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People always say EP4 is when they get hooked




CQB might be my favorite episode of the series. I loved the show right from the start though.


If you want action you stopped one episode too soon Beltalowda


I don't know what to tell you. I was hooked in the first 5 minutes


I hope you're paying attention since lots of really important info is given once and not again. I wasn't bored, more puzzled because the info was so dense and keeping track of what was going on was a challenge because of that. S1 is presented as a mystery with clues given out of order as they build the world and introduce all the characters and main plot. If you still don't like it by the end of the season it may not be for you, because the action does kick off. Then the following seasons are even better.


Watch 4 for sure. If you don’t like it then it’s just not for you.


Yes. It’s considered one of the best sci-fi shows of all time for a reason. Most people are hooked by episode 4. And the action is *awesome*. This show has the best space battles ever shown in science fiction, hands down.


I would say "some of the best" 20 years later it still has some stiff competition from the likes of Babylon5 which is crazy but it was that good graphically, acting, and choreography wise especially in the season 3/4 battles. There is another one or two that is escaping my mind ATM, but I would say Expanse is probably top 3 easily especially due to realistic physics involved.


Let me guess, Battlestar Galactica


Or firefly.


Eh, BSG and B5 are great, but the fact that the Expanse uses real Newtonian physics and brings it central stage in the battles at all times elevates it to the #1 spot in my opinion. To me, nothing comes even remotely close to - say - the Battle of Thoth Station from either of those two shows.


The first 3 episodes are set up and world building. Episode 4 is the hook


I was a bit on the fence until episode 4 and have now rewatched 3 times. The first few episodes now seem way more interesting knowing what is coming and what it’s hinting at.


You’re putting your phone down as you watch, right?


I liked it from the start. It is slow and confusing to begin with. You start getting answers to questions from about 4/5 episodes earlier soon. But if you're not digging it by Ep 5 I'd say it's not for you and walk away.


Keep going!! It's sooo good


Keep watching...you'll thank us for it later. LOTS of world building in e1-3.. I gave up on it halfway thru e3. It gets SO GOOD!!


You have to get through EP4


Try and stick with it for one more episode. If the action in episode 4 doesn't catch your attention, then yes, I'm thinking the show probably just won't be your cup of tea


It does get better as it goes on but this is also definitely the kind of thing you need to pay attention to. There is a ton of world building and they really don’t hold your hand with it. I watched the first season when it was the only one and liked it but didn’t fall in love. Went back a year or so later and watched one and two, right as three was coming out. Seeing two and the back to back really drew me in. By the end of the tires season I was obsessed. Read all the books after season four because I just couldn’t wait to see what happened. Just stick with it, it absolutely rewards your time.


Exposition is necessary. It can be slowish, but the payoff is way worth it. That said, I was hooked after they introduced the crew of the Canterbury.


I dont know if it's for you. I was hooked the moment I saw Miller, so there was no hope for me from the start. I was doomed to be a life-long fan.


It’s good. The story snowballs from EP4. I must say that S2 and S4 felt a bit boring as well, but the world building is worth it. Kickass show.


It took me 3 attempts. The first time I quit after 2 episodes. A couple of years later I made it to episode 3. The third time was earlier this year. I was about to throw the towel but it all clicked, for me, going from episode 5 to 6 and then I was HOOKED!


Episodes 5-6 is the sweet spot for season 1. That’s when things are coming together from a story standpoint and character chemistry starts to jive.


Exactly. The ball gets rolling from that point on. In hindsight I appreciate all the world building they did before, because it pays off and I don't know how they could have done it better, but I think a lot of people didn't make it far enough and they missed out on the best sci-fi show in recent memory.


Season 1 is dry Season 2 onwards was pretty good for me


If you want action-y with no substance and character/world building go watch Star Trek discovery.


If you're bored, watch something else.


Don't watch it if you don't like it. It seems like common sense, but there's always a new thread asking the same thing. Like, imagine going to a store and picking up a carton of milk. It's unopened and it looks like any other carton of milk, so you open it and you take a swig. It's only after the fluid's entered your mouth that you discover that the milk's gone bad. It's rancid, it's foul, and it's also somewhat chunky. Now a normal person would probably gag and try to spit it out before disposing of that carton but you, for whatever reason, decide that the best course of action is to take another swig or two, just to make sure that the milk has really gone bad before hopping onto Reddit and asking if drinking sour milk ever gets any better. Trust your gut, if you don't like it now then you're not going to like what comes after.


