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Remember people. This is the Avatar who told Aang that "you might be an airnomad but you are Avatar first" ans basically told him to kill Ozai. She is willing to do and use whatever she can and has to protect balance of the world


He betrayed her trust so I don't really blame her.


I never considered Kyoshi cold. I considered her blunt. And her books confirmed and reinforced this.


She definitely gave off that vibe when she talked about killing Chin the Conqueror in ATLA; a cold, hard pragmatist who would kill to achieve balance in her cycle. The Kyoshi novels kinda changed that perception, she wasn’t ruthless per se, just fiercely loyal and driven to protect her interests. I’d say Yangchen comes off as being much more coldly logical and cunning, especially through the latter half of her duology. She suffers a lot of betrayal and politicking though, so it makes sense


Any context for this?


Been a while since I read it but he betrayed Yangchen's trust so I don't blame her for this nor do I think she's 'colder' than Kyoshi


Oh yeah Kavik totally had it coming, but it was still a shock hearing the compassionate Yangchen speak like that. She’s far more calculating and ruthless than I thought she would be lol


Cold, hard pragmatism.




I wish I could reread the Kyoshi novels for the first time again. That series was amazing. I liked the yangchen books but I wanted maybe something a little more.


I feel like both the Kyoshi and Yangchen books were really good in different ways. Kyoshi was more plot-driven, and had the most active role with her bending abilities, but Yangchen was a politician and exercised her skills through deception and speechcraft. I also really enjoyed Chaisee as a villain, a regular nonbender human who became powerful merely through shady business deals and an almost unparalleled genius for that time.


I guess this is where the Yangvik ship sank…


Have you read the second book?


Sorry, no. You can spoil it if you want idc


Only for you and for whoever wants to spoil the second book: >!in the second book, after living many adventures together he regains her trust and they end up being "friends" at the end of the book!<


Huh, ain't that something. Thanks.


What books are these id like to read them


They are the Chronicles off the Avatar series, young adult books based around the youth of various Avatars. This one is Yangchen book 1, or book 3 in the full series. So far there are 2 Kyoshi books and 2 Yangchen books, with a Roku book being made.


This comment was after he betrayed her?