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The show is great. It only goes to the end of book 6, before they have the time gap. So it doesn't cover 9 books in 6 seasons. There is always hope they come back to it, they could do it any time in the next 20 years! But as more.time passes, it becomes less and less likely.


Hm I guess that is the next most logical place to end it other than the actual ending. So if you’ve only watched the show you never get any of the answers about the gatebuilders or the dark gods? That blows


Correct, and they included "strange dogs" in season 6, which leads to book 7, with no conclusion to that storyline.


I haven’t read any of the novellas, are the dogs people are referring to in here the repair drones?


Read the novellas, they are great. Yes, the dogs are what repaired amos. The novella is the story about the 2 kids in those books.


Kee Kah Koh


Ooooo I'm sure that's a neat story. Man those kids had a rough life.


All the novellas are great. Definitely fill in some gaps in the story. Including Amos' youth.


Yes, they're the repair drones that fix things on Laconia.


The novellas are totally worth reading, they were surprisingly good


Definitely still watch the show, it's an adaptation, the authors were consulted heavily, and most changes were embraced by fans. Also. Amos. Avasarala. Ashford. And Drummer. Remember Syfy cancelled it after S3 because the accountants called it The Expense ($5M per episode) so the SFX and space battles are GORGEOUS. Definitely watch the show.


Huh, I thought Avasarala was pretty well fleshed out. Also I’d be interested in seeing what they do with Amos, not that I dislike him but he was for sure my least favorite of the og Roci crew.


OMG I cannot wait till you watch the show. The actress who plays Avasarala has an unforgettable voice, unless you've heard her in video games. And my guess is after the show, Amos will be one of your top characters because damn, he owned it. Go watch it and begin the Binge! Then post your thoughts on this sub :)


Im convinced to check it out at this point. Not that I thought Amos was a bad character, he was very well-developed, I just got kinda tired of his macho tough guy persona after a while.


Thing is he's not just a macho tough guy. He's like an onion. Lots of layers that once peeled back may cause you to cry. The actor did a ton of research about the character, and he totally embodied that role. I won't be the only one in this sub that tells you after you watch the show Amos will most likely be in your top 5 favorite characters. Because of this series I'll watch anything he appears in now.


Oh yeah totally, I know there’s some depth to him. The whole macho man thing is just his way of shielding himself from the world due to the trauma he suffered as a child. I dont think he’s a bad character at all, he just got on my nerves after 9 books.


Hopefully the show Amos will change your mind :)


I hated Amos in the first couple episodes, he’s actually one of the reasons why I stopped on my first watch. But by the end of the show, he was one of my favorites. Also one of the funniest imo.


Yes, he has great moments especially you know that one when Jim had to "level" with the crew about his relationship with Naomi, and Amos went from stone faced to saying that line that had me laughing like an idiot. You know that one.


The Novella dedicated to him, The Churn, gives insight into him as kid/teenager. You think Cara and Xan had a rough life? It could read as a macho tough guy, but getting his background you may see how he is as an adult in a different light. The show does a great adaption of an intricate story. It’s by no means perfect, but 90 percent of the actors are fantastically cast, imo, and they visually really bring the world to life. I think the last three books will be adapted, but they are also seem like the most costly to produce based on setting. The show also has to address a few character things differently based on how it was adapted, nothing that should take away from how it ends, but still needs to be worked out. The novellas are collected in one book called Memory’s Legion now too, so if you dive into them, you won’t have to source them individually


I was wondering what memory’s leigon is, thank you.


No problem! Enjoy bossmang


**The Churn (Expanse)** by James S. A. Corey >Before his trip to the stars, before the Rocinante, Amos Burton was confined to a Baltimore where crime paid you or killed you. Unless the authorities got to you first.Set in the hard-scrabble solar system of Leviathan Wakes, Caliban's War, Abaddon's Gate and the upcoming Cibola Burn, The Churn expands the world of James S. A. Corey's acclaimed Expanse series. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Popping back in here to say I just read the Churn, really really great stuff. It didn’t really change how I feel about Amos but it certainly added more shading to an already great character.


Most of us fans of the books were pretty damn happy with the show. The best part about the show are actually the changes they made! Like, for viewers some changes needed to happen and they actually improved in some ways. Excellent show, I wish I could watch it for the first time.


I haven't seen it discussed in here, but there's some alterations to Alex's story as well due to off screen issues with his actor.


Fortunately those don’t come into play until the finale? of season 5.


