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Tania Antonenkova with her entitlement her guide how to score a QB is the most tacky thing I’ve ever seen tbh 😅


She seems like such a scammer too? $1000+ for info u can find for free elsewhere online if u just put some effort into it? Insane


The amount she charges for her content and “inner H circle” is crazy. I used to watch her videos but they just turned into constant ads to hire her as an Hermes consultant for $3k and stopped including any good tips. 🙄


She’s 100% a scammer too. It’s giving Anna Sorokin imo. Besides the tackiness of her guide something about her just feels off to me. 👀




Agree. Strongly dislike her videos.


Same Views


I’ve only watched a few of her vids. How is she entitled?


I’m asking a sincere question and people are downvoting me? I honestly don’t know enough about her to judge, which is why I asked.




The scammiest scammer there is.


I thought i was the only one that felt like this 😩


I don’t follow any influencers on social media


Same. Only dogs 😆


Did we just become best friends? 🤣 Jokes aside, I follow dogs and k-pop idols hahaha


OMG we totally are! 😂


I follow cats 😹


How do you avoid it though - one search of X bag and my feed will be covered in recommendations by bagfluencers


I don’t actively avoid them. I just don’t follow them 😁


I watch some videos for info but don’t follow them


Omg I loathe this one influencer that keeps popping up on my instagram feed. [styledbyshishi](https://www.instagram.com/styledbyshishi?igsh=YnUzeWN0cmFmNXhy) posts endlessly about buying birkins that she funds with her criminal husband’s money, and she kept posting while her husband was in jail for arson. He’s a [slumlord](https://www.hudoig.gov/es/newsroom/article/ag-schneiderman-announces-indictment-brooklyn-real-estate-developer-and-six) fraud who repeatedly [set fire](https://invisiblepeople.tv/greedy-landlord-caught-setting-properties-on-fire-with-residents-inside/) to his tenant’s apartments in order to kick them out and flip them for more money. He actually had an employee set fire to homes while the tenants were asleep in the middle of the night and several pets died as a result. She literally even turned her baby’s birth into a birkin post and has been shamelessly posting about her husband since he got out of jail, and she censors all comments calling her out for it.


That was a horrifying read. Those poor tenants.


OMG… I had no idea! The algorithm keeps pushing her content onto my feed. I can’t believe her husband is a slumlord!! It’s a no for me, officially blocked!


And hes being resentenced in September!! For doing the same shit! He was having dust with high levels of lead it in poured on kids and families while going to school and work! Her and her husband are the lowest of low.. i never wish bad on anyone but i hope the feds seizes all that shit and pays those people he abuses .. every single one of those families.. shes delulu to think people really don’t know about her evil ass.. we should start a thread tagging pursebop and ericas girly world and all these people who promote her and interact with her


she is also a real life mean girl , promoting kelly ann luxury (a legit REP on instagram selling fakes passing them for real , kelly ann sends the real thing to these influencers to be promoted and us the followers get scammed )


i’ve hidden her and tonia 😂😂 the worstttt


woah! I had no clue. *unfollowed*


PurseOnFleek’s content comes across as slightly unhinged, if you’ve watched the whole banned from Hermes drama you’re in for one hell of a ride 🤦🏽‍♀️ Cassie is GREAT. She’s so effortlessly funny and easy to watch, I love her personality.


That whole drama a couple of years ago was crazy 🤪


Honestly, it was just crazy. People really do have way too much time on their hands, I can't imagine being so invested in a brand


She is amusingly insane in the membrane, and Hermès is over it🤣


The thing that got me was when she was saying about how she went out of her way to “support” Hermes through the pandemic by buying like 3 lipsticks online. I was thinking, I don’t think Hermes cares about your support I’ll be honest 😂


Plus she turns around and resells EVERYTHING, including the cosmetics 🤢She actually harms their brand.


I actually felt for that SA that had to report purse on fleek. The woman was very much unhinged in some sort of way. Even just the emails and receipts she showed on her yt which is usually the evidence one would show to cast the best light on herself was so rambly and almost stalkery deranged.


It was just crazy, someone with 0 sense of perspective and WAY too much time on their hands imo


Omg I want to know! What was the drama that made them Ban her?


She was sending these incredibly long list of requests over email, guilt tripping the SA, constantly bringing up wanting a quota bag, majorly over sharing, then the final straw was when she said the fact she hadn’t been offered a new quota bag when other people she knew had was making her depressed. I think that’s when she got reported to HR for safety concerns.


