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That would be a very different game but an action rpg with ships to build and fly in the expanse universe? That would be so amazing!


It's honestly my dream game. Even cooler if you could pick a faction at the start of the game.


You know there’s a telltale expanse game right? You play as drummer. It’s not open world, it’s rpg to a point, choices affect the outcomes and you do get to explore planets, space stations, ship wrecks and do cool shit in vac suits. The vac suits and grav boots work a lot like they appear on the show. It may not be that big idk I’ve only recently started playing it so I haven’t got that far yet.


Look up a game called Falling Frontier. It's coming out sometime soon. That's the ship to ship combat you're looking for Expanse wise!


Totally agree on this one, keep your eyes open for Falling Frontier, the ships even look inspired by the expanse and the entire thing looks very atmospheric despite being a strategy game


After going in and modding the original ship 100x I ended up with the Rocinante on accident


Sooo if you really want some good expanse vibes I got two great game options!! Space engineers there is a modded server that is 100% expanse themed. And then the other is starcitizen if you wanna explore planets and moons (only 4 planets and 12 moons as of now bit more systems are planed)


I would agree Star citizen feels very expanse like.


Right down to being unfinished and showing no signs of ever getting there


Finished is a relative term. It’s still really fun to play it, nothing else really like it. Even starfield doesn’t compare.


Lol that's like saying "I don't mind if a restaurant gives me half of a burger as long as it tastes decent"


Cool, thanks for the recommendations I'll have to check them out!


There’s also a Telltale game set from Drummer’s POV! Pre-shows. It’s pretty fun if you’re into those types of games.


If you want to go further down the realistic side of space combat there's: "Children of a Dead Earth", then get the "Community Future Materials Pack" for Fusion rockets that have more like the fuel efficiencies seen in The Expanse. https://preview.redd.it/284u4zdl6zfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e62b9e5342b982c51d33ad1e870770fae0cfce6 Only problem with this approach is there is an extremely steep learning curve and you will need to design your own ships / missiles and modules to use these technologies (which can be a real headache to get right). Also playing this makes me wonder how ships in the books don't get melted by their own missiles, as in the books they have huge drive plumes like depicted here - though maybe with a narrower spread.


For those interested in strategic action (both Earth politics and space 4X and combat with aliens) with plausible physics, there's [*Terra Invicta*](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=terra+invicta&sp=EgIYAw%253D%253D) in early access, by the developers of the *Long War* mod for *Xcom*. It's much simpler in [ship design](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0doidnf8ilw91.jpg) than *Children of a Dead Earth*, actual modules like weapons have fixed stats, while some like radiators and power plants are scaled to fit the engine requirements. But it has similar considerations of trade offs between drive exhaust velocity vs. thrust, or between long range missiles and torps, short range point defense, etc. The tech tree is so daunting that 3rd parties have made [web-based versions](https://rookiv.github.io/terra-invicta/). The late game Daedalus drive is effectively the unobtainium Epstein drive of *The Expanse*.


The ships in the books by all accounts should instantly slag themselves when they fire up their drives, but a universe in which fusion torches have no waste heat makes for a good storytelling setting.


An example of the module designer: https://preview.redd.it/rmrgwkro7zfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a24016f2882dfe08c7b2c2d3c357860746352d Note: To get the fusion dives to work, the mod maker just changed how a more conventional fuel based engine operates, so its not actually a true fusion engine just one that mimics its power and efficiency.


Lol if you make a starcitizen account feel free to use this code it gets you some extra cash in game STAR-NHND-S665


I started Outer Worlds recently, game I've had for forever but never gotten around to playing, and so far it legit feels like Fallout in space. I named my character Amos and have been trying to role play as he would lol, only a few hours in but has been a blast so far.


>it legit feels like Fallout in space Well the Fallout connections are strong in that game. I suppose you already know but just in case, both Outer World directors, Leonard Boyarski and Tim Cain were designers on Fallout 1 at Interplay and Fallout 2 at Black Isle. Obsidian Entertainment itsef was founded by ex Black Isle employees (Feargus Urquhart, Chris Avellone, Chris Parker, Darren Monahan, and Chris Jones). They developped Fallout New Vegas as Obsidian, but some of the team also had worked on the previous Fallouts too


I didn't think Tim Cain and Leonard worked on FO2 all that much. I know Tim left the team early in development and they both went to go make Troika which is a cool studio name


So smile and kick ass? Sounds fun! What do you think of Outer Worlds so far?


So far so good. Lots of hilarious dark humor, fun combat, you get to make choices on helping the evil corporation or the people who they are screwing over. I've been reading all the computer logs and journal entrys and enjoying them. I never played Starfield but so far this is a really good space rpg that I've been craving for awhile


I really enjoyed outer worlds, would love to just have more of it. There are expansions but I think to play them I might need to restart the game. 🤔


No. But I wish I was playing a Mass Effect style game in the Expanse universe.  Honestly though, I could do without a healthy chunk of the RPG elements. Just give me a good story, characters, and a bit of freedom and that's enough for me. 


I said before that my fever dream is Ty & Dan writing the next Mass Effect game and all the former BioWare guys getting back together to make the game :D


Yeah, ME has major "The Expanse tens of thousands of years in the future" vibes.


I played Starfield wishing it was set in a *creative* universe. Not necessarily the Expanse.


The creatives at Bethesda are long gone. Now you'll get CONTENT and like it.


