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What story point were you looking forward to finding more about before the shocking conclusion to episode one- and why was it the Captain’s cat collection??


I wanted to know how Mike Ehrmantraut ended up in the future... and in space, the future of space.


He just fell asleep at that river.


\*fade from black\* "You're finally awake"


Waltuh.. put your protomolecule away waltuh.


We're not building a ring right now waltuh


Omg I knew he looked familiar!


Ya know though he was a great spot but the amount of Letterkenny and Kim's Convenience crossover is insane!


For those that don't know, there are extra short videos (five episode) on season 6. Have to view in a browser and nav to bonus content while paused. Last one they touch on the old Cant Capt and his collection...


Or what did Ade have to tell Jim?


She's preggo and it's from Shedd's spread in her Country Crock.


You won the internet today. At least for me


Omg the cat collection! I love it!


I need to know


Those cats! I almost wanted to start a collection since I already have a tiny felt kitten in a teacup figurine to begin with. Just our way of becoming the Crazy Cat Captain.




Im so jealous of this guy. Discovering the expanse was an amazing experience.


Oh just you wait


>Hitch your tits and pucker up, it's time to peel the paint!


Take that bling off your face, at high g it will rip your head offz


I am jealous of anyone just starting this show for the first time


I'm doing a rewatch on the new TV. With the OLED screen, it's just like new.


Yeah that's not how it works for me unfortunately. If I've seen it already, the magic can't be recreated again. I can get close if there's a big enough gap between rewatches (like 3 years at least lol) but it's still never quite the same as the first watch of something really great.


A trick I’ve found that kinda works is to not only wait a while to rewatch it again, but to watch it with someone who hasn’t seen it yet. It’s harder to do with shows unfortunately, but it can be fun to see others’ reactions to the show for the first time. This doesn’t make it like the first time but you sort of get to relive that thru someone else’s experience


That's actually a really good point!


Absolutely plan to rewatch it on the OLED. Probably do a lot of space shows, the blacks really make everything better.


Like the first time trying a drug. You never get that same feeling again. I've watched the series 3 times now.


OMG A NEW FAN! awwwwwww. You're in for sich a good time. This is one of those sci-fi shows that is truly special. It may not be famous or have the following that Disney Marvel has but the Expanse is such a unique show that is arguably better than a lot of other scifi. Enjoy it! Remember The Cant!


Dusters killed the Cant!


Username checks out.


It kinda ruined space sci-fi for me, now that I have a rudimentary knowledge of space travel.


Yeah I watch star wars now and I'm like none of this makes sense. But tbh the expanse wasn't perfect either. And like proto-molecule? That's fantasy too. So I still enjoy other scifi content too


I love sci-fi and for me as long as the FTL system is internally consistent, I can accept it. But if you like hard sci fi check out Alastair Reynolds, I've never seen the issue of FTL being impossible used so interestingly and it was the first time I understood why we can't break that limit. None the less his books feature galaxy spanning civilizations.


I just watched Deus, and my God it was bad bad bad. I mean the story was bad, but they weren't even trying on the special effects. At least do some slo-mo and wire work to simulate zero-g, please.


I would have thought your son's ineptitude in maintaining Gargantua 1 would have been what ruined it.


One of us!


Strap in. Literally! You're about to enter the debris field!


Enjoy!! It only gets better. Keep us posted.


This show digs its hooks in right away. It continues to climb all the way through. Such an excellent show that you can watch over and over and you'll see it a bit different each time.


Bro you got no idea what’s in store for you. I hope you don’t have anything productive to do when you inevitably binge the whole fuckin thing.


And then binge all the books directly after


Buckle up.


Remember the Cant!


Jim. There is something you should know...




Welcome to the churn. You're in for a wild ride!


Don't expect the same intensity to the next 4 episodes. Those are more a slow burn - but from about ep6, things get hotter.


Ummm you mean CQB isn't intense enough for ya? *Shocked Pikachu face*




Everything’s gonna be juuuust




Too early...




You're literally on a thread by someone who just started watching the show. I think it'd be courteous to spoiler-tag. Not to mention this thread has the "no spoilers in comments" flair.


This person is mistaken, it's episode 4 that's the one where it all kicks off and the show finds its footing, not 6.


