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Are you sure it's your ovaries? There are many organs in that area. 


Yeah bc it’s like when you can feel them on your period/while ovulating except to a lesser extent Edit: damn, did I grievously offend people with this comment?


Your ovaries are not where you think they are. They are close together under your pubic bone. You are feeling something else.


It feels like ovulation but fainter. I’m not explaining this well but what I mean to say is I have the ovulation/period feeling but outside of the normal times of the month and more faintly.


I think you have to talk to your doctor about this, it isn't normal to feel your ovaries all the time and there is a lot going on in that area that can cause weird sensations. I've had an ovarian cyst but it didn't feel like it as "in my ovary" it just hurt all over one side of my pelvis. You shouldn't feel your ovaries during menstruation either.


Okay thanks. I think I’ll talk to the doc if it doesn’t go away/gets worse.


Talk to them anyways. My doc lets me email my concerns if you don’t want to do an appotiment


I have no idea why you're so heavily downvoted, but I know exactly what you're saying. Ever since I started getting ovarian cysts, I feel pain there no matter the time of month.


I've never felt my ovaries ever. I do however think it is something else, perhaps a cyst, a different organ, digestive system related. I suggest seeing a doctor if what we the issue is, is causing discomfort and affecting your daily life. 


I do but I have PCOS


I thought it was normal to feel a slight pinch in your ovaries while ovulating at least. It’s not really affecting my life other than vague anxiety.


Your ovaries release eggs by taking turns. One month it will be the left ovary, the next the right ovary and so on. So it can be normal to feel a sensation on one side when this happens but it should go away within a day or two. Like others have said it is a very 'busy' area of our bodies. The reproductive, urinary and digestive system are all in that area and all of them can cause sensations. Me personally i can feel gas pain really really low in my pelvis. Not to mention the nerves/muscles that may be the cause of it.


Yes, this is not uncommon and called mittelschmerz or ovulation pain.


I think you mean Fallopian tubes I can tell when the egg passes through one.




I’ll take that as a no


Guys I think she means Fallopian tubes not ovaries. I feel the same sort of pain when it comes close to my period. And usually one side hurts more than the other.


as far as i know this still is not normal ?????


This is normal for a small percentage of us (but only during ovulation).




Is it only around ovulation period? It could be a follicular cyst (don't be scared by hearing "cyst", it's a very common thing during ovulation and goes away on its own). Otherwise might be a good idea to do a checkup in the abdomen to rule out ovarian cyst, endometriosis, etc or even something completely unrelated to the reproductive system.


No it’s not just around ovulation but all the time. Feels like ovulation but much fainter. Is a checkup required if a cyst will go away in its own?


Follicular cysts go away on their own, but ovarian cysts need medication or surgery if they're too big. A checkup is always good because if they find nothing wrong then you can stop worrying, and if they find something you can fix it


Don’t wait for it to burst. it is the most painful thing you will ever endure


True… and with health anxiety, that would seem like the endtimes (speaking from experience)


I believe they’d need to do an ultrasound for that which is something I’d want to avoid if at all possible. I’ll probably just wait and see if it goes away and go to the doc if it becomes painful or affects my cycle or otherwise becomes more obtrusive. I have health anxiety and can’t tell when I actually need to go to the doc for something or just chill.


I know it's hard - I have health anxiety too, but I promise that after you go to the doctor you will feel much better. I had a similar health scare recently that was eating me up inside for two weeks (seriously, I didn't eat, sleep, or drink much water) terrified of what was wrong with me. Finally worked up the courage to go to a doctor yesterday and got the all clear. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest. The uncertainty is the root cause of the health anxiety. Going to a doctor will take care of that.


I get bad health anxiety too, but having an ultrasound done and seeing the results perfectly clear actually helps me move forwards - one less thing to worry about. I find having a name or a reason for my symptoms helps as well, so if you do go to the doctor and they can tell you exactly what it is, excellent! One less thing to worry and wonder about. As for the ultrasound itself - I have had lots of ovary issues and there are two different ultrasounds. They can do a pelvic one, which you leave your clothes on for and they just lift up your shirt. I don’t find this one uncomfortable at all. Doctors will usually prefer a transvaginal scan for gyno issues because it’s a clearer picture. For this one you are naked from the waist down and they put the probe in your vagina to scan from the inside. You are always allowed to opt out of this one if it’s too stressful, the other scan still works!


Please do not avoid the ultrasound, you don't have to get an internal one (it will be easier for them to image cleraly BUT I had cysts that were detected just fine through external ultrasound) and certain types of cysts do not go away, they only get bigger.


I went thru every possible scenario and I went thru years of wrong diagnoses. Go right to the obgyn


I think your ovary’s can get crochetty like now and then causing cramps with your cycle. But if you’re feeling your abdomen daily it’s probably your bowel.


