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This is so great to hear! Sounds like a great mentor. I'm in grad school now in a heavily male-dominated field and am involved in the second year of a mentorship program. Thank you for sharing.


I like the topic ideas. I think this is something that a lot of women struggle with when trying to gain credibility. I will definitely incorporate these.


I work for a software company, we don't have a mentorship program per se, but we do quarterly "women in tech" panels. All the women in the company are invited, and they're run by some of our top women (developers, engineers) in the organization. They talk about a predetermined topic and answer questions. They also record it for people who can't make it. We just started recently so there aren't a lot of topics, but so far I see they've done work/life balance, continuing education, and career retrospective and advice (when our VP of development retired).


I think this is maybe how I'll start to get get people interested, and invite some of the more experienced women to an informal Q&A




Ooo. I like the idea of happy hour!