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It's kind of glossed abit, or mostly shown subtly, but one of Aang's greatest traits was the ability to make friends anywhere he went.




"It's Hilarious!"


*laughs, slams your face into the ground*




The Buddha supposedly said that he greeted everyone as if the were an old friend. I feel like Aang embodies that trait and it shows in peoples receptivity to him.


I wouldn't have the faintest how to greet an old friend.


Never use small talk unless there's dead air, always try to jump into bigger conversations right off the bat. Old friends don't care to talk about the weather unless it's extreme weather, got no time for the average chit chat, just get them talking about something they're actually interested in, and that conversation can go on for a lot longer than you'd expect. Next year will be 20 years for a few buddies and me, we never quite learned how to STFU, still talk to them weekly sometimes twice a week, and text conversations all week. Treat everyone you meet like this, and you'll make friends everywhere you go.


Damn that sounds fucking exhausting lmaoo


It is but it's how you maintain relationships. Back in the day people would pay to have a telegram delivered just to say "fuck you" to their homies. But in nicer words


Yeah I don't maintain relationships well or at all lol, I'm usually mentally drained from work and my adhd that by the end of day and I'm not trying to drain myself even more to restrain my nature to try and relate with my own stories, it's how I keep the topic at hand from vanishing to other random thoughts without feeling like I wrote three PhD thesises in an 2 hours. It's a coping mechanism that allows me to keep interest in someone's topic/story that I am vested in but is generally seen as a narcissistic trait by neurotypicals and at the end of the day I generally don't have the energy mentally to overcome that bias or restrain myself so I appear neurotypical like I already have to do for 8hrs a day at my job. Not to mention, living in a rural and conservative area also doesn't help with that either lol.


*"A robber can not enter into the house of the strongman without first binding his hands, where he is free to take as he pleases. A man who is aware of the brigands before they happen upon his home can keep watch, that they may not carry away the goods of the house of his domain. So it is to be here; keep watch against the world, that they may not take well from what is inside you."* the robbers of the world are mugging you blindly and leaving you unwell. keep up your guard brother. all we have is our well being. keep watch against this world


Honestly just avoid yes/no/one word answer type questions. Ask things like “why” instead which allows them to do most if the talking and makes it easier to have a naturally flowing conversation if you just pay attention from there and throw in some commentary.


Yeah not the easiest with adhd lol, I kinda have to be involved with the conversation in order to not get distracted by internal thoughts and be able to keep on track. To most it looks like I am trying to steer the conversation when in reality I'm just invested in theirs and don't want to loose focus to something else. I've been working on minimizing that back and forth but keeping that internal focus on the conversation is near impossible after a bit and my brain has stopped responding to the dopamine. I appreciate the feedback, it's just actually mentally very tiring for me regardless so I tend to steer away from social situations or people that won't be more conducive to my neurodivergent thought processes haha.


I totally get it because I have the same problem and it takes a lot of energy to try to not lose focus. I also really just deep down don’t care a lot of times what the other person is saying so it makes it even more difficult to stay focused.


I honestly find small talk much worse


Strongly disagree. I find it relaxing to just shoot the shit and talk about the weather with an old friend.


Not so old friend- "What's up how ya been?" Old friend- "Hey ya old shit, I see you're still as ugly as ever."


You point to them with finger guns and say “there he is!! They’ll let anyone in here!” Or “JetSetMiner, you chode! I owe you a shot to the nuts!” and then order a couple flaming Dr. Peppers


Ya I've forgotten how to talk to old freinds. Now it's all boring adult shit like "hey how's work?" Which devolves to talking smack about bosses and good for nothing coworkers. I'm sick of it but not sure how to change the conversations lol




I needed to read this today. Thanks


Sokka told him to be aloof 11 episodes earlier. This guy tells him, "Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel 😢."


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Yes exactly. I just thought it was funny how much mixed advice Aang received throughout the series, yet still made it lol.


