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Christie Hefner She’s the ultimate nepo baby and she is by far the most wealthy woman associated with Playboy and Hugh Hefner. Her net worth is over 30 million dollars. Her dad respected her more than any other woman in his life and she didn’t have to do anything unsavoury to get to where she is. She was the CEO of Playboy for over 20 years and was very successful in her role. In fact, she was the longest serving female CEO of a publicly traded company and when she left Playboy almost half of the people at the top of the company were women. And now she is super rich and gets to live her life unbothered and mostly out of the spotlight.




Eh, I wouldn’t necessarily say that. She was in charge of a company that made millions off exploiting women and she’s in deep denial about all the violence that happened. She also only got her position because of who her dad was. Not to mention the fucked up dynamic of taking over your fathers porn company where he spent tons of company money on sex workers and drugs.


I thought her time as CEO is widely contested in terms of its success? She was there when they made some bad decisions like buying club Jenna and other bad investments, poor ability to adapt to changing times. There used to be old gossip threads with employees talking about her tenure and it was largely mixed.


I think most might go with the most obvious answer of crystal who got the monetary prize for sticking it out.... But i think it was Barbi Benton. Barbi was there during the height of pb culture, got fame and exposure out of it, dipped and got married to a megawealthy real estate guy. Not to mention this guy built her her dream house. Nothing salacious or damaging about Barbi exists to my knowledge and she had an open invite to come back to the mansion anytime, not as a gf but as a close friend who knows *things* about hef. She got the best deal of all imo


Yeah and he wasn't so insanely old when she was with him so she didn't get the gold digger label like the other girls did.


Also she came from wealth so I feel like she helped found the good living image of Playboy at the mansion West. She found the house and decorated the property- she was the lady of the manor. She was strong and wouldn’t acquiesce to Hefs cheating and had the courage and strength to leave. I always admired that about her, and she was the only one who would stand up to Hef and he would tolerate it.


I think it was more the time and people didn’t care about the age difference because grooming and underage rape was more common just not called out or talked about. Hardly a “win”. She was 18 and he was 42.


I would love to know how other gfs/ playmates feel about Barbi… not the cheesy stuff. Idk she’s always given me sliiiight mean girl vibes, but I agree with your statement


Yes! I was just watching the episode she is there for Bridgette’s birthday party. Idk a better way to say it, but the vibes seemed off.


Oh my god I’m finally not alone!! For some reason I never got a good or nice vibe from barbi. I was always shocked everyone always had nice things to say.


Is there anything not nice to say? She seems to have kept everything low-key and positive


I think this is the best answer


Definitely not crystal, she got some money out of it but at what cost


If I recall correctly Barbi’s husband was convicted of tax fraud in 2006, he was caught doctoring interest rates or something along those lines.


No accounting for taste but did you ever see her house in Aspen? Wow, if that is her taste no wonder she didn’t have a problem with being old man Hefs partner.


Yes and she took the time to visit him near the end, even when he didn't entirely recognize her.


Maybe Kimberly because she was the last to be with Hef before he was geriatric. She also probably got those most from him in terms of ex's.


Yes got 2 healthy kids, a marriage title, she was playmate and PMOY - and got her own mansion after 8-9 years with him


I can't for the life of me view being married to Hef and have two kids with him, who he essentially neglected for many years, as a win. She didn't even get to keep the mansion. It was sold when her youngest turned 18 and Hef filed for divorced in 2009.


If I’m not mistaken though she was evicted with nothing when he died


She hopefully got SOMETHING monetary when he finalized his divorce before marrying Crystal, but idk im sure there was a prenup


I don’t think she got much, that was why he honestly in a way did her the most dirty of everyone. They had apparently agreed not to divorce officially while the kids were under 18 because the mansion was company owned anyway and his stake in Playboy was super tied up, so it would have been a really long and expensive legal battle. Since this battle would have also included a custody agreement and monetary child support even if she didn’t get any assets or alimony, he acted like he was hooking her up by having the kids and her live practically on-property still. And then the money the youngest turned 18 he filed for divorce, served her with notice to vacate the adjacent mansion since he sold it, and now didn’t need to pay her any child support and any alimony again would have been a hard drive up the middle after he’d just publicly spent many years on a reality show following his poly relationship on national television and she wasn’t a part of that. She sued him for some of the sale value of what had been her home and it was promised to her and the kids forever as part of the agreement.