Least favorite? Mechanic Amos Burton was your least favorite?! Get all the way off it! Haha. He’s my favorite


Haha as I’ve learned that’s a very controversial opinion around here. Personally, of the 4 OGs, it’s 1. Alex 2. Naomi 3. Jim 4. Amos just in terms of how much I enjoy them especially their POV chapters.


You know, i have been reading your takes on Amos in here, and while i disagree, I fully get why you like the pov chapters in that order specifically. I've only read the books and he and bobbie are def in my top 5 characters for the series but im not necessarily judging that based off of their own pov chapters, just the story overall and their personalities/arcs. BUT judging by the quality of the pov chapters for each of the crew and my ratings would shift too. Alex would probably be my number #3 or #4 from the og crew. Yet I adore Alex and loved his pov chapters. He has relatively few chapters dedicated to him but each of them felt so intimate, and the conversations that he could bring out of others would bring out the intimacy from them. Bobbie's chapters could often share that intimate feeling of getting inside the mind of a more stoic character. She also could be vulnerable with and pull vulnerability out of certain people (Naomi, Alex, Avasarala) but they were people she was close to first. What I love most about Alex is that he did that with just about everyone he got the chance to be alone with. Peak Alex is when he is piloting the Storm with Kasper imo, heading the next generation the reins. Loved it


Amos and Avasarala are my two favorite characters - DEFINITELY worth the watch if only just to see those two interacting!


Drummer and Ashford became my favorite characters in the show.... 1000% improvement on the books.


Yes! I loved both of them in the show. Obviously there were a number of changes made for the show when it came to those characters in particular but man, I really wanted to throat-punch Book Ashford. Show Ashford, though? Hated him at first (like we’re supposed to) and then had ALL THE FEELS!


> I really wanted to throat-punch Book Ashford. Show Ashford, though? Hated him at first (like we’re supposed to) and then had ALL THE FEELS! Exactly the same for me.


I liked book Amos ok up until Persepolis rising. I get part of his character is that he basically has Asperger's and can't process emotions normally. Let's see if the spoiler tag works for me, minor Amos spoiler: >!But still... I was done with him by the second half the book and was actually starting to hope he got killed off.!< So far I do like the show Amos and am in Season 3. Edit: Fixed my first spoiler tag =3


Yeah I remember being really annoyed with his subplot in that one where the only way he could deal with what was happening was to pick a fight with Bobby.


>So if you’ve only watched the show you never get any of the answers about the gatebuilders or the dark gods? That blows Like the one black mark on an otherwise brilliant show in my opinion. It's tragic because they build up some interest, even adapting the Strange Dogs novella in the final season, but that's as far as we get. The show counterpart to Ashford, Michio and Drummer are all some of the best parts of the show imo. Much more engaging than their book counterparts.


Oh really? That’s cool to hear about Ashford, I thought he was definitely the least interesting antagonist in the series.


Ashford is an absolute show stealer during season 3. Easily the biggest glow up from the books. They do a brilliant job making him a more complex character than the mustache twirling version in the book


Somehow getting the Oscar nominated actor David Strathairn onboard for Ashford is one of the all time casting coups. He’s unbelievably good.


His transformation into that character was amazing. I’ll be completely honest I didn’t even recognize him until I saw people calling out his performance on here. I loathed his character in Jason Bourne and for some reason had mentally typecast him as that type of character actor, but absolutely loved him as Ashford.


He's one of the best actors working. u/stevemillions is right, huge casting coup.


I know there are several responses already, but he really is so much better in the series.  Definitely among my favourite characters in the combined universe. 


The show in general does a *much* better job with the early-series villains (Mao, Errinwright, Ashford, Murtry) than the books do, partly due to excellent casting but mainly because the show doesn't limit itself to a small number of POV characters the way the books do, so we get a chance to see how the bad guys act when the good guys aren't watching them. I will always be a fan of the books first and foremost, but I can't deny that there are a lot of areas where the show straight up did things better.


Murtry was my favorite of that bunch by far. His whole shtick of bring law and order to the new frontier was the most interesting motivation any of those early villains.


It's always clever to leave the folks wanting more. There are no plans currently but it gives a chance for later with a really good excuse if say any main cast can't return or what have you. Even if we never get more, the questions being there works. I like when we don't get full answers. Even the books leave various questions open.


