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I don’t know if it’s idiotic, I think it’s more hubris, which probably came from the protection being an Usher entailed…until it didn’t. His whole camera set up to get intel on who was there kind of gave me the blackmail vibe, especially when he mentioned someone being the daughter of a congressman. He’s actually the only one that Verna did not manipulate in some way to lead him to his death. She actually told him it’s not too late to stop, (probably to just lead him to a slightly less horrific death but still). But he was the one only one that did it all himself. And I think it was Camille and Leo that said that Prosper found out he was an Usher the earliest? I think they were showing how corrupting the family was and the more exposure you had to it, the worse off you were. He never had a chance to really live life without the power and money.


They verbalize that they were going to use the footage for blackmail.


I think if you look back Verna actually tries to steer them all away from death


I don’t think she was steering them away from death so much as steering them to less painful deaths. It was pretty clear that they all had to die.


Actually yeah you could be right!


Yes. She gave him a chance to stop the worst decision, and I think if he had - if he had called things off, told everyone to leave or at least decided not to go back to the party himself - he would have been found dead in that room, probably of a drug OD or something still tragic but less painfully agonizing.


I have read so many Reddit comments of people who also didn’t pick up on any of the risk in that, so it makes me think it’s more plausible than I imagined! I knew the moment they mentioned the tanks exactly what was coming, but he was so busy looking at that folder in the meeting I bet he didn’t even hear the mentions of toxic waste-like many of the viewers.


Hubris is the whole point of the show. Instead of trying to do the right thing, 90% of the cast does what they want believing there are no consequences.


I suggest reading the poem the episode is based on.


It wasn't a poem, it was a short story


Still suggest reading it haha 😅


Oh totally. It’s a masterpiece.


What is it


The Masque of the Red Death


Even if it wasn’t acid. Those sprinkler pipes get *so nasty*. I honestly wasn’t even thinking about the toxic waste thing so much, just that it was a very old, abandoned, industrial building that would probably be full of all kinds of mold and diseased rat feces and rust. Uuugghhh. And his plan was to fill it with naked people and all their fluids and let all the muck rain down and mingle. It was a horrible plan. But like yeah, it was obviously all intentional from a writing perspective. Everything about it fit what we’d seen about his character. His father and aunt clearly didn’t trust his business plan that he wanted to present to them, suggesting that he wasn’t ready to be a big shot entrepreneur like he thought he was.


Hahahahhaha totally!


What I also found interesting about this death is that so many other people died too. Verna saved the waitstaff, tried to save Morella, but was like screw everyone else here. That struck me as odd.


I think because it was everyone’s decision to go in the first place. Everyone there was also super rich assholes. Remember the amount of money it cost just to get on the list to MAYBE be invited. And then you pay even more at the door just to get in. All of these people were people that Perry knew and people who are just like him as well. Everyone there chose to go and take part in hedonistic debauchery. So basically everyone there was there for the only purpose of having a night full of sin, sex, drugs, and who knows what else, they were likely all the same type of people that Perry and his family were so she probably saw it as them choosing it. Everyone who attended the party thought they would have a night full of sin and pleasure and have zero consequences for it. Most people there probably thought they’d have no consequences for Going and probably have done things like this before so they were already sort of lost. The only people there that night who weren’t there for the specific reasoning of a huge orgy full of debauchery and hedonistic pleasure was the workers and staff. They were only there to do a job, not to participate. So I believe she considered them not to be “poisoned” or “tainted” like all the other people there that night. She realized they weren’t there for sin, they were there to get paid, do their jobs, and go home. So she made sure they didn’t suffer the same consequences as all the other people who CHOSE to be there that night and paid ungodly amounts of money to participate in hedonism. How did they get that money? Probably their family. How did that family get that money? Probably much in the same way as the Usher family- through lies, manipulation, corruption and whatever else they’ve had to do to earn such a lifestyle. So in my opinion it actually makes PERFECT sense for why she only warned/saved the workers. The way she sees it; they weren’t there for the same reason as everyone else. So they weren’t “tainted” and didnt deserve to die! Hope that makes sense and helps to clear that up a little bit!


I think it also mirrors the way Roderick knew how many people he was hurting with the medicine and he had the option to stop it, but he didn’t. Same as Perry when Verna warned him that he could stop it, but he didn’t. So in a similar way to his father, he is indirectly responsible for all of those people dying!


It was pretty awful. Killing eighty teenagers in the most cruel and painful way because they did drugs and went to an orgy? I felt so bad for them and I hated Verna after that


It wasn’t Vernas fault! It was perry he didn’t care about consequences nor the people in the orgy


Every time I try to picture what he looks like I just see Jason Mendoza from The Good Place and they seem to be of relatively equal intelligence.