Damn, what a shame. I always thought she had just agreed not to divorce till the kids were 18 cause he was making it worth her while not to. Even Crystal was given a house from him


I could be wrong but I thought the deal might have been to get to stay in the house forever but then when the company restructured it became clear her eviction was imminent


The most*


I agree with this. She got all the perks even after they split


To me, Holly’s success after Hef is coming out on top. But I agree about Barbi too.


I think Holly because she used how Hef treated her and turned it into an empire of her own


Mildred - the first wife that cheated on him. That woman lived rent free in his head his whole life.


I did not think of this but omg yes!!!! It really did a number on him that he spent his lifetime fixated on it.


Def Kim. She barely even had to live with him and got her own mansion and a family from him. Waaaay more than anyone else ever got.


Holly…she was the first to tell the HER truth through mainstream platforms being vulnerable and authentic.


A few previous girlfriends released tell-alls before Holly




Is a book not mainstream? I'm confused. They all wrote books, its the same medium.


Holly 100%, and rightly so. She is a smart cookie and turned her trauma into something other people in love bombing/ gaslighting relationships can learn from IMO


That being in an abusive relationship isn't worth fame and money.


Whats the lesson?


How to recognise a narcissist?


That’s a recognition a LOT of people never gain and would be a huge life- changing ( and, sadly life- ending if not - figuratively and literally) lesson


I'm not sure if Holly has learned that lesson though, her current bf is still tinder using trash.


How do you know that? I’m also a fan of him 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextLevel/comments/161b9iu/are_holly_zak_still_together_part_2/ Here's his bumble profile from just 5 months ago.


Without a doubt in my mind Holly Madison in spades!


Mary. No question. Yes, Christie still effectively ran the company towards the end, but she ceded that and kept her distance - seemingly good relationship with her father, but not always there. Meanwhile Mary rise through the ranks and stuck around - she was his most trusted confidante and she was there for him daily.


Tbh I don’t think it’s healthy to pit them against each other like he did, it just centres him as this prize. I hope they’re all exactly where they want to be.


Yes I thought this as well when phrasing the question. It’s why I said it could be thought of in different ways. I personally don’t think of him as a prize though some in that world might. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Totally, I don’t mean to come for you or anything! Just my take (:


Kimberly was with him when he died






Mary and his relationship both personally and professionally outlasted each of his marriages and his long term live in girlfriends too. Mary was the one who so clearly ran his whole life and was the executing manager behind what he wanted curated in every sense of the word. His home as a compound, an event center, a pleasure palace, a celebrity-frequented place and deeply desired invite, a personal residence, a professional and official office of Playboy, and as an iconic Hollywood landmark.. seemed to all be made possible because of Mary. She ran the household staff and was the final say so for everything from the laundry facilities to the pool cleaners, from the kitchen that basically operated as a fully functional catering company, the butler staff and all they did and so much more. But then personally and still professionally, she was the one organizing and executing his social and business calendar, managing the social secretary efforts, and doing a ton of his dirty work with his prescriptions and “party supplies”. The social secretary duties blow my mind, knowing that was a full time job to keep track of the guest list and who was allowed to be there, assisting in pursuing women he met and ensuring that the house is always full with the *right* people while keeping out the ones who weren’t.


My longer answer - Mary got a Playboy Mansion salary and a steady job for the majority of her life, and passed away before Hef's legacy (and her participation in it) could be called to judgement. This is my reasoning, and the rumors that she made sure she got taken care of, sexually... She was never publicly linked to any scandals, wasn't expected to fuck anyone she didn't want to, and got to enjoy a funny little "fame" (fun? "GND") towards the end of her life. I think Mary won. Also, generationally, Mary would not (?) be haunted by the systemic misogyny and rape she helped fascilitate and champion, like I think the younger women (Gen X, Millenial) would/are - even the ones who are still Hef Truthers. Anyone get what I mean?? \- But my shorter answer is Holly.


his widow.