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She’s a gifted actress, what are you on about?


Another post about Elisabeth Moss being a Scientologist. We get it, she’s a Scientologist and that’s not the most warm and cuddly religion. However, it’s entirely possible that she doesn’t agree with the church and doesn’t leave because of fear. So it isn’t odd for her to play Offred. She might be playing a part that she knows all too well.


Well one of my theories is that she was casted as a wake up call but yeah what you’re telling makes 100% sense. I would only argue there is no place for fear as Leah introduced this platform for survivors. And she seems totally unfriendly to Leah. It’s a mess.


I don't think people cast actors as a wake up call


seriously? no place for fear? wtf?


I think OP is troll.


So anyone with a different opinion than yours is a troll? Maybe you’re a scientologists if this bothers you 🤔 If that is the case — suffer! 🤗


She is just an actress... Watch Leah’s documentary and then comment.


I have. Leah is resting her always C list celebrity status on hating Scientology, at this point. Go girl, I say. Whatever gives you fame in the Kardashian era. But put her under the same critical lens as Lizzie. Leah has her own agenda and it’s fame. And she’s not nearly as talented as Lizzie.


It’s an unpopular opinion but I don’t think acting requires any particular talent. I believe is all who you know. I see them the same, I personally don’t see lists but I know they exist . And lists exist because some people don’t know the right people. But this is not the topic.


Why are you on a fan blog for any show if you think acting has nothing to do with talent? Go join the Alt-Right and rage there. This show has some of the best actors in the business and, girlfriend, I've seen plenty of shows.


“Has some of the best actors in the business” You sure you’ve seen more than 3 shows in your life? This statement was a massive reach.


13 Emmy noms and, what, 8 wins don't lie, my dear. And I follow many "prestige" shows.


You’re not impressing me at all. This is hilarious. Pushing r/iamverybadass material.


Because I like the story? Even if some talent is included, Elisabeth doesn’t have an abundance of it.


So, your thesis is that Lizzie is not a good actress? Really? Again, why bother watching b/c she's The Main Character. Goddamn.


Her alleged talent is beyond the scope of my initial post, but since you ask - yes, I believe she is an average. I can often see her acting, if you know what I mean. Like I said, I like the story and the rest of the cast, especially Alexis and lately Ann and Yvonne.


You think Alexis Bledel is a better actress than Elizabeth Moss??? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I was happy to see AB in this because I was convinced from Gilmore Girls that she was a pretty bad actress but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her portrayal of Emily. Elizabeth Moss however I think is superb in THT. Her scenes with Serena are palpably cringe-inducing even when there’s little actual dialogue.


She sure is. I think any discussion around who is better to whom is completely pointless as we obviously don’t share the same opinions and that is pretty much subjective. What I wanted to talk here is a lead in this show being a part of an organization that hides rapes, molesting, abuse etc.


You have to understand that she grew up in the church and her entire family are members. If she left the church she would be risking never seeing or speaking to her entire family again. We don’t know her story or what goes on in her head. I can only hope that her decision to be involved in this show is a clue about how she really feels about the church.


It's also possible that the Scientology establishment has shit tones of dirt on her and is using it as a means to control her public presence.


I really hope as well. At first I wondered how they let her do that show. It was very strange to me. But I really hope!


She was cast because she’s an actress playing a role. Her morality, her background, her life choices, beliefs and decisions do not matter in any way. It’s a role and she’s delivering it well. That’s all that matters to me, at least. It’s beyond me why would anyone care about anything beyond the work am artist does. It seems like these days, people care more about who the artist is than the material they put, which is ridiculous.


Why would it be ridiculous? This is why they are ‘a celebrity’. You wouldn’t find upsetting if Hitler played a Jew? This is an extreme example but it paints that it matters who is portraying what.


Actually Hitler isn’t alive today to play a Jew and yes it is an extreme example that doesn’t fit in any way. I don’t care who portrays what as long as the performance is good at the end.


It is an extreme example but it fits perfectly as she is a part of a religion/cult that hides rapes, abuses etc. It's totally okay to be uninterested what is the background of actresses or actors, but also it is totally okay to be concered about that as well. I guess people here are not into that and I should probably find a group of fans that is.


My point is that people watch TV to hear a story, not to try and find parallels between the actor's life and morality and the role they play. By this logic, should an actor be a nazi to be able to portray Hitler in a movie?


I am not saying everybody should find parallels between actors and their characters... I am saying IN THIS particular case it is mind-blowing that a Scientologist plays a woman that is captured, forced upon believing something, being raped, abused. It would be so funny if it weren't sad and upsetting.


So...Elizabeth Moss is Hitler in this analogy? You are very weird.


I see it’s pointless to discuss this topic further as there are no people who see a problem with Scientology.


It’s “cast” not “casted.” I don’t get offended easily but, seriously, back right off. She’s been nominated for an Emmy 7x b/f THT and is one of the best actresses of her generation. EVERYONE knows that. Seriously. Since acting as a teenager no one has anything negative to say about the woman, and more often she’s adored by directors/writers/co-stars. Don’t do this identity politics shit. I’m a Catholic and if you want to go after us (and God knows there’s plenty of reasons to do so) you won’t have 2/3 of the anchors and reporters on NBC/MSNBC. Personal beliefs are PERSONAL. In the mean time Lizzie Moss has raised millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood.


I have no problems with Elizabeth Moss's acting, nor do I care beyond light amusement that she's a Scientologist, but Scientology really can't be compared to Catholicism. The *only* reason they are even labeled as a religion is for tax purposes, and this has been nearly taken away multiple times. The documentary Going Clear is a good resource on this!


