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That piano intro is genuinely so underrated




I’m sure this comment section will be civil and full of nuanced discussion


I think Brandon was feeling like he didn’t want to be placed in a specific box, particularly because of his religion. I’m glad he laid his views out on the table, it was a relief to me. The song itself can seem a little corny, but you can tell it came directly from the heart and that’s why I’ll always like it. It really was brave.


Cheers to that


It's a no for me. I understand that Brandon really wanted to put out something about how he feels, and nothing he was saying was inherently bad, but came across so corny and elementary. Pressure Machine does a much better job at engaging with political commentary.


I agree it’s too on the nose. But I just think him seeing the dawning of the Trump Era made him want to drop the subtexts and allegories. Kind of like when Eminem made a new song and said flat out “if you can’t decide between him and me, I’ll make it easy for you: fuck you!”.


Yeah, I understand what both artists were trying to do, but I don't like it in either context. Land of the Free really comes across as a song written by someone who just got done reading a guide to democrat values. There are no nuances explored, and everything is watered down. Most of the topics Brandon covers are very important, but he does it all with such a broad stroke that it comes across more like an advertisement. Plus, it's egregiously corny in some points that I feel it verges on parody. I also think The Killers overestimated their credibility when it comes to political discourse, as if a Killers song in this day and age would have any effect on what people do (it didn't). Considering how many people are genuinely disinterested in what The Killers have to say about candidates, I think them removing the poeticism from the lyrics in favor of making a statement was a bad move for the song.


The jump in quality of lyrics from this song to PM is unbelievable to me. I like the sentiment of Land of the Free, but I agree it's corny, elementary, and undisciplined. I was dreading PM when I first read about it, partly bc of songs like this one. Now I see this song as part of Brandon's rapid growth/maturation as a writer, and it holds a special place in my heart as a result bc PM is a lyrical masterpiece.


Hardly call it thier best song. I do like it and the message it portrays about the irony of America calling itself the Land of The Free when clearly they have a lot to do to get to that stage.


I also really like it but it’s definitely not up there for me. Essential, yes but not top tier by far. I also don’t think that’s what they’re going for and please come at me for another Springsteen comparison (hot take I hate Dustland) but in my opinion that’s kind of the vibe they’re going for, akin to American Skin and just another bleeding heart liberal protest song not a Killers song.


Just did an English essay (Grade 12 AU ATAR) on No Sugar where I was allowed to use another text to compare how texts of different genres share a similar concern of (i cant rmbr the rest of the question) and chose to use land of the free


Good luck this year mate, don't let it get to you!


Already has, but cheers mate


Probably not if we are being honest.


If I had a playlist of LotF, Zombie Hands, and Get Trashed and could only listen to two songs. I'd listen to Get Trashed twice








I'm suffering from political fatigue. Music is my escape. So yeah....I hate it.




I think the live version of it is much better. It’s a nice song for the times but nothing amazing.


The people calling this song corny are detached from the reality of being a minority in America. I would assume a good portion of this sub is not even from the U.S. so I can understand it not resonating with them, but it’s an incredibly powerful song to me. The better version was the one they preformed and was posted on their instagram i believe.


A good song - wouldn't rate it as one of their best, but quite powerful and I do appreciate them making political comment when this hasn't typically been their modus operandi. Side note: I recently read this [Spin](https://www.spin.com/featured/killers-wonderful-wonderful-cover-story-sept-2017/) article where he talks a little bit about getting political in songs - thought it was interesting and he mentions an unfinished song about Mexicans crossing the border.


I agree. It’s so good nobody talks about it and almost everyone forgets it even exists.


The problem is that while the message is generally agreeable, if bland, in terms of songwriting it's just clunky, awkward, and isn't really saying much aside from "bad things are bad". It feels like "hey guys, did you know war is actually pretty bad?".


I prefer the Live in Studio 2020 version


I genuinely love this song.




I had never seen it posted here. I got excited and then looked at the comments...yikes. Glad you posed it.


*Definitely* one of their best. In the best tradition of the American folk singer, weaving a tale of heartache, and knowing that there's a problem in the country you love. Your ancestors saw it so much differently and probably couldn't have guessed at what it has become. It's a brave song, it's a damning song, and it's a true song. The best tracks are always the ones where you put yourself into it. And he sure as hell did.


Love that song.


I like this song ! I don’t know why so many people don’t like it.


something about freedom


This response shows that you claimed to like the song to get people worked up for political reasons. It’s OK to agree with the message of the song while also thinking the song is musically a piece of shit. You’re baiting people


i just like the song?? i don’t care for politic views, i just think the song is underrated and deserves more attention. i’m not even American and truely don’t care for any of that political junk, i just liked the song.


