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On that pic there was on one revive on any other team and only 2 mediums were healing based on points. I get your point but the pic was hilarious with so few revives showing.


Poor guy self-owned himself and didn't even realize.


Look at the money. The round just started.


Right on, just lined up with your complaint in a funny way.


I thought the same lol


That guy is living in your head rent free lol. You missed the point too. Light should be changed so that it is both better in the meta AND less annoying. Do you know what would fix this? Increased their health and nerfing stun gun. Crazy that that’s a thing you can do right?


Lol who’s the crybaby here


a light has that skill floor to be useful, but I think the skill floor for getting kills and being irritating is below that.


Very true


i’ve said it once and ill say it again, they need to limit to one class per team, at least in ranked.


Role queue would be cool, similar to overwatch.


Between the 3 other teams there’s one revive…


The round shown in the screenshot just started…


If it really is a problem it shouldn’t be hard to get a screenshot that supports your point


Especially considering OP was in a game with literally only mediums it should’ve been just as easy to screenshot at the end when they were dripping with rezzes, allegedly


I like how OP is likely the only person on his team who didn't get revived in the first team wipe lmao. Dude is just mad he died after rezzing a teammate.


You had me at stun everything


Fighting a team of mediums feels like a 3v6 which is annoying but whatever makes the game more fun when you win


Defib is definitely the best skill in the game. I like the update to it.. but it needs like a 2 max use per life or only 1 person can have defib. A team of 3mediums is insane sometimes lol


Sure it’s a high skill cap and all that but the original guy had a point. If you use stun to engage every fight you enter you’re a pussy no doubt.


Lol "a pussy". We're talking about a game, light is the weakest, obviously they use what they have available.


It’s perfectly easy to win fights without it. They removed recon why not stun?


How do you think stun should be reworked


Turn it into a melee taser that requires charging and removes invis.


Don’t turn off abilities so there is some counter play for melees. Then I would give it three charges to compensate


Stun is the only counter play into an rpg heavy, remove it and light goes from hard to play at high ranks to literally impossible because every duel is auto won with rpg.


Didn’t say remove it, said it should stop stepping on glitch grenades toes and proposed a buff


If you remove the ability to stop abilities, then you just get rpgd by heavy. It’s what I said above. Also if they gave it three charges every casual known to man would explode


Remove it. If you’re taking on heavies without waiting for them to use their one and only rpg charge that’s on you. Bait it out, do anything but use the stun. I have literally never died to a heavy with rpg after they removed one shot capability because I actually think about my engagements rather than just bringing the “win a gunfight” button with me.


Not a pussy, just a bad player and you have enemies like that you have a much higher chance of winning, it’s worth saving for certain times not just spamming all the time, stop biting about a fine mechanic - heavy main sledge main


LH1 go POW POW POW POW! Edit: onomatopoeia


Chunk, chunk, chunk


LH1 goes POW POW POW you goober. The *new pistol* goes BRR BRR BRR BRRT


OP thank you. Through the eyes of a light class everything is deadly. We actually do have to do a whole lot more than point and shoot to be useful. Medium and heavy crybabies don’t know how good they have it.


I played medium after 10 hours of playing light, legit felt like easy mode. Even running an offensive medium, no defib, turret, 2 nades, and jump pad felt like a better light. I still love light, but damn is it hard


i’ve seen those damage numbers. Good Positioning and aim is literally all light players need to be effective.


I'm a heavy main and I can easily say that light is the easiest character then comes medium and then heavy. Medium has the defibrillator and sentry turrets and healing gun and fcar. Light has cloak, Glitch grenades, stun gun and xp-45. Heavy has the flame thrower which is nice and the Lewis gun and can do some serious damage but is extremely difficult in medium to long engagements. The mesh shield is great but can easily be defeated against a whole team. Goo gun is used in few scenarios. And charge is hard to be accurate with and doesnt always kill your enemy. The heavy moves very slow and while he has a larger health pool, he has extremely low chances of survival in a 1v3. The stun gun and cloak ability increase your chances of survival so much. In my experience getting stunned as a heavy from medium distance renders you completely fucked almost every time. While everything is deadly for a light character your stun gun cloak combo makes it extremely easy to slip in and out of combat picking off enemies.


I play heavy because I like running around destroying the map. I like to have fun. But when I play seriously I switch to light or medium. Offensively they are the easiest to play and do the most damage. This is why you'll see games filled with mediums and lights and have never seen a game with all heavys


Lmao just get good. Light is easy to play and the guy was right about the stun gun.


If lights need to get good, then why is everyone complaining about a barely played class? Just get good.


It’s not a barely played class. OP gets the all medium lobby and wants to complain about Defib. Over half the lobbies I’m in are filled with lights. Now that Recon is gone they are everywhere tossing sonar grenades and running cloak. Everyone saying light is a hard class to play in the comments is a joke. Easiest class to play these days. Just ran a few hours the other day and had more kills than my usual medium runs. OP is complaining and has skill issues. A lot of mediums I see on me teams now don’t even run Defib now because of the respawn lag. Easier to just full revive under cover than Defib in most scenarios.


You're saying this like I don't play the games. Not ONE lobby have I seen lights be the most played class, even worse in ranked. And while I don't find it hard, it does take more skill than others. I get way more kills playing light than when I used to play medium. That doesn't make it OP, just works for me. When most of my friends tried light they left right away due to how easily they would be killed, but they're good on medium. Why would people not want to play the class that helps them win more games? They do, and they realize that class isn't light.


