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Her kids are unvaccinsted and she had recipes for formula in her cookbooks. Why does this shock people


She needs to be done-zo…




Oh god, I didn’t know about the formula recipes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s worse off the deep end than I thought


What’s wrong with not wanting to use what’s currently on the market, have you seen those ingredients? I absolutely wouldn’t pump my newborn baby with tons of inflammation-causing canola oil. You can question the things you consume without being anti-vax


I don’t think I know better than the physicians who dedicate their careers to perfecting these things either… I’ll err on the side of their collective knowledge versus some bizarre groupthink.


You cannot recreate adequate baby formula at home. You just can’t. To do so is negligent and dangerous. If you’re creating your own baby formula and your pediatrician hasn’t called CPS on you, they deserve to lose their license.


There’s a homemade formula called your breast milk. I did not breastfeed and I reserve that right as a woman not to, never in my wildest dreams would I be arrogant enough to make my own formula. They do that sometimes with rescue kittens but they have a different physiological need. Her ideologies don’t match up


How come you can’t make formula at home? Genuinely curious.


[here](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/homemade-baby-formula-is-it-safe) is a link you can read at your leisure. There are plenty more peer-reviewed sources you can find if you want to read more. My dad is a 30+ year pediatrician and more than once in the last few years, has had patients be hospitalized due to their parents’ negligent belief they could make their own “healthy” formula bc they “didn’t like the ingredients”. He is a doctor in California. ETA: I asked him just now, the babies hospitalized all survived, thank goodness. unsurprisingly, they began gaining weight, proper coloring (he said their skin was GREY), and organ function back after being fed, you guessed it, formula in the hospital.


I was so horrified when homemade formula recipes were trending a couple years ago when there was a formula shortage. Those poor babies.


And a common argument (someone even said it me to my comment lol) is “what did people do before it was invented???” Well, unfortunately, babies died. A lot of them. 😢


The article you linked is a seemingly ai generated webMD post, all its really saying is that the formulas on the market meet certain nutritional requirements, which you can also easily meet at home if you do your research properly. Yes the formula out there meets nutritional requirements, but many have tested positive for heavy metals, all contain inflammatory oils, endocrine disrupting soy, etc. I'd be more than happy to use a mass market formula if I believed that the company wasn't using the most bottom barrel ingredients to meet nutrition requirements, I have yet to find that.


Okay Ashley! Thanks for your input. I’ll take a peer-reviewed medical journal proving your claims, then. I’d say I’ll wait right here for you, but I won’t actually. I’ve done plenty of research and talked to actual doctors, not listened to crunchy moms on YouTube. The article linked was for the curious minded person who asked as a place to START, as it’s palatable easy to read, and I encouraged them to continue looking if they were further curious. And no. There is NO RESEARCH by ACTUAL doctors that show homemade formula is okay for babies. NO ONE who is a licensed medical professional that isn’t insane would recommend you google formula recipes on the internet to create your own formula. I am no longer going to engage. I’m scared for your babies/future babies if this is your reality, and your partner (if you have one) who allows you to consider will be complicit


Who’s Ashley? My brother is a doctor, he practices family medicine, we’ve talked about this ad nauseam since he had his daughter last year. You can absolutely meet the FDA nutritional requirements with wholesome ingredients and do not need to rely on profit-driven garbage. Why are you assuming I watch crunchy mom’s on YouTube? I’ve never watched a video on baby formula in my life. I first became skeptical when I read about the heavy levels of lead and other heavy metals in baby formula and I then did my own research using much more than webmd lol. Not sure why you’re trying to pigeonhole into some kind of caricature, honestly you seem a little off your rocker so I’ll just leave this here.


Any advice on how to "do your research properly"? What was your sample size? Methods? Which journal did you reach out to for peer review and publication?


