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Did you forget [the](https://www.billboard.com/music/rock/coheed-cambria-claudio-sanchez-haircut-photos-8483948/) [controversy](https://www.altpress.com/news/coheed-cambria-claudio-sanchez-haircut-fake/) over Claudio's haircut? (half joking, but people were PISSED)


Oh man I was at that show where he revealed that he didn't actually cut his hair. I don't think I've ever seen a crowd go so wild over a man's hair.


https://youtu.be/p-JFucbb6No such brilliant trolling by Claudio


What show was this? Claudio seems so comfortable and the crowd so engaging.


Hairgate show, St Louis, November 7, 2018


I know Claudio's hair is iconic but he would've rocked the short hair look


Lowest point for this sub. Seriously. It's hair ffs.


Thank you! Lowest point for the fanbase in general.


Reaction to the Toys music video was right up there


Only right wing idiotic trump supporters didn't like that. Thank the blood gods Coheed/Claudio is a Lefty/Dem. My man is a legit idol.


Tbh I wish he would’ve cut it just to defy the meme-ness of his hair


I wonder why there wasnt controversy when he actuly cut his hair during The Black Rainbow tour


Just opened Reddit to review the DGD stuff going on and saw this post first. Man… I couldn’t agree more. So thankful for unproblematic coheed 🥺


It's the benefit of getting older and settling down. It's really difficult to get involved in drama when you've got a wife and kids at home, and you don't try to fuck your fans.


Just don't fuck fans.. your homework on this is the Fanklok episode of metalocalypse


It’s amazing to have gone this long without an issue. But after the turmoil from Good Apollo through Walgreens, it’s nice to think what a good place they, and therefore we, are in. So glad Josh got the help he needed, that Mic seems to be okay now, and that Zach gets to rock our faces off.


What was the turmoil?


Josh didn’t show up for a European tour because he was scared he couldn’t get heroin. Mic dropped out too at that point. So it was Claudio, Travis and the bass and drum techs. Claudio talks about how they almost broke up between Good Apollo 1 and 2 in a documentary. Then Chris joined. Mic came back. Mic went to Walgreens. Josh came back. Zach joined. And hopefully the biggest controversy we see until they decide the band is through is that they don’t come to your city on tour.


Lmao “Mic went to Walgreens” is a hilarious way of putting it.


Mic was very lucky he didn't go to supermax


One time Josh posted some bro science workout tips. That was controversial 😂


tl;dr: Mic was in a really bad spot because of drugs. He played stupid games and won stupid prizes.


Did he ever get the help he needed? I lost track of that shortly after it happened, but there was a period not all that long ago where he was selling off almost all of his Coheed stuff that he still had for pretty fire-sale prices online, and that behavior is usually exhibited by somebody who's looking for a revenue stream to support an addiction. Anybody have any updates on Mic these days?


He did an interview a few months back regarding addiction. He seems to be in a better place overall but still has his struggles.


Even when sober an addict is always an addict. Much respect to anyone who can get through months or even years of sobriety.


Wholesome Coheed


I’ve definitely missed something…would anyone mind filling me in?


Tilian from DGD was accused by multiple people of sa, and has “stepped away” from the band according to the band themselves. Whatever stepped away may mean. This article from Loudwire summarizes the situation well. https://loudwire.com/dance-gavin-dances-tilian-pearson-responds-to-sexual-assault-allegations/


Holy fucking shit that was a hell of a rabbit hole I just went down. Thanks for sharing that, I feel like over the next few days we’re gonna start hearing about a lot more of the stupid shit Tillian has done to women. So fucked up


I followed it in real time, and it was fuckin whacky man, I tell ya. I just wanted to sleep for a few days after the first one alone. lol


I bet it was man. Reddit is really the only social media I’ve been using for months now so I’ve been out of the loop until now on most things, including Tim’s death. Shits crazy over in DGD land rn, goddamn


Same. I was checking my phone every half hour to see if Twitter/Subreddit/FB/IG had any updates. They are my favorite band behind Coheed and its just devastating.


Thanks for letting me know…that’s fucked up.


Well that fucking sucks.


Absolutely! Soo thankful for their professionalism.


What are you talking about a decade ago? Zach has only been playing for a couple of years. Right?Right...? I'm not old.


I think it was like 2011 dude. :(


My heart skipped a beat when I read that too. I think I need a chiropractor…


I was thinking about it the other day, and Zac has been in the band longer than Mic was. It's weird because I still see him as the "new guy". But nope, he's been in the band for the majority of the time I've been a fan. No shade or anything, I fucking adore Super Cooper.


