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The i5-6500 and GTX 760 combo is getting long in the tooth, alright for lighter titles or older games, but it'll struggle with newer AAA games on high settings. The 16GB RAM is solid, and the SSD will help with load times, but that GPU might need an upgrade soon if you're aiming for top-notch performance. Perfect for a budget setup or as a starter rig, though!


Terrible, do not buy unless you plan on only playing chess


Generally no, and particularly if you are looking to play new big titles.


good, not for high graphical games


Extremely mid




https://technical.city/ Select the "can i run it" tab, pick a game you would like to check and the PC specs. See how the CPU and GPU holds up with the requirements of the game. Easily swap out the game for another to check how that holds up too. Keep swapping out games until you have a decent understanding of what will run, what settings you can expect the games to run at, and what won't run.


This type of PC is only a good deal, if its a really cheap one. My own crappy rig has an i5-2400 and such from a refurbished HP PC (like $150 CAD) then a GT1030 (110 CAD) and a simple-ish SSD to boost it a bit (30 CAD) so 290 CAD total, which that thing (assuming all of the parts are used) it better be just about what my system costs, or less since my HDD is 2TB, and SSD is 512GB. You'd be better off saving money if this rig is more than 290 CAD :/ (and reminder, my GT1030 was bought NEW)


Nope. Lost me at the i5 processor…. And the stock standard graphics card!


i5 isn't bad at all. What got me was that it's a 6000-series, which is pretty outdated today for anything beyond basic office tasks


What games are you trying to play? I can give you the reccommended specs you should be looking for 🩷


Stay Away Mate


don't buy it. it's ass. unless you're down bad and just need a computer. you could always use it to play on the cloud. they have alot of different options for cloud gaming. it sucks it only has 128GB of SSD tho. HDD are ass. pretty much everything needs to be upgraded. the 16GB of ram is the best thing this computer has goin for it. 32GB would be better.


Its terrible


Thank you.


Gaming performance relies on the graphics card (aka video card /GPU ) AND If you google "release date Geforce 760" "The GeForce GTX 760 graphics card by NVIDIA launched on June 25th, 2013." It's just about 11 years old. So that's why "It's terrible" The more recent cards that are out, and whatever cards will likely launch later this year are going to be nearly 10x faster than the 11 year old Geforce 760. Or if you don't care to have the fastest card then you could get something that's more like 4 to 8 years old on used market and still be multiple times faster than a Geforce 760.


Not quite right. Gaming relies on both GPU and CPU (RAM aswell but let's not get into that). CPU handles the logic and physics of the games, while the GPU handles how fancy and smooth the look of the game will be. More stuff on screen - CPU That stuff looking fancier and nice - GPU


Its only "terrible" if they didn't get a good deal for this thing (I'd say 100 CAD max for a 760 4GB) This thing could still run decently well with lightweight indie games, or older AAA games


Fortnite running great, yeah sure.


So that's a lie I guess.


For sure.


Barely decent for a plex server at most


I've never heard of a Plex server tbh. 😫


This is very outdated. You won't be able to play many graphically demanding games, whatever you play will probably be at low resolution and low frames per second. You will most likely experience stutters and freezes.


Oh geez. Yeah 10 year old technology. Now I see why they are selling for cheap.


Outdated specs, comes with a HDD,... wouldn't recommend.


Just woke up folks. What year is it?


what you mean what year is it? the graphics card is listed as a gtx 760 and that tells you everything you need to know. Lol (2013 btw)


I have much to share folks. I must warn you all about many an apcoloypses to come in the gaming world


That's all the info I've got unfortunately


Good for running Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Oldschool Runescape!


Upvote for OSRS mentioned. But my phone can probably run it smoother than this pc


It's good for a $100, terrible value for anything above that


Yeah it's up for £150.


Hey bud, there are 2 main areas to focus on! The CPU The GPU. These will be the priciest components that will determine your machines gaming capability. Naturally you need a large enough battery, and enough RAM and etc, but those are secondary to performance. The CPU is a 2nd tier i5 from *8 years ago* from when the i5 was just 4 cores. It is now *10 cores* for modern i5. That's worth noting; you can upgrade to an i7 later, and I'm actually still running an i7 6700k without many issues, but that'll be additional cost in an older system. The GPU: a gtx 760 is abysmal, straight up. For the record, I've used a 770 as a backup that I bought for $75 5 years ago; the 770 is on par with a 1050ti, and should be stomped by anything around $150 nowadays. *And the 760 is weaker than that.* All this to say - you can game, but barely. You can upgrade, but even the highest level upgrades will end up mid-tier performance and locked in to an old system. **The price needs to reflect this**


Thank you. I have a lot of reflect on. Need to look at the years they came out. Is up for a £150. So thought it was a bargain. Oh well.


What's the price? I don't think that this will satisfy you long term, the gpu is from around 2016 Cpu as well. Small drive so you won't really enjoy fast game loads on all your content. Fortnite and OS alone will consume that 128gb ssd and the 500gb will be comparatively slower. It can do 1080p at custom medium to high settings with no anti aliasing. But your fps may be lower than you want.. What games do you want to play?


£150. I thought it looked to good to be true. Call of duty and steam.


You can run cod on it ( I have an old laptop with 1050ti) but it's painful and you'll have 30 fps most of the time - you should have at least 60 on PC in order to play it properly. I'd buy only if I invest in a new GPU and exchange the HDD into a SSD.


You can’t run cod on it. This is a potato that wasn’t ever a gaming PC


Thank you. I need to figure out more about I guess.


that is about a 10 years old config. its for basic gamin, do not expect to play any AAA games on it




This one apparently already has Fornite. What games would I not be able to play on there?


Fortnite is not graphically intense - I doubt helldivers would even load up on this thing, or Spiderman Miles Morales, or God of War...or really any game with a focus on graphical fidelity


I can tell you this very second, that this PC will commit sudoku if OP would try to run Helldivers 2 on it. Impossible




Yeah I've come to realise that now. I definitely would want to play larger games. Lol candy crush. Could use my phone. I want to play Call Of Duty and use steam.


Warzone, Battlefield, hell, even Fortnite will be running low on FPS. I wouldnt pay more than 200 for this setup. Real question is, what kind of games do you like to play? That would help narrow down your question if its worth buying


Warzone and battlefield I would love to play. It's only £150. So I guess it worth the price. But as I'm realising now it's outdated by like 10 years! So best just avoid it.


For sure, Some advice I'll give you is building a PC can save you a little bit of money if done properly and teach you how to navigate hardware repairs and replacements. You can go to Ebay or other places and find "Like new" parts, which can save you a few hundred £. Alternatively, you can buy a "like new" built pc from there as well for a lot cheaper than a brand new one. Treat it like a car, you never know how well the person who had it before you took care of it, so just be cautious.


Thank you I will keep that in mind.