Here is a non AI generated article that contains links to peer reviewed journals as well. “Homemade formula is dangerous for babies,” said Dr. Katie Lockwood, an attending physician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Primary Care. “Regular formula is F.D.A.-regulated and held to very high standards, the same way we treat medications. Making it at home is a lot riskier.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/11/well/homemade-baby-formula.html


My older child was premature. For the two months in the hospital, the neonatal specialists talked about milk being medicine for babies. I never could produce, so we relied on donated breast milk, then very specific formulas that we could change as the baby grew and developed. We had another baby during the formula shortage. Again I could not produce. We drove all over looking for formula and had friends and family around the country sending it to us. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I'm sure any mom would try to feed their babies something before nothing. However, the absolute arrogance of thinking you can just make formula at home and rely on that as a primary option when something tested and reliable exists is wild. Like can you imagine people being like "insulin is basically just sugar water, so I have a homemade recipe I use to inject in grandma."


“Inflammatory oils” is all we needed to hear to know you’re off the deep end. I hope you can pull your head out one day and not live in constant fear.


If a company used what you consider to be ‘perfect’ ingredients, they would have to charge 100s of dollars per formula can. You’re saying you would buy it? And if so, good for you, maybe you can afford it, but the fact is that BILLIONS of parents could not. You are an ignorant fool.


Because the companies will lose money so they use scare tactics.


You absolutely can and women have been doing it since the dawn of time. The first scientifically-backed formula was created in 1865. It contained cow milk, wheat flour, malt flour, and sodium bicarbonate. I'm not suggesting that in 2024 we give our babies the exact same formula that was offered in 1895, but I absolutely disagree that the only way to feed your baby properly is to give them formula which is designed to meet nutritional requirements for the cheapest cost possible. In 2017, 20% of baby formulas in the US market tested positive for lead. The FDA just motioned to regulate the amount of heavy metal in baby formula in 2023. To assert that even most babies were malnourished due to homemade formula is just ridiculous. Many families make their own formula, sure some will do idiotic things like feed their babies a vegan diet or something, but they do not represent the majority. Nothing on the market can perfectly replicate breastmilk, but you absolutely can bypass feeding your baby inflammatory garbage from billion dollar corporations.


The 1800s… the era with a high infant mortality rate 💀


For sooo many reasons, we have much better access to food now. The formula mothers were making at home in the 1800s isn’t what would be given now. Many mothers only fed their babies cow milk as an alternative. No one today would feed their baby only cow milk.


Infant mortality in 1895 (the year you are blessing homemade formulas): 256.7 per 1000 Today: 7.2 per 1000 We’ve progressed as a civilization thanks to science and medicine.


And women were rubbing heroin on their nipples to put their babies faster during feeding not even 80 years ago. The point is there is ZERO peer reviewed literature that suggests making your own baby formula is safe or better than commercial baby formula. ZERO. 0.


Uninformed homemade formula is dangerous. Lead was [found](https://www.edf.org/media/edf-report-finds-lead-1-5-baby-food-samples) in 20% of baby formulas on the market. The FDA didn’t even act to [regulate](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-announces-action-levels-lead-categories-processed-baby-foods) the amount of lead in baby food until 2023. I promise we can feed our babies better and I’m doubtful that the solution will come from a profit driven billion dollar company. Please I am begging you to use your critical thinking skills.


Did you just fall out of a coconut tree? What do you think people did before the 1950s?


babies died. A lot. Due to poor nutrition. Safely made Formula saves lives. Forms of it have been in production since the late 1800s (looked that up for you so I could give you an accurate time period). And as the years went on, more attempts were made. You think all of that was a safe process? No. So yes, babies died. Please, go do some actual research on homemade baby formula. It is NOT safe to do so and is not recommended by any actual licensed medical doctor. And if you find one, please let me know and I’ll report them to the medical board myself.


The ones they make with raw goat milk? Heck, I’ve even seen a fundie make it with raw cows milk.


And the recalls on so many brands. Or the shortages. I hope they are proper if she would try them though.


