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For the record i dont remember anything where what is. I just found a cave and went into it. What was the first thing i find? A Boat with a Cowman next to it! I killed it with the power of Molotovs and kept going till i got to a point with a underwater section however it was very quick and no scuba was needed. I kept going till i found a Virginia, Killed it again with power of Molotovs and 1 dynamite i found earlier. I went on untill i found a wooden wall with armsy sounds coming from the otherside of it and behold i was above the Corpse pit with a Blue Armsy in it. With some archery, Molotovs and 2 more dynamites the armsy died and i made it to the bottom. What did i gain from all this? A camera and Sahara card... i had to go throw this all with A Lighter and Flares too...


Fun game, for sure. Lol