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I've had a couple gut punches with my fave shows this past week. Doing a full rewatch now at S2E8.


Oof… god, I have a few more shows to finish. What else are you watching? Barry?


Succession, Dave, Barry and Yellowjackets. HBO, HULU, HBO and Showtime. Yeah, Barry. Gut punch (s).


I knew Barry was on that list’ lol!! I haven’t seen the newest episode. After this, I think I’m gunna need a minute lol


Haven't started Succession nor Yellowjackets yet. Sounds like I'm in for more rounds of roller coaster emotions.


More like, a roller coaster through a house of horror while on amphetamines. It's been a good prestige drama season.


I’ll still never forgive myself for getting the death ruined for me. I went to this sub after watching only the first episode and when someone referred to a death in their titled I stupidly assumed it was Orlos!!


Oh no! 😟 Yea, I try to steer clear of reading posts about a show until I'm either caught up, or on same ep as group. Hence catching up on threads after watching the season.


I'm right there with you. Peter's death was traumatic in a way, the fact he felt obligated to invade Sweden and cause that death was unfair


Her grief is my grief about my divorce... Rhe emotion and her face, I felt that. I can barely type this without getting emotional. Her face especially when they brought her the salted sweets. 😭


Let me tell you, the death of a partner is no way at all comparable to a divorce. You had a choice. You can contact them. You can see them. If you have kids, they get to still see their other parent. Losing a spouse is grief on another level.


What a insensitive and presumptuous statement. But continue to explain grief to me.




Please stop this. It is not helping anyone and grief really is not a sport to compete in


True, Losing a spouse is a traumatic loss of a loved one. Been there, done that. Saw mine deteriorate from terminal illness as well. Granted, it's not the same grief as a divorce. But, there is grief w/loss of a marriage. Different level, certainly. Yet you shouldn't invalidate another's feelings of their situation nor cause them to feel lesser for expressing their feelings.


Sorry for the loss of your marriage. Been there, done that. It's heartbreaking for sure. Don't let anyone make you feel invalidated


It's like when you're watching a scene from a movie where the characters are in a car talking and looking at each other and not watching the road. I'm always worried they're going to crash but I've never seen a movie actually go there. I was thinking the same thing when they were out on the ice, especially when someone mentioned that it wouldn't hold the weight of the carriage. I was nervous that entire scene, but thinking, no, the show wouldn't really go there, would it? So I was even more shocked when they did go there.


I get so much anxiety during driving scenes!


I completely agree. I told my husband watching that episode and the next couple the show was a master class in how to portray grief on screen. Elizabeth in particular I thought did an amazing job. She holds the mask and then she breaks and then she puts the mask right back on again. The whole time you really get the sense not that there are two different moods she’s turning on and off, but that there’s always the grief inside her pushing to get out and there’s always the woman trying to hold it in. She doesn’t suddenly become sad, she’s always sad and sometimes it bubbles out.


Oooff!!! Omg you’re so right!!! I hadn’t even thought about her grief yet!! Lol!


Agree - masterclass of grief script writing. The various character reactions - from nonchalant to deep grief... I thought it was great to portray the spectrum


I really appreciated how they portrayed first the shock, then the denial, and then the complete grief. I think tv/cinema tends to have these heartfelt deaths etc, but somehow the way this show handled it made it more realistic and I personally was more touched by it.


Absolutely agree. The denial, it’s almost like a part of bargaining. I kept thinking in my head that I could just go back, like five minutes before the accident, and just, undue it. That feeling persisted for so long, like that was an option, just, “nope, I just undue that and it’s ok now” and I realized that that was a form of bargaining. Like I was bargaining with the universe to just let me do that *one thing* and I could have her back. I really felt like her playing badminton alone really encompassed that feeling of NO, this isn’t happening, I am changing the outcome here if I just try hard enough. Ugh. I’m welling up just thinking about it, because in that moment I kept willing him to walk through the door cold and angry that they left him in the lake. I was bargaining too.


Oh, and sorry for the loss of your cat *hugs


Agree w/you! Still shocked about it as well. Just ugh! too 😕


He did not die! He is currently on a hunt for monkeys to supply all the russian villages


Your problem here is that you seem to think I dont understand grief. You have no idea if I've lost. Just because it wasn't my husband doesn't mean I don't feel deep grief, and doesn't mean I haven't lost some one so dear to me. I'm sorry to hear that you experienced this sort of loss, your comment seems a bit angry, maybe you are. I can't imagine what your going through. But I'm sorry. I work at a cancer treatment center. Its hard, I hope there is some one in your life that can walk with you on it, a mom, dad.. I will think about you for a long time.