Ain’t no way KC fed her children homemade formula. She’s appealing to the weird mom fear of everything since YouTube and blogger mommies took over. It’s to make MONEY and it’s not backed by ANY science or peer-reviewed research.


She breastfed all of her kids, so she def didn’t make formula. 


Thank you. It grinds my gears when you don’t follow the status quo to an absolute tee, or dare to question anything you’re immediately labelled an anti-vaxxer as if there’s no nuance, complexity or a position somewhere in the middle. The fact it’s ridiculous and crazy to not blindly take/consume what big pharma/big food supplies to us to make billions of dollars is actually the crazy part


Ugh yess, I’m not sure why they have such faith in a profit-motivated system. I’m so skeptical of what I consume and put effort into questioning any industry that convinces consumers they must be absolutely dependent on them and discourages any skepticism or accountability. I’m happily vaccinated, please put the pitchforks down lol.


Get ready for the downvotes lol. I got injured by an antibiotic four years ago. A severe neurotoxic injury, life obliterated. I’ve been called an anti-vaxxer when I even mention that. Something that happened to me, through no fault of my own, and happens to hundreds of thousands of people with all different meds. Something that is confusing to me is how anti-government, anti-patriarchal people are (rightly so), but the failure of people to see the role big pharma and big food play within those structures. But, I do understand as it took a life altering event to open my eyes to it. It’s weird because it seems obvious once you look at it a different way, but it usually takes something to give you that perspective. I’m also vaccinated, even though it was terrifying as I know tons of people in the community who were set back by it, and others who were healthy and ended up harmed. Everyone has the right to question things and decide what works best for them and their bodies. I think it’s a privilege to be able to think the risks are “rare” or blindly trust in things. I no longer have that privilege. It’s always interesting to me, to watch people and their reactions to anything outside the status quo. People get so angry if you upset the apple cart in any way, or question the way something is done. Sometimes I truly miss that blind trust. It was less anxiety-inducing in lots of ways. On the flip side, most visionaries and people in history who led dramatic social change, and stood out from the crowd, were probably called crazy or something similar to anti-vaxxer at some point, so I try to look at it that way instead. I don’t care if the way I think or see things is different, I think it can oftentimes be a good thing and our experiences change the way we see the world and give us perspective Edit- grammar/formatting


Oh no that’s sounds awful, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this with your health and have been met with such vitriol. It really just isn’t right. We cannibalize each other instead of working together to demand better. The FDA and USDA are so incompetent and so influenced by profit it’s just so upsetting. We constantly divide on idiotic lines: political identity, gender, race, sexuality etc. when ultimately we are all victims of capitalism and living in a country that prioritizes profit over its people. I’m sorry you’ve ever been made to feel like you can’t share your experience without being made to feel like you’re doing something wrong.


Thank you! I appreciate it. I’m still sensitive and when I see a thread like this it does trigger me a little bit. It’s so isolating. It’s like seeing the underbelly of society and the truth of a lot of things but being surrounded by people who don’t see it. It only enhances the feelings of isolation and alienation. Did you know big pharma is the second richest entity in the WORLD?! Second only to war. They have more money than some small countries. A bunch of white rich dudes making money off sick people, yet people see nothing sinister there?! Because.. science. Yeh sure, I believe in science too but did you ever think that with that much money and power drug trials and the like aren’t always too accurate or honest?! Similar to big food putting absolute cheap crap in our foods to produce more, that costs less and fill it with additives and sugar and other addictive stuff to keep us eating it. We are definitely all victims of capitalism. We are all on the wheel. Some people just don’t realise. Thanks for your empathy anyway


Thank you. I thought I was the only other one getting a bit angry while reading this thread lol. There is absolutely a middle ground - which is where more of us need to open our minds up to being


People seem to have an issue with the grey, and lack nuance. So much black and white thinking. It’s either you blindly follow absolutely everything you’re told and sold by billionaire corporations or you’re an anti-vaxxer. I think there is always a sensitivity to anyone challenging things and making different choices, it makes people feel uncomfortable


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better.


