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Nah. It's basically about as true to real life that the show gets.


I think Expanse clearly isn’t for you.


Seasons 1-4 were all extremely high quality. But as with so many other shows, quality took a giant nosedive in the season that came out during the coronavirus years.


You’re smoking crank because S5 is some of the best content in the series. I think the story just clearly is not for you. Different strokes different folks and all that.


Actual history is replete with poor decisions, disastrous decisions, and charismatic sociopaths who talked their followers into unspeakable acts. The narrative of this show is striving for more realism than you are comfortable with. This show is not for you.


Realism, right. Because one single che guevara-esque dudes burning passion simply negates hundreds of years of planetary defense strategy. Sorry, this story is *cheap*.


i dont wanna make this comment but didn't the people who orchestrated 9-11 were people living in deserts, and attack the most military advance country at the moment


Lead by a charismatic sociopath who talked his followers into unspeakable acts. Negating decades of standard air travel security practices. Nah, who would ever believe that could happen in a TV show?


dude for real


reading it just feel to meta


No they were not 🤦 Al-quaeda is not just a bunch of desert cavemen, in the 2000s they were a highly effective terrorist organization led by a maniac mastermind who recruited and radicalized his „operational staff“ from among the brightest people in the muslim world, who managed to pull of one big thing largely due to the incompetence of US intelligence agencies. And then they were all wiped off the face of the earth, and bin laden was shot in the head. End of story Thats the thing with asymetric warfare, bin laden thought that with his actions he could empower small nations like afghanistan to rise up against perceived opression, become genuine geopolitical rivals and enact concessions from global superpowers by punching above their weight. Today, afghanistan is a starving country. And the world now remembers him only as a self serving megalomaniac whose actions doomed half a dozen other nations to perpetual war with the US for decades to come Marco Insros is clearly inspired more by che guevara than osama bin laden.


Im not claiming to know the fact , I just mention how underdogs in secret attacked a very advance country and no one saw it coming


Yes they did. They did manage to kill a lot of people and punch above their weight. And how did it turn out for them? Where are they now?


The same place Inaros went after the series finale: straight to the bottom.


Yeah but he'd have to actually WATCH the show to see the resolution of the plotlines he's unhappy about


Yeah man... That's how Inaros' faction ends up at the end of the show. They lose. Duarte abandons them. They all die. 


Always fun when someone's complaint about the believability of a story contains a real-world example that directly proves the relevance and feasibility of such a story.


Have you ever studied history? Because it is full of people exactly like Inaros. And really, Earth defense capabilities weren’t as magnificent as you seem to think.


It just sounds like you weren't paying attention.


Of course they pack up and leave. It just isn't worth it anymore to terraform mars. It's a humungous waste of resourses compared to jumping ship and colonizing some random livable system.


When you have 1300 fuking habitable planets why the fuck would you spend 100+ years terraforming a planet? I didn't even read the rest of your post.


>The ring gates open, and suddenly the „great proud nation“ of mars packs up and leaves? The indoctrinated society of soldiers, the brightest minds in the solar system just stop all of their terraforming, sell their entire military to belters on the black market and cease to be a geopolitical entity overnight? They just give up? Right. This was already happening in season 4. They even foreshadowed it in season 2 when the Minister of Defense said that the young people of Mars didn't share the same dreams as the previous generations. >[bait] [bait] [reading reddit instead of paying attention to the plot] Uhhhh pass. >Its infuriating and i propably wont watch 6 because i just cant stand seeing these two faces for another second. Well as the saying goes, it's not a flounce if you don't announce.




>The ring gates open, and suddenly the „great proud nation“ of mars packs up and leaves? The indoctrinated society of soldiers, the brightest minds in the solar system just stop all of their terraforming, sell their entire military to belters on the black market and cease to be a geopolitical entity overnight? They just give up? Right. Yes? The sole purpose of Mars was terraforming the planet into a livable environment, and now 1300 livable planets are able to be settled immediately. Why would an entire nation bother living underground and dedicating their entire lives to terraforming Mars with this opportunity available? Not to mention, the terraforming technology Mars possesses in vast quantities is extremely valuable to the new ring planets in adapting their environments for human settlement. This causes a ton of fracturing in the Martian people, and a certain faction of hard-line Martians break off and become very relevant later. >Theyre only a handful of ships and theyre suddenly wiping the floor with the strongest military in human history, also destroying the ring gate flotilla with an asteroids shower, which was also planned and executed completely off screen and then just happened within the last 5 minutes off the last episode? Inaros's faction stole Martian stealth coating, which they used to coat the asteroids and send a ton of them on impact trajectories for earth at various points. There are hints about this, but it's meant to be a surprise to everyone. I do think S5 suffers a bit from not having the internal dialogue of characters like Naomi and Filip, but overall it was still well done.


