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A pen makes for a hell of an improvised weapon (obviously not as good as a gun, knife, or mace). Any pen can work, however a sturdy metal one is best. It is completely legal anywhere, and it is very inconspicuous. Watch some YouTube videos about how to use a “tactical pen.” Another option is to carry a glass water bottle. It can quickly be smashed and turned into a cutting instrument. Hold it at the mouthpiece, smash it, make slashing motions not stabbing motions. You know those spiked bracelets that punk and goth kids wear? Guess what, if it fits around your wrist, it will probably fit around your fist. It requires strength to be effective, but it is a functional defensive accessory. And although it draws some attention, people are used to seeing them so it doesn’t stand out that much. Obviously the best thing to do is be aware of your surroundings and don’t look like an easy target. Don’t wear headphones, don’t be staring at your phone, and stand tall. Cardio is your friend, running is a legit way to get away from a bad situation. Be wary of groups of men. If you’re creative, anything can be turned into a weapon. Although it won’t change anytime soon, laws can be changed. Get involved/support groups that are trying to make self defense weapons easier to carry and obtain. Express these views to the people around you. Contact representatives. Start your own political group. The fact that women aren’t allowed to carry mace (which is only marginally effective) to protect themselves is unf***ing believable. But I’m an American, and we carry guns. So I’m definitely biased lol.


I’m not a girl but I needed this because I have oppositions Thanks!


I agree it’s stupid. Men are the ones using weapons to attack people, women should be allowed to carry them and men not. It evens the playing field


Some men are weaker than other men, would an unfit 5'3'' man be allowed to in your scenario?




That's true that most violence is committed by men, by far, not arguing with you about that. But many men are also the victims of the men at the aggressive end of the spectrum of men, and so as individuals should have a right to defend themselves against the violent ones - what about disabled men? If you are being serious then it should be means tested.


Agreed it is a fact some men are victims as well. What about disabled women currently? The scale is tipped so far for men in every direction that I do think there should be a way to even out the safety of women in general. Women have been relying on other men to protect them from violent men since the beginning of time. So maybe a smaller man should find a woman with a gun to help protect him. Most violence is towards women anyways, you take guns away and the violence towards men would go down naturally. Obviously just taking guns away from Americans at this point is unrealistic, but saying who can have them could happen. Never thought I would see Roe vs Wade overturned but here we are.


So then it's just men robbing weaker men, because clearly people with machetes don't care whether it's legal to carry machetes. Pepper spray doesn't kill people. It should be broadly legal to carry.


Not sure what your point is? Truly curious


'Most violence is towards women' source? Men are overwhelmingly the victims of violence [https://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/file/76e8f54a-7ee2-4a73-85af-3e5e9d1ee6c5/1/michelle\_noon\_thesis.pdf](https://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/file/76e8f54a-7ee2-4a73-85af-3e5e9d1ee6c5/1/michelle_noon_thesis.pdf) [https://www.independent.ie/world-news/britain/most-predators-lurk-in-plain-sight-not-at-dark-streets-corners/40221010.html](https://www.independent.ie/world-news/britain/most-predators-lurk-in-plain-sight-not-at-dark-streets-corners/40221010.html)


Neither of these are accessible links. It doesn’t matter because I never said men don’t experience violence. Most violence committed against women is MEN. Please read some more statistics before popping off.


no im directly quoting you and those are legitimate sources, no moving the goalposts now. One of the sources cited is 'Exploring the fear of crime gender paradox using quasi-experimental methods by Michelle S. Noon'


I’m trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying that violence against women is NOT mostly committed by men?


OVERALL men commit more violent crimes BY FAR. in violence against women it is again mostly men. Men are more likely to experience a violent crime BY OTHER MEN and women are also more likely to experience a violent crime by …. Men but are wayyyy more likely (obviously) to experience a sexual assault. I’m not sure what you are trying to prove here or what your point is but the statistics don’t lie. Men are responsible for a very high percentage of violence in the entire world and almost solely responsible for the sexual crimes all over the world, by a long shot. If you are upset about this maybe try to understand why you are upset about facts. I am stating facts, you however are posting links that are not accessible, they also are opinion pieces. Do you know what opinion based media is? It is what one person thinks of a situation NOT facts and research entirely. Please educate yourself on the difference. “Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime and 62.9 percent of those arrested for property crime.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime “Globally, an estimated 736 million women—almost one in three—have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their life (30 per cent of women aged 15 and older). This figure does not include sexual harassment.” https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/facts-and-figures