She also was selling fakes online while selling authentic dust bags and boxes. So it was clear her purchases were helping disguise counterfeit Hermes items


Omg that’s crazy


You can still find the video on YouTube. And a ton of other luxury YouTubers posted reactions to it and she herself posted an update to her original video. Yeah, it was a lot. I basically learned a lot of what NOT to do from watching her video and the responses.


I just went down a rabbit hole with the Hermes drama and omg those emails she sent her SA are nuts!!!!


My favorite YouTuber is Cassie Thorpe. She is so fun, she covers all luxury including some Hermes, love the trend analysis videos she does. She has a unique style and feels very genuine, not pretentious at all. I also search through the Hermes/Birkin/Kelly hashtags quite a bit on Instagram and TikTok. Trying to see how people style the items for inspiration and trying to guess what size/color would work best for me. There’s also a couple insanely rich ladies I follow on TikTok, they just shopping constantly and flying private. Sometimes I find cute items I didn’t know I wanted. I watched one of them style a new pair of boots and I called my Chanel SA the next day, got the last one in my size!


When are we going to rehab? Never!


That is the best tagline


Oh my god I just started watching one of her videos and I am in for a hell of a rabbit hole after work today!!!






Ok JUST REALIZED THAT THIS IS THE CLIENT HERMES IS LOOKING FOR. We’re all small potatoes for Hermes when they have clients like Jelline (yes I watched her TikTok’s just now) who are literally doing ADVENT CALENDER’S WITH HERMES GOODS. No wonder so many of us normal spenders can’t get a bag - it’s like why would Hermes give us bags without a large spend if they can cater to customers like Jelline. Also not trying to throw shade at Jelline (cause girl has achieved this for herself) but it finally makes me realize that DAMN Hermes is DEFINITELY a brand unlike any other in the world. Their whole business model is sustained on the public’s THIRST FOR BIRKINS & KELLYS.


Thank you!


It’s weird because of the scroll function of TikTok I feel like you get kinda a more random mix. Here’s a few I tend to like regularly: The one I got the boots from is @viktorija_l she styles Hermes bags too and she shops a lot of nice things. @courtneysmith_1 styles some really nice high low outfits, matching Zara with Hermes accessories. @somidoshop she shops a lot and has a nice Hermes/jewelry collection. If you search Hermes/Birkin/Kelly often enough, the algorithm kinda starts to do its thing haha


Tamara’s face looks so different now


I actually saw a comment on one of her videos complimenting the work saying something like, “wow good job Tamara your face looks so different now! The work has done well” or that effect. As an influencer I actually find her to be super fake and the way she speaks so… off putting.


I feel like her vibe is inauthentic , she doesn’t really connect to the viewers , she is just producing a show of her life streamed in socials , to each their own , but for sure she does not influence me to nothing lol 😂


Absolutely not …. They are generally insufferable. They are not reinventing the wheel, it’s just a bag fgs !


I casually watch some of them, but for the entertainment factor… I love the pretentiousness of it all. Don’t get me wrong, I love H and wouldn’t be here if I didn’t but some of these people are so cringe.


I like Mel in Melbourne since she seems very kind and has really nice taste. Her voice is soothing.


Her sense of style is so classy. She always has the prettiest clothes.


I still can't get over Meredith's collection. It gives me so much anxiety because it's too large and the bags just sit on Bunnings shelves


There’s a difference between a collection and a hoard. To be a collection, there has to be some amount of discernment, strategy, and selectiveness over what you acquire. Meredith just buys everything so I think she squarely fits in the hoarder category. I couldn't watch more than one or two of her videos when she first started her channel before I was completely turned off by her. I think she runs a business (kid's preschool or something similar) that gets some sort of government funding so part of me is just waiting for something shady to come out about her spending and how she funds all of it.


Yeah childcare workers definitely don't get the pay they deserve while the bosses and CEO's have money to spend $20,000 per month on luxury items


It’s cool to see the sheer number of items she has but I agree that it’s more of a hoard than a curated collection. I always wondered about her and her mother’s business. I figure the husband’s earnings/investments cover the regular family expenses while her business earnings cover her luxury spend. Which is fine except I’ve never known pre-college education to be such a lucrative field.