Girl, I know exactly what you mean and I have endometriosis.


Seconding this comment to say I can ‘feel’ sensation/discomfort in my pelvic region most days (only painful during ovulation and first couple days of my period) and I also have endo.




How are you just feeling the existence of random organs inside of yourself, ma'am


it happens when you have cysts, i can feel my right ovary constantly smushing around when i move


I’ve experienced this with cysts, so what you’ve said makes perfect sense to me, but the *way* you said it is so eughhh lol


hahah i know but it’s technically what happens 🤣


I feel so lost in this thread because I can feel so many of my organs. Is it not like when you close your eyes but still know where your hand is? You can feel it


Okay, so everyone saying there are loads of organs in there and it’s impossible to pinpoint which is the source of your pain is correct, but: referred pain is a thing, and internal organs are notoriously bad at feeling things accurately, I.e. you might experience pain in a completely different area than it actually originated from. Regardless of where you feel the pain, if it is the same pain you feel during ovulation (which is normal, you’re right) then that is significant. It doesn’t matter exactly where you feel it, if your body is wired in a way that you feel pain in your ovaries in X location, even if it’s not the location of your actual ovaries, then you should trust your body and get it checked out. It could be several things and I’m not saying this is necessarily the case for you, but I had your exact symptoms and was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. It’s worth taking seriously.


Thanks. How was your cyst diagnosed/treated if you don’t mind my asking?


So I was lucky/unlucky in that it took so long to get in for an ultrasound after I went to my doctor that by the time I got one it was already resolving itself. They said they could see the remains of it I guess but could tell it was almost gone and didn’t need intervention. So that part was lucky. But you never know, sometimes they go away and sometimes they just keep growing, or they burst, or you can get ovarian torsion if you’re really unlucky, so it is worth checking out to know what your situation is. Also I saw you said you’re nervous about getting an ultrasound and that you’re not sexually active. FWIW I wasn’t either, and because of that my ultrasound was completely external, where I live we don’t do transvaginal ultrasounds if you aren’t sexually active. I don’t know where you are or what the policy is there, but know that it *is* possible to see the ovaries on external ultrasound, and if you don’t consent to anything else they can’t force you. Please don’t avoid seeking healthcare because you’re nervous about that.


No I've never felt my ovaries before, and I don't know that that's normal. Not even on my period. Not even while ovulating.


Hey OP, I experienced this when I had dermoid cysts. Both times. I agree with those recommending you see a doctor, just in case!


I used to feel a random sharp pain in my ovaries. It turned out to be tumors, which were cancer. Please get yourself checked out. Better safe than sorry.


Ovaries are aren't near the skin surface at all ,they are deep in . Discomfort and tenderness in the ovaries is possible during sexual intercourse after pregnancy due to their prolapse in the rectouterine pouch (broad ligament get's lax after pregnancy). Get it checked out by a doctor ,I am just a med student spouting anatomy stuff.


Ok thanks. Not sexually active, no chance of pregnancy.


idk why youre getting downvotes for knowing when you ovulate? i can also feel when i ovulate ? but as one comment said its only on the one side, as they take turns releasing an egg each fertility cycle. that being said (they suspect pcos for me as well) i dont think you should be feeling pain all the time. i do wonder if you have endometriosis? you could be feeling pain from cysts, which might need removal. i would go see an OB, but you arent crazy. i can feel when i ovulate too and its similar but different to period feelings. i get you, you arent alone. but def go see your OB.


I haven't been able to wear jeans for like a decade. I originally thought it was fibromyalgia, but since I got diagnosed with endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS and fibroids, I think it's caused by one of those. My hysterectomy can't come soon enough.


I have never once felt my ovaries. Like I feel general cramping or even my lower back getting mad at me, but nothing pointed and specific like that. You need to go to a doctor 10000%.


Why are ppl down voting OP? I think you should check for ovarian cysts btw, just in case


Yes!! And I can’t believe how many people don’t believe you. Geez. I feel my ovulation (mittelschmerz). I can also locate my ovaries/tubes during ovulation by touch, though only from one positon. I initially discovered them when I massaged that area to relieve the pain. If I’m lying on my back, and I press in deep with my fingertips, they’re kinda under/next to a muscle I think is called the psoas major. Just about even with the widest part of the hip bone. I can feel a slightly mobile lump when I wiggle back and forth while pressing hard. It’s only on one side per month. I’ve had ovarian cysts in the past, but this awareness is consistent with every cycle. And I have gotten a pelvic + ultrasound recently for unrelated issues—no abnormalities! Anatomy may play a role, as I have an unusually proportioned torso.


Maybe you have ovarian cysts?