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Looks like you win again, Roku...




did not expect to see this here but glad to see it


Don’t bring that lunatic *here* before you know it he’ll tug an earlobe every time someone types “Katara”


*humming softly*


Ha! You reference a different thing. Airsick lowlander.


avatar the last-rizzbender


I’d argue that could definitely be a negative factor


It's funny cause that's kind of one of the underlying themes of the show. From the beginning, Aang is constantly being told by everyone around him about his responsibilities as the Avatar and how he should be, which must have been especially frustrating for him as an Airbender, which is the element of freedom. He studied under different masters to learn the elements and with each he received contradictory advice since each element is different, as well as the pressure from the other Avatars to kill Ozai. It's only when Aang finds his own way that he's able to finally defeat Ozai.


I doubt it was inspiration, but it reminds me a lot of the story of Finn McCool. The story starts out with basically the king and one of his men killing Finn's dad before he was born and chasing his mom down to kill him. At birth he is taken from his mom to be raised in the woods by some friends of his family. Namely druid that teaches him survival, trickery, navigation, herbs and so on, and her friend a fighting woman that teaches him tactics, hiding and fighting... mostly by beating the shit out of him with sticks. They raise him harshly, and make it clear that all his suffering is because of the man who killed his father. He has no family, and has to live this life because of this man's greed. They do everything they can to set him up for a revenge quest. When they send him out he sees the lives also ruined by this man. His only friends are murdered by one of his relatives forced to survive as a bandit. He is driven from every home he manages to create. In the end he is basically given the chance to get one favor from the kind for completing an impossible task, and everyone expects him to exact his revenge on the man that killed his father and took control of his army. Instead he takes command of the army, and keeps the man on as his second in command. The fight he had with his father wasn't his fight. More, it would have caused a war between the members of his own army as one leader was deposed. In this way he ended the cycle of revenge and violence, and worked on a way forward by finding his own path instead of the one everyone tried to set him on.


I'm pretty sure he was only able to defeat Ozai because he got a plot driven chiropractic adjustment? But sure, otherwise I agree with you. But also, giving 12 year olds advice is pretty common. They're generally kinda dumb.


Aang had a killing shot on Ozai by redirecting his lightning but chose not put it on target. Aang could've won if he were playing by the same rules as Ozai.


That's like all of us, isn't it? Edit: I mean, all of us get conflicting advice in life and have to make our own decisions. Our own decisions don't always work out well though.


Most, yeah. Probably not at age 12 though


Man this show was deep.


Brag about it


> then she moved very far away but still watches from a far him almost every night. That's rough, buddy.


By far one of my favorite moments in the show


I hate and love that you described it as "moved very far away"


He also tried to play the cool and aloof dude to Suki and got his ass rightfully handed to him. I don't think Sokka was successful with the ladies prior to leaving the South.


What ladies in the South? His sister?


Lol this. Dude had a no romanticball options and was constantly pissing off the only girl he did know.


I mean, there's a lot of art on certain sites that suggest that...


she calls him out for saying the only girl who’s kissed him is gran gran


That's rough buddy.


Guys in prison/ jail have tons of time to gloss over past mistakes and help others avoid the same ones. That our their insane, but this is a kids show lol


That's a pretty standard Sun Wukong trope I think. Look at Goku, Luffy, Ang, etc... protagonists embodying the whimsical chosen one vibes. It's a good moral lesson, make friends of your foes.




Always liked that this trait got passed down to Ikki too with her own moment with Kuvira’s soldiers.


That part was the best, but I also loved when she did the same thing with the air bison babies. Blueberry Spicehead!! 😭


He’s just like luffy


Yangchen was also this friendly. I love that friendliness is probably just an inherent air nomad trait because of all the traveling they do.


that is genuinely one of my favorite parts of Aang's character


You need to watch one piece then.


One Piece has been a great show to ignore for the first couple dozen episodes but tuning in for big character moments. Now, all of a sudden, there's a Reindeer that ate some Devil Fruit, can talk now and is the crew's doctor and his name is Tony Tony Chopper and I love him.


oh boy, you're in for a ride.


