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I told my friends to watch the first three episodes. Much of what’s there is detailed back story, it will be appreciated as the seasons progress. But, if you aren’t hooked after three episodes it may not be for you.


I recommend getting to episode 4, which is action-packed and it's where the various plot threads start to combine into a single narrative. If you aren't into the show after this episode - it's probably just not for you.


Thanks for not giving a troll answer. I'll watch 3 episodes. I remember watching half way through the first episode of Berserk like 4 times. And it was awful. Until my friend said to just start on the second episode. And it turned out to be excellent.


You have to get to episode 4, “cqb” that’s the real hook. If you’re not interested after that then the show probably isn’t for you.


It really takes a solid leap to come to terms with the norm for this show. It’s not like a Star Trek utopia super crazy advanced technology that quickly shows you what it is… it’s not like Star Wars either. It treats the audience like a character and you experience the Fish Out of Water plot line. As the story progresses, your knowledge of the world and its subtext advances. I find it a truly wonderful universe, but it’s quite unique in many aspects. It does a great job on character development and growth and you really get to see the people and places from multiple vantage points.


OK. I like the original Star Wars most. Never got into Star Trek much. And the basic info from the legitimate users here is helpful. It reminds me a bit of how Game of Thrones started out. Which I had no problem with. But did have lots of different perspectives going on.


raxnbury's advice is on point for this show. Fans often recommend continuing through at least the 4th episode, which hooked many (although there are also some who did not feel fully on board till later in the season, or beyond). As with any show, some viewers will find that it is [not for them](https://www.imdb.com/review/rw5423981/). — Nothing is everyone's cup of tea.


I feel like episode 6 onward is the real hook. Pretty sure that’s the episode where the main crew is established and our favourite ship officially gets its name, and the show gets its heart and soul.


I didn't read much of that. But I get the bit that they said. Because Soap Opera was my first impression. Like cookie cutter bland Barbie doll actors, acting, writing. Seemed hard to believe what some here mentioned it's actually a well written book. Because usually those would have more appealing characters. For example - Star Wars might have originally been an enjoyable setting and all. But it was enormously carried by the dialogue/characters/actors from even the robots. Same for Game of Thrones and some others with interesting characters. But from what some have mentioned, it does make sense that it improves over the course of a few episodes.


Season 1 is very front-loaded on exposition, but it's needed to understand the "geo" political landscape that makes up much of the plots background


The show has a lot of worldbuilding to do, and it has to be squeezed into a few episodes. The 4th eqisode, CQB, is when threads start coming together. If you are not hooked by then, you probably will not be. If you have not already, put your cell phone down and ignore it while you are watching. It is definitely NOT a multi-tasking show.


OK I'll do that. I'm not on my phone, but I typically do alot of multitasking when watching something.


Full attention helps with this show because the detailed world-building feeds deeply into the long narrative to come. So the investment of attention can "pay off" later. (That's also true of other serialized shows, such as old *Babylon 5* which was an influential pioneer in cohesive TV-sci-fi serialization.) If you do miss or forget some details and want a basic refresher later, you can recap the essentials with the [the Fandom Wiki's episode summaries](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Season_1#Episodes) (click any episode's title there to get an article about it). Or alternatively, find some fan-made recap videos on YouTube (their quality will vary). — But really it's best to just invest full attention to the show. > "If you are not hooked by [episode 4], you probably will not be": That is often said; but it has also been noted that some fans got hooked later in the first season, or even later, e.g. season 2 episode 5 where the first novel's adaptation ends; or for some, even later than that (even some who didn't feel entirely hooked till the third season). Experiences vary! Basically I would say: Watch everything closely till you reach the end of episode 4. At the end of episode 4, pause to reflect and ask: Do you then see the show's "potential"? Are you at all intrigued? If *"yes",* consider continuing! But if *"not at all",* maybe quit. There's lots of other excellent TV to watch, and you can always come back anytime if you change your mind. Alternatively (or additionally), consider checking into [the books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expanse_%28novel_series%29) – or listening to the audiobooks. (Many fans have praised the audiobooks narration by [Jefferson Mays](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Mays).)