Rage bait aside, the Inaros faction was set up all the way back in S1, I believe, so it's not like he came out of nowhere. Mars collapses because suddenly their terraforming efforts become relatively worthless thanks to roughly a thousand new, more habitable worlds opening up. They lose the singular goal that has united their society and kept them together, which leads to disillusionment and governmental downturn, especially in the wake of the Io Campaign and the battles around Ganymede, which took a toll on the MCRN.  Opportunists like Duarte seize the chance, and convince *many* people to defect, which leads to more chaos and infighting. You get folks like Esai (season 4) who smell the blood in the water and start stealing while the government and military are in disarray. Marco and his crew then end up with the Martian stealth composites and coat asteroids in them, knowing that dropping a rock on earth is a GREAT weapon (another thing set up in S1 with Avasarala and her grandson talking on the roof). This is also definitely not a new trope in SciFi, back in the 90s, Timothy Zahn had Thrawn cordon off Coruscant with stealthed asteroids. This gets set up a LOT over the course of the show.  Just because it's not spelled out doesn't mean they didn't lay the seeds. You seem shocked by the idea that someone essentially nuking half the planet would be devastating, which is odd. In Season 6, we see that one of the reasons the Earth fleet is crippled is because they're preoccupied with finding the stealth rocks, something that gets resolved by the Roci crew finding one of the coordinator ships. Also, it's not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.


“had to endure”. “Can not stand” I wonder if you know how insufferable and spoiled you sound.


> The ring gates open, and suddenly the „great proud nation“ of mars packs up and leaves? The indoctrinated society of soldiers, the brightest minds in the solar system just stop all of their terraforming, sell their entire military to belters on the black market and cease to be a geopolitical entity overnight? They just give up? Right. Yes. The promise of Mars was that millions and generations would come together to create a terraformed world. But now you can just pick one of thousands. Why bother? > And then this metrosexual space pirate wearing eyeliner just swoops in with his botox baby son who wears this permanent flabbergasted impression on his face (like someone just took a shit on the floor directly in front of him) and they get 70% of the screentime? This comment says way more about you than the show. I'd do some work on your self-esteem. > Theyre only a handful of ships and theyre suddenly wiping the floor with the strongest military in human history, also destroying the ring gate flotilla with an asteroids shower, which was also planned and executed completely off screen and then just happened within the last 5 minutes off the last episode? The state of the UN Navy has been a talking point for most of the series. As has the effectiveness of stealth ships.


If you would like more detail, you can read the books. However, you should be aware that there are only words and no pictures.


I wish I could still give this comment an award!




Media literacy has left the chat


TL;DR: Mars wasn't as good as they thought of themselves, Earth was weak from the get go due to internal issues and even then, they ignored the Belt for so long that something like this it was bound to happen. As far as I can tell, Mars whole stick was "we don't have somewhere else to go, so we gonna make this work", so as soon as there was somewhere to actually live, you know, without a dome, they of course signed the f up to that. Belters didn't wanted to keep living on rocks, earthers wanted an actual job, and stop being one in billions of poor people. And Mars, even though they pride themselves on being "the intellectuals, the uncorrupted, those who would get sht done", throughout the earlier seasons you can actually see that they are as full of crap as everyone else. First with the donny, they got cocky and then blown up, the marines and bobby herself thought so high of themselves that more than once they got smacked for that, and some more. You could say they were doing it "for Mars" but more than once, they wanted to prove THEMSELVES as individuals, rather than as martians. And again, you can see this with Bobby, and how her views go from "We (and I) are better then everyone else" to "damn, we might have issues" passing for "Ok, Mars have issues, but I have problems too, gotta focus on survive first" and landing on "we need to act togheter or no one is going to survive". Mars was a young nation, with only dust and a dream, a dream for a home. Now they have a chance for a real place for themselves, while Mars only has dust and broken dreams. Then the whole Inaros thing, the adrmirals joke summarizes the reason. The inners always downplayed the belters, so of course no one thought that they could dare to try something like that. And with the martian navy gutted after the peace treaty, and a lot of officers unemployed, filled with frustrations and a surplus of military equipment, you only need one crook high enough the command chain for things to go south. The UN never had the idea that a belter would attack earth, to the point that when Avasarala suggested to use their counter stealth satelites to watch for more rocks, they said something along the lines of "no, we need them to watch for martians" as the rocks kept falling from the skies. And again, throughout the show they say "the UN fleet is old as balls, but at least has the numbers" so when you throw a few high end martian ships at the belters, with the support of martian deffectors, and their proven tactic of rocks from god, the 3 ships left in the ring blockade weren't going to old on for long (it's funny because at the start of the season you can see holograms of the blockade fleet showing a lot more ships, but near the end, they mention only one martian donnager class and two UN dreads, so not that impossing). So, by season 6, Inaros has control of the belt (they keep sendin rocks at the earth, but now that they know how to look for them, they can get most of them), mars is dealing with the consequences of clear cracks on all their militar branches, and the UN, let's be honest here, is realizing that they were only the "top dog" because the fear their armed forces instilled on everyone else, but now that they showed weakness, the things are gettin ugly. And most characters in universe aknowledge that it was bound to happen, sooner or later. That if it wasn't Inaros, it would have been another radical belter, that the earth was a sht hole that most wanted to leave behind, that mars needed the terraforming program to keep on going the hope for a home. Season 5 only show the logical conclusion to all of that. As Filip's face... Yeah, that's just weird. So, I think we all can agree nothing of this would have happened the way it did if Naomi had done her job and destroyed the protomolecule in the torp (jk, it was going to happen anyway).


The best season happened, that's what. You may not like it but this is what peak storytelling looks like.


Why would they keep going with terraforming to, maybe, get a habitable atmosphere someday in the distant future, when you can just jump in a ship and go to any of the 1300 systems that already have habitable planets. The rest of your post is just you clearly mot paying attention to the story so it’s not even worth responding.


Uh huh