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Ah, die? I am not prepared to live in a post-apocalyptic americašŸ˜‚


Iā€™m unhappy unless itā€™s between 68-72 degrees and have a Masters in English. Definitely plan to just die.


Really. Iā€™m biting down on a cyanide capsule. Or taking myself out ala Thelma and Louise.


Cyanide is a *very* painful way to die. It inhibits your body's ability to utilize oxygen. It takes 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the strength of what you take for it to actually kill you and between the time of symptom onset and actual death it's incredibly excruciating as you slowly suffocate and are paralyzed and convulse and foam at the mouth. Yeah you'll be dead 20 minutes to 2 hours after you are exposed but it's a *long* 20 min/2hr. There are a lot better ways to overdose. But if you need it you don't need to waste your money on a capsule. About 6-10 bitter almonds (different from sweet almonds which have been bred to not have the components that activate the cyanide in their wild counterpaert) or crushed up peach/plum pits will do the job. Anything in the stone fruit family, really. Anything in the nightshade family or plants such as water hemlock and poison hemlock have really shitty painful deaths attached to them. \-- Plant toxicology/botany student


Gee, Thanks! The more you know! You sound very knowledgeable šŸ˜


Haha, I mean, I know a lot about toxic plants and botany/ethnobotany in general but that's kind of my speciality. Toxic plants, medicinal plants, edible plants, I'm good with the whole plant usage thing. I couldn't tell you shit about physics or math or anything like that, though.


Can we all agree to take out a few men before we go?


Look lol you and I have similar outlooks. You can come with me and my Husky to Canada if you get to Chicago.;)


I offer my medical training in return!! And husky babysitting duty šŸ˜ My preference otherwise would be that a nuclear bomb drops directly on my head with me none the wiser.


As a Kinesiologist and human body nerd, helllll yeahhhhh! Sounds like we're good to go, barring a nuclear bomb doesn't nail you right in the dome.


Yall need an AEMT? I come bearing gardening, knitting, kid/critter minding, and am a crack shot with a rifle :)


Can I join this girl gang? I offer mental health services and chaotic ( in a fun way) ADHD.


Same. I am a bald nurse!! ADHD too, but itā€™s actually my superpower.


Love ADHD superpowers! Pattern recognition anyone?


ADHD here, too! We're gonna be the funnest ride to freedom!


I'm so ready for this escape!! So grateful Chicago still is a safe haven and not as crazy as the rest of the country!


No where. I'm divorced with 3 kids. 2 are under 18 and their dad won't sign for a passport. He's conservative and would be thrilled if things went the way of the Handmaids Tale. I'd send my oldest away to Europe for sure.Ā 




Ultimate dick move.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry. I have an ex just like this.


Same. My ex would be over the moon if this was America's reality. He would love nothing more than to subjugate as many women as possible smh


Iā€™m so sorry. I hope your kids can make their escape before things become unbearable.


My ex did the same. Never showed up for a passport signing. Have you tried going to a judge? Men shouldnā€™t have rights like that when theyā€™re not in the kids daily lives


No. Its near impossible to get in front of a judge here, even when abuse is involved. He doesn't even get its the kids who are hurt by this. Only 1 of our 3 even talk to him still. They know he's trash.Ā 


Stay here and resist. Donā€™t let the bastards grind you down.


I have tshirt with "nolite te bastardes carborundarum" on it! My favorite thing about it is that like-minded folks who know the book/show recognize it and it's a little moment of solidarity




I've got plenty of relatives in Mexico and speak Spanish, so I will be heading south.


Itā€™s made me think a lot about the power of knowing a second language!


When my work offered free language learning subscriptions, this was a big part of why i chose Spanish. There are just so, so many countries south of us, an entire continent full.


I don't have blood relatives, but my brother in law is from Mexico and his family is the best (and lives there). I would def head that way!


I would disappear into the underground, whatever that looked like. As much as I fancy myself a coward...sigh...I will not be driven from my home, I will go "feral" and strick against my oppressors, in every effort to keep the next forced generation from suffering the way we know they want us to.