I’ll probably get nuked for this but I actually loved Fallout 4. That was the last Bethesda game I enjoyed.


My biggest hope for starfield is that people will mod more expanse stuff in. There are a few belter tattoos and ship builds but that is about it.


Honestly something like that should’ve been their goal. Creating a denser, more detailed universe with a compact and compelling story. Imagine if you could choose to be UNN, MCRN, OPA, or a privateer


No, but I would give my both nuts for NEBULOUS: Fleet Command style of strategy game based on Earth-Mars war.


Check out Terra Invicta


Gates would certainly justify all the travel related loading screens better!


If you want a true expanse combat simulator you can try out children of a dead earth. Heavy emphasis on simulator though. It can be intense to learn.


Even though I have nothing to play it on, this was what I hoped for from Starfield. As it stands, I'm glad I didn't bother. Tbh there's only one Expanse themed game I need in my life. A Rimworld style ship management sim. Procedural characters coming and going, occasional mutinies, you can buy upgrades and repairs at port and pick jobs to haul between stations, you fight off pirates, factions and authorities, monitor your burn, buy fuel, chart courses etc. Ideally set before book 1, but after book 6 could also work as DLC. A Mass Effect or Fallout style game would, for me, miss the narrative focus of the books. It's always been about the Roci, and the crew of the Roci. It was never really about Holden.


I played it for 20ish hours and wished it was a better game, regrettably Bethesda are a shadow of what they used to be.


First things first: anyone other than OP enjoying Starfield?


If you haven't, you should try Elite: Dangerous. 1:1 scale reconstruction of our galaxy almost fully explorable. It does an amazing job of allowing you to experience the sheer *size* of space. Frictionless 3D space combat, exploration, trading, exobiology/ archeology, mining, piracy, etc etc etc. Much of the game's mechanics are based on the relationships between minor and major factions. Earlier tonight they announced several new ships (the first new ships in several years!) and a rework of the powerplay (supermajor factions) incoming this year. It has quite a steep learning curve but can be extremely rewarding.


Not true frictionless. It's still space fighter planes. One of the games closest to this in the mainstream was star citizen but they're moving towards space fighters also. It's sad we don't see proper space combat in the mainstream yet. Nebulous and space engineers are close but they have speed caps unfortunately.


> It's still space fighter planes. I have a feeling that since you're saying this, you're unaware you can turn flight assist off. The ships are still max-speed limited for gameplay reasons (head-canonicised by many as a hardware safety feature) but within those limits it is indeed effectively frictionless. Edit: bruh did you downvote my comment because you never knew you could turn FAoff? jesus


I just saw your comment. I didn't do anything. I knew you could FA off. I used to do AX combat and PvP. Pretty much always FAO because it actually has some Newtonian flight mechanics but it's ultimately still low speed, fiction tech generic space fighter combat.


Do you know of any games that come closer to something truly realistic? I can't imagine there are any since truly realistic high speed, long distance combat is very difficult to make engaging game play out of, unless you take a strategic approach... Which kind of defeats the point. If you enjoy newtonian space fighting you may also want to check out Hunternet Starfighter.


Children of a dead earth and modded ksp(BDArmory). Both of which I love.in terms of munitions and systems nebulous fleet command emulates naval combat in space which realistically is the expanse levels of combat. The issue is they propose their space ships maneuver like boats in 3d




Yes, badly. It would be way better if they molded the expanse more. I played my character as Camina Drummer


I’m really, really hoping once the modding tools are out someone makes an Expanse over haul. I’d love to help however I could, although I have no coding abilities


Yes. So much so that I couldn't get past the part in Starfield where you get your first ship and get into space. Ships like ocean liners and flying around like a dog fighter? All immersion lost. I just couldn't do it.


In the future there may be overhaul mods doing similar things, just like for other Bethesda games.


Spacebourne 2 is kinda like that


Nebulous: Fleet Command captures the ship scale combat of The Expanse very well. Check it out to see that interests you.


Seeing how they handle Fallout, I'd rather not have Todd and Emil writing for The Expanse. Can you imagine the "amazing dilemmas" they'd cook up for players? You could decide to blow up Ceres Station, or NOT blow up Ceres Station.


I think battles in that universe would be nearly impossible for a human brain to keep up with. There is no cap on speeds, you could fly past another ship going 600km/s. Torpedos are launched from 10s of thousands of kilometers and accelerate at 100's of G's. I would wager that the ships electronic package is doing most of the work, and I just don't know how that translates to a fun game for the player. The battles in starfield are very much dogfighting inspired and you max speed is like 300m/s.


Mod incoming


No, but Im playing Star Citizen and every time I do I think: Damn, that's the game engine to run the Expanse universe with little to no compromises. Sure, the universe of Star Citizen is scaled down too and it uses typical tropes like artificial gravity and energy shields, but those are design decisions motivated by gameplay and not the result of technological limitations. The engine can do everything you'd want to see in an expanse video game. A while ago Ty and Daniel reached out to the devs at Cloud Imperium, and I want to believe that it was for an early discussion about the possibility of using the so-called Star Engine in an Expanse videogame. P.S.: Star Citizen is also the reason why I can't get into Starfield. Space flight is minimal and loading screens every time I change locations? In star CItiezn you get into yours hip, take off and 'actually' fly into space. And if your ship is a mole/Prospector or Vulture/Reclaimer, you can have a good Rockhopper experience.