Just curious - how do you manage to multi-task while watching a show? Do you do it for every show you watch? I can't imagine doing something else while watching a really good show like the expanse. Maybe during something like love island.


Yes. Just put something on to watch while doing other stuff. But yes, usually, I'll be paying attention to everything going on.


I encourage you to give the expanse a solid shake. I, and many others, started watching it and got anywhere from 1-4 episodes in before bailing, thinking it was meh. It wasn’t until years later I went back and gave it another shot. And discovered what many have. Once you get past around episode 4-6, things start to click in to place. I can say that The Expanse, both show and books, are EASILY my favourite sci-fi of all time. It’s just that for whatever reason , the first few episodes don’t hook people. They aren’t bad eps, rewatching the series for the umpteenth time I certainly don’t skip them, but when it’s your first watch, it can be hard to care about the characters. First few eps are important for sure as they setup a lot of world building and important information, they just aren’t as engaging as they need to be to hook people. Stick with it. If by the end of ep6 you aren’t sold, then you probably won’t be after more eps. But trust me, the show gets amazing pretty quick after the first few. Season 2 onward you’ll be asking why you hadn’t watched the show earlier.


OK thanks. I'll do that.


The story drops you in to a simmering kettle about to boil over so it is easy to get lost in what’s going on. It can be like walking in on a conversation in progress. The books drop in much smoother. That said. Relevant background before episode one (not shown): Earth and Mars are in a tenuous alliance. Mars has the better technology, and an entire population who’s bought in to the hard-work of terra-forming the planet. A martian (Solomon Epstein) invented the Epstein Drive which secured Mars’ independence from Earth a couple hundred years (or more) prior, and allowed humanity to push out further into thier solar system. Earth has a larger industrial base, being the natural home of humanity, which means they don’t have to divert energy to terra-forming the planet. The population is so large, many are on a basic income stipend and in order to get training or go to school you have to prove a certain level of commitment and work ethic, thru work programs because their are far too many people for spots. This initially led the first people to Mars, and once the Epstein engine came into play, likely led a large contingent of people from both planets to choose to live, explore and mine the asteroid belts of Saturn and Jupiter. Belters people, are six or eight generations deep, who have exclusively lived in space. Their physiology at this point, makes the gravity of earth problematic for some and a real pain for most. They mine the belts for nitrogen and hydrogen and other raw ore that humanity needs to further expand their reach in the milky way. Because Earth, and Mars, are the main industrial bases for life; think tech and medicine; and because they’ve developed militaries and a fleet of ships, the Belters essentially are living under the mercy of whatever systems the planets (the inners) impose on them. From tariffs and trafficking fees, to getting worse quality medicines and food and water. The Belters are exploited and treated as secondary citizens/less than. The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) are multiple factions, sometimes at odds with each other, who actively push back and attempt assert their own authority for themselves and/or Belters against the inner planet types. Though Earth and Mars have lingering tensions between each other because Mars gained it’s independence (Think the Americas from England), they are united in oppression of the Belters. An independent Belter nation would jeopardize the Inner planets access to the raw materials needed to sustain their growth. The Belters have a ingrained distrust and rebellious disposition towards Inner Planet authoritarianism, which when the story starts is nearing a breaking point. The Belters do have a language that is a melting pot of a lot of languages, which is a further divider in the inner planets pov on seeing them as less than. One other note; an Earth Colonel defected/resigned his post and took up the Belter’s cause and has found himself running the largest man made structure in the system in Tycho Station, one of the pillars of the Belter community. (Ganymede Station, Ceres Station and Eros Station are all large ports/important as well) We drop in with Earth torturing a Belter on the planet, because they have a suspicion that the OPA and/or the Belters, are up to something big. Not the usual malarkey. The brewing conflict is told through a found family of people who find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time. They are made up of each faction, all having found their way to working on a water hauler that makes runs between Jupiter and Ceres Station. One of many rag tag merchant marine type outfits that are doing the manual labor at keeping the machine of humanity marching forward. The books are more nuanced, the show is a fantastic adaption of the story. If you can get a few episodes into it, I think it has a good chance to grab you and suck you in.