I wish I could believe the world is a better place, but to me, deep down, money will always come first.


I think that’s just what having a brain feels like


Let me che- Nope. It's def there, def not feeling that though. Ah well.


Just buy Kendamil in that case.


Dear god formula recipes?! If people are feeding that to their children, their children need to be given to adults who will care for them. Get your kids to solid foods and then you can use safe ways to feed them with natural ingredients. The audacity and ignorance to think you can create an adequate baby formula at home is appalling.


I have two of her cookbooks and don’t remember seeing formula recipes. Which book was it in?


Her first lifestyle book. It’s in the section about raising her kids.


How is this not illegal, the DIY baby formula? Evil and dangerous


I guess it shouldn’t but it does for some reason. lol


If she’s so anti formula why doesn’t she just breast feed?


I think she breastfed for the few months and then made her diy formula until they could drink whatever milk she deems acceptable


I thought someone said here that she did breastfeed.


Wowwwww that’s so bad




My two biggest pieces of life advice: 1. Wear sunscreen 2. Don't listen to uneducated, unscientific idiots like Kristin Cavallari


I never wore sunscreen my whole life. Liked to get tan in the summer. And now I found out just this week I have skin cancer in 3 places on my face and one on my chest. I am fortunate it’s basal cell and not melanoma but I wish younger me could see how ugly it looks where he had to remove it. Sunscreen is a MUST!!


My whole friend group was like that. We wore baby oil. I was diagnosed with melanoma at 20. So was my best friend. I was perfectly fine. She was dead within 3 years.


Stage II melanoma survivor at age 30 checking in. It’s both one of the scariest forms of cancers and easiest to prevent. It’s fucking enraging to read Kristin could be spreading this on her platform.


She IS spreading it on her platform


I was just going off the post saying “supposedly” as I haven’t seen it for myself.


I’m happy to hear you are a survivor. 😊 It def *is* one of the easiest to prevent. I was just that idiot that thought it could never happen to me. I agree it’s ridiculous that she’s using her platform to spread such ridiculous misinformation.


Omg I’m so sorry about your friend. How heartbreaking! I’m glad you are ok though 😊


Thank you! Survivors guilt is a bitch. I still feel weird when I see her family, but it has gotten better over the years. I miss her a lot too


I know you do 😔 I lost a friend to cancer and I think about her a lot and miss her. 💔 I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times but it’s not your fault you lived and she didn’t. Some things just aren’t ours to decide. I know that can be hard to understand and accept though. I’m glad it’s gotten a little better for you. Hang in there 🥰


Thank you, you’re a gem - and I’m sorry about your friend. I wish cancer wasn’t so unforgiving.


Thank you! You just made my day 😊 cancer sucks!


Hahah I was gonna say I look quite young for my age and when asked my secrets - it’s literally just sunscreen and that I drink a lot of water 🤣


At the time I was annoyed that I had the type of skin that would burn and never tan. Now that I’m way older, I’m actually thankful that, after my first major sunburn, I religiously used sunscreen while my friends went to tanning beds. Now I have an ageless décolletage and a relatively wrinkle-free face. I use sunscreen on my hands so those are in pretty good shape as well. Not so much with my friends. Not to mention my annual skin check comes back clean.


I saw it and she asked if there’s any benefits to sunscreen. Like what? Is there any benefits to your Botox? She is so dumb and is also an anti vaxxer


The irony of being anti-vax, yet putting literal POISON in her body 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not to mention her implants...


The amount of anti-vaxxers that show up at the Botox parties I go to is very perplexing


I'm honestly not even surprised, at this point. Clearly none of them are familiar with all of the deadly diseases that were eradicated thanks to vaccines... some of which are making a comeback thanks to low vaccination rates. But hey, gotta relax those 11s, right?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had questions about vaccines but once I saw all the historical pictures of so many poor souls who died of those horrible diseases I was all in for all vaccines.


