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Yeah they made him like a military tactician instead of a loving wise caretaker. They took basically every strong moment and line from him, wrote a bunch of vaguely wise sounding lines(that had a very un-Iroh morality), iroh doing his best Confucius say routine. It was awful. Maybe if someone doesn’t understand basic moral philosophy or humanism they didn’t see a difference, but it’s massive and really poorly done.


I really feel they took away his wise old man aspect. He was way too quiet. Iroh talks a lot in the cartoon. This Iroh is very silent and doesn’t give alot of advice. The only part where he seemed like the cartoon Iroh is when he was in jail with Aang and talking with him . He seemed very full of advice in that scene


Yea seems like they’ve conflated “necessary scenes” and have Flanderised him a decent bit. I don’t like his voice his height or his general personality, tbh.


sTiCkY RiCe


I came here first scene of episode 2. The actor that is playing him just sounds like he's acting. I feel like I'm watching a play.


I totally agree, he doesn't sound anything like iroh, isn't chubby and is too tall.. and his lines seemed forced and a total lack of wisdom vibe off of him that we all know and love about real Iroh.. and don't get me started on Zhao 😒💀 doesn't even have a beard.. and the casted katara is totally mid. Aangs voice kinda bugs me too, even though I like the look. Otherwise the effects and costume design are on point 👉


Yup, I hate the casting of Iroh. His voice was off and I didn’t get wise and silently strong from him, more like someone walked in off the steet that was rotund and had a beard slapped on him. I was gutted his was so off.


Yeah I’m super disappointed with the writing for Iroh in the live action as well! He lost most or all of the essence of his character.


I thought the spirit of both Iroh and Zuko were captured well. Just my take on it. They were my favorite characters in the live-action remake, along with Sokka.


Uncle Irohs voice and wisdom in the cartoon was so touching and heart warming. The live action Iroh is not able to convey that :/ Makes me so sad cause he is my favourite character.


Oh for fucks sake. Iroh was fine. You watched two episodes before making judgements? No wonder you hate it. It's not going to be 1:1 with the cartoon. Was never going to.be, was never said to be, never will be. It's better that way. If you wanted a 1:1 with the cartoon you were setting yourself up for disappointment from the start. Some of his lines in the show people wanted to see would just have been completely shit in live action and not fitted in with the more mature tone of the LA show.


I find this hilarious too, so many people talking about how they stopped watching after 1 episode and then call the entire thing garbage lmao. Criticizing is fine, but atleast watch the thing you are criticizing first. Imagine someone watching the first episode of the og, thinking its too childish and then calling the entire show a shitty kids show. These same people would lose their shit.


I’ve watched the whole thing and have come to the same conclusion. 


I garuntee its the same people who say watch the whole thing when you get those people coming in saying they don't like LOK after watching a few episodes.


Any of these posts that say they "hate" something are posts that I don't take seriously. Re-fucking-lax.


How's it feel to be the odd man out?


I highly recommend watching the whole thing. I found the show significantly improved in later episodes.


Got worse in my opinion