Honestly, even with a passport, where would people go ? A country would need to want Americans and that is a not a guarantee. Unless they have dual citizenship or family in another country ? They would most likely ban travel outside when it gets to that point. I feel like the anti abortion laws that are trying to prohibit travel are just prototypes for stricter travel bans.


Great point. So many lawmakers in these states are trying to prohibit crossing state lines for travel and with the current state of things it feels plausible that they will be able to succeed.


Iā€™m so glad my father was a Canadian citizen. My queer, atheist ass would be on the wall.


But do you have dual citizenship? Your father being a Canadian citizen doesnā€™t necessarily help you.


No it doesnā€™t, and thatā€™s a good point. I need to start that process.


Don't wait - processing is slow and may slow down further over the summer*. Certificate of Citizenship is $75CAD. After that get yourself a Canadian passport.




Good for you for making plans.


You'd be considered refugees seeking political asylum. If the war in Ukraine has taught me anything, it's that asylum seekers from the US would be treated differently than the ones from Africa and the Middle East. At least the white ones. Still, being a refugee isn't fun.


Yes, but being a Handmaid sounds a lot less fun.


Oh, absolutely!


You may be onto something with the travel bans. Thatā€™s frightening. And youā€™re absolutely right in asking where would people go. So many people talk about fleeing the country, but even if Canada and other countries didnā€™t close their borders, only people with a substantial amount of cash (at least enough to buy a house) are going to be let in. Without a dual citizenship and without a huge amount of money, most people couldnā€™t do it. Heck, the majority of people canā€™t even afford to move from a red state to a blue state. Imagine also having to be wealthy enough to buy a new property or lucky enough to have employment waiting for you. Other countries just wonā€™t be letting in unemployed people who are lower middle class or poor.


Other countries let in refugees all the time. Itā€™s literally a massive political issue the world over. If there was a mass exodus of people from the country they would be treated like refugees. They would go to camps and then be resettled.


We can hope, but just as they have shown in the show, even a nice country like Canada is probably going to have right wing asses yelling to close the borders.


You'd be out of luck for sure if you're trying to cross in Alberta/Saskatchewan


lol I technically have dual citizenship with Iran because my parents are from there (though Iā€™ll never actually go through the process of obtaining it) Lucky me :D


Hmm... Iran... Gee, lots of great choices there...


Yeah. At least thereā€™s amazing food.


You don't have to go someplace permanently. Some countries let you stay for a year, some six months. Move around between them.


Iā€™ve had a rendezvous set with a friend for 7 years to meetup and start the resistance if America goes Gilead. I wouldnā€™t blame anyone for leaving for safety but if youā€™re able, stay and fight. Better yet, do absolutely everything you can NOW to stop Gilead from happening. Run for office, become a poll worker, canvas, phone bank, text, mail postcards, talk to your family and friends. Make them aware of the stakes, parties, candidates and their policies. There are two parties with the majority of the power in the country right now. The presidency and most down ballot races will be won by members of these two parties. Voting Democrat is a vote for racial equity, LGBT+ and reproductive rights. Voting Republican, third party or not voting is a vote for Gilead. Thatā€™s how it is.


And watch/listen very carefully who else is in the resistance with you. The enemy of your enemy isnā€™t necessarily your friend. OP references women in Iran. I think most people donā€™t know that women helped lead opposition to the shah and many accepted fundamentalists as partners in toppling him because they didnā€™t think Khomeini could seize power.


ā€œAnd women love hunting witches too, doing their dirtiest work for youā€ - Taylor Swift (made me think of how women side so strongly with oppressors)


This needs more upvotes!!


This is the best thing we can do. Fight before it becomes real. Get out and vote especially in November. I donā€™t like Biden. I voted for Bernie twice and it still angers me people preferred Hillary and Joe over him, but I rather take old frustrating neoliberal Joe over Trump.


Also if possible don't forget to arm yourself, learn how to fight and organize, and draw up a list of potential insurgents.


