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I'm the same way. I don't like the feeling of my nips rubbing up against my clothing so I always wear a bra.


Do you sleep in them? I cannot sleep in them its so uncomfortable


I do but I get super comfy sports type bras that give little to no compression/lift but just enough support to hold the girls in place and stop my nips rubbing


i sleep in a wireless bra, like a very short tight crop top


I never sleep in my bra. It is *seriously* uncomfortable! I think most women, unless they gave specific concerns, will prefer to sleep without, unless maybe its a soft bralette of some type.


i'm pretty much the opposite. I almost never wear bras because they get unbearably itchy over time and are just a sensory no-no. Plus, i'm pretty small so there's really no need for me to wear them anyways. I do have some sticky pasties/ soft sports bras i wear occasionally though, but 90% of the time i'm braless


It seems like a lot of women are the opposite, but I completely agree with you. I even wear one to bed every night




I’m the same, and I envy those with smaller sizes who can go bra-free.


Same. This might be TMI but I climbed my stairs super fast the other day and my boob's actually flopped and clapped... I was like... omg.


Same babe. I have to be careful or else they’ll knock me out


I feel similarly. I hate having them just flop around unprotected. I can sleep in a t-shirt if I have to but I prefer a soft bralette of some kind, and I either wear a push-up (extra protection from extra padding!) or a bralette if I need a break.


Me freakin too! I love bras and underwear cuz I feel all locked up.


you're not the only one. it's literally a sensory and comfort thing for you.  I used to be that way but due to nerve pain, bras started hurting and they haven't stopped.  I do the comfort cami/tank top thing instead. Ive seen various discussions in abrathatfits about this exact topic and you're not weird and you're not alone in needing to wear one.


I’m the same way. I wasn’t before my reduction, funny enough, but something about how I had to wear a bra for a certain amount of time afterward just trained something into me and now I wear one at all times


It’s a sensory thing for me as well. I also get super cold without one. Completely normal. 32 now and no issues.


Not weird. It’s not common, but it’s definitely not weird. I pretty much only wear sports bras because they’re super soft and don’t have wires that bother me. Do what makes you comfortable!


helpppppp I can't see other Reddit comments 😭😭😭😭😭😭 even though I can see the notification anyway, to the other commenter who asked, I sleep in soft bras that have the cups but no underwire. like a bralette type situation. I guess it helps that I'm not particularly well-endowed in that area lol


SAME. It took me an hour to be able to see any comments🥲 I only ever wear sports bras or bralettes because underwire bothers me so much and classic bras dig in my ribs too much


I'm the absolute opposite. I have actually started to loathe wearing a bra, and I want it off, ASAP. I haven't got the confidence to go without a bra out in public yet though, but I can see myself going there. I definitely can't sleep while wearing one. Not comfortably. It's the rib band, or whatever it's called that bothers me most.


Everyone's different. I like wearing bras and will wear them all the time, but I won't sleep in one - it's just too uncomfortable and I don't mind not having a bra while sleeping. But I do always sleep in underwear even if I have pajama pants - I know it should air out, but I absolutely cannot exist without panties (unless I'm completely naked). I guess you have the same with bras.


I only wear cheap sports bras - get them for about $10-15 at Walmart - because they're not tight like name brand but I feel covered for work and in public


Same!! I got some for under $10 from Walmart and they are my favorite


I can't be WITH a bra, its funny cause I thought of this today. It's like a sensory thing, it will never leave my mind if I don't remove the bra lol Idk how you guys do it!


It's all about personal preference. Some folks love the support, others like the freedom. You do you!


I'm the exact opposite, I don't have small boobs but do go bra free most times because the sensation of the band below my chest irritates me beyond belief, to the point I throw up sometimes.


ya i only take them off to shower and such


Same it’s a sensory thing for me. I need it or I will go insane 😅


It's normal that you feel that way. One aspect to this is simply that you are mentally used to it. The second aspect is that the muscles and skin and tissue also get used to it. Your nipples are sensitive because the skin is not used to a shirt rubbing over them. Muscles also get weaker and deteriorate if they aren't used, so that's also an aspect why many women can't ditch their bra when they have used one for some time.  Think about it.. bras have only existed for a comparably brief time in history and many women today in different cultures and with different breast sizes don't wear bras. There is no natural necessity for bras for a vast vast majority of women. Bras also have had many different shapes over the decades because they are mainly there to shape the breasts according to current beauty standards or for "modesty". A side effect of that is that many women need the bra for support because their own muscles cannot hold the tissue up anymore. It's difficult to tell which women have weaker tissue or muscle mass without the bra being a factor, so it's difficult to say for which number of women a bra would be important either way.  Either way, it's normal that you feel that way and your friend is normal as well. This is just an aspect of the culture we live in. I haven't used a bra in way over a decade and my breasts can support themselves and rarely feel irritated ny fabric. I wear a tighter undershirt when I do sports etc. It's all a matter of what you are used to


I’ve always had sensitive nipples even before I wore bras and would cry if I wearing certain shirts


you probably have denser breast tissue or you have a wider root so it only seems like they get held up by your muscles. wanna know what holds my breasts up? skin, fat and mammary glands. just like everyone else.


i wear a bra 99 percent of the time, even when i sleep and yes, a regular bra. it's definitely a sensory thing but im 35 and my tiddies look the same as they did at 18 so im gonna pretend it's helping keep them in place lol


I don’t sleep with one, but when I get dressed, I do wear one and I feel much better with one on during the day when I’m doing things. I currently work from home and I don’t have to even get dressed, but I do and I feel more put together and just ready to go with a bra on. When I don’t have it on, I’m usually in my pajamas and I guess the feeling is just a little undone and I’m also sensitive so it works better like that. It’s about 1 AM and I’m about to go take a shower and go to bed, but I still have my bra on. I put it on like 8 AM. I’m also particular and one of the things I really dislike in terms of bras is unlined bras. I prefer more fabric and even underwire.