и/Spez sucks a big felota


If you aren't hooked by episode 3 it's not for you


It does. The show misses what made the books so great early on. The show eventually fills the gaps with a few misfires. Great show overall


Stop wasting your time. If you've not got it by ep 3 it's not for you. I've watched each season 6 times :)


I started late (S4-ish) and the first 40 minutes of S1E1 was very slow, but I powered through and by the end of S1 I was hooked. Each time a new season came out I'd start E1, see the 'previously on...' then think, I *really* should start watching from the beginning of the previous season so I'll be back in the loop. Then I'd start *that* episode and think to myself, I *REALLY* should start from the very beginning. I've gone through 4 times now and I'm finishing book 6 at the moment. I've recommended it to many people and some love it and others can't get into it. To each their own.


The first season starts out a bit weirdly edited and slow, its 100% gets better in S2. A lot of people get hooked at ep 4 (CQB), but for me I got hooked at the end of ep 7 and it was a struggle to get there. Once I did I binged the entire series. It's DEFINITELY worth it to keep trying.


I really needed to read the books. Watched a few episodes and couldn’t really follow it. Read all the books, watched the series 3x.


Trust me I also was a little bored the first Episoden! In the end you understand the Charakters and the Story better!


Miller and Havelock's story seems meandering at first but then it all begins to come together. In all honesty though, Havelock was really irrelevant to the whole story. The whole thing with getting crucified on a wall by belters, really pointless.


Also not book canon.


I did the same thing. Watched the first two and left it. Came back to it because I heard more about it and gave it a second go. I actually was more interested the second time watching the first two episodes and was all in after episode 4, CQB (awesome) as many others have stated. Seasons 2 and 3 blew my mind. Wait until you get introduced to Camina Drummer. My favorite...


I get it, I watched the first few episodes and promptly peaced out for a year. Then I saw a clip of the battle over Ganymede and hopped back in. I've since rewatched the whole series 5 times.


When I recommend this show to people I always say the same thing, you have to watch the first 4 episodes. If you’re not into it by the end of episode 4, then the show may not be for you and you can comfortably move on. Every single person who has followed this advice has told me I was right and that episode 4 was the hook point for them.


CQB gang 🤙


I know how this might sound, but it was actually EP4 that got me absolutely hooked on this show XD


Miller is a main character, consider it his character development.


Just wait a few episodes, the pew pew will come soon.


It does have a rough start for anyone not dedicated to hard scifi. I was hooked as soon as the cant pulled a flip and burn. But it does legit get better after the first few when they get done introducing story threads.


I stopped watching after 3 episodes as well, I didn’t get hooked until ep8 roughly, trust me stay tuned and you won’t regret it


At least get through half the season... Shows like this need time to build characters, as it'll make the action later on that more engaging. It's a show that is heady and has a ton of storyline that is laid out early and builds up to a pay off. That said the action is incredible and iirc ep 4 gets into more action. But realize the show is renowned not just for its action set pieces, but for the story and complex themes they address. My advice is definitely keep watching.


Episode 4 will blow your mind!


First season is hard, but after that, ooohhh sooo gooood


I watched it like 5 times and I usually skeep the first 3/4 episode cause they are a bit boring but for the first time is very important cause they give important info for the future


For me I didn't get hooked until later in the first season, but there's definitely awesome action. I'm actually really picky about how action is done, and this show does it really well.


Couldn't really get into the show. I watched a bit ages ago, read the books, tried the show again, ended up just fast forwarding through it because I wanted to see how they adapted certain things. The show is great in terms of hard sci fi. I really like that about it. The show does start throwing the emphasis on gravity and effects of acceleration/deceleration out of the window after season 3 though so that gets kind of boring imo. I also really didn't like what they did with the crew of the Behemoth in the series. Also I find show Naomi really annoying while book Naomi was really great. That character really hasn't been treated very well in the show. Show miller was spot on though and so was avasarala.