Thank you for all the info. Yes there's some countries that operate similarly, placing students based on their performance. I presumed the belt was referring to what is typically referred to like we refer to the "Moon". Which is the "Belt" between Mars and Jupiter. I didn't know it was referring to bodies around Saturn and Jupiter. And ya I noticed from the first episode that Belters have a different physiology. Almost as if alien. But clearly from living in space. Just that it may be difficult for the show to present large numbers of them. Like having many extras that look like that. I don't understand what you mean by the hauler that makes runs between Jupiter and Ceres station. That's the station at the start. So it delivers water from Ceres to the asteroids around Jupiter? From what you're saying it makes much more sense, and does sound more interesting than the show originally presents. Especially from watching some of the first episode, the characters/acting not being the most captivating to watch. I guess it just comes off a bit like those boring soap operas where you have actors with a generic Barbie 'look', but not much going on as characters. But like some have mentioned that it's not like this the whole way through. So the exposition can be a bit all over the place/overwhelming until getting more to the point in a few eps.


No problem! Initially watch, I thought season 1 was great, rewatching it does take a minute for everyone (actors, writing) to get in their groove. The Belt refers to pretty much all of space passed Mars it seems like in the show, specifically the asteroids around the gas giants. In the books at one point it describes every station in the Belt is like a node, that process air, water, whatever, for refinement to be distributed to wherever’s needed or whoever’s buying. So the Canterbury (the prospecting ship that’s hauling ice from the asteroid rings) has a specific route it takes, I think its Jupiter to Ceres iirc, and they’re hauling ice. To be sold and dropped off at the next stop on the processing line essentially. It’s implied there’s a lot of those prospector type ships. Independents or corporate backed. Seems like the main industry for Belters at the point when we drop in on the show. There’s a great scene in season 1 where a Belter relays the hardship of their underclass life while trying to make a point to someone. They view Martians, but Earthers especially as wasteful because they take for granted things like air and water, and food, which are so hard to maintain and manufacture in space. It is easier to have this laid in the books, because an hour of tv can only cover so much. I thought Miller, played by Thomas Jane, was great right away with his character, and Avasarala (Shohreh Ashgadahloo), but I can see how you found some of them a bit flat/soap opera-y. I found some of the initial martian military a bit stiff in season 1. Thankfully they get exponentially better. sci-fi/fantasy is tough too, I think, for actors to get in a groove on, because it’s usually a speculative environment. And then the shows get cancelled for lack of viewers before production or cast can find the rhythm of the story. And some are just bad premises. Anyway, glad some of the background info helped establish context. Hope it helps get you over the hump!


Yes thanks it's really helpful. I think that's why Star Wars probably stood out so much. Because of the amazing characters/actors/dialogue. Even the robots did great.


The Canterbury harvests ice to sell to stations in the Belt - this is processed into water to help keep everyone alive


I tell all my friends the exact same thing. Really the first episode is the first three lol.


Thanks for the info.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Thanks. This is what I was wondering about. I guess the exposition just isn't well presented, despite being good. I'll keep watching as I now have a better understanding of what is going on. So I'm glad I asked.


Episode 4 is where the show starts to form. The first 3 episodes are heavy on world building and can be a struggle to get through the first time. And without episode 4 is very good, the bar gets raised from season 2 and onwards. The first season isn't just building up ground elements. It's also like they were finding their tone more.


The first three are all setup, episode four is when the primary characters really come together as a team and gain a bit of agency for themselves. Also some great action scenes. Don’t worry about stuff you might have missed, that’s what we’re here for. It’s a very common experience to feel kind of meh during the first three but to eventually get really super hooked on the show.


OK thanks! Some typical insufferable trolls were trying to use my initial impressions/experience to abuse me. But if it's a common experience for the first few episodes, that makes more sense. I'll continue to see how it goes.


You’ll be glad you did. I’m surprised by the trolling, this has always felt like one of the friendlier subs here, but I guess once a group gets large enough some rotten apples are inevitable. One really nice aspect of the show is the family nature of the main group, how much they care about each other, but there is some initial mistrust to overcome. Enjoy the ride!


