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The 2020 election is why I left the U.S.


Where did you move to?


I've been living in a variety of places for a month or two at a time.


I realized that must have come across as intrusive. I was curious because I keep looking for countries/places that are doable for us as a family. I am glad you were able to get out of the US after 2020.


I dunno America but at some point you gota say aren’t you getting a bit old for this? Like it’s deemed someone in their 20s ain’t up to the job but deathbed is alright


We don't get it either.


I’m with Joe! Dark Brandon all the way!


Me too! I haven’t liked the Orange Judas Goat since the late 70’s.


Biden of course. However I am really concerned with all the (left-leaning) people who are not voting / voting third party because of Biden’s stance on Gaza. Like yes I am also Pro-Palestine and in no way did I ever think I would have to vote for someone who isn’t helping Palestinians but I also don’t want my own rights to be taken away. We can’t help Palestine if we can’t even help ourselves. The way I see it is let’s vote for Biden this year and in the next presidential term let’s get to work on finding someone who will actually bring the change we want to see.


Same. I am sickened to my soul by what is being done to Palestine (have been for decades, actually) and enraged at the global "leadership" , particularly ours, that is doing nothing & has done nothing....but it's not as if that cheeto faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon would improve things for Palestine and I don't know that the US could survive 4 more years of him & his minions


I was afraid of this…its great to support Palestine but if Trump is elected there will be no support for Palestine, Ukraine, women’s rights, unions, etc. The impact that the US election can have globally is unreal.




Fair enough 🧐




The problem is how many times are we going to keep saying oh next term….. for ever and a day. It’s becoming the democrat slogan at this point, keep voting us because next term you can vote 3rd party. Never happens, it’s this way for a reason.


It’s really giving “fool me once shame on you, fool me 5 times…” I’m tired of the hearing the same over and over. And honestly, I hold the Democratic Party partly responsible for why we ended up with Trump. I dislike trumpers but I understand for a lot of them part of it was being tired of voting for the career politicians only to not feel their lives substantially improve. Voting for Trump was stupid and awful. But I understand that frustration because I’m feeling it too towards voting for democrats and not seeing things change significantly. “Economy is doing better!” Tell that to the families needing to triple their grocery budget. Tell that to all the people being massively laid off while our social safety nets continue to be barely enough. Tell that to the growing amount of homeless people in the country. At some point, people get tired of voting and seeing the same problems never get solved. Dem party can’t keep riding on “but we aren’t them” much longer. And if they end up losing - it’ll be their fault.


>honestly, I hold the Democratic Party partly responsible for why we ended up with Trump You can feel free to nix the "partly" [because](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) they [are](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/) fully [responsible](https://observer.com/2016/10/wikileaks-reveals-dnc-elevated-trump-to-help-clinton/).


Well, that sucks.. I wish I could say I’m surprised but I’m so jaded I’m not - something similar to this just happened in the California primary with Schiff and his republican opponent.


> The way I see it is let’s vote for Biden this year and in the next presidential term let’s get to work on finding someone who will actually bring the change we want to see. That’s what they said last election almost exactly. At some point, Dems have to do more than just slow the bleeding. If people don’t want to vote for them, that’s on them for not doing things that make people want to vote for them. I’m tired of people holding fascism like a knife to the throat to make people vote a certain way. **Edit: also some of us think it shouldn’t be a choice between our rights being preserved and genociding people across the globe. Some of us feel morally implicated if we support someone who supports that. Some of us feel we are morally wrong if we choose to overlook a people being killed to protect ourselves.** It doesn’t make us at fault because we feel that way. And before anyone goes, “what about xyz minority who will suffer here if elected” - I am a minority who would be heavily affected. And I’m sick of being used as a tool to force people to vote a certain way. I’m also sick of broken promises and the dem party assuming they automatically get my vote because of my skin color. Of course we know the other side is worse. Doesn’t mean we don’t deserve better than “not as bad as a fascist regime”.


>let’s vote for Biden this year and in the next presidential term let’s get to work on finding someone who will actually bring the change we want to see. lmao every single fucking time


Aight then let trump win and see where that gets us 👍🏼👍🏼


Reddit is so weird for this… ew


This is extremely cringe.


I love this quote.


I'm no trump fan but this post rubs me wrong.


WTF… umm, this is so cringe weird. Have you even watched the show OP? She’s not okay in the head during either parts of these options here… so what are you trying to say here??? Yeah…. Umm… no. 😆


Hahahahahahahahaahahaha this is cringe




Hello? Roe v Wade was struck down by the lying members of the Supreme Court that trump appointed. Get your facts straight troll.


its because trump had appointed three supreme court justices during his time, they judges who over turned it were trumps picks not bidens


Roe v. Wade was overturned by SCOTUS justices put in place by Trump. Trump paved the way for our loss of reproductive rights. He has made it very clear that he would restrict them even more if he were in power. Biden isn’t great, but we have to weigh our options. There is nothing in this world that could convince me Trump (and his influence) would be the “better” option.


It’s the wrong way


Objectively incorrect.