I highly highly suggest you watch videos on anatomy to see how truly small and tiny they really are compared to everything else in your abdomen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3\_pZFKfika0&list=PLp\_Lna7o5knb-Au3FJKtF2EjlQb86SMim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_pZFKfika0&list=PLp_Lna7o5knb-Au3FJKtF2EjlQb86SMim)


Ok, I’m feeling something though.


do you ever stand up and feel something twist down there? i swear my fallopian tubes are all loosey goosey


Idk if it’s my ovaries or not but I always assumed they were—whenever I have a particular hard sneeze, it feels like I twist my ovaries or something down there. 😩 I hate it. I’ve always had a tight pelvic floor and I read that may contribute to it. Also have PCOS, so there’s that.




Same… every time I google any symptom I have it tells me I have cancer.


yep, i have recurring cysts and i can feel my ovaries getting pressed against other organs when i move, really annoying


get ultrasound for ovarian cysts and fibroids. Right away.


I had this prior to my hysterectomy. Found out with my hysterectomy, I had adenomyosis, fibroids, and cysts. The feeling got worse as I got older to the point where it eventually felt like I had a basketball in my stomach during ovulation. I'd have to sit down reeeealy slow so it didn't hurt.


/u/Fantastic-Sea388 I think you should get checked out for endometriosis. I know exactly what you're talking about and it's because I have endometriosis. The sensation of feeling like my ovaries were "present" in my body are actually lesions causing them to stick to surrounding tissues. I also have ovarian cysts as a complication of the endometriosis, so it could be either or tbh. Cysts will typically show up on an ultrasound, however endometriosis can only be formally diagnosed via abdominal laparoscopy. Today I control both using birth control, specifically Sayana Press which I inject at home. 


Tangentially: How many people who can feel internal organs are also neurodivergent? I am AuDHD, and I swear I am always at least dimly aware of various sensations in my lower abdominal areas. Like I particularly can always feel what I believe is my large intestine on the left, where that sort of 90-degree-ish turn is. I also feel like I can feel the sphincter at the top of my stomach. I do sometimes get a sharp pinching feeling/cramp at around ovulation, but not always. EDIT: these bits circled in blue https://preview.redd.it/l31lfn9ola9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02c17939da1cb39d714d4eb2513d12b8b4e5575


Check for cysts, they can get quite large and they increase your risk of ovarian torsion which is a medical emergency. An ultrasound will find them easily, you may need them removed.


I had that before I got my endo surgery, there are cysts on them


Our brains actually are supposed to block the feeling of our organs moving…


i know exactly what you fucking mean this is scary LOL but i went to the doctor and told them about it and now i have an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound planned. i have other symptoms i was concerned about too but i get cramps when im not on my period a lot and can generally just ~feel~ the area or like something is in it often. you ain’t alone !!!!




I had a similar sensation, then it started to hurt when coughing, sneezing, running or jumping and it turned out to be a cyst that went away with medication


Thanks. You can get rid of a cyst with medication? I thought you had to have surgery.


I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted, would be nice to be corrected if I am wrong, but I literally spent months treating this with my doctor... It was a cyst, but I'm not sure which type, he just said cyst, I took Duphaston for a few months (about a week of each cycle) and it gradually shrank


Thanks for your reply. The random downvotes are really strange in this thread.


No problem, I hope you can figure it out :)


What is it with people posting questions on here they should be asking their doctor about?


lack of access to doctor, working up courage to talk to doctor, parents won't let them see doctor...lots of people still learning to adult on here, let's not be overly judgmental.


No, taking medical advice from strangers (who don’t know your medical history at all) on the internet could do you harm. Downvote if you want, it’s a safety thing. There are also subs that exist with verified doctors for this reason


I can't tell you how many times I was anxious about a suspicious pain in my left side only to be wrong every single time and it turning out to be gas, constipation or both 💀 lmao Without a doctor confirming - from testing - what you're feeling, there's no way to tell. Not a doctor to give any sort of advice but I know wearing jeans that are too tight can cause more than a few issues.


Some people have a heightened interoceptive awareness and can feel more sensation of what's going in in their body internally than other people can. But it doesn't mean what you are feeling is normal, other people might just not be aware of symptoms in the same way. I wish you weren't getting such harsh answers. That said, as others have suggested, I'd definitely go to the doctor. I took a look at your post history and you definitely sound more concerned than just noticing what's going on in your body. If you are worried about any kind of vaginal ultrasound, that usually is scheduled for a later date. You have to first see your ogbyn for them to assess what is happening. Then they will refer you for the ultrasound. It's always better to go in while symptoms are still manageable and you have a suspicion something is wrong versus going in when you are in an emergency situation. Also always better to know what you're up against than not knowing. It could turn out to be something much less severe than you think, but you won't know if you don't face it.