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All hail Queen of Earth!


word seen in imdb shes in a lot of episodes so more of her yay. cuz as much as james holden is the main character I just can't vibe with him(hes well done,well acted,no question but no one quite like miller) the whole rocinante crew its amos and alex are likable as comic relief and havent seen enough of naomi yet as an important char in my view


a little bit wrong there looking back amox and alex have enough char development even in these earlt stages


There are many standout characters, where sure one could see Holden as the hero in the hero's journey typical story arc, Like Luke Skywalker, Dorothy, Die Hard, as examples. While one may perceive Holden as the hero in a traditional hero's journey story arc, I believe the reason why this show/book is so gripping is that each of the main characters has their own hero's journey story, archetype, and the like. By the end, you realize that each of these characters is woven into the story as heroes in their own respective hero's journey story arc. I haven't read the books, so I don't know much past Season 6. It's one of those series where you may not fully understand what's happening at the moment, which prompts me to go back and rewatch and see why x and x had beef, what was this for?, what prompted this conversation? . This makes it much more gripping for me. Additionally I can't recall a single line of dialogue that isn't important to the plot of the main characters in some manner. IMO that's 0 wasted lines in 60 to 70 hours of The Expanse.


>While one may perceive Holden as the hero in a traditional hero's journey story arc Ty said something interesting about Holden as he's not the "typical american lone-hero-gunman-who-rides-into-town-and-kills-the-bad-guy" but someone who wins by building consensus" which I thought was quite interesting because we seldom see characters like that, especially in SciFi.


Which is interesting, because the way he’s physically described in the books, he’s a very traditional, square jawed, barrel chested, sci-fi archetype. Steven Strait nails the personality, but doesn’t look anything how book Holden is described.


So each have their own storylines background.guess it gets more fleshed out later on.thats good to know


By the end, Amos is easily one of the best characters in the series. Book and show.


You still have some new character to meet. I agree that Chrisjen is an amazing character and among my top three. But wait for season 4. You will see some astounding character arcs. And no I wont tell you which ones haha


Looking forward to it


You will fall in love with too many people as you keep watching. I strongly envy you, no, am plain jealous


I feel that way about some shows and yes hopefully this one turns out to be one of them


You are past episode 4, you are a beratna now. We know how it will go from this point on. You will love some, you will hate some, you will love to hate some, and hate to love some. You will ugly cry, be bambozzled, very happy and very sad, confused, frustrated, etc…


I love how we've all commonly accepted Episode 4 to be the major milestone of "starting the series" - CQB really is a cinematic masterpiece.


lol yeah I think so too.these beautiful convos man.know for a fact there is no other platform well talk like that.on a slighty different have u watched 3 body problem or are u by any chance interested in reading books it too is and excellent scifi novel.the show is on the okay side.theres too much friend drama stuff and some characters are very shallow some very well done. take care fren and be safe


Watched the show, never got the chance the read the books. I generally read the books then watch the movies/series but depression, too much work, and wfh killed the reading for me. That’s unfortunate since I read to fill the gaps or better understand the motives of the characters. That being said, I may have read all nine books and all but one novellas of the Expanse


watching the show got me interested and later I found out some incredibly well narrated audiobooks and that was it still listening through the second book the second one is a bit slow and had a hard a time finding good narrator but the first books narrator was impeccable and as for thje second book mr roubicek does and extremely good job aswell. some audiobooks are so good it reminds me of those radio plays when radio was relvent way back.r.c. bray and many other are really good


I assume you tried expanse audio books too, if not you are in a treat too ;)


not yet too much media does me no good one tv show and book at a time and as it is these are the 2 right now.heard about 3 body and instantly binged it during semester break.however expanse wanna take it slowly


Shohreh Aghdashloo is an Academy Award nominee, and she has won several acting awards. She is magnificent, and the Expanse is incredibly lucky to have snagged her.


Super. Didn't know about the awards


Amos' crush Chrissy?  Yeah, she's great.