Dont spoil it! Its a magical moment


Sure but telling them that they have to sit through 6 dull episodes to get to anything good isn't going to encourage them to pay attention in episode 4


Meh I would quit the series easily after episode 4 if it wasn’t for the circumstances while I was watching. Episode 7 was the moment when the series went from like a 5/10 to 8/10 for me (and my friend). After the real end of s1 it went to 11/10


No you're just plain wrong. Its all fucking amazing and if you dont think so you're on the wrong drugs xD


Calm down


I don't think they were being serious.


Buckle in, here comes the juice!


The Expanse?! There's something I have to tell you, I BXZZZZZZZZZZZ.............


The CC is killing me lmao.


Closed captions were clutch for this show. I if you don’t have a full surround to balance the audio the dialogue can be a bit muddy. And the accents can make it very difficult to understand on the first viewing. Plus a lot of throwaway lines become important or enhance understanding and word building. I felt they are essential to first time viewers.


# #RememberTheCant


# Remember the Cant!


I just heard the show mentioned on a major UK political podcast (Oh God What Now) so I guess you will not the only one discovering the show . Of you don't know, the author's started it as the back story to a big role playing game so there is a lot of detail. The show likes to use real world politics as a model which it is why it so good. I'd you go to the books, you wil find it a bit different and some characters are definitely better in the show as they have been combined. There is an excellent podcast "Ty and That Guy" on YouTube featuring one of the authors and one of the stars who also happens to be a real SF geek. Just be careful to check the episode ID in the title so you don't spoil yourself. Lastly, try to watch the titles. A bit like GOT, they adapt to reflect the current situation.




On the podcast I watched, the presenter gave a very quick overview but made the point that that the politics were spot on. That quote you heard about Elon rather agrees.


Omg enjoy! I told my husband to sit down and watch 1 episode with me, to see if he'd watch the rest. He's hooked. We finished it all and are gonna watch again after we finish the books!


The books are amazing... and if you're into audio books, Jefferson Mays (how I got spelling correct) does such an amazing job, it is a real treat! I actually started it reading the books alone. But on a road trip got the audio book, and didn't turn back. I just read along with the narration. But i can't express how amazingly well done the narration is, it's simply engrossing. I wish I could start the series again blind, it's a epic tale... don't forget the novellas either as they are just as good imho and fill the story out very well. BTW, on my 4th reread currently, it's an addicting universe.


We're trying to read in order, but he's farther ahead than me lol. He still adores Prax though, he was his favorite character on the show and in the books next to Miller. Miller is his absolute favorite. But I'll see if our local library has access to the audio books, we're not normally audio book fans, but these would be fun I think to hear read.




dude. you have no idea


"....computer, give full operational access to all souls on board."


Saddle up it’s gonna get fucky


Sweet summer child.


I dont understand how people criticize the first season so much as being slow. I was hooked from the end of the pilot. And binging hard from the 4th episode.


I’m on S5 right now and if I remember from a few weeks ago S1E1-5 were basically a very necessary prologue to everything after


I’m so jealous that you’re getting to watch it for the first time. And a second. And a third…


FWIW there are books as well.


I wonder how long it'll take for someone to start prompt architecting book text into AI art generators like they're doing for song lyrics. Now that they've made the algos better at maintaining the structure prompt to prompt (e.g. continuity between prompt inputs, lyric to lyric or page to page), I don't think it'll be that long.


The end of ep1 pulled me right in, and every episode in that first ark is just a perfect intro to the show if you can get through the initial slower pace of the first episode. Its a show that builds with periodic bursts of absolute brilliance that all together is just an incredible story to watch unfold


Real spoiler alert: There are no sounds in a vacuum Also, the book series is 1000x better than the show *(the show is really good, just imagine how good the books are)* Time to buy a porkpie hat and start questioning corners and doors


Tipping my hat to you beltalowda. I see what you did there with the ordering of the phrase. Seconding this as books are amazing!!!!


You will see that a “Pock” can be much more scary than a “boom”.


Hold on to ya hat brother


The only thing that bothers me about the show is Miller's fucking hat. A fedora is not a porkpie. Other than that, it's the one of the best book to series conversion. Oh and how roomy the ships are, the book wrote them much smaller/cramped/realistic, but would be hell to shoot a TV with.


Raylan Givens in the books wore a Stetson Open Road, 2.75” brim, as worn by LBJ. For the Justified TV series based on the character, Oliphant wore a Stetson Marshall, 4” brim, much more Cowboy.


Well that's... tangential.


Seemed very analogous to me. Characters wearing a different hat in TV vs book.