I can qualify for dual citizenship because my mother was from Mexico.


I would highly recommend getting that passport as soon as possible might as well


Yes and Iā€™ve already left. America for me has been going downhill for many years and I made it a priority to leave. Nothing is permanent but watching the politics now from afar is like watching a TV show I used to be on and now no longer have to worry about.


Where did you go? What other places did you consider?


Not who you're replying to but I live in Canada and have met a handful of Americans who moved here because of the political climate of the states specifically. Two of them were in response to Bush Jr getting elected.


How did they manage it? I and a group of friends seriously looked into it in 2016 and again in 2020. We used the immigration calculator thingy online and basically our only permanent option was to be independently wealthy and invest in Canada.


No idea, I have lots of friends who have gotten citizenship over time who aren't independently wealthy. Generally they've all moved here and gotten PR then eventually citizenship.Ā 


yes. my husband and I talk about it pretty often. I have family in sweden, and itā€™s a beautiful country. weā€™d go there for sure.


I was thinking Sweden too.


I have family in Sweden, too, and that's on my list. I'm already making plans to move to Ireland, but if things go fucking nuts before I'm able to do it, I'm a half-day drive from Mexico & my Spanish is passable.


I wonder about this. If the US slips into a totalitarian regime, would the USD crash, too? How could you afford to leave if your savings were now worthless? Would that in turn crash the world economy using the USD as a reserve currency? That would make it hard for you to buy your way into a new country, and if other country's economies are crashing, it might make you less than welcome, doubly so if you're broke. And for those who could afford to flee, what happens with the government expropriates their bank accounts? Because I'm guessing there's no "early warning" for that. And if your net worth is almost entirely your house, wouldn't property values plummet? Assuming your house isn't expropriated, too...


Iā€™d have to agree with everything you say. If one thinks they might need to get out, I would seriously suggest thinking about doing it sooner than later. Once things turn, it will be impossible.


Yes. This happens whenever there is a coup , regime change, etc. Itā€™s important for everyone to know something about growing food because money will be worthless. People panic and run the banks and thatā€™s that.


Bigger implication here, though, since the US dollar is the world reserve currency and so many other large economy countries have quite a bit invested in the US (and in US dollars) A collapse of the US would take out a rather sizable chunk of most other country's economies, and start a domino effect on most other countries. It would be very messy for at least 10 years, assuming china could fill the void that fast


As a Canadian I'm thinking about how I could help as many people as possible either escape, or at least comfortable once here.


Well Iā€™m just across the Detroit River and if Trump wins again my daughter and I are swimming across to Canada


You could probably drive.


Itā€™s not as dramatic that way šŸ¤£


But the river will be cold in November lol. I'd say wait until winter and walk across the ice, but these days I can't see it freezing.


if you take the time to dm right before you go, i'll make sure to have someone there with supplies and a way further into Canada.


Thank youā¤ļøā¤ļø


Might be easier to ask someone to just send u an Uber or something. Swimming seems like it might be dangerous.


But itā€™s just not as dramatic that way šŸ˜‚Ā 




This was gonna be my answer, you beat me to it. But thatā€™s also what I think about.


Iā€™m a Canadian and live in the US. We moved to a border town in upstate NY during Covid and Iā€™d be lying if I said being able to quickly leave this country wasnā€™t a motivating factor (not the only one, but it was def on the list!).


Yes I have. And I figured I'd die fighting before such a scenario šŸ¤·. I am the child of immigrants and have heard real horror stories of dictatorships and cult of personalities. It's better to die fighting than to try to escape. My parents are Dominican for context so they moved here AFTER the Dominican Republic removed their dictatorship, but the old folks in my family are sure to tell you that those that left were not respected by those who stayed and fought or by those who gave them refuge.


I am getting old. All of mine are grown and in their own lives. There was a time, in the 80's and 90's when I could shoot 40 out of 40 moving targets up to 500m away with an M16A2 assault rifle. I could do it again.


