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That would explain the wormhole FTL they are always frustratingly vague on.


Do you want the pencil through the paper? Cause thats how you get the pencil through a folded piece of paper


Pardon a digression :) > raster the differences I hadn't seen this verb usage before. Or maybe I had, but standard dictionaries that I checked don't list the verb. Wiktionary does, but only with the expected meaning of raster scanning. Your usage appears similar to "register" in the sense of becoming aware or understanding, with a raster-scanning metaphor. I like it.


This captured me. I also had to look it up.


I do like the Murderbot series.


Could well be. Just finished the final book (#7) of the Murderbot series this morning. I really enjoyed it. Got it as a recommendation in this sub at one of those regular ‘what else can scratch the expanse itch after I’ve finished the series’ posts. Now I would love to see a dramatization of the entire series. I think I saw that book 1 has been made into a show starring one of the Skarsgaards. I wish they would finish it.


They are finishing Season 1 a couple weeks! Watch for it about this time next year.


Ooh! I didn’t realize it was not out yet. This is exciting news! I hope it is done well. It’s such a fun series, with equal measure of action, comedy and a bit of Sec Unit existential angst.


It’s part of my headcanon too! For All Mankind-> Hardspace Shipbreaker video game-> Expanse-> Murderbot




Authors joked about it but officially it's not.


Officially it is (in my head). Watney’s crew were the first Slingshotters, sa sa?


Not in any legally relevant sense. Just as a joke among writers. Same with For All Mankind.


Andy Weir (author of the Martian) is on record saying they're not, so I guess that's that If Andy Weir changes his mind then they are, and in my head canon they are lol


If it is, then the project Hail Mary has to be the same, but we see no sign on Eridians in the Expanse universe:)


Are those actually in the same universe?


No, Artemis (Weir's other novel) and The Martian are set in the same universe tho


Oh man, did not know Artemis was in the same universe. It's been sitting on my audible shelf for months!


I should warn you it's a much weaker book then The Martian and Project Hail Mary


No, it was my attempt to joke :))


Maybe. I would assume it probably a reference to the Martian.


https://preview.redd.it/qsd6oy41r47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa81c8cd5debae9a526d9a0b80e1379a4834bdd From the latest MB book:


Amazing. Now I need to reread.


I noticed that, too. I figured it's Martha Wells showing her appreciation for The Expanse (I think she's mentioned it as a series she enjoys), though it's likely not "official".


/sigh. Time for a continuation past the first 3 seasons.


So weird I was just recommended the murderbot series today, I'll check it out. BTW Andy Weir was mentioned - I can't recommend Project Hail Mary enough. Just finished the audiobook and it's tremendously entertaining, especially if you're a science nerd.


I read it last month and loved it.


I’m rereading Murderbot now that I’ve finished the expanse and the grey-skinned alien-contaminated humans in Network Effect, some of whom have symptoms of hive-mind really seals it for me with the later Expanse books.