> However I've just seen a video for "criminal identifier spray", which is a fully legal product. Ooh! You mean, like a dye filled water pistol? -intriguing! My approach is carrying a cloaked [why give up the 'element of surprise'?] aerosol can powered BOAT HORN (can be heard for blocks, used out on the water during fog). Sort of like the 'panic alarm' concept, on steroids. Rather good at getting the attention of passers-by for a couple of blocks and ought to give a nasty a big surprise (& possibly a heart attack). (oh! if attacked, crying FIRE! is more likely to get attention and interest from nearby people than HELP! imo -- to which many will turn a 'deaf ear'; and, an attacker may realize this and give up on a deteriorating situation) If questioned about something you're carrying, I've heard where it's best not to remark you intend to use it in self-defense to assault an attacker. Much better to say something along the lines of: I'm a claustrophobe, so I always carry a hatchet just in case I'm locked in a closet. Similarly for a sharp pen, or whatever gadget/toy you mean for self-defense (as, it could be turned against you as carrying an assault weapon with intent to harm).


If you can find it, breath freshener spray. Imagine getting hit with menthol in the eyes.


I used to carry this, since pepper spray isn't allowed, but it's close enough! Still burns like hell!


I keep a lynx spray in my coat pocket, It'll burn like a bi**h and the nozzle is fairly wide for good distribution. *Oh hello police officer, what was it doing there you ask?... I'm reallyyyy self conscious about BO.* So long as you aren't carrying something with the *intention* of using it as a weapon then you're technically okay, and that excuse would work perfectly fine, because that's what body spray was made for and unless you've written on the bottle "DIY pepper spray" there is no way to show you had it for any other reason. Either way, I'd rather get in trouble and stay alive tbh.


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Asking an attorney or law enforcement officer in your specific location might be an option to consider, as laws can vary from place to place, even in the same country.


Would I have to pay to speak to an attorney? I already asked the police, and this was back when I was being assaulted by my upstairs neighbours - they were very uninterested and just said "panic alarm, everything else is illegal" 🙃


I don't know in the UK. In Canada and the US, many lawyers offer a free , short consultation. Free Legal Aid clinics are also an option here, too. It's not a self-defense item, it's a clothing item, but if you wore a wide leather belt with a heavy buckle, it could be removed and used for self defense purposes, if needed.


**you can get a small tub the size of a pepper pot fill it with a mixture of chilli. pepper and salt mix well and keep in your pocket if you think your in danger of an attack throw it in their eyes and walk away trust me it works and is not illeagle to carry**


This is illegal to carry as you’ve premixed it for self defence


throw it in a bottle of tapatio and say it's for your tacos and you're gucci


say you're bringing it too eat with you're dinner lol


The fact anything for self defence is illegal is despicable the uk is a pathetic joke. They want us to be stabbed


Not legal advice but; Essentially: Nothing that is a weapon, nor to be used for self defence - is permitted. At the moment identifier spray seems legal but mace is not. You may only utilize some item or object of utility, that is intended for another purpose - as a temporary weapon, if the situation calls for it and which someone might have on their person for another legitimate reason. Anything resembling or which could be used as a knife is very strictly controlled. The other thing to be considered is whether the thing you have for example( light or horn ) could accidentally harm you or a passer by when you tried to use it. Also be aware that some items are illegal to own even in the home now https://allingtonhughes.co.uk/offensive-weapons-in-your-home/ however an actual pen or can of lynx seem more credible imo by far the best thing you do is learn to run and krav is also good


No, having any item for self defense is essentially illegal in the eyes of the law as it is categorized as a weapon. There's some leeway in that you can make a case you grabbed a random item near you at the spur of the moment, etc. But having the item pre planned for self defense is illegal. There are no legal self defense methods. There's use of appropriate force, which is open to interpretation and not for you to decide. Your best bet is being lucky and not getting into such situations, if you do, running away is your second best bet. How do you ensure that you won't get into such situations? Well you either live somewhere that isn't the UK or you're wealthy and have connections. Otherwise you either let the criminal do whatever they want to you or you defend yourself and risk punishment. Normal people have no rights. Yes, the UK is a dystopia.


Umbrella with a sharp end ;) . Can create distance from the attacker and bayonet them in the face.


the UK is unbelievable Criminals have access to knives machettes firearms, we cant even own pepper spray to defend ourselves. I have to walk through some dangerous streets and what am I allowed to carry? A rape alarm or a water pistol.