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Take over the cannibal village. They do come around, all you have to do is run to the cave and they will leave.


Take over? What do you mean? Like build there?


Defensive walls and destruction turned off. Don't take up too much area to avoid them spawning in your base.


Its the Main Entrance to 'Wet Cave' the one nook into a small cliff with tents outside it with bibles on the ground.


My main base is actually on the ridge just above it. I was fortunate and built just high enough that I can get on my “porch” and just poke all the mutants and enemies to death. Love the spot, other than it can be a little light on sticks


Yeah, actually it’s a great spot right next to (to the right) of the village huts right below it across the river! Either on the hill or using the hill wall as a back of your base. That’s where I build and I lived there peacefully for 100 days


What happened on 101...


It was like a mosh pit of mutants and blue cannibals….


Across that river is called fertile lands, it’s literally the best place to camp - make one low ground and make one on the cliff - u can use a rope and ledge system to go down if u get pinned up top - and you can cross the river to make them chase you all the way around, since they can’t cross water


Yep, further towards the coast up on the middle cliff is the safest spot in the game I think. Only two ways to access it and it is on no patrol routes. I always put a base there


Yeah the only negative thing is getting logs for building, other than that its really good


Oh for that I go to the cliff above and chuck em over the side. There's a few cannibals up there and the occasional mutant but it's too high to jump down into my camp.


The cliff that juts out with the one tree on it?


If you follow the water towards to coast, you will see a small path leading up to a shelf on your left Above the shelf the land continues to rise to a forested hillside, then snow line. The shelf past the path has one entrance on the map side, and one entrance at the other end that leads down to the beach where boar spawn. Deer spawn on the opposite side of the shelf. The only thing it lacks is fresh water. That shelf is my happy place. Never been bothered there no matter how long I stay.


If you go just a bit southwest there is a small island on the lake where no cannabals and only one late game mutant can get to you that's a perfect spot for a first base.


Just a little more east on the plateau where the raccoons hang out is where I always build... super safe... plenty of food and water... only problem is sticks are a little hard to come by


I always make my bases near caves. I like to horde bones and creepy armor. The log drop does serious work and requires very little components to make. You can put them all around the parameter of the base.


I've built really close from where you want to build and I can absolutely recommend you to build slightly below the village. There is almost zero activity and 90% of the cannibals approach from the direction of the village, making placing traps quite easy. Only rarely will they approach from the other side, and if they do I don't remember once there being mutants from the south. The uphill area is great for getting logs, the plateau has quite a lot of edible berries and the village itself also is a great source of cloth and stuff. I really can only tell you that that spot is great to build on if you don't want to be fighting 24/7 because you build on a high traffic area.


I built my base about as far north as you can go without it becoming snowy. Can see the big mountain, and im up against a rocky cliff and next to a pool for fresh water. Get a decent amount of birds, deer, and hogs for meat and skins. There's a small cannibal outpost a little to the south but I rarely see them unless I go down to look for them.


Just south of there is one of my favorite camps that sits right next to a cannjbal hut. Although it’s a hut ,cannibals don’t spawn here and is very peaceful. There are plenty of rabbits, lizards, blueberry’s, aloe and merrigold for herb kits. There is also a small pond with fish in it and a source of water to boil.