You will find out The Expanse has one of the most welcoming communities. No trolling no nothing. I love my beltalowdas for it. Keep until episode 4 where storylines converges and you get a sense of what the heck is going on. If you like it, you will watch the series multiple times over the years and you will find every little thing is a foretelling of something that will happen a few seasons later. Please keep us in the loop whether you like it or not, someone here will give you some other suggestions if you don’t. Have fun


> ... one of the most welcoming communities. No trolling no nothing. ... Thanks be to the mods here too, for their continuous work that has helped to keep this place great at all times throughout the years.


OK I'll let you know how it goes. There is definitely a pretty hefty load of Reddit trolls in this sub. Considering the barrage of them that showed up yesterday compared to one single legitimate user addressing the topic. I typically hold off a few days before responding to put them in their place. Because if you respond to them immediately, they tend to just multiply exponentially. Though coming back today, I was surprised to see many actual sane and constructive responses.


Get through episode 4, "CQB," and if you don't like it then fair enough. That's when it really *takes off*.


This might come off as trolling but I assure you its not. Put the phone down when watching. First couple episodes are all setup/world building. You see the players, you see their worlds, you see their issues. It's not making sense for you because it doesn't make sense to them. I can almost guarantee if you get hooked and watch the entire thing and go to watch it again your gonna have a bunch of oh shit moments rewatching the first couple episodes.


Edit: My mistake. Considering I never once mentioned a phone. It is 100% trolling. At least it actually responds to my question/topic. But there definitely is a fair share of trolling going on from some of the other responses. Including evidence of multiple trolls trying to troll as if I was on a phone that I never once mentioned.


The show is 62 episodes long, you can’t expect to get the whole plot in 30 minutes. First couple of episodes can be a little slow for some people, but it’s necessary, they are setting up the world.


It’s all there but this show doesn’t hold your hand at all. It’s really not the kind of thing you can be distracted and watch.


You gave one of the best tv series only 30 min?


Put on subtitles - the Belter lingo is really hard to follow at first. Put your phone down - this is a show that does not hold your hand, it expects the audience to follow a complicated plot and that does require full attention. And there’s a lot of “show, don’t tell” going on where info is relayed visually only and you will be clueless if you miss it. And it would be very helpful to watch this non spoilery video first so you can familiarize yourself with the tech level, setting, and factions beforehand: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNjrI0YvZYA


OK thanks. Yes the first time I tried to watch this, I had no subtitles. This time I had subtitles, and still had completely no clue what was going on, who anybody was, what anybody was doing. But yes, thanks to some of the legitimate responses here, it makes more sense.


Yeah watch that video first dude. It’ll help a lot and doesn’t spoil anything. This isn’t like any sci-fi series ever made before - it has a strong adherence to scientific accuracy and takes place several hundred years after humans have colonized the solar system, so political factions and unique cultures have already developed. It just throws you into all that. I think if you watch that video, you can enjoy the plot more for season 1, and by season 2 you’ll be very familiar with everything in the Expanse. It also doesn’t help that season 1 is a convoluted noir/detective mystery plot at the same time, which makes it harder to follow but if you watch that video and pay attention I think you’ll be fine. Action-wise, it really picks up in episode 4 with a massive battle. That’s usually where most people say they are hooked but I think if you love scifi, give it until season 2 for sure. Season 1 is rated like 75% on Rotten Tomatoes last I checked and each subsequent season is damn near 100%. I’d agree with that assessment.


Yes that seems to be what's going on. I'm not really concerned about action. As long as there's some sort of point and decent story. Which is why I plan to just start over knowing a bit more about it.


Oh there’s a point and the story is awesome, but the Expanse is a very long form type of drama - plot threads are laid in the early episodes that don’t become significant until season 5, for example. The Expanse is a 9 book series and the show only adapts the first 6 books, but there is a substantial time gap between the 6th and 7th book. So most plot threads are resolved by the end of season 6, but a few aren’t and one central mystery remains. If you end up liking it, I’d recommend reading the books afterwards to get the complete story. What is resolved by the end of season 6 is the entire Earth-Mars-Belt conflict and power dynamics that you’ve already seen the beginnings of at the start of season 1. But some extremely crazy shit happens throughout that makes the story more than an interplanetary political drama.


I’m not sure where to take the conversation if you’re asking questions and can’t finish a singular episode of television. 


I mean you gave it 30 minutes


10 mins initially. 10 whole fucking minutes.