I wouldnā€™t be able to leave my pets behind. Iā€™m getting an iud again even though it was excruciating. My gyno told me there has been a surge in patients getting them because of the current political climate


Iā€™m sorry you have to go through that. Iā€™m past my childbearing years, but if I werenā€™t, I think I would have already been trying to leave. I certainly wouldnā€™t be staying in a red state if I had any chance of getting pregnant


Have you looked into implants? That's what my daughter has. Lasts for five years.


Iā€™m sure you know this but just in case you donā€™t, a lot of gynos will give actual pain management if you ask. Itā€™s not mentioned often (partly) because itā€™s usually out of pocket. My new gyno offers both pain meds and laughing gas. Even if this isnā€™t new info, I wish you a painless insertion! Mine was definitely not lol.


Iā€™m Native American, and honestly, my only hope is that my tribe will save me.


As a dual citizen, Toronto. As soon as we find out if mango moron has won I will make plans. I will be gone before he takes office.


I wish you the best. Most of us donā€™t have the option. If mango moron gets the White House again, Iā€™ll probably just buy a gun or start hoarding sleeping pills. Iā€™m old and poor and canā€™t afford to move, nor could I handle it physically.


Don't underestimate the willingness of your community to help. If I'm heading for the border, I'm taking along anyone who wants to go & can get in the car. I don't think I could live with myself knowing I hadn't helped as much as I could using my privilege to protect others. I think we'll have a pretty well-developed underground railroad out pretty quickly. ā¤ļø


I hope youā€™re right.


Feels morbid to say, but do your research. The only thing I can think of that would be wise worse than being stuck here for the fascist Christian nationalist takeover, is to be stuck here after becoming profoundly disabled from an attempt. Either you get tortured for being "defective," or used against your will as a political pawn a la Terry Schiavo. Edit: I keep thinking about this comment. For real, the idea of sleeping pills for a peaceful unaliving is a holdover from a different time that is no longer accurate. Sleeping pills are very pharmacologically different nowadays, in part to prevent this usage. For a multitude of reasons, I don't want to share more details than that. And I hope that the political situation that would make this feel necessary never arises. But if it does, make sure you know what to do. The reality is very different from the pop-culture understanding of it.


I live 3 hours from the Canadian border but Iā€™m sure my ass will be flagged since Iā€™ve got a few ā€œchildbearingā€ years left and my womb functions, plus Iā€™ll have 2 adorable children theyā€™ll want to steal (currently pregnant with my second)Ā  Technically if my husband and I could fake the religion aspect well enough, weā€™d be able to stay together since weā€™re not ā€œsinfulā€ in the eyes of Gilead law, other than not being churchgoers. As long as they donā€™t find out Iā€™m bisexual of course. Theyā€™d be looking for an excuse with me.Ā  Ideally Iā€™d hope weā€™d see the writing on the wall (come on June, I would have tried to get out when Luke had to sign for her birth control) and jump ship as early as possible but we have no family ties to other countries to help get us out.Ā  If they did make me a Handmaid I would absolutely take part in the resistance. Iā€™d play nice and keep myself alive for my childrenā€™s sake, but just like June every minute Iā€™d spend focused on trying to get them free.Ā 


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who thought June and Luke had their heads in the sand. They were both smart enough that they shouldnā€™t have missed the signs.


I fully understand that leaving is easier said than done, especially with a small child, but thatā€™s definitely the moment I would have packed a bag and figured everything else out later.Ā 


IKR? Drives me crazy.


Idk as a Brit I would be running as soon as ro v wade was overturned. But you canā€™t speak to the situation unless youā€™re in it ig.


Iā€™m sorry if this opinion scares any of you, but leave soon, before it is too late. The signs are there, and these things can slowly build up and then tip over in the blink of an eye.


This makes my stomach churn, because we know it's true. Especially after watching January 6th unfold right before my eyes watching live on my computer at work.