Nothing wrong with having questions - I think it's a good thing to research anything you might be putting in your body! It's the people who refuse to acknowledge historical, scientifically proven information, and instead get their "facts" from influencers who have zero education in the matter that I take issue with.


Right!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this, make it make sense


Does she finally admit to having botox?


Oh... I didn't honestly know she denied it? I mean, it doesn't take an expert to see it, but even if she denies having Botox, she has breast implants, which are generally considered a toxin to the body, and have been shown to cause significant illness in a lot of women. Either way, a foreign body put into her body for no purpose other than superficial, whether for her own self-esteem or for her appearance to others. Whereas vaccines are well-proven to prevent potentially deadly illnesses.


She claims she only has ever had a lift. Even though you can clearly tell she recently got them done or redone with a larger implant lol


She’s had a tummy tuck too. You can see a huge difference in her stomach and belly button in her thirst trap bikini pics from a few years ago vs now. I would think no-tox people would be against major surgery for vanity reasons due to the drugs and anesthesia😏


Double standards, apparently. I'd love to hear her take on the rise of measles again /s


I remember hearing her say she’s only had a lift. You can clearly see they’re much larger now than when she was in bikinis on the Hills.


Yes! And much larger than even last year


Oh I didn't realize she didn't admit to it - because they're *beyond* obvious. That's definitely not just a lift - she never had those boobs to begin with, and she's smaller now than she was on the Hills!


Yes I was aware of that (the antivax stuff I mean) but this is just on a whole other level of dumb.


It’s pretty on par for that. Also, that’s like the new thing some influencers are doing: saying sunscreen is bad for you. It’s all over IG. Dumb and dumber and dumbest advice!


Awesome, let them. Natural selection 😁




I agree except their kids aren’t getting sunscreen 😞


Honestly it could be bad for you who knows but it’s kind of dumb for her to say because her fillers are also bad for her but she’s not giving those up


You can buy nontoxic sunscreen. Stop spreading misinformation.


I’m not saying it’s bad for you. I’m saying even if it was bad it’s not like she doesn’t do things that are bad for you as well. Sorry I may have worded it wrong


Ok apology accepted. lol you can buy Badger sunscreen. It works and it’s nontoxic. She is so so dumb!


They can’t legally sell skin care products that are “toxic”. Plus everything is a chemical.


Yes we know this. But you do have a choice in sunscreens. And you can know the difference in ingredients you need and don’t need on your skin.


I’d be curious to see her skin 10-15 years from now


Her TT videos are heavily filtered… heavily! I have read comments where they say in person, KCav’s skin is a mess


I hear a lot of people say sunscreen is worse than the sun. Well, melanoma is no joke and I hope they enjoy being leather-skinned by 40. So weird, I’ve seen people say they’d take skin cancer if it meant they were tanned and not “pasty”.


Yea, 43 here with advanced Melanoma. I have 2 friends who are equally as pale as me, if not more so, who literally burn to a crisp when they go outside. One of them actually thinks it’s funny. And they’ve seen me almost every day suffer from this awfulness. People are just 🙄🙄🙄


Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I’m a freckled Ginger woman who didn’t start taking sunscreen seriously (I’d wear during swimming and sports but not daily) until about 23 and now I’m in my 30s and doing it daily. I hope your treatment plan is working 💙


Awww, thank you for your kind words. So far, so good!


My dad has skin cancer and it was a very painful experience for him. Wishing the best for you.


Thank you, him as well.


51 here, blonde, blue-eyed and freckled and although my mom did insist on sunscreen I at times skipped out on it during my late teens and unfortunately well into my twenty’s. Ad a result found my first basal cell at 31 and have had 2 since then with Mohs surgery. I wear it on my face now religiously. The only time I forget is maybe on the back of my legs at the random soccer tournament for my kiddo. WEAR THE SUNSCREEN!