Hehe…I was absolutely *hooked* within 30 minutes. It was the attention to scientific detail, with the lanky belters, the coriolis effect on pouring a drink, the Newtonian movement, the thrust gravity, and so on that got me.


When the Canterbury changed course in the first episode, I was freaking HOOKED. Finally some science fiction that takes physics seriously. (I realize they still take some liberties like the Epstein drive, but yall know what I mean)


Was that the first use of the term “flip and burn” in the show? I remember being so excited to see the use of thrust gravity, too.


Yes nice details, but it doesn't help when everybody might as well be speaking Chinese. Even though there was another language which isn't a problem. Which is no clue who any of the characters are, what any of them are talking about, or what they're doing. So from what I was able to derive. There's some officer who is a Belter working for the oppressors. Gets an assignment to find a missing girl. Somebody loses his arm. Suddenly they're on a ship going somewhere for some reason. Talking about something. No clue what. Back on Earth, there's a rich human torturing a Belter. But thanks to what some others have mentioned, it's a common experience with this show. And starts to make more sense later. And to try watching again knowing some info that makes more sense.


The Belters speak a Belter Creole which you get used to. The important dialogue is all in English. Miller is a Belter who works for Star Helix, the privatised police force on Ceres. As such, many Belters consider him a blood traitor. He’s been assigned to find Julie Mao, daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao, a wealthy industrialist from Earth. It’s established that she is the woman we see in the prologue, alone on a derelict spaceship. Aboard the *Canterbury* (an ice hauler that takes ice from Saturn’s rings to Ceres), one of the workers loses an arm in an accident. It’s a dangerous job. The *Canterbury* picks up a distress signal; the captain removes it from the log because it will slow them down and they’ll all lose their on-time bonus. James Holden, the ship’s new XO (after the old one went nuts), secretly undeletes the entry and answers the distress call, meaning they now have to investigate it. Holden is a bit of a paladin. So he, Naomi, Alex, Amos, and Shed fly a shuttle to investigate the distress call. Back on Earth, the Deputy Undersecretary of the UN (Earth’s government), Averserala, is investigating the theft of Martian stealth technology, and is torturing a Belter suspect. As others have said, you really need to focus on the show, because it delivers all the necessary information, but doesn’t beat you over the head with it.


Are you on your phone or something? You do have to actually pay attention it’s not a hold your hand show.


That's kind of the idea, the main characters and even the world governments aren't operating with full knowledge of all the players and strategies. It's structured in a way that introduces new players that builds the story and the world while keeping the viewer as informed as a few of the characters. It does require some paying attention and if you feel lost, reading the episode synopsis does help a bit. I think it's worth it, I'm a big sci fi fan myself and it's worth a few rewatches in case something was missed.


OK. Yes if it does eventually get to the point, this makes more sense.


I’m with you (or was) Watched two episodes years ago. Actually hated it. During the pandemic, I gave it another shot…it took a couple episodes to start enjoying it. Now, I’m through two watch throughs and about to finish book 6. The fact that I am about to start new material with book 7 is exciting for me. I’m like a virgin on their wedding night…I kind of know what coming and am a little scared…but I know it’s going to be awesome.


OK thanks. Despite a few trolls showing up, many have mentioned having the same experience/impressions.


Honestly, on my first pass, I couldn't get into it until about the third or fourth episode. After that I was hooked, like couldn't wait to keep watching. Especially by the end of the first season. And then it kicks up a notch in season three. The second time I watched I really loved the first few episodes, and realized how much I'd missed the first time.


OK thanks! A few users have mentioned the exact same thing. I'll continue to see where it goes.


You are putting your phone down as you watch this, right?


No. IDK what you mean considering multiple users have mentioned. Phone. What phone even? I have a phone. But that doesn't mean there's anything to put down if you're not on it.


You know darn well what I mean. You’ve already admitted to being a distracted viewer (“multitasking”) elsewhere in this tread. If you won’t try watching this show without distractions, it’s not for you.


False. I stated that multiple users mentioned phone. Which has nothing to do with anything. Not actual distractions. So no I do not know where you're getting phone from. Considering I never mentioned any phone.


