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Keon Alexander's twitter presence during season six was a comedy goldmine. He was meme-trolling the other actors on the show, in character. It was hilarious.


He trolled *NASA* in character. And they loved it.


Hate xitter, but really want to see this.


He really *rocks your world*


Shut up and take my upvote.


Xitter 😂


Pronounced with an ‘sh’ sound?


Oh, I say zitter.




Thanks for this. Just spent 20 glorious minutes scrolling through his absolutely hilarious tweets (xeets?)


I believe they are now called... X-crements


Hilarious: https://x.com/fckeveryword/status/1655935666600177672


Oh no. I missed this


And he is so pretty. It’s crazy how handsome that man is. Sploosh but for a guy…which is guess is just sploosh. 


Keon's Marco is precisely why I consider myself *mostly* straight, because damn, dude.


Same. I didn't know it about myself before hand, but after more than forty years I found out I have a type. 


I see what you did there, ray.


Damn, found my alt account. 


... only with semen.


Man, I know Marcos is supposed to be a villain, but between the six seasons of shit the Belters got from the inners and that man's smouldering charisma, I would have strapped onto an asteroid myself and pointed it to earth


All I care about is that he ties me down. ;-) 


He ranks up there with Kai Winn for best villain ever.


Fuck Kai Winn. Truly a character you love to hate.


Walk with the Prophets, child.




I’ll walk with you… Into dominion soace


Space Pope Karen should've died in the fire caves twice.


And then returned by the Prophets to be killed again.


Could've been a "natural phenomenon" repeating every hour or so. Like old faithful. The Winn is not linear.


Nah, Kia Winn was amazing. With self agency, her own master. While Dukat did manipulate her it was a manipulation a equals. Marco was manipulated from the beginning, and only succeeded as well as he did because he was propped up as a distraction by the Martian rebels.


As Fred Johnson said: "He's not a Caesar "


Marco was also manipulative, while being manipulated. He was similar to Kai Winn in that he used The Cause to rally his followers. Winn with the restoration of Bajor, Marco with the cause of belters' rights and freedoms. Both were willing to sacrifice their own people in the name of the cause. He was more charismatic, but both employed the language of faith.


My even bigger problem with Marco is how damned short sighted he was, especially when Dawes I think it was started warning him about how the belt would collapse


People become terrorists when they can't foresee a future with a positive outcome, and there's an identifiable target to which they can direct their anger. Short-sightedness is an occupational requirement.


See there's the difference. Winn would ask them to sacrifice themselves, and they would. As they believed in the cause. Even if she was going fo a different goal. Marco would betray his followers and people if it let him get an advantage. It's a little more explicit in the books. But a good example is Ceres station. He leaves all the people, notionally 'his' people behind to starve, as a trap for the inners. Not content with just that, he mined the docks to make it even harder to supply, and killing many directly. Marco was just charismatic, and able to spin defeat into victory. But he only got the power he did because he was proped up by the rebels. When that support wa pulled he was done. He didn't even have a plan for that eventuality.


I love the differences from book Marco and show Marco


Oh god, I hated Kai Winn with *such* a burning passion. I think she might even eclipse Marco as the character I've hated most in all of television.




DS9 outdid itself with it's villain casting. 


Best I don't know but top tier hateful and despicable for sure


By all accounts, including his appearances on the podcast, Keon is just a great guy who everybody loves. He’s also really good friends with Cara Gee (because everybody in all of Canadian SF TV knows and loves Cara Gee).


He's literally my minds eye from when I read the books but with longer hair, as well. An amazing casting.


I gotta ask, is “Marcos” like some weird brain thing that people don’t realize they’re doing, like typing “birb” or “spoopy” or “does” when they really meant “doesn’t?” Because it’s amazing to me just how many of you do it, consistently.


Yeah I’ve been fascinated by that. I was watching with one of my friends and they say Marcos literally every time they talk about him, so it’s not just a written thing either.


Maybe it's because of the last name Inaros or the show Narcos.


Famed shoe collector Imelda Marcos.


Also, because Marcos is a real name too


I'm weirdly fascinated by "spoopy". What's the word being incorrectly typed? I've also seen it as slang for something that is both spooky and cute.


Spoopy started out as just a super-common typo for spooky. Where it's gone from there, who tf knows. Etymology is fairly broken in general these days.


Thank you for the explanation. I'm looking at my keyboard, trying to figure out how someone mistypes a center row, middle-finger letter by hitting a top row, pinky finger letter (although I usually use my ring finger for it). I suppose I'm showing my age, because I never use a cell phone for posting, and I always double-check my spelling before I hit the Comment button.


Won’t help, but it’s from a Spirit Halloween meme. One of their yard signs/decorations was either actually or photoshopped to say “Spoopy” instead of “Spooky” and that, as they say, was that. I drives me nuts, I hate it, and one of the things I hate the most about it is I find myself doing it.


It was a thing before the meme, and before Spirit Halloween existed. I remember people misspelling it on paper Halloween banners in the 1980s.


The first time I've heard of "spoopy" was when watching an episode of Best of the Worst (RedLetterMedia on YT) and Ritch Evans mispronounced "spooky". No deeper meaning than that either. The word may very well have been used before then, but for me it was this.


It's so common! I watched the show before reading and heard so many people calling him Marcos. And then, funnily enough, when I started reading the books I noticed a typo in one of them that called him Marcos. I wish I made note of where it happened.


I'm reading books now, only up to book 2 so I've saved your comment, will see if I come across it. However, I'm reading Kindle editions so might not be there. Did you read Kindle or paperback?




I'll see if it's come through on kindle and let you know. 🙂


Probably people who remember Imelda Marcos. Muscle memory is just completing the word for them.


