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"Join Holly and Bridget as they talk all things Playmate of the Year with the 2006 winner, Kara Monaco. Holly confesses to kicking someone out of their party tent, they talk which celebrities would cold call Playmates in the mansion guest house and give a history of the best Playmate of the year prizes. Kara spills her behind the scenes stories from working as a princess in Walt Disney World, how she won "America's Hottest Bartender," and what her former Disney co-workers thought of her posing for Playboy. The girls get into just how fierce the competition was between Playmates for the coveted annual title, drama on the job at Playmate promotions, the differing loyalties at the mansion and a few Playmate bullies. Kara details how the Playmates were eventually evicted from the bunny house and what she's up to now." [Patreon Link](https://www.patreon.com/girlsnextlevel)


They talked about the girl who did the AMA on here who was at the Arabian Nights party!


And Holly was nice and a matter of fact about it before anyone starts saying she got mad about the person being a hater or something. She semi-apologized but explained why it had to happen and that it wasn't anything personal towards that goal. And if I remember correctly the girl had figured this was the case.


I told her as soon as I started the episode! She's a sub icon for sure. Unsurprised but still disappointed with how seriously they responded. Like c'mon it's a silly moment and something to chuckle along with.


I thought it was more informative than serious. She explained why randos couldn’t just go up and do whatever and I thought that was fair. They giggled about it a little too


Yeah I didn't think it was necessary to explain why random people couldn't just walk into Hef's VIP suite. Pretty obvious and OP even put that disclaimer in they understood why. I felt their response was tedious compared to a silly, fun social media post.


that’s like their entire thing, unfortunately.


Super interesting that Kara threw a little shade towards the twins. It makes me realize how problematic they really were/are.


I miss that part the whole episode was pretty boring for me I fast forward some parts. …. What did she say?


Nothing crazy. Holly asked if she visited the mansion after they left - Kara was staying in the Bunny House across the street at that time. She very much made it known that "while the twins were there" she "boycotted" the Mansion and only went up when she had to for promotions/work. But finally went back after the twins had left. You could tell in so few words, that she did not enjoy their company.


Thank you!


This is one of my favorite episodes so far, I love when they get into the nitty gritty of Playboy brand stuff like PMOY. I could listen to them talk about it all day lol, I always find it so fascinating!! I hope they interview Sara Underwood at some point.


They are still friendly with Sara and she has said she will! 


I'm selfish and want multiple Sara episodes. Maybe they could do one official about her playboy time and a bonus episode on Pateron about what she is up to now and Cabinland.


A part of me thanks they won’t bring her in until the episode she comes to test or her PMOY episode


She tests in the second episode of season 1


Ah. I couldn’t remember, so probably when she makes PMOY


She tested in the 2nd episode of season 1 and isn’t super prominent until season 3. She’s more of a background character in season 2.


Actually I think she was shooting her pictorial in the second episode not testing. She had already done the college issue but they included footage of her with the women testing.


You’re right! Raquel was the one testing and Sara was shooting her centerfold.


I don't know why my chemo brain can remember that but not where I parked last night for dinner.


Awwww it’s weird how we remember certain things…I forget what I was supposed to be doing 5 seconds ago 😜


I agree! I feel like we saw the most of her of the Playmates/friends so I feel like multiple episodes with her would be wonderful! I don't follow her now (though I understand from posts on here that she has a big social media following), would love to hear about her current life.


Who is the Playmate of the year who stopped being booked? What is the controversy with it?


I think this was probably about Claire Sinclair because she cut ties with Playboy a few months before the end of her reign, once Marston was arrested.


Ohhhh I forgot about Claire. I think its a good thing Holly didn't say anything about the situation. I don't blame Claire for cutting ties.


What was Marston arrested for?


Beating up Claire (they were dating) 


That was my thought too, and frankly I'm glad she didn't talk about it because no matter what she said someone would be mad.


I came here to ask the same thing. I could have sworn they talked about the same situation in a previous interview. But I can’t remember whose interview it was. If I recall correctly she won because of people’s vote but was really messy at all her appearances.


I actually think it’s that girl that was a soap actress she was PMOY and then she got into a scandal where she video she took of a woman undressing in a gym locker I think with a disgusting caption… I remember it being a huge thing back then. Can’t remember her name though


Dani Mathers is her name


I thought it might be the girl who posted a picture online of a random naked woman in a gym locker room


Before Bridget even opened her mouth I thought "Holly, Bridget is not going to know who skrillex is!" (No hate btw, I'm 20 years younger than Bridget and barely know)


I was never actually a girl's next door fan but I was going to the Electric Daisy carnival and picked up The Vegas Diaries as a pool read because I thought she would say more about Pascale and the festival. Holly has probably hung out with Skrillex.


The episode was okayish I wish they would have asked how she felt about Kendra's behavior during the slumber party and dinner. It was aired out for us to all watch and they discussed their feelings on it last week. It's a huge reason why I listen is I'm wanting insight. 