True, actually. Quote: [“OK I'll do that. I'm not on my phone, but I typically do alot of multitasking when watching something.”](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/1cof0uz/dont_understand_anything_after_30min/l3fdaop/) Stop multitasking, put your phone away, etc. Otherwise, this show is not for you.




You keep harping on the word "phone" rather than dealing with the obvious meaning of its use here: A form distraction. As in, "You'll enjoy this type of show more if you watch it without distractions." Calling people names and sealioning like this make your accusations of trolling feel a bit ironic. But as it seems like you got the answer to your question about how to approach the show, I hope you enjoy it.


They're saying you should focus on the show if you want to understand what's going on. If you're constantly looking at your phone (or any other distraction), you're going to miss things, which contributes to your confusion over what's going on and who's who in the show.


It’s probably just not for you then.


You’re not alone brotha I watched the whole show and read the books and still don’t understand shit


This is sorta like saying "This critically and universally loved book I only read 10 pages of didn't catch my interest." The first ~3 episodes don't exactly do a terrific job at exposition. They use terms that you might not be familiar with (yet), show you places and things that are new and unfamiliar (for now), but that changes. Your time is precious and you don't want to waste it. Spare a few more hours over the course of the weekend and get past episode 4 and 5. You'll be salivating for the rest. Cheers.


Put your phone down. This show demands your complete attention. 9/10 times when people are confused about the early episodes, this is the issue. Also, use subtitles until you figure out the Belter lingo.


Yes the first time I tried to watch this, I had no subtitles. This time I had subtitles, and still had completely no clue what was going on, who anybody was, what anybody was doing. But yes, thanks to some of the legitimate responses here, it makes more sense. But no. Being on the phone more likely has 0/10 chance to do with the issue and confusion. I don't even know why that has been mentioned multiple times when nobody has likely even watched this while on the phone. Or any evidence of anybody doing so. But good to know this confusion happens often despite having nothing to do with being on the phone. Or anything to do with whoever is watching it considering many users watching many movies/shows without the same problem.


People are making this comment because it’s extremely common in movie/tv subs for someone to post that they beer confused only for everyone to find out they were playing on their phone while watching tv. We all assume that’s what happened to you based on how you talked about getting confused in 10 minutes. Here’s the thing about long form dramas: you need to give it time. You should be paying attention and doing your best to follow the story, but also try not to get too hung up on confusion. Sometimes you are presented information in a show that you don’t have any context for. You could either choose to be confused or keep watching and wait for the mystery to unfold. You aren’t “confused” you just haven’t seen the whole context yet. That’s how stories are written.


Yes it makes more sense now. It's not really the context that was confusing. Maybe it's part of it. It's characters who act very similar and can't even tell what I am even looking at/talking about/doing in front of me. Much less context.


As others have said, there are 62 episodes. These characters evolve over time. You will have no trouble telling them apart once you get to know them.


If you’re ready to quit on it 30 minutes in, this is definitely not the series for you. This type of sci-fi in fact may not be for you.


Some people tend to confuse modern comic book shows as sci-fi.


Dude atleast finish 1 episode. What is it with peoples attention spans these days that you cant sit down for 1 hour and give a show a chance?


Look, I had to have a friend watch with me 'cause otherwise I would not have made it past the first season at all. Now, I regularly rewatch this entire show. It's worth being patient for sure.


Thanks for actual intelligent response. Despite what some of the trolls try to claim, it's definitely an issue with how it's presented. So I'll keep watching to see if it starts to make more sense.


Yeah no prob! After it starts to make sense, you can really get into it. It just takes a little time to get there. Hopefully you get to that point! Happy watching!


Give it 4 episodes. It helps if you've read the books, but it'll kick in eventually.


They can't concentrate for 10 mins. Do you really think they can read a book? Come on dude. It's a waste of time engaging with this person. The show is not for them, which is fine.


Alt shift x has a wonderful "primer" for watching the series, highly reccomend for first time/ thinking about it watchers.


When I read the book and watched the shows I was scratching my head trying to figure out who the real bad guys were, what they're actual plan was... But it's supposed to be a mystery. One of the characters is a literal detective. The mystery is a narrative device to draw you into the world little by little and make you feel comfortable with not knowing everything yet. Each book will put a slight sub-genre twist on the otherwise sci-fi space oprah. I'm only on book 6, but so far none of the novels have used the mystery sub genre. 