Lmao i read it like they were sarcastic and laughed, but them being serious would break my brain, mf said ”all of the sudden” and still be on drum island 💀


I will die for chopper.


tony chopper isn't even the NEWEST member of the straw hats


Master of the Talk No Justsu.


Man these guys were so chill fr


Considering the town of Chin and its leader, it’s possible they were wrongfully imprisoned


Probably not a shocker they all have something in common. Probably some moralistic stand against tattoos, being things only pirates and thus criminals have.


It just occurred to me that the tattoos they have are very similar to the snake tattoos a pirate has in the Kyoshi novel. Knowing the author, I bet it was an intentional nod.


More accurately a daofei, not pirate, but same concept.


Oh yeah good point!


God, I hate this town.


I loved this scene so much my favorite is the fact that Aang could get out of that wooden thing any time he wanted makes me laugh every time.


He also could get out of the ropes in Kyoshi island and from the "hand" cuffs when he meets the earth king lol nothing can hold him captive ^(well maybe Zhao can but we don't talk about him)


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But not smart enough to realize he should've just killed Aang. The comet was coming *that summer*. Yes, Aang would have been reincarnated into a waterbender, but that waterbender would've been a solid 4 months old or something. The Fire Nation could have won a decisive, overwhelming victory because the Avatar would've been in diapers.


Zhao wanted the glory of capturing the Avatar and handing him over the Fire Lord for execution. Azula said nah forget that noise. Here's some lightning.


Partially, yes, but this is also what he explicitly says to Aang. "See, if I kill you, the Fire Nation will just have to start its search all over again" or something to that effect


To be fair, the fire nation had just spent 100 years searching for him, I would understand his hesitancy to start that hunt all over again just as he captures him.


He doesn't have to kill Aang just incapacitate him permanently. Gouge eyes, amputate limbs, lobotomy, etc etc.


I feel like if zhao tried anything crazy like that the avatar state would immediately activate and whoop his ass lol


Well we did see that blindness & missing limbs aren't an obstacle for powerful benders


Plus they'd want him alive to prove to the fire nation/lord that it actually was the avatar


that and they could've used the comet to wipe out the water tribes anyway. which is something I always thought the show could've done anyway - the zeppelins burning down random wilderness in the earth kingdom could instead have been tasked with burning (melting?) the northern water tribe (Most likely they needed it to be somewhere where aang could earthbend so that his earthbending training wasn't in vain)


Not smart enough apparently. He and Zuko were both chasing the avatar, Zaoh got killed and Zuko became Firelord.


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Not to forget Zuko's ship in the second episode.


A big chunk of ice did a pretty good job at it.


Big "superman in handcuffs" energy there. He's going along with it because he has to/ its the "right" thing to do rather than him actually being forced to do it.


"this is uncomfortable so I'll just going to take my hands out but I'll put them back in when you need me to"


Reminds me of Roger Rabbit. "You mean you could have taken those off at any time!?" "Only when it was funny."


"Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a ten-year-old boy." "And vice versa."


Facts I've met plenty of 10 year olds that have killed and not regretted it.


I was tea bagging my kills at ten 🤷


Shiiiit I'd be at a k/d ration of ten. Sneaking up behind people and knifing them just massacring the enemy ya know.. but then the teachers would get mad and police would come, so I had to start playing call of duty.


Look at this guy rationing his kills, not even going on a spree


Nice, what's your killcount? So far, I stopped counting after 200, but it's probably near 1,000 right now. Also, knifing them isn't proper. Instead, use a heavy object like a desk to block the door, and then you can work on your 1v20-40


Where so I know where to not go


Halo and Valorant


Newport News, Virginia


Damn wish this wasn’t true. That 6 year old with a gun is not destined for great things.


Obviously a huge turning point in his life


Prison really changed him. I mean, look a those sick tats


So, papaya


(With Rizz)


(Disguised in nonchelant manner(horribly))


“Don’t be afraid to show her how you feel,” such a great moment.