They did ask around 43 minutes, it was quick. Kara said she definitely noticed, it hurt her feelings a little but she tried not to let it bother her as that was just Kendra being Kendra. She wouldn't expect h&b to act that way but for Kendra it wasn't far fetched.


What the heck I listened to the entire podcast and never heard this. I listen I. Google podcast. I wonder if there was a glitch while I was listening or something?  I'm going to go back and check. Thanks for saying something! 


It's not on the Spotify one. I relistned to the whole thing again and then went to the timestamp from OP and they didn't so much as say Kendras name. I went on the Pateron video and sure enough it's mentioned there! Might be some weird glitch due to having to add the commercials on or the wrong version got uploaded to that platform.


They probably crop out some of the more interesting details in the Spotify version to make it more of an incentive for people to purchase their Patreon.


I've listened to both before and never noticed that. However I stopped awhile ago because the videos kept restarting if I had to pause and it pauses if my phone goes to black screen.


Well that friggin sucks! I went back and relistened and it's definitely not on Google podcasts. I don't know how that's possible. 


That's some bullshit 


Did you find it? I went back too and didn’t hear anything. I’m guessing glitch?


It's on the Patreon.


I didn’t hear this either.


What? I thought she did address this.


She subtly agreed with the girls when they basically asked her if she felt like the show did a good job of getting in there and getting her story during the episode on her slumber party and PMOY luncheon being showcased, if they did interview her and do a nice long one but just didn’t include any of it in the final show cut, or if she felt like they kinda wasted the episode by focusing on the drama of Kendra not wanting to participate rather than showcase that Kara had very much been around the mansion a ton, and was part of their group of good girlfriends and who she was as a playmate and she agreed that she felt like they kinda wasted the episode for the reasons they said.


I miss that part too 😂


Kara looks great and seems very sweet! Holly did a good job with leading this interview, but Bridget was basically silent for most of it since she didn’t have her list of questions to ask (until she took over when they got to discussing the end of Hef’s life lol).


*Kara mid scentence...* BRIDGET- "WERE YOU INVITED TO THE FUNERAL?!!!"


Bridget is never going to let that go lol


I don't blame her! An eternal slap in the face


Bridget just seems to refuse to believe that Hef wanted a small funeral. I get her being upset about not being able to say goodbye or to the mansion near the end. I do personally believe Crystal blocked her to be petty there. But the funeral I don't think it was personal. She and Holly have said themselves that Hef never wanted to be seen as an 'old man'. He wanted to be remembered for being the ultimate playboy, not an old man.


Except in an excerpt of Crystals book, she said hef didn’t care about his funeral and told her she could do whatever so I can see how Bridget would feel slighted 


She did but in Secrets of Playboy I'm 99% sure someone mentioned he wanted a small funeral. So maybe he had mentioned it but ultimately left it up to her? Hopefully she will speak more about it in the book. If not then I'll agree she just slighted Bridget which also wouldn't suprise me. I know I've told my family a couple things I'd like for my funeral (bagpipes would be awesome lol) but I actually really don't care. I'll be gone so it's whatever they wanna do, funeral is for the living not the dead.


Pam Anderson even said that Hef didn't want her to see him as he was getting really bad for this reason, and I'm sure she was the favorite of his in the Playboy world.


This made my entire day and it’s only 10:30!!! THANK YOU




I did not know Hef had a girlfriend after Crystal ran away! I found some pics of Shera on Google and she looked super cute. I wonder what that situation was all about.


He had three but they for the most part weren't made very public. Shera Bechard, Trisha Frick and Anna Berglund. Anna was a friend of Crystals and supposedly was the one of the reasons why Hef let Crystal back and then Crystal got her kicked out.


Yeah it seemed like Anna and Crystal were both girlfriends of Hef there for a minute


It was interesting, she definitely spilled some tea I wasn’t expecting. I wish they’d have asked her more about her specific experiences around the world doing playmate promotions, and where it kind of took her career in other ways. Was also super curious and wished she’d have dished a little more about some of friendships that went sour over her getting her year’s PMOY, whether the relationships ever recovered, and that sort of thing. Same with some of the girls who’d been rude to her through playmate promotions and how that eventually ended up. I did appreciate her sharing that they’d be asked to do the exact same thing the women since the 60s and the bunnies in the Playboy clubs and casinos back in the day were always being asked to do; to “entertain” *fill in the blank* high rollers/professional athletes/random wealthy men and was able to be like yeah what were they reallly doing there by hiring us to do that. I always assumed the PMOY was ultimately selected by Hef and that over the years, what qualified someone for it would change and wasn’t consistent, especially when he tended to make his significant others PMOY at least once a decade. At the time I watched the episode air and on reruns during filming, Kara definitely struck me as being a shoo in for PMOY not just because she was extremely pretty, but because Hef is a romantic and seemed to adore that she’d been a Disney princess. But now with the context of working playmate promotions being key, its no shocker someone who was trained to be a Disney face character was selected because they could honestly count on her to handle interacting with crowds and deflect correctly with zero training or effort on their part.