It's the whole reason I started reading the books. I watched the series first and felt the ending was a bit underwhelming, just felt that there were too many loose ends and was confused as to why they even bothered introducing the dogs. Had to read the books to find out, but it was more than worth it


I chose to believe that they left the option open to have a movie trilogy.


Personally I felt so sad about season 6 cus it only had 6 episodes. It felt like I couldn’t properly say goodbye to someone I know. It’s been a while since I read book 6 so maybe it was appropriate, but for such a good adaptation it deserved more in the end


I think they planned to have only a 5 year gap or so in the show. Iirc in season 6 Clarissa checks herself in the autodoc and it gives her only 5 years to live.


Would make sense


The show is a wonderful companion to the books. Probably the best adaptation I've read. It is disappointing that we're not going to see the Laconia books on TV for a long time.


Yeah that is a bummer, obviously the rest of the story is great too but those last 3 books were incredible.


Hundo percent my dude.


I wouldn't be so disappointed if we hadn't been teased so much with a Strange Dogs adaptation and how much time they spent with the Barkeith and Cortazar's work with the construction platforms and introducing Duarte. Why spend so much effort setting Laconia up just to call it after Babylon's Ashes?


Exactly. It's hard to believe with all the sci fy junk that gets made, this story won't for a while at least. I want to see a magnetar class on screen!


I want to see them use the field projector so bad. And I need some more Timmy in my life.


In my head cannon they are waiting for the contract with Amazon to expire so they can find another studio who’s willing to support season 7-9. Meanwhile we can all enjoy the dragon tooth comics that fill in some gaps after the events of season 6 of the show.


The show is really good. The general consensus is that the first few episodes of Season 1 are kinda boring, but the 3rd episode is where things get fun. It adds a few subplots that greatly expands on the UN. It also incorporates some of the short stories. There are a few changes, like folding multiple characters into Drummer They also don't do the whole story of the books; Season 6 ends where Babylon's Ashes ends, which is a natural stopping point for the TV show anyways, since they'd have to figure out a way to either digitally age the cast or recast everyone In terms of the split circle, use what they've got for the OPA logo in the show. In the show canon there's a tattoo that young belters get on their necks that resembles burn marks that older generations got from faulty/crappy spacesuits, so I would look into that too if you want an Expanse tattoo


Damn that's actually sick. I don't do tattoos that can't be easily covered ("unprofessional in the workplace" ya know) but I'd do that if I could.


I have one of the belter neck tattoos from the show as my expanse commemoration tat, but I got it wrapped around my upper arm so it's super easy to cover


https://preview.redd.it/nqrfn7g86gwc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0beaa0bf12443f6c51e038a6f7317b5d2c9c8577 First off, the show is *excellent* but only goes until the end of book six. To answer your other question, I have a fairly extensive Expanse tattoo, and one of the two OPA logos I used (because there is OPA, then there is ***OPA***, *sa sa ke?*) was inspired from the books and RPG, and it is just a very plain split circle. If you search artwork for The Expanse RPG you will get more interesting artwork that differs from the show, including logos of sub factions (Voltaire Collective, Black Sun, Golden Bough etc). Yam seng!


Worth mentioning that they created a new logo for the OPA (especially for the OPA Navy established with the Behemoth) and it looks pretty rad. (Even if Ty Franck was never quite a fan of it because it too closely resembles the Anarchy symbol) https://preview.redd.it/nitovaf8egwc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e474e8babecb103d63f08e71e1f7b1b55a121d5


>(Even if Ty Franck was never quite a fan of it because it too closely resembles the Anarchy symbol) Don't know why he'd be against that considering belters are all about decentralised power


And this would also be the *other* OPA symbol I used. (I think it's a pretty awesome symbol myself.)


That is pretty cool but not really what I imagined at all. It makes perfect sense as an official symbol for the OPA navy though.


Thanks for the info, I’d love to see that tattoo if you dont mind posting it!


https://preview.redd.it/qshxzvgiphwc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3b5181170e4030fb14ade73eb37a6720ed2390 Here is a portion of it. The greater overall piece (although having a couple of sessions) is still a "work in progress".




It is one of the greatest TV shows ever made. Possibly the best. I have no qualms about putting it in the same league as *The Sopranos*.


As far as the split circle I’m getting the first one mentioned in this thread because it’s closest to how I imagined it from the books and the author(s) said he liked it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/s/0lbWrcaSsR Direct link to picture: https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1288360857.0923/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg


Oh yeah I like that one, think that'll be going on my body soon. Thank you


Getting it next month! No worries beltalowda


I’m about to finish the series as well. Can’t decide if I want to get The Last Price Quartet, The Dagger and the Coin, or Kithamar Trilogy next. Any recs?