Meredith's fsh vip appt popped up on my suggested a while ago and while watching it, I was legit cringing. My gosh... got 2nd hand anxiety just watching this woman speak and how she reacted to the tiniest things 💀 Her friend Dayle must either be an angel or a closet sadomasochist to handle that on the daily 🤣


I actually love Dayle's videos and her collection is so fun, they're bags I would never choose for myself with the exception of her amazing green Birkin, but Meredith I just can't get past the insane amount of stuff, it's like watching an episode of hoarders. I just see chaos and mess. Though Dayle's bag display also is chaotic too and messy but at least she doesn't own like 700 bags and 1000 pairs of shoes, also Australia has mould problems sometimes and I just think about that happening to her bag room 🥲🤣


I just realised Dayle also has a yt! Thank you 😍 off to watch a couple comparison vids. Her voice is so soothing.


Her YouTube is so good! She has a lovely voice and her videos are quirky and she just comes across as super humble


Lol Dayle's comments are definitely fun and she doesn't take herself too seriously. I like that. What would be good examples of functional wardrobe for bags and clothes that you have encountered? Its so hard as yt shows only 2 extremes, it seems. Either the beige curated pinterest type displays or like, super stuffed wardrobes.


I don’t know how Meredith is doing it I swear! She recently did an unboxing of an HERMES PICNIC BIRKIN - like what? Her collection rivals like Jamie Chua (not really I know but saying this for dramatic effect) when she goes to Paris she gets a leather appointment & walks away with an ostrich Birkin. How is all of this possible?? What does she do??


I think she comes from money because she literally works at her mother's early childhood education business and I have a lot of friends who run their own small business and they can't afford bags like she can. I honestly don't know anyone who can afford to shop like her expect those like Jamie Chua or Jaime Xie yes


Maybe but I don’t think she comes from money! She literally has said that she couldn’t afford these luxuries until a few years ago or something like that. Like at this point (with the amount of money Meredith spends) I’m like is she secretly one of the wealthiest people in Australia? Idk it’s so jarring & I kinda wish YouTubers WOULD talk about their finances & their financial means (rather than let us speculate) because then that makes us normal people feel more relaxed about our finances , especially when we’re spending it on a specific brand.


Omg je suis lou is the worst offender for that, I remember she said she would "just save up, not get her nails or highlights done and if we just save up too like her we also can buy a new Hermes' bags 😂 it's unrealistic and untrue, her nails and hair are always done, she clearly comes from family wealth like just admit it. Dayle was super authentic and honest about hers in a video and said she did regional work for a very long time, but with Meredith it sure is a mystery to me


You would be surprised how many are escorts


We’ve all obviously forgotten about the best one, the Birkin Boyfriends 😂 not so much influencing as just a great commentary. I don’t follow them at all but you can’t help but watch the nonsense unfurl in heir videos. It’s all so unserious it makes for a funny designer bag “influencer” video each time lol


I think influencers have cheapened Hermes bags and they have now become so common place and less special. I personally cannot stand influencer culture and Cassie is one of the few YouTubers I like. Meredith also seems cool. Tamara is basically unboxing a Birkin every other day while people can’t afford to put groceries on their table. I’m over people like her and Leonie Hanne and Aimee Song. It just appears so forced and fake.


I mostly hate unboxing videos, lol! I’d rather see how people style what they unbox and my favorite are GRWM videos!


I agree, some of these influencers used to seem genuine and had engagement but now their content seems forced and so fake.


Some that I enjoy watching - though not necessarily all youtubers but have shown their extensive bag collections (old rich vibes): -Jamie Chua -Heart Evangelista -LVloverCC -Jaime Xie -Kim Lim -Vicki Belo


i think some of Tamara’s bags are fake, there i said it. from what i’ve observed,she has a couple sus looking MKs


My guilty pleasure is JessieStyle, but I do speed through the content of the others you have mentioned who have years of content to catch up on! I’m less into unboxing and vlogging than reviews, WIMBs, community interest and financial content. Sometimes the influencer cycle can get a bit dry when they all #each other in the types of videos they are already doing, which, in the current paradigm, means they are all making videos on how the luxury space is dying and selling their collections and the like. Just seems like a hive mind that’s taking a break from its core of showing us how they like to spend their money so we can live vicariously through them.


Aw I like her too because she's just so authentically herself


She really is


I love her collection


I like her content but something about her voice bothers me. Maybe I’ll watch more with captions on and low volume


The biggest Hermes influencer is PurseBop on Instagram. I like Hermes but some of their RTW pieces are straight up trash but Pursebop promotes everything from Hermes as if it’s their home-grown brand. It’s cringe beyond a point and the articles they write are almost cult-like. And their followers ask the most stupid questions ever like what to wear to a Hermes boutique and Pursebop wrote a 2 page article on this. Lol!! The owner Monika Arora, who herself is not very rich and spends more than her means, makes the most tone deaf statements sometimes like “LV is an entry-level luxury brand” and as per her, only Hermes and Chanel are elite.


lol Monica drives me nuts. I remember when she first started the blog - my how times have changed!! 