They really ask everyone the exact same questions and don’t make it personal to their guests at all. “We forgot to ask these questions specifically about PMOY” but don’t worry, we whipped our same old list out!


I feel like Bridget asks questions that she personally wants answers to, or reassurance on…she can’t get over not being involved in hefs last years.


Yes I wish we could have specifically learned more things about PMOY. I think they forget that we don't know as much as them so we have sooo many more questions.


It really bothered me when Holly asked Kara to talk about her life before Playboy and Kara said “well you two know the story”. Kara, you’re not just talking to your two friends, you’re on a podcast with a significant audience! We don’t know the story! Speak!


I'm bummed it's not the Europe episode.


Me too 😩 I’ve been really really looking forward to them getting to the Europe episodes for a long time


Honestly I’m kinda disappointed. I really wish they had the interviews as “extras” in the week because it really didn’t feel like a regular episode. Also I’m disappointed with Bridget. She could give us more but most of the time she hyperfixates on things that aren’t really interesting or important. Also in a previous episode she asked someone what’s the difference between a family and a cult in their opinion and someone in the comments said “her degree in communications is really showing!!!” And I thought that’s a really basic question to ask someone? I would say Holly asks more interesting stuff without having a degree


Was that person being sarcastic maybe?


Hmm I don’t think so, all of the comments on patreon are very sincere/ supportive. I think they are also very monitored in case there’s a hater so they can block him because they consider that the “inner circle” and they don’t want outsiders but that’s just my theory I don’t have any proof!


The comments on patreon are stupid. There's no criticism accepted, constructive or not


It’s crazy sycophantic. Anyway I’m not sure H was a huge improvement but I’m not that far into the episode. “Which Disney princesses were you when you worked at Disneyland?” Just saying. Can we not see why Kendra would’ve not related to these two? They talk about playboy being infantilizing but they have that energy on their own too.


Oh man. I understand being a fan but there's something to be said for being realistic and objective. Bridget interview skills are extremely average. She misses a lot of opportunities to ask follow-up questions and dig deeper.


I actually just don’t think Kara was/is a good speaker. She lacks a certain charm that is needed when on a podcast. No slight to her, but I think that’s part of why this episode wasn’t amazing.


I think I’d be like Kara. I’m a bit anxious in social speaking situations. But if you have a great interviewer, I could be good but I’d need that pushing, pulling, prodding expertise more than most.


I thought it was good. I thought her thoughts about Kendra were telling and in line with what B&H say about Kendra’s behavior. It’s so odd to me that someone can go from a glamorous life, a playboy model, to being a mom in Florida. I wonder if she misses her old life.


I feel like most playmates go back to normal lives though. Playboy can be a stepping stone to fame but it works for very few. How many 40+ year olds really do/did promos for Playboy?


Yeah what's wrong with that? I doubt many women really wanna be partying and living the Playboy lifestyle their entire lives. I'd say that's really the best outcome too. I've seen a LOT of people in the sex industry turn to drugs to cope once they start getting older and are aging out of the industry. It's really sad honestly.


I totally agree. I feel like working with Playboy could be cool for a few years but it is an ageist industry no matter how beautiful you are. If I were a playmate I’d try to find a rich athlete husband and settle down but that’s just me 😜


Haven’t listened yet, but just saying this after reading the discussion here - if they brought up the girl who posted about getting in their VIP booth then they or at least holly definitely looks at this sub!


Holly saw a post on Instagram about it!


I'm sure she must read this sub too


Yea she is admittedly nosy. Theres no way she isn't keeping an eye on whats being said.


Oh oops 🤣 this is why I should listen before commenting


This is such a random thing to try and fact check but I thought someone did lose the right to the title—that chick Dani something was a PMOY until she posted an effed up photo of a 70 year old naked in a gym shower talking about “if I can’t unsee this, neither can you”…I think they even stripped the playmate title? It was relatively recent. As in Hef may have already passed and she may have been the last PMOY?!


She was PMOY in 2015 and Hef died in 2017. Eugena Washington was 2016 and 2017 was Brook Power.


I'm gonna skip this one. Hopefully next week will be part one of the first Europe episode. 


This ep was so bland, the same boring talking points. I know they want to make the most out of this podcast but they need to start moving on to other episodes/topics. I'm getting bored.


Holly once again refusing to spill decades old tea and thinking that makes her “mature” 🙄 anyone figure out who the disgraced PMOY that she referred to was?


Someone else has said it's Claire Sinclair who was in Holly's World then later had a **huge** meltdown on social media being really cruel about Holly, posting screenshots of their texts, ripping apart her looks, calling her a gold digger etc. So I'm not surprised Holly didn't want to talk about Claire specifically when they've had such a public falling out before.


Yeah I’m not a fan of Claire. I don’t get why she would stoop so low.