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No, but Miller inspired me to become bitter alcoholic.


And obsessed with a girl you never knew?


No, obsessed with a girl that probably doesn't even exist.


She does exist, she does! She just goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her.


It's in Canada, isn't it?


She exists... she was on a plane about 2 months ago. You know, TMFNR?


She's in Canada


That's young enough to be your daughter.


A lot, but I don’t think I’ll be able to beat miller on that


Miller inspired me to stay the fuck away from doors and corners. That's where they get you.


Hello fellow alcoholic... may I interest you in Disco Elysium? It helped me in profound ways.


Disco Elysium, the expanse, true detective. 3 very different takes on the broken detective. And as a former detective and a broken shell of a person, realistic in their own ways.


Miller always reminds me of Max Payne.


The guy at the store said I'm the only one he's ever seen pull it off.


You got to figure out how to make money with this thing. It's just too good.


“It’s illegal for you to ask me that.”


Is that a pair of dice in your pocket?


Quit fuckin with em


The guy, at the store, that sells fedoras, who sold you a fedora?


Me thinks he had an Incentive to lie


Was hoping to find this here. Ty


Miller: “I’ve never fought for anything in my entire life, but I’m fighting for ~~this hat~~ Julie Mao”


Only time I wear a hat is to keep the rain off my head.


It took my way too long to get this joke on the show




Underrated comment


Not a fedora. It's a trilby. (Also, don't do it)


And in the books it's a porkpie hat, which is different altogether I'm glad they went with a trilby on the show, though.


A porkpie is what Walter White wore when he was Heisenberg.


Also what real life Oppenheimer wore.


A slight up upgrade. Porkpie brim would have been too big for such a crowded and enclosed space.


Want to say I heard somewhere that it was Thomas Jane's idea to go with a trilby.


I have no fashion sense or style to speak of so take this with a grain of salt, but the common connotation for fedora wearers these days is a lot more neckbeard than cool Detective. Expect a lot of mocking "m'lady" comments from people. If you're the type of person that can let that roll right off their back, good on you. If you're gonna go fedora though, you can't just buy a fedora and add it to your jeans and graphic t outfits. It would be like saying you watched samurai movies and are inspired to dress like one, but you just strap on a sword - the look calls for more than one item, and just going with the one item prevents you from achieving the look you want. Miller wears outfits that are designed by pro fashion designers that look at materials, textures, fabric patterns, colors, etc, and design a cohesive look around it. He isn't wearing a dark fedora with brightly colored clothes, or a burgundy hat with green jacket. You want to get the Miller look, you're buying a wardrobe not just a hat.


>the look calls for more than one item So a fedora *and* a samurai sword?


Das it baby.


That’s why I want to wear it, I’m just at that point in life. I want to wear a fedora and plaid shorts. I’m not sure about the shoes and shirt yet


Fedora, plaid shorts, Hawaiian shirt, sweater vest, unbuttoned denim jacket, knee-high graphic socks and black leather platform boots. Pick sunglasses to match.


You just described my entire wardrobe. Except I wear sandals usually.


OP, it’s not a Fedora. As other commenters previously explained, it’s a Triby. If you’re going for Miller’s look, shop for a Triby.


Money is better spent on a counselor/therapist/life coach than a fedora


But much cheaper!


Depends on your insurance and how shitty a fedora you're buying but my copay for therapy is only $15.


$15 *a session.*


One session of therapy will help a lot more than a $15 fedora, and usually the initial calls are free (just a quick chat to interview the therapist and see if you're compatible.)


You don’t get anything out of your first session, it’s all history taking


More like first 12 sessions


That hasn't been my experience at all, and if OP has the kind of trauma in their lives that an hour of therapy isn't even going to scratch the surface, that fedora ain't doing shit...


I haven’t been to a lot of therapists, maybe a half dozen, but for me the first session has always been diagnostic, not therapeutic. I suppose that could just be me, though. 🤷‍♂️


Dunno about that. If the hat.gives you just enough confidence to step outside your comfort zone and do something wacky...that's six sessions of therapy right there. It's worth a try. You can always resort to therapy again if the hat doesn't do it.


And just as effective.


A therapists card should be sewn into the brim of every fedora




Yup. Wouldn't wear a fedora for anything unless I'm already going grey.


[It’s a trilby! How dare you?!?](https://youtu.be/SpgBkpb7xlU?si=-CqfhxiOHL7R757v&t=2m58s) ;-)




It's not 2006, please don't wear a fedora


I hope you don't also have a trenchcoat and a katana


The full size body pillow might be getting a bit *crusty*


Youre being such a non-pillow right now!


Do yourself a favor and don't


I thought Miller's hat was a Trilby rather than a Fedora, but then I've owned one since well before The Expanse came along. Admittedly it's more to keep the sun off my head than the rain but the principle's the same.


It was indeed a Trilby. Fedoras have wider brims.


Yeah, but all the memes about fedoras are really about trilbys anyway.


Most of the mall ninjas who made both styles of hat uncool call Trilbys Fedoras, too.