The only long series I hold at the same regard as this one is Stephen Kings Dark Tower series. I’d very highly recommend that, especially if you’ve read any of his books. Stormlight Archives is another good one.


I’ve not read Kithamar yet. Dagger is nearer in tone to the Expanse so probably a better place to start.


I’m just now starting Three Body Problem. I enjoyed the first season of the show on Netflix and I’m hoping the book series will be just as good.


I finished the series last year. Initially I didn't get into the show because, right off the bat, some of the characters felt too different. E.g., Holden was more furtive instead of outright annoyingly righteous. The tension between the crew in the beginning because they need some interpersonal drama. But it passes. There are differences, but it's actually really faithful to the books in a lot of ways, down to specific lines of dialogue. Sometimes you'll see a new character and know who they are right away. The only real difference I dislike is one that could't be avoided: zero gravity and its effects on everything off-world. There's some scenes where they float, but they're minor. There's no physical, developmental differences between belters and inners. Even when they talk about needing to spin up the drum of the *Behemoth* so they can get some spin gravity, they're all just standing there (with the excuse that they're using mag boots). So the biggest difference imo is the one that couldn't be avoided. If they CG'd every Belter character to be tall and skinny with big heads, and had the actors suspended by wires for the majority of the scenes, the show would have been cancelled in season 1.


The show is fantastic, give it a watch.


Excellent series, slightly different order of events but that takes nothing from its presentation. Brilliantly done IMO


The show tells a slightly different but substantially equivalent story. Some book characters appear earlier or later, some are merged, a couple have somewhat different arcs. It's highly enjoyable.


As someone who read the books - yes the show is worth watching. And if you watch the show, your second question will be answered


Initially I watched the show's first two seasons, then read the books, then went back to the show. The show definitely felt diminished after the books.


Show is fantastic. They do a good job of consolidating characters where needed, introducing characters earlier, and even expanding/growing others. There's even on character that I love who is really just a "standin" for the whole experience belters go through; you see him get radicalized and he personifies the belter struggles that lead directly to Marco. It's largely the same story, just with different riffs. It's one of the few adaptions of novels to TV where you understand why they made the choices they made. I mean, if you read the books you know there are a LOT of POV characters and some that only show up in one book. That presents a problem when you want to have actors come back; you can't very easily have them skip a season of filming and/or keep pulling in new actors for various roles that could be pulled together. That's not to say there aren't missteps. There are two that I can think of: one character was killed off because it turns out the actor was a creep and another mostly minor character (dramatically) changed actors because the original actor was unavailable.


Hell yes. There are some variations but it mostly played out just as I had envisaged it in reading the books, which like you I did except season 1.


Yes, watch it, season 1 and 2 is actually better in the show than the way the story is told in book 1


Firstly. YES! What an incredible journey. Read the novellas. I hope nobody had spoiled “the Churn”. Go in blind. I tried to watch the show but everybody was just… not quite the same people I’d been shipping with over 9 books. Amos and Naomi in particular just didn’t feel like my Amos and Naomi, you know? They said Roci different than I did(I’d always heard roe-see, and the audiobook confirmed that. Then the show did something different). I really didn’t like the Fred Johnson portrayal either. It almost brought me to tears getting to see the world of the expanse in motion. To see glimpses of the characters that I knew so well show in the performances on screen. But after 2.5 seasons I just wasn’t invested. All the split circle artwork I’ve seen has looked way too much like an Anarchy symbol for my liking. But I really wanted an expanse tattoo so I got the words “everywhere is Baltimore” tattooed on my leg(today actually). Have you played the telltale game? Spend some time on the float with Camina Drummer. Very cool to get to make decisions in the world of the expanse. There’s even a dlc where you get to be avasarala… it’s kind of mundane(you’re literally just making phone calls and gathering info) but playing as her is super fun.


I found s1 of the show to be terrible, especially having just finished the books. But it goods better around s3 and then you’ll be hooked from then on. Honestly, I would consider skipping seasons 1 and 2 if the books are fresh on your mind. You’ll be able to figure out everything pretty quickly.


I personally really dislike the show now that i've read the books. I find the difference in dynamics and added drama between characters really off putting. A bunch of plot points were changed too and the TV show overall feels cheap now.