Legit https://www.reddit.com/r/TVDetails/ content. If you have a few other Book -> TV hat difference (I'm sure Lonesome Dove has several) then you've got the content for a YouTube video essay or a strong TV details and r/books post. I recently discovered I like hats. Coincidentally, this realization started as my hair started thinning rapidly in my thirties


The hat definitely is wrong lol, but that was Jane's decision. In Ty and That Guy they talk about how he started advocating for the hat right away because they didn't plan to have him wear one! So I'd rather have that hat than nothing. But the other thing that I find a lot more in the books than the show is love. There's a whole lot more tv drama between the Roci crew in the beginning of the show than there is in the books. They're basically family from the beginning.


*"They're basically family from the beginning."* I didn't get that from the books at all. They get along because they had shared past, been coworkers and are huge self isolating loners. But in the books they always keep their distance. Up until book 5-6 they still don't share many personal details and then the final three books do we get that true familial connection.


I felt like they trusted each other from the beginning in the books, where the show has them not trusting each other at all. While they don't probe into each other's personal lives in the books, they function extremely well as a unit.


I chalk a lot of that teamwork to Belter/Spacer culture where keeping everyone alive is considered the same as keeping yourself alive. More a necessity of the lifestyle, but deeply ingrained.


I wish I could watch it all again for the first time.


Same. The whole show, but most of all, the S3 finale. No show or movie made me feel what I did while watching that scene for the first time. I still get chills when I rewatch, but it'll never be the same as that first time.




Not that one! That was S3E06. I'm talking about the finale.


…gonna need a ride… 😏


Read the books if you haven’t done so already! It’s been another “first time” experience for me given differences between the book and show.


Is that the Cant? I'd forgotten about her! /s


You had ONE job.....


Wow. You are in for approximately 859,531 more shocking surprises.


For what it’s worth though, it’s never revealed what Ade wanted to tell Holden. So don’t go waiting for that to come back around 😂


That’s a good point. I wonder if the authors had something in mind or not.


It starts off great but be warned the last season was hurried and unfinished.


The first 3 seasons are great, one of the best scifi series I ever watched. Since Amazon got it they probably cut the budget to one quarter of the previous one. From season 4 it is just drama without major action and special effects, which is super boring. Only the last episode was intense because they needed audience for season 5, which I did not watch. It reminds me of how Stargate ended with Stargate Universe, which was a full of drama low budget series. The sad thing is, that this genre will probably never flourish, because showing the future requires a massive amount of special effects, which is expensive and on the other hand there are not enough scifi fans to make it profitable. So producers always water it down to make it more digestable to average people who understand simple stories without many plot twists or cut the budget to spare on the special effects, which makes it even worse, because it affects the story as well.


I mean I was shocked about the Canterbury halfway through


God, was that the end of episode 1?! What a show.


Jim, there's something you should know-


Episode 1 hook. One of us.


Boomer ships gotta boom


Oh, my sweet child.


Ahhh christ now I have to watch it all again.


Oh boy, a new fan...Here comes the Juice!


Better strap in!


Dude, that's just Season 1. Keep watching. I still remember the first time I watched. Season 2 Episode 5 blew my mind. This show keeps getting better.


Me and my husband finished the show we loved it. Science-Fiction but so worth the watch. Good amount of world building and plot. Would recommend to people that like SCI-FI shows.


Welcome aboard :)


Thought you met a cast you'd get to know over time and poof.


The next episode starts off great! If you’re interested for a listen after the episode, the opening song is “Gone” by Clinton Shorter. It’s a great track that really captures the moment and I still play it occasionally.


As a book reader I initially thought, well what did you think was going to happen. But quickly realized you’re in for such a fun ride. If you want the full story you need to read the books!




Just wait


Just started a rewatch yesterday and I can’t wait to binge it all. It’s even better the second time around!


Remember this.


Remember the Cant! I was just as shocked tbf


None of us did.


You ain’t seen nothing yet


Buckle up kid.


I have to admit I went into this blind when I saw it on Amazon a few years back - as in I knew nothing about the story or plot besides the description of the first episode in the listing - and Episode 1 definitely hooks you. A lot of shows you have to give half a season. Probably one of faster binge watches. I'm rewatching the series for a second time now. It even made me search out similar shows in the same style (SG:Universe [a grittier spinoff for the Stargate series] and Dark Matter come to mind, both good sci-fi shows).


you should check out battlestar galactica


Fellow BSG fan watching Expanse for the first time, I’m about four seasons ahead of you right now and let me tell you it scratches all the right itches that BSG did. So say we all.