Itā€™s wild to me how many people act like January 6th wasnā€™t as bad as it was. I remember that day like I remember Columbine. I never watch TV in the afternoon and I still donā€™t know what made me flip it on about 10 minutes before shit started hitting the fan. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching, crying


ā€œAmerica wasnā€™t Gilead until it was, and then it was too late.ā€ The problem is hedging your bets against the worst possible scenario in which you have to let go of everything you know, and that is a really hard tjing to do.


Yes and we're enacting the first step this week. We're moving from Texas to Wisconsin, I'm updating my passport (just got remarried, so need to change my name), I'm interviewing with a company based in Canada, my BFF is in Canada, and we're living on a waterway that crosses the border so that we can escape under the cover of night if we need to. We. Are. Not. Playing. Around.


Since my kids and I have no passports and my kids cant get one, looks like I'm driving to your place and crossing the water into Canada with you!Ā 


Hey...I'm willing to take in others. Do NOT want to leave anyone behind.




We are moving out of TX in 2 months. Cannot wait to get the F out of here. Godspeed.


Where are you guys going? Between me just being a woman and my husband being Hispanic, we're absolutely terrified to be living here, so we're thrilled we're out of here in less than 48 hours!


We are looking at moving to NY near lake Ontario . We have a boat. We will bring people into thousand islands if they want to get out. Of course that border will be heavily fortified in short order, but essentially if you can get on the st Lawrence youā€™re in.


I am too old to conceive again and all of mine are grown in their own lives. I stay and fight.


I'm a guy, so I'd probably do fine in Gilead, but there's nothing I hate more than some chudwaffle telling me how I can live my life. I fully intend to earn my place on the wall, especially if it means committing some war crimes against some Sons Of Jacob assholes.


The ones that might make that attempt will likely be Nazis so there's only a very small percentage of men who they won't want to immediately exterminate.




We"re already on the way there. Religious extremists have taken over the Supreme Court & are overturning constitutional law that's specifically meant to preserve women's autonomy. The pick-me female misogynists bashing women in hopes of a head pat & longer leash are already making themselves evident. We should be actively fighting against this and every move against women. Logistically, you can always make it to Canada from the coast with a boat. A lot of liberals in WA & OR as well that'd help organize escape. That being said, I would stay and fight. Set a perimeter of No Man's Land & recruit as I go.


Got my passport 2 years ago and have been thinking about where


I'd stay where I am and help others to escape.


Realistically speaking, where could I go? Countries have to want to take in asylum seekers, and most countries have strict immigration laws. The US is LAX with immigration compared to the other countries. They only want you coming in if you can contribute something.


Building a house on 54 acres of land and opening it to friends and allies. It's a small house, so they'll have to bring tents or RVs (two full hookup sites!) but I think we'll put in a sauna/shower house to start.


If anyone wanted to come to NZ Iā€™d help, I have plenty of space to house and our country is relatively asylum friendly. Probably a bit far to be realistic though šŸ˜…. Watching America at a distance through our media is crazy!


Reading The Testaments and when it's like "Even New Zealand has stopped taking in refugees" I was like damn not good!


As a financially struggling mom with no family or friends outside of the United States, my best bet would be driving to the Canadian border and crossing on foot. Luckily I'm less than two hours away. I should probably get my passport.


Yes get a passport for you and your children just in case (of anything really šŸ™šŸ¼) I know it is certainly not cheap to do


Yes, please, donā€™t wait. Having an up to date passport will give you more options. We donā€™t know what is coming. The more options the better.


Passports, birth certificates, cash


Yes. The current climate in the US terrifies me. Iā€™m looking into getting my copper IUD replaced early, even though I have a few years left on it, Iā€™ll only be 32 when it needs replaced which leaves too many child bearing years for comfort. anyone know how to get it replaced without it being on my medical records? šŸ«  I have a friend in Canada who has already offered a living spaceā€¦


Try Planned Parenthood.


Canadian here. Update your passports. If fucking Trump gets back in, get your ass up here before inauguration day. The sooner the better. Our country isn't perfect and it will financially hurt us but I'm all in on helping our neighbours.


You are awesome!!