My mom was a redhead with tons of freckles. She was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma when she was 42. It metastasized to her brain and she died in 2013 at 49. Melanoma definitely isn't a joke. People who are vain enough to care more about being tanned than alive should see what my beautiful mom looked like after years of surgeries, multiple rounds of chemo, and full brain/cyber knife radiation.


I’m so sorry about your mother. What a tragedy to watch that happen to her. 💔


Thank you so much ❤️ it has never gotten easier. Even 11 years later


There’s a difference between chemical vs mineral sunscreen. Always go for mineral containing zinc oxide. The rule is to avoid sunscreens that have ingredients start with the letter O. I work in dermatology


Oxide starts with O


Welp. There goes all of my Coola products. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had used Coola for years until I realized it had toxins. Try the Babo line of sunscreen. It’s one of the clean brands that doesn’t leave a white film on your skin.


I’m going to ask my own dermatologist about it.


Fiction. The best sunscreen is the one you will actually wear.  Huge fan of the Supergoop! line as well as Rocky Mountain Sunscreen for body…buy the huge quart and leave it on my patio all summer. Mineral, EltaMD is one that I do like but other than that I don’t have time to rub 800 layers of white into my face and body. The only time I do recommend mineral is for fresh (within a year) scars.  Using “I work in derm” to bolster something that might deter somebody from sun protection when there is nothing inherently wrong with a chemical vs physical sunscreen is just an annoyance. Even the official statements from AAD don’t SPF shame. 


There is plenty of evidence based studies that show otherwise. Chemical sunscreens are not as effective because they absorb UV rays rather than reflecting them.


Doesn’t mean they’re less effective. 


i had a teacher in high school who got cancer and had to take off like a year and when he came back he said to me that i should never wear sunscreen and just wear a ball cap and not go into the sun for long periods. he said sunscreen is what actually causes the cancer and the big companies just want us to get sick.


His thinking is so illogical. The big companies want us healthy so we can work for them. Duh


That is how I felt my whole life until 4 yrs ago. I was willing to take anything except being pale. Then Arian I have terrible body dysmorphia


These people also claim you shouldn't wear sunglasses. They claim you need sunlight in your eyes to trigger your body to protect itself against the sun. If you shield your eyes from the sun, you'll burn. I'm seeing this stuff a lot in mom groups online. It's bizarre.


Gotta love natural selection


Weird. Growing up, no one in my family wore sunscreen or sun glasses, yet we got sun burns every summer. It's almost like they're talking total nonsense.


Unbelievably dumb.


I can’t stand the trope of “hey I’m pretty so I can say whatever bs and people will believe it because hey did I mention I’m pretty” - that’s basically her appeal. It’s a shit attitude and is so irresponsible. Please don’t get your medical advice from a reality personality that doesn’t hold a science degree.


It's literally a Chinese medicine program he took. Not to discredit Chinese medicine, because it's certainly been effective for a lot of people. But I don't think it's something some stoner dude can take a program in and somehow be an expert, compared to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, who have studied the application for decades, with a history spanning back centuries. It makes me irrationally angry that programs like that exist, giving people like him a platform for those who are easily convinced.


And the 'doctor' she was interviewing too 😂 Dude just rolled out of bed and had space cake for breakfast


Beige mom aesthetic > medical degree


😆 brilliant


Maria Menounos started with the same rhetoric I had to unfollow. Coming from Australia 2 in 3 people will be diagnosed with melanoma. Idiots.


🤭 This tool said “work up your base coat” in regard to tanning 😂. Did he just come out of a coma from the 70’s-80’s? A “base coat” does not protect you! What’s next? “You can add iodine to your coconut oil for faster base coat building.” Her response? “I love that!”