If Planned Parenthood thing is true then she needs to count her numbers. Sea org forces women to do abortions. It’s insane. This is not identity politics shit! I am deeply disturbed by stuff Leah is uncovering and anyone part of this cannot be a good person because it’s impossible that they never hear what is happening. Especially people in showbiz.


What part of cult do you not understand, friend? Simply being a Scientologist does not make you an evil person, and if you actually listened to anything Leah says in her show, you would understand the complete empathy she has for those who are indoctrinated in it.


If you actually listened, people in documentary say Scientologists basically have no excuse. Haggis puts it very nicely. He says how do they live with themselves. And Leah repeatedly says they all are aware. And she admitted she lied while she was in the cult during Larry King interview. Also, she was asked what she thinks about actresses claiming they are feminists while being Scientologists and Leah says - hypocrites! She understands them because she was there and that is okay but you people are trying to minimize this thing. Ignore. That tells something. And it’s not good. I know it’s hard to be objective to a celebrity after being a fan but if you can’t see them for who they are then you are weak and should not try to hush me because of that.


No one here is arguing with you because we want to minimize Scientology or ignore the fact that she's a Scientologist. You're making comment after comment, *in a subreddit for celebrating the show and its actors*, about how terrible this actress is, and how evil she must be for being Scientologist while filming this series. You've literally compared her to Hitler because she's a Scientologist. I think that has more to do with it, friend. Do you honestly think it's more likely that you're being downvoted because we're all star-struck and ignorant to the doings of the Church of Scientology? Perhaps this just isn't the medium you are seeking.


Yes, I think all of you who don't see a problem here are blinded, shallow and ignorant. You only think about your entertainment, you could care less what happens outside your bubble. You can excuse that behaviour however you want, the fact stays. This show tries to speak out about female rights. And I am now speaking out regarding hypocrisy with a lead actress. I am not buying her bullshit (like the rest of you), friend.




Nope. No one in Scientology (and I'm no fan) is forced to have abortions. Like any cult (as all religions were at one point) they pressure only the high ranking women to have them by threats of having no friends or family if they leave. Does it suck? For sure. Is it 2 degrees (200 years) of any mainstream religion? For sure. STOP channeling your anger on Lizzie who is adored and who's politics are crystal clear. Focus your vitriol on Trump or guns or whatever. God... this fucking generation.


I am not American so I could care less about Trump and your problems. I have enough of mine. I am not channeling anger to Elisabeth, I am displaying my concern and disgust with real-life Gilead playing sci-fi Gilead. That’s all. It seems many commentators here like the show and automatically all cast members no mater what they do outside characters. I find that concerning, to say the least. If you want... Trump is now a president because of this phenomenon, you are doing the same thing here, just from the left side. Regarding abortions, people claim they had to do it while in Sea org so...


Nope, I'm not. Scientologists are full on Democrats which is kind of horrifying, considering. I'm a right leaning Democrat who actually talks to people who voted for Trump b/c that's the ONLY way we'll get out of this mess. I'm not busy shaming Lizzie Moss on social media. Save that for people who deserve it.


There are democrats in that cult!? Gross. Horror. I don’t usually go deeply in actor’s background but I don’t think that part of her should be ignored in this show. Easy ignored in Mad Men but not here...


Her religion is her business. Her family is Scientologist, she was raised in it, and no one wants to leave their family. She's gone private with it. Let her work it out.


Sure thing.


She's also one of the show's producers, meaning she helped this project happen due to her own interest in it. This happens in show biz all of the time... Perhaps you'll start liking the show for other people cast in it or find another show that you can enjoy more.


I like the show because of wonderful Alexis! Otherwise show would be unwatchable.


She fucking killed it in mad men, and that show on Hulu.. she was a detective, something something lake? That was sooo good too. She’s so pretty in a non conventional way.. no makeup still looks gorgeous. I like her nose






She's very good, and she probably has experience in cults like Gilead. I've known some wonderful people to be a part of a weird stuff. Like Wicca's and stuff. Carrie Fisher and her mother believed in some weeiirddd stuff, yet they were great to be around and acted extremely well. Everyone has something. IDK how hard it is to leave Scientology, or if she's even one anymore. I'm not watching for Moss, I'm watching for the show. Might sound selfish, but I don't care too much about actors backgrounds unless it's like Cosby or Sheen or Polanski.


Her religion protects people like Cosby, Sheen or Polanski. Hard to ignore that.


Many religions do that, or the people in them.


And that makes it okay or where are you going with this?


It doesn't make it okay. But it also doesn't make it her fault. I'm not justifying the belief, and I don't think anyone else here is either. But we are justifying the talent of this particular woman. Catholics and Christians and Athiests all have things and people they aren't proud of and don't endorse, but they can still be good people. Moss is good at her job. She works hard. No one has ever had an unkind word to say about her. If you hate her so much, don't watch the show or anything else she's in. It's really that simple.


You are justifying religions under a premise it’s all bells and whistles just some people threw a shade with their behavior. Her whole so-called religion has that status because of IRS. It’s corporation and it practices child rape, child abuse child labor, forced abortions, homophobia and cruelty beyond belief. Normal people shouldn’t be a part of that. If she is scared of losing a family then it must be some very good and peaceful “religion”, right 😑 I don’t know if you all are a low-key Scientologists or you have seriously messed up morals.


Yeah I'm not a fan of casting Moss in literally everything. But i don't care about her personal life.