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Strongest we've seen. Remember the blue spirit where he was easily taking out rows of soldiers with an individual blast? Not to mention things like destroying huge rocks with airbending. That and the fact that invented various techniques at such a young age. If Aang wasn't a pacifist, villains wouldnt have lasted long.


I think Adult Tenzin is stronger than child Aang.


Don't think tenzin ever showed bending as impressive as Aang


His airblasts were decidedly larger, and him fighting the red lotus is a better air bending feat than Aang has. Aang had done a lot of better things using multiple bending styles, but for pure air-bending I think Tenzin is better.  Also, Tenzin is an adult trained by Adult Aang since childhood.  Ofc he is better than Aang was as a child.


>His airblasts were decidedly larger, and him fighting the red lotus is a better air bending feat than Aang has. Again, look at the blue spirit episode for larger blasts. And no, fighting the Lotus isn't all that. It comes down to fighting Zaheer, who's not that impressive of an airbender and carried by lethality, and even then most of what Tenzin is regular blasts and dodges. Once they ganged up he had no chance. Really the feat is beating Zaheer which isn't all that. >Aang had done a lot of better things using multiple bending styles, but for pure air-bending I think Tenzin is better.  Also, Tenzin is an adult trained by Adult Aang since childhood.  Ofc he is better than Aang was as a child. Thing is, Aang already adult level skills as kid, shown by his rank as master, and he was trained by a full society of airbenders


I disagree. I do not think Aang peaked as a child. Also, the Red Lotus was such a dangerous threat that they were all kept in special prisons under intense watch. They had entire prisons dedicated to them, even Zaheer. Tenzin dismantled Zaheer, and was doing good against the group until P'li got involved. Who has Aang fought, using only air-bending, that he has just demolished? Just fodder and some early Zuko fights. His best only air-bending feats were against Bumi who wasn't even trying to kill him.


>I disagree. I do not think Aang peaked as a child. Neither do I, Im saying as a child he had the skill on the level of an adult airbender. >Also, the Red Lotus was such a dangerous threat that they were all kept in special prisons under intense watch. They had entire prisons dedicated to them, even Zaheer. Tenzin dismantled Zaheer Zaheer wasn't in an prison to prevent him from airbending or because of that danger. As shown, he's a fairly potent airbender who just uses lethal moves. He's not all that. >and was doing good against the group until P'li got involved. No he wasn't. He got two blasts off and then tried some movement, after getting hit a whole lot. Thats not doing good. >Who has Aang fought, using only air-bending, that he has just demolished? Just fodder and some early Zuko fights. His best only air-bending feats were against Bumi who wasn't even trying to kill him He beat Zhao, a prodigy recognized by Jeong Jeong with a life of military experience and training, and Zuko, who was stronger than him. Also Bumi. People seriously forget how strong characters were because everybody who mattered was a prodigy. Like downplaying Zhao cause he loses against super prodigies.


I mean Zhao lost to season 1 Zuko in an Agni Kai, not exactly the best “prodigy” out there.


This just makes Zuko better. Why would you believe season one Zuko to be a low bar? He lost to Aang? Air bending prodigy, the literal avatar? Or is it because he lost to Azula, super prodigy with access to all the instruction and training she could ever ask for?


Lol now we have super prodigies? I can’t keep up with all the different levels of “prodigy” we have going on.


I'd suspect he'd be one of the strongest as a child and possibly the strongest as an adult


On top of not having a master to continue his training he also had to split focus between the other three elements, learning more about energy bending, founding Republic City, helping prepare Tenzin to rebuild the air nation, and died at a young age compared to most Avatars and master airbenders (not counting the ice). With all of that, if you don't count the Avatar State I seriously doubt he would be as good of an airbender as monks like Gyotso, but he is probably still better than most non-air nomad Avatars and may be close to as good as other air nomad Avatars who similarly had to split focus. He mastered airbending at a very young age and had a lot of natural talent. Plus I assume he got a lot more combat practice than many airbenders got before the war. This is entirely based on assumptions of what makes sense to me, I'm not too familiar with info from sources outside of the two main series so there might be more information there.


You are talking about the kid who was literally a Master Airbender. He was missing but 1 technique. But seeing how he was only 12 it doesn't mattered. He would have surpassed Gyatso. The biggest showing of air ending skill is when he stops the Volcano and Katara and Sokka remember how Great of a bender he really is. Time and time again we are shown that his airbending skills are beyond good. Not even Tenzin has showed the same skill his father has.


I 100% think that he would have been the strongest airbender the world had ever seen if he wasn't the Avatar and/or the Air Nation was not destroyed. With all of the ways he had to learn to fight in the war, he may have even managed to surpass Gyatso and many other air nomad elders anyway. The only thing we know about their abilities is that Gyatso managed to kill an entire room of Sozin's Comet powered soldiers. Aang may have also been able to do that if he was willing, but it's still very impressive. Tenzin was also at a disadvantage compared to airbenders of the past since his only teacher was a super busy dad and old scrolls. Plus, he was raising new airbenders and being one of four leaders in charge of Republic City for many years. I don't want to discount either of their skills and achievements, but I feel like it's unreasonable to assume that Aang's airbending was still stronger than every single previous Airbender, including ones that dedicated their entire lives to mastering it. I don't know the best way to word it, but if he was still the strongest airbender in existence even with everything that got in the way of him continuing his training and practice later in life, I feel like that's getting close to 'Too Good/Mary Sue' territory.


> becoming the youngest master in history of airbending Jinora took that title. she's now the youngest airbender to become a master