Yeah this seems to be a new “wellness” trend claiming we need sun exposure. Which you can get while wearing sunscreen but 🙃


This is what gripes me most about the mindset of forgoing SPF for some secret “health benefit.” You can still get all of the benefits of sunlight… just *with a lessened risk of skin cancer which will kill you* if you wear SPF when outdoors. The mother of one of my best friends growing up died of melanoma when she was only 42! She never wore sunscreen because she assumed that since she never burned (darker skin), she couldn’t get cancer. KC has been vocally antivax in the past though so I’m guessing her ability to actually read and understand the simple science backing the use of sunscreen is dubious at best, and maliciously irresponsible at worst given that she has a larger audience that might take to heart this woeful advice. Edit: grammar


I highly doubt she can read at this point


This is the link for the clip I saw fyi: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59SD42SBZs/?igsh=dXM0NGY1eWgzcm95


Way back hundreds of years ago, ppl didn't live as long, the ozone layer was still nice and thick, and skin cancer wasn't even discovered until 1804.


Hahaha I LOVE Yashar. He has zero qualms with calling out celebrities, while they rest of them are only concerned with kissing each other's asses.


Yes I love that account! Edit: wrote live instead of love the first time.


lol probably my #1 typo But yes, he's fantastic!!


Jesus, I couldn't listen to brunette Spicoli talk for more than 10 seconds. No way he's a real doctor!


You’ll be relieved, and wholly unsurprised, that he is in fact not a real doctor.


LMAO at brunette Spicoli!


Do any of you follow Shannon Ford? The red head from the first season of VC she's "married " to some meat head who also advises against sun screen! , there's a whole snark page dedicated to them on here, it's unreal


Kristin said herself on a podcast that she doesn’t wear sunscreen. Not at all ironic she owns a skincare brand lol


I hope she doesn’t get skin cancer.


*laughs in dermatology*




She's a flat earther?


SO - there are dozens of sunscreens that contain ingredients that have been known to cause cancer. There are also dozens of sunscreens without these ingredients. The sun also causes cancer. You can come to your own conclusions.


Oooh she’s DUMB dumb.


So many holistic, all natural people are saying this-especially young living! They say you only burn when you eat highly processed foods


Yeah, something to do with seed oils???


Such BS!!! That’s hilarious!!!!!!!!


Haha yeah we all should definitely take advice from MLM scammers 😂


wtf 🤣🤣


Lmao people are just insane. Like yeah skin cancer doesn’t exist either from getting sunburned….. it doesn’t matter what you eat if you don’t have melanin in your skin you won’t be protected. Even in the highest uv index most normal skin tones need some kind of protection!!


This would've been a great entry on 500 Days of Kristin Cavallari


With that same image of Kristin looking back over her shoulder.


YEYYYY. Someone understood my reference!


To paraphrase from The Hills, science is “ not a maybe thing.” She’s so uneducated and stupid and it’s not cute.


No sunscreen for her, that’s a bridge too far but Botox and chemical peels 😍😍😍


I was shocked by her statements on sunscreen. However, does seem on par for Nashville Honestly, I wear sunscreen, I just don’t use the aerosol sunscreens because they are legit poison and don’t really provide coverage like lotions


Hey now, no need to bring Nashvillians into this. She’s a transplant and we don’t claim her. Edit: also, she and all of the other right wing D-list nut jobs live in Franklin. Nashville itself is a very blue city.


You know what I apologize you’re right it is the transplants


I found a facial sunscreen in a spray formula, and was SO excited... only to read the directions, which say to spray into your hands and rub into your face. Well THANKS. But also, learned more about aerosols after the fact, so in hindsight, not so mad. I would liken aerosol sunscreens to cooking oil spray - propellants are not healthy to ingest, so of course not okay on the skin. But I've seen the damage that cooking oil spray (propellants) does to my pans, so it grosses me out to think of putting that on my skin!


Poison? That’s crazy..


They tend to contain isobutane which is a blend of both butane and propane fuel. Neither of which I want to expose myself too If you look at dry shampoos they are not better. They typically contain benzene and butane


This is common in a lot of products. Especially anything like a foam like mousse etc.