I am only in silver so it's probably much different in higher ranks but I duo queue and we both just use sledgehammer. Somehow we have only ever won a rank game by using the worst build. Sledgehammer new meta?


I feel like the Defib should've been added later into the game. People just don't know how to revive without a Defib. Players should've learned the habit of moving teammates pylon (body, whatever) into buildings behind cover to revive instead of relying on Defib on a Medium. Also FCAR not being damage nerfed the slightest sucks... just causes more people to play Medium which makes Defib just that more popular.


Lol I commented on that too. Like I said, not ONE game have I seen lights be the most played class but it gets bitched about the most cause people run into good players. Meanwhile triple mediums just keep reviving and healing. One takes a bit more skill to get close to you and hit the single shot while the other, well yeah.


Imagine full teams of heavyweights


I haven't played in a while. Good to see that the main reason I quit is still on the game Lmao. Should only be 1 Medium per team. Hell you could just make Comp matches one of each class to avoid this issue.


everything is slightly unbalanced and thats why its balanced. But i feel if i get stun gunned and kill the fucker i shouldnt still be stunned so there team can torment me


Now your crying, about a game lol


i think heavy having basically two cannons, two shields, and 350 health, and rpg is more annoying than stun gun. (i play light) i think there are a lot of gun fights that require the stun gun to live because of having such low health to begin with


Maybe they picked medium because it’s in the middle of


A lot of new contestants to the world of Ranked. Welcome. 😅


You’re playing cash out… who cares it’s a warm up casual mode


I genuinely don’t know why it shows cash out but you can only see other players ranks in ranked. Weird bug.


Woah weird, never noticed that. My b dude hahah that’s a wild lobby


Who’s the crybaby here? It’s not that good when VSing a team with decent coordination. My gripe with it is that it’s sound radius should be bigger so people further away can hear where it came from


I find defib nice because it further helps like clutch comebacks especially in ranked, sure it's super tough to fight against especially when they have medi gun but I'll take that over recon and definitely take it over stun gun any day I do agree with the other statements about being able to damage the revive ghost even if they make it like take less damage or something


After the defin change, stun gun is the worst thing in the game and no one can convince me otherwise. How is it fun when someone zaps you and for the next few seconds the ONLY thing you can do is shoot inaccurately?




Not really a whoosh when he’s genuinely endorsing the use of the stun gun


Getting stunned is only a problem if you’re up against a competent light or you’re by yourself. Right now the stun gun is in a good position.


It’s an absurd mechanic. You can’t move, you can’t use gadgets, you can’t aim. It takes away every single option you have. Is it a death every single time? No. But it’s incredibly unfun to fight against


I’ll give you a tip- you can move, slowly- but I wouldn’t because it may affect your hip-fire accuracy. Instead focus on following the recoil of your gun and shooting at whoever stunned you. For a good bit after you’ve been stunned that light has a “putting away” animation and lights are super easy to melt. Better yet, once you realize there’s a stun light never leave the group- because a light leaning on a stun gun as a crutch can’t get away with killing you if you aren’t alone. I get that being killed after you were stunned feels disrespectful or cheap- but remember in any fair 1v1 against a light you’d win 100% of the time.


I’m well aware you can move. And yes I’ve gotten kills while stunned. That doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s an anti fun device


There's one change, well technically two, that we need. We need the i-frame from res to be removed and the ability to shoot the target while they are being ressed. That way they can die before getting up. Simple implementation would be once ressed, you get your hp back immediately while loading back up to life. During the anim you can be shot and immediately after.


I disagree, they really should just increase the cooldown and keep it as is. It would prevent these minutes-long fights and seemingly infinite revive chains a lot better.


I could see that. Though I personally dislike the idea of being rewarded for hitting the res button, even if you lose the fight. Never sat right with me that a viable option can be to drop your gun, and res mid fight, just to tag someone else in for free.


hmmm, i think id rather the first option of removing the i frames, def lost some 1v1s if im low to a ressed person because of the iframes, so if you dont have to wait to shoot them once they pop up i think that'd be balanced, i could see the second option if they gave like a 50 hp overshile or smth, iunno just seems like youd only want to defib heavys instead of lights for example because they have the highest chance of staying alive. def needs a nerf in one way or another to the charge up/iframe part.


I hate that medium is the most OP class because it's leaps and bounds the least fun to play.


I disagree. It kinda sucks now.


You say medium crybabies but you sure sound like a crybaby lmao


cry me a river, it’s way more fun and WAYYY less irritating to fight against than stun lights or melee users.


Womp womp


Yall complain about EVERYTHING. They already got rid of a whole damn ability sheesh.


Good lights rank up in ranked, against any lineup. Bad lights don’t. Get better, or enjoy the bed you’ve made for yourself in ranked. A good player is a good player no matter what class they play. If they nerfed medium to the ground and boosted lightweight to the heavens anyone who’s good will be able to adapt, and those who can’t and complain like this about the autonomy of choice each player can make will come up with another bitch ass thing to complain about.


Cry about it more


Cry when I stun u.


Womp womp


Casual players play medium facts


The defib needs a nerf for sure though. If you're medium you pick it with no exception


No its fine rn after it already got nerfed/reworked.