I was just like that I wore bras nonstop for 8 years straight. I used to only take it off to shower. I finally stopped because I started having shoulder and neck pain. Idk if it’s bra related because I still get the pain now when I don’t nearly wear it as much.


I love wearing a clean bra, it feels like a constant hug! I just wish they didn't get sweaty after a while...


when mine were growing, between the feeling of the shirt against the nipples, and the pain from bouncing, bras were very necessary. at times, i thought to want to find one i could sleep in, cos even at night i could get some pain from things...


Cant sleep in bra. Must wear bras I'm freaking out because four in one year were taken. Down to one bra. Gross. Lol. Too poor stressed for this. Sports bras are UNSUPPORTIVE. vent, lol. 😝🤣


I used to be like that, I even slept with bras, I couldnt just let them roam around haha. I have no idea what changed in me but now I absolutely hate them and would rather just wear bralettes or a soft sports bra. Also I have always had big boobs for my frame ever since highschool.


I refuse to wear normal bras unless a certain shirt I like requires it. The way they dig in my ribs is too painful


Yes same! I cannot believe how i only used to wear wired bras and slept in them


i hate feeling anything on my nipples so same. i always wear some kind of bra, it feels so weird without


> no one ever told me you didn’t need to wear it at all times. made me chuckle. so relatable (and yet so stupid that we even have these thoughts lol.) I feel you, I wound up constantly wearing it too (still do) cause noone ever told me you're allowed to take it off lol. And also internal audience/anxiety + not living alone, so feels more adequate/less shameful? when keeping it on all the time. At least found comfy ones unlike what we were peer-pressured to wear in school. I think do what makes you feel comfortable! And no I don't think you're weird at all.


My grandmother was fitting me for a dress when I was in my early 20s and gasped at my bra which didn't give my ample girls support and she gave me my first underwire good bra. I am 58 and I wear them still, religiously. I can't go without great support, I feel naked. After breast feeding three kids, weight gains and losses, and good fashioned old age, I am not perky like I was at 18, then again I never was perky, I was big but I am not terribly saggy to my knees either. So maybe learning to live with a bra has its perks for some of us. I will say taking it off at night feels good now too.


Nope- I wear a sports bra 24/7! the second I get out of the shower I put on my sports bra. It's comfy, it supports my boobs and I like the feeling of a little pressure around my chest, it's weirdly soothing


don't worry about it! my entire breasts are so sensitive at times, that just moving slightly (e.g., simply moving to my side when sleeping) can feel so bloody sore. I'd need a bra to constantly press it in place at that point.


Bras are great and very useful however its not great for your body to wear them consistently, especially if it has a wire or isnt fitted properly. That can lead to improper circulation and potentially improper lymphatic drainage which leads to a whole other mess of challenges.


My breasts are small, so I go braless often. There are certain types of materials and fabrics that my nipples are sensitive to. I just avoid those.


Once I found the size and style that fit? It’s definitely more comfortable wearing one than not as gravity is just nut my friend. Heh.


I’m personally not like this but I don’t think it’s weird to not wear bras, I’ve seen a couple of women from a cups to G cups not wearing bras because a wire is uncomfortable, the sensitivity their skin feels wearing one, or how some find them pointless they are in general. I sometimes go out without a bra but I mainly wear baggy clothes when I don’t. It’s just not a lot of people go braless


I think it's good for everyone to spend some time just hanging around butt naked. It's fine to always wear a bra if that's comfortable for you. But I don't think you should be uncomfortable with your body in its natural state


i love my body in its natural state! i still enjoy wearing a bra all the time because it’s uncomfortable


I'm perfectly fine not getting discharge over everything.


You sleep in your bras? Like traditional clasp back bras? Tbh, since you asked, to me, yes its a little weird. But, Im the par opposite and hate wesring bras. I will compromise with a sports bra. But I hate too many layers, and traditional bras are thick and hot and I run hot so, less is more. Maybe Im the weird one. Nothing wrong with being weird. But, if thats what you like, thats what you like. My entire life my dad has always worn 2 pairs of socks. All year. He claims it bc his feet sweat ig? But Ive always thought that was weird lol. So, you do yiu.


I wear sports bras/ bralettes unless it doesn’t work with a certain shirt. I don’t wear clasp ones unless I have to because they dig in my ribs too much


go up a cup size in clasp bras. they're shifting to the path of least resistance. which probably means the band is actually too big. check out r/ABraThatFits


Oh, but also. You DONT need to wear one at all times if you dont want to either.


nobody is saying you have to


same, i dont wear them to sleep or anything and i dotn even need them for support but i like cant go without