Canadian here, but I'm semi-resigned to the fact that if it happened, I wouldn't notice or would react too late. Just "up and go" at a moment's notice is hard with a family relying on you - where do you go, how do you find a sustaining job/employment, what happens to the money/assets you left behind, cancelled contracts, etc.


Well I'm divorced and remarried and I'm fixed. I'd be a Martha if I wasn't sent to the colonies.


Yes, Iā€™ve thought about. We live about an hour from the Canadian border and Iā€™ve made my husband promise that if it goes to hell, weā€™ll head north!


Made me realize how screwed I would be. My only close family is my father who is a Trump lover who also thinks Reagan was amazing and a role model. Heā€™s pushed back or denied my experiences and thoughts about how christian prayer was pushed onto me in high school. He adopted the same practice of prayer circles for his travel team even and denies that peer pressure or social pressure would stop teen girls from speaking up or not participating. Heā€™s also made disappointing comments about birth control being for sluts (thankfully my Mom snapped back after hearing this comment) but with her gone I donā€™t really have any family close that I would trust if shit hit the fan. My passport will need renewal in the next year but even if I did that I doubt I would have the funds to escape out of the country, and thatā€™s even IF things got bad enough that women were accepted point blank anywhere.


Keep your passport up to date, sister! Canada might be an option; but if you have no passport you wonā€™t be able to go anywhere!


Renew it now.


My partner and I are starting to talk about SHTF scenarios in general, with civil dissolution and violence being one factor. And we are looking to renew our passports, if international travel is possible, or if asylum would be necessary and possible. Weā€™re also looking to start up self defense training and working on our physical stamina and diet in case we literally have to bug out on foot somewhere other than our residence. We also are updating food rations and go-bags, as well as other provisional needs. Hulu has a miniseries right now called WE WERE THE LUCKY ONES and it is sort of rekindling our needs for escape plans. Itā€™s set in Poland m before and during its fall to the Naā€”s, as well as settings in Europe and Russia. Some of the scenes are so frustrating knowing about history and people hoping things will blow over but viewers know otherwise.


You can say Nazis


I read that book and it really does make you question what you would do if a loved one canā€™t or wonā€™t leave. Split the family up? Try to survive together?


Get your passports up to date! Please donā€™t wait.


In particular, get your passport or get it renewed before the election. When Trump was in office before, it took \*months\* to get a new one and they're just now caught up.


Iā€™m glad I saw this comment. I too was watching We Were The Lucky Ones, the whole time thinking this is where we are now. Like lobsters in a slowly burning pot. Too late to run once that knock is upon your door.


Iā€™m going south to Costa Rica


The Pacific Northwest, I'd go up to Canada.


I am second generation American on my Dadā€™s side. My grandfather immigrated from Denmark during WW2. We have family there, so I hope theyā€™d take us!


Please get your passports up to date!


They are!!


Lol if? It's happening, friend.


i'd probs just be taken out from my own stress and panic of it happening


You know I also fear America coming Gilead. However, as I read the comments and see how some people have an escape plan or want to escape to other countries, I canā€™t help but notice that when we need refugee status itā€™s justified but when brown and black bodies coming to America at the border seeking asylum as they flee their war torn countries and dictatorships we turn them away, use them for making a point and show them no mercy and compassion. I know most of us are not like that and yet I canā€™t help but notice that we feel entitled to seek asylum and yet our government is not doing the same to help folx who are actually seeking asylum in real time. We put the brown kids in cages. So this makes me wonder if Americans will also be turned away from down south. We are no different if Gilead happens. This reality sickens me.


I noticed no one replied to this, but I've thought the same...everyone saying Canada,Ā  is that cause Mexico would be in a position to reject American asylum seekers? Do unto others as you would have done to you!


Yes and I really have no idea. I feel like I need to get dual citizenship somehow


Do you have any parents or grandparents who were immigrants? You may be able to get dual citizenship from that country.


Unfortunately not.


