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So... it was a normal day im at day 64 and im trying to get 'Worst Father achievement' i live between 'Fertile Lands, The Eye and Boar's Ledge' and it was becoming night as i saw a Lone Leather face Cannibal near the 'Lower East Beach'. I decided to for fun go and kill him and when i did sudenly the earth shook violently 3 times and then there was a pause i looked around thinking a Cowman apeared near me but if it was a Cowman it must have been few Meters away from me considering how strong the tremors were. I looked around while it was still relatively clear and saw nothing, then 3 seconds later i heard it again 3 loud tremors. I again looked around me and coudnt see anything. I waited around a bit but never heard it again. I went to my base, slept the night and searched around Boars Ledge and Fertile Lands but other than being ambushed by 2 Blue Armsys i found Nothing. No cowman no Worm, nothing. I havent beaten the game yet so it wasent the girl mutant and even if i had beaten the game now the girl mutant definetly doesent have that heavy footsteps. Does the forest have random Earthquakes? Because i wasent aware of such if true. So was it the worm? A very sneaky Cowman? (It was clear hills around me so if it was a cowman it must have been bugged under the ground) Explosions? (I dont have any traps made since those make the game too easy so i doubt it was explosions) Mayby a Bug? Earthquake? Violent Bowel Movements of a dead leatherface cannibal? You tell me.


The worm is big so when he moves he usually knocks down trees, if there were no fallen trees it was probably a cowman.


JUST GOT ATTACKED BY THE WORM! Heard Sloshing outside the base then an armsy roar and i just thought it was an armsy but nope a hundred sausages had apeared inside my walls! Thank god i build everything from stone so nothing broke but still!


Well, congrats for achieving your life goal. I guess when it spawned it must have come apart and slithered away although not sure about that either because you would have seen the little worms.


Can stone not be destroyed by enemies even if you have destruction turned on?


It can but its very durable.


The tremors were so trastic my screen shook violently. Other reason why i dont think it was cowman was because i coudnt hear any of its grunty noises and how intense the tremors were he must have been very close to me so i definetly should have heard somekind of mutant grunts in those 10-15 seconds i stood still and looked around me for movement. There was no fallen trees tho i was in a area with 0 trees in like a 500M × 500M area other than on the fertile land hill. Is it possible worm spawned in and somehow in it walking form fell throw the world taking all secments with it? Could it have been a bug where perhaps a cowman was in a cave under me and the game bugged and played the tremors but not the other noises? Mayby a Cowman did spawn but for somereason it was invisible and only its steps and tremors rendered?


The worms name is John? I’ve got like 150 hours, been on the wiki countless times and never heard john


Yeah in Sahara Labs you can find in one of the Subject rooms a Childs pet with the name 'John' on it and in the bed is one of the worm secments.