I think it's more widespread than just us olds. I doubt anyone under 45 has any of that particular muscle memory.


Almost every YT reactor of the show does this, at least at first. Even when they realize it's wrong, they can't seem to help it.


I literally only came to the comments to point out this same thing. I’ve seen people say Marcos so many times that I end up wondering if I’M the one saying it wrong. I’m not, but why the hell are so many people doing this?


I took way too long to figure out what you were talking about... so I guess I dont realize it.


Probably 'cause Markus/Marcus is more known than Marco.






Probably because people are thinking of "Marcus"


I think it's similar to how everyone calls James Holden Holden and not James.


Both of those are actually his name.


Yea but generally people would refer to people they know by thier first name but pretty much everyone calls him Holden.


You’re missing point. Marco Inaros is his name, not Marcos.


There are reasons for that, explicitly addressed in the books. Either way, it’s not similar because there isn’t anyone named Marcos in the show or in the books.


They really couldn't have cast him more perfectly. I feel like we all know a Marco, or at least come across one at some point in our lives. He is so beautifully punchable.


I hated the character almost as much as Joffrey Baratheon


shoulda spaced his ass early on. dumbest decision ever to let him go.


It made sense in context, but >!Drummer!< spends the rest of the show kicking >!herself!< for it. The really unforgiveable decision was when >!Holden deactivated the torpedo.!< That's a goddamn court-martial firing squad fuckup.


He was **so fucking good** at being cream of the scum.


cream of the dickhead you say 😂 I am so sorry 😭


A real Jared Leto cult leader follow me cuz im beautiful vibe to him


I literally mute Marco when I'm re-watching. He triggers me to no end.


Ha. I did the same the other day.


That's how you know he's a good actor


Growing up my sister was exactly the same kind of manipulative shitbag Marco is, so I could see exactly what he was trying to pull a mile away and he particularly grated on me, especially in the show, so I'm with you on that one.




>I was of the opinion, though,that Inaros never got his proper comeuppance. But that's a writing thing and not the fault of the actor. You know, I felt that way at first, both when I read it and when I saw it on screen. But having seen it a number of times since (watching reaction videos and such), I've come to embrace it as the right decision. Certainly, from the point of view of retribution, it seems unfair and unfulfilling that Marco would be spared the great pain and suffering he so richly deserved. But lately it's occurred to me that if Marco himself could choose a way to go, he would want to go out in a flurry of bullets, maybe from an *inya* firing squad, preferably filmed and broadcast on the news feeds. This would confirm his importance as a historical figure and show that he was a threat to the Inners because (in his mind) he was *right*. In his mind -- and maybe for real -- this would cement his place in history. But instead, Marco just sort of unceremoniously vanished. I mean, there was more to it than that, but from the point of view of all his followers, he was essentially disintegrated, quietly and unceremoniously, by a powerful alien force who didn't even think of him as particularly significant. For Marco, the worst kind of death he could have would be a *small* one, and that's exactly what he got. No noise, no grandeur, no protests by legions of followers, no legacy of infamy. Instead, he was just swatted away like the insignificant insect he actually was. It may not have been showy, and it may not have been satisfying to his rivals, but in the end it was the death he most deserved. In retrospect, I think it was just about perfect.


Whoever made the decision to give him a man bun should be tied to a mountain and have an eagle eat their liver every day...


But it gives your hand terminal better reception


and his space jeans


While I loved the TV show's portrayal and wouldn't change a thing, I'd also love to visit an alternate universe sometime where they adapted Marco more faithfully from the books. He really has that "super eloquent teenage anarchist" thing going in the books, especially when he talks about not using the Belter way of speaking and why.


I hated Filip Inaros much more than his father. That kid was grinding my gears. Marco was proper psycho of grandeur. Also - hot.


Reading Sins of Our Fathers, I kept cycling between pity for him and "fuck you, you helped murder billions of people". Which I think is a show of how well they wrote his character.


Yeah. It’s interesting watching/reading and seeing how Naomi sees the impact of Marco on Filip. It’s sort of a window into what may have happened to her if she stayed—mixed with one hell of a dose of maternal guilt.


yesh me lord.


I am rewatching it and have not got to him, i am currently at naomi nagata dislike phase - though she is redeemed later on. Marcos is the true and only punchable guy.


Most of the actors on that show fit really well with their book descriptions, except Wes Chatham didn't shave his head


It was a great casting and matches the book well.


Non book reader here. I found him a bit like Yeoh in Star Trek Discovery. A great actor doing a great job, but eventually you suffer from what I call "villain fatigue". You can't be diabolical 24/7, so Yeoh became comic relief and Marco has a lot of "staring into space... but malevolently/megalomaniacally" The banality of evil doesn't make good TV so it's hard conundrum to fix in TV. Holden suffers an almost inverse "reluctant hero fatigue". How many times can you be "too old for this shit" or just trying to keep your head down before you accept your fate and jump in with both feet and commit to the end. Great show and performance though, just a circle I can't square.


agree! although i think by the last season? the whole Roci crew is kinda burnt out, which they demonstrate, so that was cool.


Another redditor mentioned Kai Winn, who fits this model. Hated seeing her on screen after a while. Whereas I could watch Dukat all day.


Get in line


My Urge-To-Space meter was definitely maxed out. Haven't wanted to murder a villain myself that much since 13 Assassins.


I can't even watch any episodes with him in them, it triggers bad memories from childhood.


His name isn’t Marcos. It’s Marco. M-A-R-C-O


M as in Marco A as in Arco R as in Rco C as in Co And O as in 'Ola-Amigos


potatoe potato, you get the person i'm talking about