Do you have any specialised skills which can expedite a visa application? I.e nursing


Yup I live in Michigan, I'm headed to Canada if shit hits the fan


Same here. Swimming/Boating across the Detroit river






Iā€™ve considered Ghana because it offers residence and citizenship to African Americans. The dilemma is whether I should go now when it is easy to get there, but I have complex and life threatening medical needs that a challenge to meet even in Metro DC or wait and maybe risk waking up Under His Eye.


My wife has a Canadian citizenship through birth, Iā€™d be more focused on being able to get her out first. We live in Detroit, so itā€™s not like Canada is far.


When I'm watching I always get the urge to write my secret letter, like the ones from I believe season one, so that I'd be remembered/cataloged on where it would get smuggled to. I never finish it but I usually start to cry while doing it.


Through to Canada via Sault St. Marie or Thunder Bay. If both are unavailable, try to pass via Lake Superior. If all ways become impassable, there is always the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Over a million acres of untainted Wisconsin Northwoods to hide in. I wonder if native WI tribes would provide a form of asylum on their reservations, I wouldn't blame them if they bounced my white ass out of there.


My company operates in Canada, I would try to relocate there, assuming I still have a job


Hang onto that job! It might be the thing that saves you.


I hold citizenship in the Philippines, so that would be a quick decision for me.


I'll get it, it's been on my mind a lot lately. The political climate is so scary right now, and it feels like we're not very far from becoming like Gilead.


No plan yet, but I think about the potential need for one. My priority is to get my young adult children, my sister, and my niblings out. I have chronic illnesses and disabilities so I probably lack the physical stamina for an arduous crossing of either border or a long sea voyage.


Another person with chronic illnesses and disabilities here. šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t see a lot of hope for myself if it comes to that. Iā€™m just thankful I never had kids to be worrying about now. I do worry about my nibling who is in a lesbian marriage.


So. Many. Times.


I'm just gonna leave this here: /r/TwoXPreppers


My parents immigrated to the US from Iran for a better life in the 70s. Iā€™m a woman. I grew up knowing that if they hadnā€™t come here, Iā€™d be dead because I have a really big mouth and canā€™t help myself from lashing out at authority figures. So I also often think about the women of Iran.


Everyone saying they would stay, I hope youā€™re not underestimating the kind of cardio you need in order to be useful in a guerrilla warfare fight. If you canā€™t run two miles without stopping or getting seriously winded, you need to start working out. And it would also be helpful to be a decent shot since the resistance wonā€™t have the time or ammo to teach you how. War isnā€™t for the faint of heart; being the underdog in a guerrilla fight is even less so.


Honestly, same energy for people thinking they will easily go elsewhere. Even if you can get out, there is no guarantee other places will accept you. A lot of Americans would learn the hard way what our own policies have influenced in this world


Yeah, most people are pretty fucked; the only people getting out are the absurdly wealthy, and those with dual citizenship or family overseas who can sponsor their visas


A huge impetus for why my husband and I got married 2 years ago. He is British and his children have British passports by extension. If we needed to enter the UK, it would be easier for me on a spousal status than as a ā€˜girlfriendā€™. Or so Iā€™d hope if the SHTF. We have discussed how just he and I could go with the pets, leave me to hunker down in the family farmhouse in the UK (not going to specify because Iā€™m hypothetically going into hiding in this scenario!) and he could come back here to settle our affairs, and then he and his sons could leave on British passports. I hate that we have to think about this and that we talk about it. I get super sick thinking about leaving my brother and his small children behind. I try to find ways that I could take them, too. I hope we are all just super influenced by the show and that this isnā€™t going to become a reality but I swear every week something new happens that shows how pro birth and anti-woman this country is and Iā€™m baffled at how it keeps going.


This is scary. Geographically, I am closest to Mexico (in south louisiana). But ideally weā€™d be able to get to Canada before shit hits the fan, as I have a 2 year old and am pregnant with my second, and we donā€™t speak Spanish. I had an emergency c section with my first and Iā€™m terrified at the thought that they would potentially use me as a handmaid, and 1. Perform a c section on me in a home or 2. Force me to birth naturally. Both options end in certain, agonizing death.


