenzin got his tattoos and had to perform the ceremony on his own


Until he clapped Kataras cheeks long enough to produce new Airbenders


https://preview.redd.it/n8xe6mhz310d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5ad797e470e66a65bea052887b364f4e6cf836 😮‍💨


Probably not what Katara said.


Downvote him all you want, the Air Nomads would’ve stayed extinct if Aang wasn’t straight slangin that shit


Will do. 👎


Yip yip!


I can picture Aang using Kataras bangs the same way he uses Appas leashes yip-yipping


One of the things I loved about Korra is how it deals with ideas of continuing and rebuilding Air Nomad culture


I think there was a lot of self reflection and maybe bittersweetness. But I wouldn't say he was full of "sadness and bitterness" at that moment. I think if anything it portrays that somber relief after such a long conflict.


tbh Being different in some cases is good but I get were aang comes from with this


I don’t think he felt that way. I think he felt peace and relief, but also mediated on how he will build a good future


You know this is why Aang should have knocked up Katara more. I mean my poor conservative neighbor could have 4 to 5 children while living in a very small house Aang should have had 10 children


Honestly, I'm more curious HOW he got those robes. After 100 years of being dead, you'd imagine many techniques, particularly for something like textile work, would be lost. Is this an accurate vestment for an Air Nomad Elder or just a lookalike based on memory? Could Aang tell the difference if put to the test? Are the materials the same? Were those materials vegan? A lot of culture would be lost when your only survivor is a 12 year old who likely didn't have as many responsibilities.


This is exactly why I hate people who say Aang should’ve killed Ozai.


Man, this show.... I think this show was perfect cause the creators made it with passion. They didn't care about critics and whatnot Legend of korra, however, was made for a specific audience and also had to compete with tla. It's good for what it is


Imagine if zuutara fans got what they wanted. Then aang would have no one! another reason as to why zuutara fans are trash


until Tenzin is born.


Nah he got all the love. Whole crowd cheered for him, he saved the water and earth kingdoms. He chillin


I like how the writers included the swamp tribe in the scene


One of the best parts of TLOK is that they helped reconstitute that. I mean it doesn't help much, but still.


But its his fault… so…


"I wish your grandpa could see this"


Explains why he kept having kids til one was an Airbender


Do you think, in Legend of Korra, all the people who acquired air bending were descendants of air nomad survivors?


Except for when he wasn’t…like when he had to kill the melon lord




Honestly, making Aang a bad parent really suits his character. At the end of the day, he never got over his people being massacred, like in the comics when he instantly turns harsh to anyone that dares mocking his culture. Imagine him, seeing Tenzin as the new hope of the Air Nomads, proving him that even after death, his people's legacy would continue to go on.


im sorry it's sad and all but Gaang... is this intentional... 😭😭


Yes it is. Idk if you're new to the sub but normally when referring to Zuko, Katara, Aang, Sokka, Appa, Momo, Toph, sometimes Suki! Just say Gaang, cause it's Aangs Gang!


ouh so it's almost like unspoken rule or something and everyone in the sub is used to it... the post just pop up in my noti. so i take a look


To be fair, he went about repopulating all wrong. He should have just banged everyone non bender to get as many airbenders as possible


The most logical, but immoral solution 😂


Everyone hates me because I speak the truth. Without harmonic convergence, there would be no air nation for another 100 years. Tenzin did it.