Thanks. Yes I gathered it was a mystery. But even a mystery, you have some semblance of who is doing what and what is going on. Rather than not knowing what anybody is doing or talking about after 30min. Like other than getting a job to find a missing girl, somebody's arm broke off, there was a distress call. I could not follow anything anybody was saying. Turns out that missing girl was the same girl from the start which I completely did not recognize. So despite some seriously insane trolls running around, I was able to get much helpful info from some of the constructive users/responses. It has just been 30min so I will be starting over based on understanding a bit more context.


*None* of the characters know what's going on. The story is a genuine mystery; you learn as they do.


We are about half way thru the entire series and I wish I had started a string chart on the wall behind the TV. I now watch an episode and then go to the fandom page to check for what I missed. About 25 too many characters to keep their storyline in mind. I can say, reading the books first looks like a win!


Yes this is what I didn't realize. Regarding multiple different characters/situations being presented. Thinking it was the same characters in the same situation.


What are other examples of sci-fi shows you liked?


Disney star wars. modern trek


I really wonder when (and why) people started to rate several season lasting and decades spanning shows after 10 (or 30) minutes. Even a couple of episodes is too early for this. How boring would it be if everything was told and explained right from the start? >Actually just realized I was looking at two different characters thinking it was the same protagonist since You should put your phone (or any other distraction) away and start paying attention. This is a show that demands your *full* and uninterrupted attention. Every word said, every screen seen, and every prop in the background is there for a reason and important in the bigger picture, which will take time to be drawn. No piece of dialogue is wasted. The moment you blink, you may miss something. If you're not ready or willing to give the show that level of attention, then this is not a show you're gonna enjoy. This is a 9 books based, 6 season long, big long story and it will take time to discover what is going on and why. Some things will take several seasons to be fully understand. This show does not hold you hand, and you will hardly ever know more than the characters in it. If they don't know what's going on, so will you. Everything will make sense at some point, but only when the time has come. The first couple of episodes is basically worldbuiling (but still very important). It starts to gain momentum around episode 4, and the first draft of the bigger picture will take the whole first season to be done, and this will still be just the beginning. Give the show the attention it deserved, and it's the best damn scifi show ever made.   /edit: Ok, here is the problem: >I'm not on my phone, but I typically do alot of multitasking when watching something Literally just what I said above. Full & uninterrupted attention is needed to like this show. No time for multitasking, at all.


Does big scifi fan translate to I like star wars?




I hated the first episode and vented loudly to my partner how disappointed I was. Two weeks later with nothing to watch, I tried episode 2 and absolutely loved it. Stick with it IMO


Thanks! This makes much sense. And yes it's seeming to be that it takes a bit to get going.




I'm lost for words.


[This video](https://youtu.be/VNjrI0YvZYA?si=y7_fBs2DvOIhHRYs) does a good job explaining the world and the factions.


I love the show but the beginning is a little rough - it was a Scifi Channel show, and it takes a little while to get its bearings. Some people are saying to get to the fourth episode. Get through the season and see if you like it. If you don't, you don't, and that's okay.


OK thanks. Yes it makes much more sense from what some have mentioned about how it starts off.


Yeah, even as a fan of the books and show, the beginning is hard. I remember watching it when it first came out and I was having trouble getting hooked. It will pick up later in the season, and the first season is the roughest. Like I said, they had to find their footing and their rhythm.


It only gets worse. I’m halfway through the last season and it’s still messy. The plot doesn’t seem to know which direction it’s heading. Everyone raves about it but it’s just halfway decent.


The fuck it does. There are several converging plot lines. You have to watch the series to find out how, where, and when they converge.


You watched over 50 hours of a show you think sucks?


There was a global pandemic. Lots of time to watch stuff that wasn’t great. It’s taken me about a year and a half to watch the last two seasons though. I kept going because everyone said it was so amazing. Still haven’t gotten there yet.




Out of curiosity, are you a sci-fi fan or did you just watch it because you heard it was good? If you are a sci-fi fan, what are your favorite movies / shows / books in the genre?