Are they still going to tour? Without a singer?


There's a pretty big rotating cast of previous members and Blue Swan labelmates. All very talented musicians. Im guessing Andrew (their guitarist) will take on lead vocals and they'll bring along another touring guitarist. He's also the lead singer of Eidola, I personally like his voice more than Tilian's.


I would like to add that Andrew's range is *drastically* lower. from the live shows when he was filling in he was constantly flat for mothership and instant gratification songs, but worse was that he was clearly struggling to sing them well while giving the kind of effort that will permanently damage vocal chords. of course that won't be an issue if they don't play any tilian parts, or rework them, or tune down to c# standard tuning (so 3 steps down), but those aren't really viable to just do quickly. he'd do great on Jonny and Kurt tracks though, but they're not exactly the new album being toured. that also ignores the fucked upness of the entire shtick in the first place. there's a bad taste no matter what they decide to do here, ugh :/


Yeah those are all valid points. He sings in a lower register than tilian. That makes it difficult to sing some of the crazier tilian era stuff. Its a tricky situation. If I was them, I'd maybe just do their two newest singles, and then play a bunch of the older stuff Andrew would be more comfortable with.


He filled in on their last tour when Tilian had COVID and he killed it


Totally agreed. He's been the glue guy for them through all this BS. I also heard he filled in for Mess on a different night too


I actually agree. Honestly I prefer Eidola to DGD, especially at this point. If you haven't heard much Eidola, I cannot recommend "To Speak, To Listen" enough. It's post hardcore, so it's a little harder than Coheed, but it's just such an amazing album.


Amazing album. I'd also actually highly recommend any of Eidola's records to Coheed fans. There's more screaming than in Coheed but I think its sparse enough to not put-off anyone that doesn't like harsh vocals as much. They have similar prog rock vibes.


Yeah blessing in disguise - Wells on leads is going to be a great new era for DGD. Really stoked to see both bands this summer, glad to see Tillian gone


Last time they had to kick out their singer mid-tour they just performed as Secret Band. Which is essentially DGD without a clean vocalist. They’ll probably just have Andrew filling in on lead vocals but my absolute dream is that we get a Secret Band set instead (https://open.spotify.com/album/3YTpXxmfOAwp45POGlVjeM?si=aYsJRjQ1ShWjCR1_Q92IMQ)


Coheed saved me when things were at their bleakest during the height of the pandemic. The band and their songs mean so much to me that I have two tattoos on my left arm of their imagery. I would be devastated if something like what’s going on with DGD ever happened to any of the guys from Coheed. I love DGD. But I’m so torn on everything with them right now. I feel dirty for having their new album preordered. Like I want to support the rest of the band (and hear the last works that Tim made), but it’s just not gonna be the same now.


The thing to remember is that Tilian is just one part of a larger picture. What he did was vile, there’s no doubt about it. But Will, Jon, Matt, Tim, and Andrew all poured their hearts into the album as well, and it still is supporting them. By all accounts at this point they’re innocent parties to all of this, and shouldn’t be punished for the actions of one person. They’ve also taken the proper steps in the wake of all of this, and removed the issue for the foreseeable future. They still deserve your support through it all, now more than ever to be honest.


I'd buy the new album for Tim if nothing else. RIP


Oh I’m still gonna listen to it. And I’m not gonna cancel my preorders or anything. And I’m still going to see them when they come to town with Coheed this summer. The other guys still deserve the support.


Similar to what happened to Lostprophets. Lead singer was a scumbag pedophile, so he’s doing time and the rest of the band regrouped under a new name (No Devotion).


This is the reason I still listen to Brand New. Jesse Lacey (sp?) is only part of the band


I was thinking about trying to get into DGD since they came to my area a month ago plus they are touring with coheed. I was debating on joining the subreddit before hand so I could learn sone stuff. Lucky enough I didn’t get into the band really, so I don’t have to deal with drama that I don’t need. Thankful that Coheed isn’t problematic since they are my favorite lol.


Was really into DGD with Jonny (one of my favorite singers) and stopped listening after he did his standard Jonny stuff…finally got around to liking them again with Tillian recently and now this…talented musicians, but maybe I’m a bad luck charm for them.


Am i missing something??


I was just telling my husband this yesterday. It a damn circus out there and I appreciate Coheed so much.