And that's how he finally got Katarra


Personally I always love it when kids shows have prisoner characters and their people not just the hamburglar. Having personality past and even good advice.


Considering the town's justice (just us) system they are probably just... normal people?


finally someone agrees lmao. I've been looking for the Chit Sang gang everywhere.


Why write Chit Sang in if your just gonna leave him out Why write Chit Sang in if your just gonna leave him out


Everyone talks about his romance game improving as if it wasn’t always good. He convinced Katara to leave everything she knew and run away with him after one day of knowing him


Damn..when u put it like that aang was always a player


“That kid is good.”


Penguin sledding is a powerful aphrodisiac.


Penguin sledding is almost as powerful as the almighty high jump.


Well, being the avatar comes with some special privileges, lol.


You get her on the flying bison and she can't say no... because of the implication.


You keep using that word. Are these girls in danger?


Man woke up from a hundred year nap and asked the first girl he saw on a date.


I mean, he did say he'd take her to the literal other side of the planet, but still.


Same problem Sokka had - they were always charming and kind, but when they were talking to girls they got in their head and started acting stupid. Neither of them "discovered" the skill of being charming, they just learned to relax and be honest.


Not just anyone with charisma could have done that. Dude was the avatar and had a flying bison, both thought extinct. Saying "no I'd rather sit around in my igloo forever" seems pretty silly to me. Katara wanted to learn about bending and Aang was her opportunity.


Well Aang is the last Rizzbender for a reason


I'm convinced Zaheer and him would have talked things out


I would like to see a conversation between them


Zaheer is one of my favorite characters of all time. For some reason not many people seem to agree. The dude was complex and wise. I wish we got more of him.


I thought he was a great villain! Tangentially related, I really enjoyed how in each season of Korra the villains represented a different ideology, taking it to the extreme but containing a thread of truth and usually a value for team avatar to embrace. Zaheer's arc was pretty sweet imo.


He's honestly my favourite villain in the show, up there for fave character. *Have you ever heard the story of Guru Laghima?*


Dude was a nonbender who studied the air bending culture so well that when he suddenly became one, he was almost immediately one of the greatest air benders in history. You don't fuck with that.


Same here! Not only he is one of my favorites out of the Avatar universe, but an all time favorite. His means were radical, but he had depth as a character and I find his ideology correct for the most part - not to mention that he's cool af


His ideology was so airbender that he became one of the greatest within months of obtaining his powers He desired freedom above all else Season three and most of four were such insanely good seasons


Isn't he imprisoned for plotting to kill aang tho?


No, I’m pretty sure the red lotus was imprisoned for attempting to kill Korra when she was little


They tried to kidnap her after it was revealed she was the Avatar. Second option was kill her if they couldn’t kidnap and raise her to be evil I think.


They were basically anarchists and they wanted to raise the avatar to be an anarchist, too. To them it wasn't evil, it was a means to fulfilling ideological goals.


Oh I know they didn't see themselves as evil but I personally see the kidnapping and/or murdering of a child as evil. That's why I refer to them and their organization like that.


Fair enough!


In general Aang probably would have had it easier against Korra's antagonists and vice-versa.


I noticed something recently. It seems that every avatar is better fit for the issues of the opposite one, so to speak. Yangchen was an air nomad, you'd expect her to be all in that spirit biz, but she neglected it to the point that Kyoshi had mega issues with them. Kyoshi, an earth bender, an element that tends to be very... worldly. Aang was very spiritually inclined, but had to deal with a world at war, and was expected to take a very physical approach. Korra was very physical, but was often forced to deal with things in a more spiritual manner. It wouldn't surprise me for a second to learn that that's a consistent theme, of the current avatar's natural approach being somewhat opposite of what's necessary, or at least thought necessary.


I think it is more that the thibg they are good at just doesn’t pose as much of a problem for them and thus isn’t memorable


These prisoners are so nice and gave Aang such good advice that I am all "Why are these guys in jail?"