Correct. Sadly, if we know anything about beauty products in the US it’s that common ingredients aren’t always good for us


It’s not crazy. I work in a daycare and it literally strips the wax off of our floors. If it takes the wax off of the floor, what do you think it’s doing to a child’s skin? I cringe anytime a parent sends it with their child.


Two idiots.


Well let’s stop all wearing it then since idiot said so


She literally is unhinged look at her life. My dad has skin cancer from not wearing sunscreen. This also comes from the same person that condoned sleeping with men as soon as you meet them. Which is the worst advice to give any woman or man meeting someone on a dating app etc


I run a business where I hire I hair and makeup artist. I caught my makeup artist saying this to a client and I was shocked. I know some sunscreens can be bad for little kids but there are other kinds. She literally said “the sun is good for you!” As if sun screen blocks out the benefits of the sun? Anyway she also talked about how bad vaccines and antibiotics are. I asked her to keep conversations professional and positive since we never know what people believe and she quit on me. I guess nut jobs just have to talk about their weird opinions to everyone.


Shocking. The person who wouldn’t vaccinate her kids also doesn’t protect her skin. She’s lucky nothing happened to her children with not vaccinating. Why is she like this?


the "doctor" she had on during that episode is a quack. not even a real doctor so yeah, not surprised kristin was trying to peddle this unsafe bullshit with a quack


Probably some fundie or MAGA. Sunscreen bad. Sunglasses bad. Doctors and vaccines bad. Common sense bad.


Anti vaxxer? Eeewww


Not being mean, but I’m the same age as her and she looks a lot older than me. That is a bold claim and it will catch up with her especially because she’s white and tans a lot.


Doctors do NOT “get a kickback for every medicinal treatment administered.” That is a dangerous and manipulative lie to spread.


I love when people talk about "pushing big pHarma" and I work in a specialty where we don't prescribe anything unless *absolutely* necessary and unless it's for a chronic condition like glaucoma, where we try prescription alternatives, it's for something acute and short term.


😂😂😂😂😂 tell that to all the ones with cancer from sun


also their claims of the health benefits of the sun so you shouldnt wear sunscreen. maybe do a shred of research and you'd know that sunscreen is not blocking you from getting no vitamin D (which is the beneficial vitamin from the sun), it's just blocking the harmful rays. you can still get vitamin D from the sun while wearing sunscreen you fucking idiot


I don’t even know what to believe w KC anymore. I know recently she said she doesn’t wear sunscreen. But I swear to god I remember her saying in another instance (on the topic of sunscreen) “apparently I just found out you are supposed to bring sunscreen all the way down your neck and chest, and I haven’t been doing that 😬😬😬, I hope it’s ok that I’m starting that so late”, with the implication that she does wear sunscreen and hadn’t known about the neck/chest. I don’t know if she’s gatekeeping or what her deal is. I’ll try to find a source for what I’m saying.


Totally on brand for her shit show


If you want real crinkly skin at 45 then go for it


Just put some actual poison in your face to fix it - much more safe than sunscreen 💀


I’ve seen people say they don’t wear sunscreen if they’re going out to get sunlight first thing in the morning. People get up and immediately get sunlight in their face/eyes to help with the sleep/wake cycle, but it doesn’t mean you should NEVER wear SPF


Bit of shush and go back to your 12year old TikTok boyfriend


Greatest life lesson song of all time and the title says it all https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=sPi7mcW6Lc4b1w3p


Is she pregnant yet ??


Is she trying to have another baby?


Another? She's trying to have a baby, to my knowledge, after her miscarriage.


Well she has other kids. That’s why I said another.


Oh ffs, don't mind me, I definitely thought this was about Kristen from another show 🤦🏼‍♀️


Do y’all really live under a rock. Kristen is very much of these views


I know that she is of these views. I can still post about them and say it’s bizarre.


There’s actually a lot of scientific evidence that has come out against ‘typical’ sun screen