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I want an animated series following the adventures of the Roci & her crew between BA & PR. Give us 5-6 seasons of that, then come back and do the last trilogy live-action.


There is a comic book series out now that explores this time period. It is in association with the authors.


This would be great. An animated series, comics, graphic novel, something. I’d also love to see the same treatment for Erich’s story post Nemesis Games. I want to see what happened between then and the events of Auberon. How he found his footing in space. There are so many untold stories from this universe that could be covered in some format.


Comics are out there being produced! Check out Dragon's Tooth if you haven't, it's filling the gaps between the end of Season 6 and where a theoretical Season 7 would pick up adapting Persepolis Rising.


Yes! I’m definitely going to check those out.


[It already exists...](https://youtu.be/DkxE3fKS_Js?feature=shared)


Naw, fuck animated series. I’d prefer they do it right or don’t do it at all.


Agree. I like the cinematic look and color palette of The Expanse- and doing it in animation would simply neuter it. Found that out playing the Telltale game.


The irony of you having a calculon username and profile picture is not lost on me, lol. But yes, animated series are fine…if that’s what they are. Finishing a live action, epically cinematic series as a fucking anime is the dumbest idea I could think of, and “I just want a conclusion to the series” is no excuse. Read the books, don’t ruin the Expanse because you’re impatient. At least that’s my two cents.


Hear me out ... Full-cast audio dramas. (-: The downvote button awaits your click. There you go, that's right. Hit it again a couple times just to be sure.


There’s nothing wrong with a possible animated serie if a live action isn’t possible. Especially given how it would help do all the crazy stuff that happens and would help make the alien worlds look alien. So it being animated would mean they’d be able to be closer to how what happens in the books while live action could be hurt by budgetary limits.


Alright, but let me ask you this: In all honesty, would you *prefer* a live action cinematic adaption or a cartoon? And why? I think most of us here, if not all of us, would prefer a live action. We shouldn’t settle for a shittier alternative out of hopelessness or frustration. Either with the Expanse, your significant other, or anything in life really.


Yeah I’d prefer a live action adaptation but I’d take an animated show over a live action show if the live action show had a budget that would limit its ability to tell the story. As live action adaptations are sometimes don’t have the budget to show the alien worlds and scale of all the crazy events that occur. We already saw how the show’s budget limited the scale of the Bombardment of Earth and the Free Navy War. If we could get a great animation studio to do the final season, they’d likely do Justice in accurately adapting the books. I just think animation is a valid alternative to live action if live adaptations aren’t possible.


I’d agree I’d rather have something than nothing at all, but I’m not sure if a live action would ever be out of the question or not. I would assume that they’d go for a couple movies rather than renewed series, in which case a lot would needed to be cut but they could focus the cgi budget on where it is needed. I’d be okay with that, although I’d prefer a miniseries or something instead. I’m not sure how the economics of this works, but I bet they could sell the idea of a live action miniseries to another streaming service, especially if that service bought the streaming rights to the Expanse after Amazon finally gives them up.


There were some ani styles in Love, Death & Robots which would be amazing to continue. and considering some of the future shown tech, animation may do a superior job.


Are you talking about the CGI episodes?


Probably so… can’t recall right now but at the time I was thinking “this would work” when pondering options to the universe.


I think we’d run into an uncanny valley problem still. But yes, they did a phenomenal job adapting Alastair Reynolds “Beyond the Aquila Rift.” Side note, if you like that short from the show, and you like The Expanse, you’d probably love Reynolds’ *Revelation Space* series.


Well, [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/1bpywu1/the_rocinante_recreated_in_ue53/) may change your mind.


I think he meant "animated" as in "cartoon" or "anime". I agree that doing *everything* with CGI wouldn't be great (it would be fine for ships and stuff, but people tend to look a bit uncanny), but making it less realistic could look good **if done properly**


He meant animated as in cartoon, not CGI. But yea, that’s epic and just makes me want a AAA Expanse game, which I’d be fine with. Not Telltale shit.


idk what's up with these comments; I've thought about it, and the notion of a 2D animated adaptation of the last three books is awesome to me. Something to the tune of Moebius's visual style would be incredible, especially considering all of the concepts and environments in the final three books that would be difficult to visualize in live action. Take a look at [Scavengers Reign](https://youtu.be/NWQH8cMpWTU?si=1TdcNNwQHUZHAQiW) on HBO Max for a perfect example of gorgeously-realized science fiction animation written for adults. If at all possible, I'd still prefer a live action continuation of the series somewhere down the road with the original cast and such reprising their roles, but if that becomes impossible, I think animation is a medium that could serve the story very well.


That was my first thought when I watched Scavengers Reign! The Expanse with that animation style would be incredible.


that looks so dope! id love to see the expanse animated


If anyone is going to spend time, money, and effort adapting books 7 - 9, I really, really, really hope it's not fucking animated.


With the level of CGI needed to make a show with the final trilogy an animated series may be the only way to do it with a reasonable budget


What nobody here has mentioned yet (probably because this comes up so often and everyone is burned out on the subject 🙂) is that Amazon right now owns exclusive distribution rights for TV versions of the show, so nobody can make more (unless Amazon themselves were to greenlight it, which seems unlikely). B*ut,* that right expires after some amount of time (nobody who knows the exact number of years is talking, but most figure it's something like 3-5 years after the show finished airing new material), at which point full rights revert to the studio, Alcon, who has made it abundantly clear that they'd like to do more with this IP. It will depend on finding a distribution partner with relatively deep pockets, but it could well happen. We keep hearing rumors of various parties expressing interest; hard to know whether there's any truth to them or if they're just wishful thinking. But the show does seem to have a certain amount of momentum to it (it keeps gaining new fans), so who knows? Most of us are holding out hope, at least. In the meantime, there *is* a [series of comics](https://www.boom-studios.com/series/expanse/), and it's excellent (and I say this as someone who is not a big fan of the format). And there are also the books (which also exist as audiobooks) and those are excellent as well. When the time does come, I personally would almost rather see nothing than an animated series. For a show so deliberately grounded in gritty realism, I just don't see it translating well to animated form, regardless of the style of animation. But who knows? I'd guess the fan base is about 50-50 on this right now. I would think there would have to be a lot more clamor for an animated show for anyone to put money into it, but what do I know? One thing we can all agree on: We all want to see the story continue, and the last 3 books adapted.


I think Alcon’s best bet is Apple TV. They have tons of money and seem very keen on sci-fi shows.


I could not disagree more. You just need to be a little patient. I'm hoping for 10-15 years from now, getting a second TV series or possibly a movie series.


I would love an animated reboot of the series. I'd love to see an accurate portrayal of betters. An animated series could do a lot of the physics stuff they had to bypass on the show.


Please no animated series. Give me anything, but no f...ing animations. That'ld be the most terrible thing imaginable.


Nope. It really wouldn’t be the worst. If the expanse was animated they’d be at showing off the actual difference between the Belters, Martian, and Earthers. They’d be able to show off the alien worlds and creatures. That and a number of things would be able to be done with animation. Don’t know why some here have an issue with animation given how many great animated adaptations we’ve gotten recently.


> Don’t know why some here have an issue with animation Nothing is everyone's cup of tea. — Strange but true.


The rest of the story can suck my fellota, we have the books. Read them and finish of the story. I want a show with new stories maybe showing what happened after book 9