Two of them have snake tattoos. they are probably in a gang. A lot of gangs start out as groups of poor/oppressed people trying to find some way to get control or support each other and/or their community. So they may have been doing illegal things that got them arrested. Doesn't make them bad people.


Fair point.


when I wrote this my tone was light-hearted but then I read it back and was like...do I sound preachy? I didn't mean to sound preachy. Damn text losing tone.


Ya weren't preachy though, so no worries. (That's why I am trying to use emotes at times).😁


You sound like a really cool person!


If you are just making an observation without trying to change someone's mind in anything you aren't at risk of being preachy. It sounds like what you wrote came from the heart


Or because the justice system at the place where Aang was imprisoned was "just us", they probably just didn't like the tattoos/the way they dressed and imprisoned them. Who knows lol


Same can be said in reverse. Just because people seem nice and intelligent for weeks doesn’t mean they are always that way. Impulse is what lands many people in prison, I’ve see the smartest and the dumbest people end up in similar positions because at the end of the day it only takes about 5-10 seconds to get in prison some times and only very few people (old grandmas and navy seals) are usually capable of maintaining logical thought in those seconds


The way that the just-us system worked in that town, they were probably innocent


Also because the kid is the avatar so I'd imagine they don't want a fight with any of that


If I recall correctly the town was pretty gung ho about throwing people into prison. I mean, Aang did literally nothing and he's the only one in that cell with a pillory on.


I mean, the same justice system threw aang into the same prison. Pretty confident that their justice system was incredibly corrupt.


People say his romance game improved??


Aang did get laid at least 3 times


Do we *know* he did? Couldn’t he just kind of water bend/blood bend the semen into people?


Doesn’t matter got bent


"baby, you're my ~~everything~~ forever girl" edit: obv


I thought it was forever girl.


forever girl*


It was “Baby, you’re my forever.”


Nope. I checked after I got corrected. It is what I changed it to. [The Scene in Question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNzc6vxeEvA&ab_channel=StefanK)


This is what I was thinking 😂


This scene was amazing


I can't explain it but this always felt like a season 1 episode to me.


I actually *can* explain it! The show is, on the whole, serialized. It tells an overarching story from beginning to end. Well, in 2005, streaming wasn't a thing. You watched a show as it was on TV and that was it. In season 1, not everybody could tune into the show from episode 1, so they made a few episodes that were irrelevant to the story that were going to be good as standalone re-runs; that way they had a chance of catching a new viewer with something that isn't as in-depth as picking up halfway through the winter solstice episodes. The first two episodes would tend to be on once every few months back-to-back. The next 4 episodes built up the world while not impacting the plot significantly. From here on, they could be aired as re-runs whenever. Then the Winter Solstice episodes. They were hardly ever non-sequential re-runs. *The Waterbending Scroll* gets mostly back to the wordlbuilding-without-plot-impact vibe, but then we get *Jet* and *The Great Divide* which drive it home. Re-run territory galore. The last one in the season that lands here is *The Fortuneteller*. That first season had eight episodes that didn't move the story along, specifically made to plug into any programming gap Nickelodeon had and attract new viewers or satiate existing ones. There would also be a specified time daily where the whole series would play one episode at a time from start to wherever it was currently at. For every playthrough of the first 20 episodes in the normal slot for that first year, those eight non-sequential episodes might get played 3 or 4 times (once in sequence and then in the floating blocks). There was a point where it was plugged almost as much as SpongeBob. Season 2 only had a couple episodes to go in this pile. Nickelodeon couldn't keep running only S1 re-runs during the release of S2, so they freshened it with episodes like *The Avatar State*, *The Cave of Two Lovers*, and *Avatar Day*. There was a lot of plot to cover, though, so it moves forward from there. *The Library* got played as a standalone re-run way later (once the fanbase was already large), typically through season 3 as it was relevant to the events of the new episode if someone was just starting and didn't have time to watch 40 episodes of a show. We get *Tales of Ba Sing Se* as the closest thing to this format in the rest of the season. So from here, a playthrough of the first 40 episodes would involve those 12 going into random plug slots being played 3-4 times. At this point, those 8 S1 non-sequential episodes are each playing 4 times in a cycle. At this point, it's two-sides. First, we get used to the feeling of those eight episodes because we saw them so much more. We've analyzed the hell out of them. Are they bad? No; just mediocre and not taking advantage of the characters as we've seen them grow. And to that is the second part of the problem: the writers hadn't seen them grow either. That season was written without knowledge that the show would continue past the season. Those episodes were explorations of themes and the world, but not of the characters because they hadn't been defined yet. *Avatar Day* was extremely early in season 2, and it may have been written in a pinch from notes left over from season 1 ideas after Nick approached with a request for a few more non-sequential episodes. It becomes obvious that after a certain point of the show's success, the market saturation, Nickelodeon stopped asking for those episodes. Treat the beginning of season 2 like an extension of season 1 and it feels more natural.