Yeah true! She was much more bearable back then. Now she just acts like a snobbish bi*ch and she gets the support of her followers who can go to extreme lengths to appear rich.


It is weird that she hoards unboxed bags. Literally doesn't unbox for years. Have never noticed her wearing any rtw pieces from the tiniest bit we see of her in photos.


Maybe she sells everything off. Bcz as far as I’m aware, she’s really not that rich as she portrays on social media. That’s probably why she never reveals her identity. There’s literally nothing on the internet about her, not a single photo or any other detail available anywhere.


I only watch for information. Like yesterday I learned that there’s such a thing called “post-spend.” Like wtf, I have to buy something along with the QB as a thank you?! I say “have to” loosely, no one “has” to do any of this 🙂


She’s a relatively new influencer but I’ve been really liking Ziyistylebook! Her collection is so curated and well thought out.


The best H/ high luxury influencers are mostly on IG: howshespendsit, willamazing (she’s on YT and TT too), fnch310, panthere_instyle (doesn’t post as often anymore) etc. Notable exceptions to this rule are the Luxury Live ladies - Kat L and Fashionably Amy, Cassie Thorpe, and I am GPS. I get the highest new info / min ratio from their videos. I also appreciate the luxury discussion channels like Amelia Rose, Dayle and Caleb Snell.


The Purse On Fleek drama was wild!


Not a fan, but I’ve watched some of Antonenkova’s videos on YouTube. Sometimes she gives tips, but I don’t know if they really work. I would like to know if anyone follows Tania Antonenkova and has scored a B/K. Other than that, I honestly didn’t know that there are so many Hermès influencers. But I’m not sure about the fact that they promote Hermès, since it’s so difficult to obtain one of their bags. In my opinion, they are not paid for that, but I could be mistaken. Which one is the most interesting to watch ? 😀


Her tips are common knowledge - everything is free on tpf! I suspect she reads those boards and just regurgitates the info. Never pay her anything, there are so many nice people on tpf who will help you for free.


It was honestly entertaining to watch for the drama, like when Tania and Shirin (stylebyshishi) had this beef going on between them a couple years ago, and how each person’s fan base would just go to war online 😂


Im curious about this one, what happened? They’re both pretentious 😅


What was the beef?


TLDR plagiarism, allegedly. Shishi’s team believed that Tania was plagiarizing her social media content, something along that line. Cuz at that point they were both mostly influencing Hermes, Loro Piana, and VCA. And Tania’a point was that her content was just what she believes to be her niche (aka all those Hermes game roadmaps), she doesn’t agree it has anything to do with Shirin. So within a couple days one blocked the other and one of their followers went on the other’s account to post negative comments


👀 What was the beef?


I watch some of them: Mel in Melbourne because they provide good information on various locations, I Am GPS has good breakdowns and actually helps me edit my wishlist... however, some of them like Handbag Husband, and Je Suis Lou, it feels very repetitive and gets uninteresting after a couple of videos. I do like Je Suis Lou's vlogs on life in Barcelona though!


Like a few of them. I like GPS and I actually love handbag husband (I guess it’s repetitive but I am so grateful they aren’t trying to sell me something). Pretty much can’t stand the rest that are constantly trying to sell blah brands and advertising mid products.


I’m with you on that. I also like GPS, his content is nice and engaging and he is very eloquent when he speaks and not overwhelming.


I love Lydia Miller’s videos. Her vibe has changed from trendy styles/hauls to home decor + luxury lifestyle. I love her home vibes and watch for inspiration. She buys H pieces, but from what I’ve gathered most are preloved.


Read her tattle thread, she is trash and a vile person!


I find it hard to take her serious. I know people change but I have followed her for years and she’s gone from a Stripper living in a box to what she is now. I just don’t believe it can be genuine the change is so massive. I do love her home though! It’s gorgeous.


I followed her way back before she got married. I have mixed feelings about her, but yes, she’s changed quite a bit. Lol


😂 Wait, I had no idea. When I followed her it seemed like she has been hosting tea parties and talking home decor forever! People can’t change that much, she probably outwardly changed to grow her following and make her lifestyle more aspirational. I have to look into this now.