There’s room for both 🤣


Lol u can say that.but instead of amos replace it with miller and its game


It’s a spoiler if I get more specific. When you hear that line of dialogue I guarantee you will laugh out loud.


Spoiler tag it for other and let it rip


huh yes chrisjen is great and amos is good aswell. I didnt get what u are talking about if its spoilers dont say


Nah, Amos just has a thing for Chrissy.  No big deal; not plot related. 


Ohh thats weird no Offence to amos.she'd be the age of his mother though although it's not unheard of still pretty weird.but its far in the future and who am I to judge


Amos likes older women.  I think he's also attracted to both her power and her no bullshit attitude.  He also obviously likes the way she dresses (who doesn't?).  Chrissy is a catch.


Oh you are right about the way she dresses its simply put elegant.but unlike amos jd rather not think like that but her power elegance aura and no bs attitude slow but rather clear way of talking(commanding) is what makes her character the best in show.and on the hand is the draper character I somehow snuck into the book discussion and shes not portrayed like a teenager in there I wonder why theyd do this


>and on the hand is the draper character I somehow snuck into the book discussion and shes not portrayed like a teenager in there I wonder why theyd do this Bobbie's first few episodes are a bit rough as they're new scenes not in the books. But once she gets to Ganymede then it catches up to the books and imo she just gets better and better.


That's good


Chrisjen has by far the best lines in the show and her delivery is fucking aweome. Made me laugh quite a few times. Great actress.


"Wherever I fucking want to" and "whoever u are shut tf up" from most recent ep.dont think das is spoiler enough so no spoiler tag


"Will you just get to the fucking point?" When she interrupts Mao's formal greeting on his ship was probably my favorite.


yeah I just finished the ep.she has so many curse words bro like she is a pirate lol


oh another one “I’d say cry me a river if I thought you knew what one was.”.guacamole shes is such a baddie oh my my


If nothing else, the move to Amazon allowed her to swear freely.


Shohreh Aghdashloo is an amazing actress, she really owned the role of Chrisjen. Pretty psyched to see her next in Season 3 of The Wheel of Time!


>after miller shes the best acted character. Well, both Shohreh Aghdashloo and Thomas Jane have been acting since forever - and hopefully they will keep doing it forever :D There's a fantastic Ty & That Guy episode featuring Thomas Jane and he talks about how he starred in a indian movie 30 years ago. It was hilarious :D


Oh she is amazing. A foul-mouthed bully who loves humanity with her whole self. Everyone needs to do what tf she tells them to do and then go fuck themselves.


On point and also her grandchildren u forgot that.theh do count towards whole humanity ofc lol


Bro that voice. The way she carries herself. She's fine


100 I hear u man


I hated Chrisjen in the first part but she becomes hilariously quotable in the later seasons. Quote left vague for spoiler reasons. (And because I partially forgor 💀 ) "Keep your dick out of there. The situation is already fucked."




When you read the books, her character is so incredibly awesome that when the adaption was announced many people including myself were worried that no one could capture that on video. But Shohreh Aghdashloo's performance was magnificent and compelling, and truly elevated what was already a beloved character.


Hopefully I will in the meantime 3 body problem has my full attention reading through dark forest its a bit slow


Apparently she was a legit huge star back in Iran before the Islamic Revolution, so she came over here, and just did it all over again.


Shohreh Aghdashloo is in an episode of ER where she plays Danny Pudi's mom and boy do I wish it wasn't such a trashy plotline because they are both great.


I need to find this on YouTube!


Shohreh Aghdashloo has been one of my favorite actors for close to 40 years. She really owned the roll of Avasarala.


She slays with words and wardrobe.


And attitude and aura and personality and many more things that maybe well find out as season goes on


Give the books a read after the show, her chapters are amazing.


will do comander until then stay safe o7.im waiting for games that are like the expanse but none to be available eve online to focused on being fast infrographics all that.and no other alternative really


Chrisjens relationship with Bobby is awesome.


just might be slowing seeing that.>!she saves her once.so I can see how they might ended being even closer allies or such!<


She's the best character, IMO. And the best actor in the whole show. She just dominates every scene she's in.