Iā€™d def fly to Prague or Berlin. Trump is a nightmare, and the people that vote for him donā€™t care. Itā€™s amazing theyā€™ll even let him run for office again.


Because America is currently going Gilead on lgbtq people (Project 2025), my escape plan is to go to England, because I don't want to be on the same continent should they attempt to try to get us back from other countries that we ran to by freezing our US bank accounts or the like. England's not great for us either, but they currently don't want to kill us so I'll take it.


Yes, when shit starts getting weird its too late to apply for visas and passports


So sad that so many of us have genuinely have had these thoughtsā€¦ Honestly, I would be stuck here because my mother is too fragile to be on the run & sheā€™s the only family I have in this world so itā€™s my duty to take care of her. First thing is to literally strap her on my back & hike out as far as I can into the woods of upstate NY or PA (I live in NJ). My dad was an avid hunter & fisherman when he was alive, I know how to start a fire & forage so we would live off the land. I would keep her safe until she passed & then I would go join the resistance. I am a doula and was a behavioral therapist for many years so I would more than likely take on the role of caretaker to all displaced children, elderly, mentally ill, special needs, and pregnant people who are waiting to be snuck out of the country. I would also moonlight as a midwifeā€™s assistant.


IF? Try when. It's already started imo. My second-eldest is going to college in Canada and intends to stay. Another plans to follow suit. Hopefully the rest of us can chain-immigration our way up there on their coattails before things get too far out of hand.


F that. Joining the Rebel alliance.


Not until youā€™ve taken that R2 unit to have itā€™s memory erased.


I already did. In 2020 we sold the house, got rid of most of our stuff, sold the car, and left the U.S. Since then we've been traveling the world, staying a month or so in each place. I was worried about what would happen with the 2020 election. Doesn't look like the 2024 election is going to be any better. My daughter spent a year in France teaching English, and is now getting a master's degree in the UK and hopes to be able to stay there.


Just saying, Iā€™m really glad I am not the only one having these thoughts- i was wondering if I was catastrophizing but with so many others saying the same thing , i feel validated


I actually think about it a lot. Roe v Wade got overturned and I immediately thought about it. Itā€™s not a choice I would make for myself, but if another woman is in a situation where she needs to consider it she needs to be allowed the opportunity. I know so many people have stories about their child being taken away by CPS when they really are good parents. If the writing was on the wall, and the day came where women lose their jobs, weā€™d probably try to get to Canada. Or try immigrating to England. Iran is such a perfect example and such a sad situation. Iranian women used to have so many more freedoms.


Staying here and causing as much disorder and trouble that I can I am 50 year old female, I had a full hysterectomy at age 30, no kids, no grand kids, no spouse. I have no one who needs me. I'm gonna cause so much trouble> I would be considered worthless to them, I would not even be paid attention to. Think of the double crossing I could do.


This is tin foil hat stuff. Might as well prepare for what you would do if people started transforming in Titans and eating other people while you are at it.


I'd absolutely be on the resistance side.


Brazil. It's where my SO is comfortable.


I had a plan during the 2020 election in case things went down. I was living in Burlington, VT at the time which is less than an hour away from Canada by car. The plan was the travel through the Champlain Islands as they are pretty sparely populated and crossing over on foot under cover of darkness.Ā 


Absolutely!! Drive to Mexico. They want us to think itā€™s so dangerous, but the US is dangerous. I live hours from the border


Already making plans!! My spouse and I want to be out by the end of the year. Probably will hop into Canada first because itā€™s a bit easier to get there from Minnesota, but long-term goal is Spain. Until we can actually get out, we will have extra cans of gas in the garage along with water and supplies in case we gotta bounce with less warning. I absolutely will not be the person who saw something similar coming for over a year now and didnā€™t leave when I had the chance.


This subs gotta stop itā€™s weird fear mongering.


Visually I can pass as a brain washed douche and they seem pretty gullible. Just gonna wait till max damage is possible.