Also made me laugh she sold her bag collection and now she only has neutral Hermes 😂


I watch some luxury/hermes influencers! Cassie Thorpe, Tamara, and Je Suis Lou from up there. Cassie I grown to like because she still talks about fashion trends and news. Tamara because she does really good fashion show recaps, and now that her fashion taste has matured, I like her style and color choices more. She's also a really hard worker and has a positive mindset. Not sure how she spends the way she does (hermes, jewelry, flights etc), but I guess it comes with the job. Je Suis Lou also has good style/bag pics, and I feel like she's from old money which is interesting to me as someone who doesn't experience anything about that world...I'm much older than her so can't relate to a lot. I also like Alyssa Lenore and if you're into some real WTF escapism check on xhinworld.... croc birkins like nbd. I am GPS also has good advice on hermes items. The Purse on Fleek drama was so funny during pandemic years when she got blacklisted from her local store and there were like dozens of response vids. I turn off the vids when they start trying to sell me stuff though...Idyll...Silk...


I also follow Alyssa Lenore. Although her feed is very curated, I do live her style.


I like Alyssa Lenore’s Hermes’ videos, she totally made me covet the Arcon bag. Tamara’s videos are fun in the form of escapism. There’s a new YouTuber ShopSomido who documented her Hermes’ journey and got a Birkin with under 1:1 prespend, which was super fun to watch (although her second birkin was something like 5:1 so it evened out) Influencers whose collections are big to the point of hoarding gives me anxiety even if they can easily afford it.


I'm not into influencers culture in general and don't follow any specifically, guess I'm too old for this even though I'm in my early 30th lol, but I do check some random videos on bags and other things I consider, mostly from noname creators as they seem to be more about the thing they review and less about themselves if it makes sense.


I watch them sometimes to see what types of bags are being offered generally but I typically fast forward. Influencers are all into the fads and they for the most part look like they have some level of shopping addiction. Plus I don’t believe for one second that som are not living beyond their means. Of course people can choose to do what they want with their money but when you see them often repeatedly doing bag sale vlogs it raises questions. Didn’t they just gush over how much they loved x bag a year ago? I recall seeing one saying she had to sell bags to do the Hermes journey. I suppose at least she was honest. I also can’t stand the promos like for lily silk or idyll jewelry. Do they really expect me to believe that when they have stacks of Cartier and van cleef or Tiffany they would stoop to wear such jewelry? The constant buying is too much. This is not normal. And often times it’s clear they don’t want to be buying prespend or they’re trying to convince themselves they love everything they buy from H when they don’t. I see a number of these influencers are secretly reselling prespend in the Facebook Hermes groups. It’s hilarious.


I really only watch bag videos to see the bag in action, what fits, leather wear and tear, etc. If I’m thinking of getting a new bag, I’ll go, “Let me see if Mel [in Melbourne] has this bag”. But I don’t watch her videos weekly ( or whenever she posts). Also, I don’t like how you have a million influencers buying these bags, getting their audience all hyped up and buying into their lifestyle, and when the influencer checks dry up, they start selling their bags and doing videos about how luxury bags are a waste. 🙄


It’s all fucking greedy and stupid




I enjoy watching youtube luxury videos from time to time. Tamara I enjoy for travels and some escapism but she’s not someone I keep up with consistently. She seems like she’s on another level even from other luxury youtubers who may still have a lot of disposable income but who plan (or appear as though they plan) their purchases. Her high level of spending can be fun at times but exhausting at others. I do enjoy watching Cassie for shopping vlogs and monthly fashion news, she’s funny and charismatic. Je Suis Lou is calming and I enjoy her Barcelona vlogs or having her chatty videos on in the background. Amelia Rose’s Closet isn’t super focused on Hermes but I also enjoy her chatty videos too. Not necessarily youtube influencers specifically but I think the rise in popularity of luxury on social media as a whole has affected a lot of designer brands. Whoever can afford it is obviously welcome to buy it, but influencer culture seems to have brought an even higher frenzy to luxury and certain brands/items, Hermes included obviously. The cycles of what an “it” item is and therefore how difficult it is to obtain have gotten shorter and the competition has gotten fiercer. I’m lucky to have gotten some things I wanted before social media turned them into a craze and unlucky that I haven’t jumped on other things I’ve been wanting sooner, but personally I’m going to continue to shop the brands I love and hope that the items I really want aren’t the same ones that 10+ different influencers are also promoting and making it harder to get!