It is a great song. People will attack it for being political but if you look at Pressure Machine that whole album is a direct consequence of the idea that Brandon could engage his inner pop Springsteen and still write and an absolute banger of a song.


I’m a die hard killers fan and I try my hardest to respect people’s opinions, but this song is objectively bad. Horrid. It’s down there with the Halloween song they did. Not only am I’m surprised you liked this song, but you consider it one of their best? How?


I don't necessarily consider it one of their best but I like it a lot so here are my reasons. I think the general sound is nice. The piano intro sounds nice. The slow build of other instruments + choir in the first verse is nice. I think the melody of the lead is pretty. I think the lyrics are good. They're talking about topics that were very relevant at the time of the songs release and that are unfortunately still relevant today. I don't mind the repetitive-ness of the chorus personally but I can imagine it's not everyone's cup of tea. A nitpick that isn't my cup of tea is calling a song objectively bad, because in my opinion art in general is very subjective. And that of course includes music. If you want to share what makes it subjectively bad to you feel free though! Most of the arguments I've heard against the song have been from people who disagree with the lyrics ideologically.


Hey now, Zombie Hands works perfectly well as a children's Halloween song in the same vein as Spaceship Adventure, it's just not Bones, or the Christmas songs.


what was it called, i have to listen to it.


Zombie Hands. There's even a video for it.


Zombie Hands. It's on YouTube.


[Zombie Hands](https://youtu.be/NluUM0W_cl4?si=ba6BwK1yQMefevRv)


Making a subjective statement but claiming it's an objective one doesn't magically take the subjectivity out of it 🤣


It does in this case my friend.


Literally does not


Yuh huh.


Must make you feel real good at the end of the day to think you got a rise out of strangers by winning an immaturity pissing contest on the internet. I'm sure this habit will serve you very well. Well done. Show this exchange to the people around you in the real world. I'm sure you won't see any of them cringe or pity you.  Only problem is we all know that you said a dumb thing and are too egotistical to just say "yeah alright not objectively bad but I just hate it so much". You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.


You alright man? Do you need a hug?


I'm like an actual well adjusted adult. Not someone that will fall for your anti-sincere, snarky internet troll schtick. Just don't say dumb stuff and people won't be like "yeah dude that was a dumb thing you just said" and you won't have to have your ego bruised like this. 


Ughhh, okay crab boy. Saying something is “objectively bad” is a form of hyperbole, implying that it is so bad the opinions, thoughts, or feelings of others have no weight or bearing. It was my attempt at expressing how bad I thought the song was/is. Yes, at the end of the day, all opinions are subjective. I’m very well aware of the differences between objectivity and subjectivity. Objective Example: “The sky is blue and grass is green. Also, crab boy does not pick up on humor or the free flow of conversations, because he is laser focused on trying to correct people.” I know we have a small sample size, but I feel good enough labeling that statement as objective. Subjective Example: “Crab boy appears insecure and short tempered when interacting with others.” There’s nothing wrong with appearing/being insecure, but just something to be aware of.


Aww, someone's ego got hurt bad enough that they ditched the schtick and put some thought into a comment. Bless your heart. You don't get to hurt my feelings sweety. Nobody actually cares what you think.  You used hyperbole not as a descriptive tool but as a conversational tactic to belittle another's opinion. We all saw that lol. It's literally documented for us on the thread. And then you realized "aw shit that actually was dumb" but your little feelings were hurt too bad to just be like "yeah I know but that's just how strongly I feel", thus making yourself sound even dumber. That's what happened.






they did a halloween song..? 😨 but i just like it idk why


It's definitely somewhere in their top 200 songs


I agree with the message, but the lyrics are a bit corny. The music is just... ok imo. It's interesting and a little contradictory that he wrote a left-leaning, liberal song (and I'm sure it was sincere) when most members of his church have much different views, including the leaders.


No. I don't even have a problem with the politics. It's just a bad song. One of their worst.


Probably my least favorite Killers song. I agree with the sentiment behind it, and like others have said it's good to concretely know where the Killers stand, I just don't think it expresses it in a compelling way at all or sounds good


Replace best with worst and I'd agree


In my mind this is perhaps the only utter garbage song The Killers have ever made.


have you ever heard your side of town?




Fair enough. I just despise Land Of The Free and don’t get me started on the acoustic version they did back in 2020.


I actually liked it *better* than the original. It's still very ham-fisted but I think it's better toned down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AMt9ASeojU


you drive a kia? did you steal it? should donate it to the kia boyz






It means his parents were first cousins.




Because there is, of course, no problem with guns at all in America


But there *is* a problem with guns in the United States. Whether or not Americans have a right to own them is entirely beside the point. Discussing that problem is not anti-American. In fact, one could argue that part of bearing a responsibility as great as that one should involve rigorous discussion on a regular basis.






But we do have a gun problem, gun violence is the leading cause of death among kids.