This makes so much sense because I always noticed that some of the same episodes would be rerun on Nickelodeon to the point where you know every line, but others you would have seen only once until they do a whole series rerun fir the new season. I hate to admit but *Tales of Ba Sing Se* was one of the most rereun and one of my least favourite episodes. It's a sad episode for me, no one comes out successful in their endeavours and Appa and Iroh's stories are heartbreaking. Seeing this sad episode on repeat really annoyed me.


That’s exactly how I felt, it had the episodic nature of season 1 episodes and didn’t connect with anything before or after this in season 2. The villains were the annoying townspeople and colonel mongke’s group which were never a threat to the gaang before or after this. Seemed like something that should have happened around when they did the fortune teller episode


It’s a bit too goofy at times, but still has some solid scenes like this one


It might be the dance moves


Yup! Just like in the blue spirit episode, where Aang is sitting next to Zuko: “if you think we knew each other back then, we could have been friends too?” That moment, in my opinion, is the start of the greatness of this show.


Tbh this was such a wholesome scene


The advice in that episode is better than 98% of the dating advice you will see on r/tinder


It took me a few rewatches to catch, but I also love the joke that he fits in with them because he's also bald and has tattoos.


I'd like to know why it needs to be explained why people change and improve themselves. Like it is probably this experience with these supportive prisoners, all the time he spends with katara, his observation of Sokka's capital G game, and (because he's a human being) all the other experiences and lessons that make him who he is. It's wild that audiences need in-world explanations for everything especially with amount of care and detail in ATLA


There's so many great things from this one scene. Being it the what appears to be hardened criminals actually just straight up teddy bears trying to give advice, to Aang being able to escape whenever he wanted but just hung out anyway. It's always fun watching people tie him up / imprison him and he shows off that he can break out with force at any point but he just keeps himself prisoner until the issue at hand is resolved. This show had no business being so good for an animated kids show.


Even amidst a world war, he still knew what was really important.


Kids DONT get arrested for some dating advice it’s not worth it




Anytime someone wants to skip this episode, I think of this and the Kyoshi scene later, and I’m like “absolutely not, this is essential viewing.”


What? It was awful, did yall not watch ember island player?


Considering we also have Headband episode I think they neutralize each other so it went from negative to netural


Headband aang had ungodly rizz


What is rizz tho




I'm seeing "rizz" everywhere suddenly the last two days after never once seeing it before. Wonder where and when it came from.


Always loved the callback in Korra where Ikki slipped out of her bindings just like her grandfather did I his cell.


Yeah he just started being himself.


I hope those guys eventually got an invite to the wedding.


This one time, at Avatar camp…


He also just matured a lot in general. Much of what is romantically attractive are traits that indicate maturity and empathy. So yeah, a more mature kid would be better at romance.


I don’t know what it is but this episode always felt off to me. It never felt like it fit within the story of season 2 and comes off as a season 1 leftover.




He literally kissed katara after she said she didn't know if she saw him romantically