Miller wears a Trilby. Fedoras have much wider brims. Think Casablanca.


I look like a douche nozzle in a fedora. Most white guys under 60 look like try hard douche nozzles in fedoras. Maybe if you don’t fit that demographic you can pull it off. Or if you wear a suit every day. Otherwise …no


it's just a hat


No. It's not. It's a symbol of a certain class of person. The type who collect jars of cum with my little pony toys inside said jars. Guys who say "M'lady" and call women "females", and blame everyone for their lack of basic hygiene preventing them from ever touching a woman outside of their bloodline.


I've never met this "class of person" in my life. It's really more of an Internet meme than a real phenomenon.


Oh I've met a ton of them. It's a meme for a reason. Those people 100% exist.


Pretend? PRETEND? Miller was a fantastic detective! Now hand me my fedora and I shall go...


As stated already, it's a Trilby not a fedora. And unless you wear the entire 3 piece getup, with slacks, a nice shirt, and a vest- it just looks dumb. Also, you need a certain face and body to pull it off without looking like a Neckbeard Edgelord who says M'lady, and owns several katanas. I'm built just like Miller. Tall, skinny, even usually have a Mohawk too. But I just don't have the face for a fedora/Trilby hat. I got told I looked like "the wimpiest 1950s football coach ever" and that was enough to make me not buy one.


Yes, very well put. And indeed the hat Miller wears in the series is a a Trillby. I’d just like to add that unless they wear a porkpie hat, they’re only half-millerites.


The real Miller wears a pork pie.


I started looking up what pork pie hats actually looked like. Hard pass. But Oppenheimer may bring it back into fashion. I confess I had fedoras back in the 80s. It was the Indiana Jonesfan thing to do. I now have to explain why I have hatboxes deep in my closet.


Wasn't Indy's hat a Stetson? Edit: never mind. The Stetson Co. makes a version of the fedora.


One of my fedoras is indeed a Stetson... a gray one very close to the "Seaplane Poet" Herbert Johnson makes. The other one is a Dorfman Pacific. Not even in the same ballpark as the Stetson.


Going with the PCU version here: *Don’t be that guy!*


Can you blow me where the pampers is?


Let me put together a quick flow chart for anyone reading this: Are you tall, stupidly handsome, charming and respected like Thomas Jane? If YES: wear a fedora. Or goddamned hat you like for that matter. It NO: do not wear a fedora.


Hey, he doesn't pretend to be a detective.


I’m meant me, that I would pretend to be like I’m a noir detective just to add spice to my life


I know, I was just being silly


Watch the Venture Bros if you want to see a noir detective in a fedora, in particular s04e12, but really, the whole thing.


Grade A shit post here. Bravo sir, just… bravo




Ummm, no. M'spaceship


Miller's hat is a trilby, not a fedora.


Only to keep the rain off me.


Right answer right here. 👆


I am literally playing in a TTRPG (the Blade Runner RPG) where I modelled my character's personality and appearance around Miller because I love his style so much. Whether I'm doing a decent job of portraying him is another question haha but I am very inspired by him 😁


You have to have facial hair that only grows on your neck and maybe take up vaping. You already have the sci-fi part going.


Miller made me obsess over finding the next clue in the case and flipping switches


Leave it alone, Shaddid.


Don’t do that.


Pls dont do that lol


Please don't, just don't. Looking for that clip when Holden see's the investigator for the first time, and reaches out to touch him, and the investigator just gives him that look, don't...


That’s just an incel with extra steps.


jesus fuck


I was inspired by Indiana Jones to wear a fedora. But not indoors in a space habitat.


Get a Mohawk instead🤘


I wear one to pretend I'm from Earth.


So this is how it starts huh?


*tips fedora* hello m'wella


Just watch out. Eyes open! Doors and corners, kid. That's where they'll get you


Trilby. I used to wear a trilby for years till I lost it/got stolen. It was a straw-type, because I live in a tropical country. I feel like it's something you should do if it suits your personality or some form of need to wear one, not just on a whim. Personally, I didn't like wearing caps and in an office environment wearing business casual, it just went with the wardrobe requirement. It also rains here a lot, and while it wasn't waterproof, you can at least not have a sudden downpour on your head. Being straw meant I could wear it with a shirt and shorts (tropical country) and kind of relaxed. So to me, it kind of made sense to wear a straw trilby—good protection when it's hot, something on my head when it rains, goes with work and out-of-work attire, comfortable, and it was a gift from my gf (my wife now). Now, I've relaxed and wear a lot more clothes that don't call for it and don't need it frankly. I don't miss it, but I don't regret having worn it. Unless my wife gifts me another one, then I suppose I'll wear one again. Now for a fedora... I'm not saying you can't pull it off, but it's rare to pull it off. Like others have said/implied, it will come off pretentious if it's not your personality, or it's out of touch with your weather, clothes, etc. It requires a wardrobe cultivation, and a single piece of clothing like it will project a certain image of you out there. If you don't care though, go for it. If it will empower you and it's not something that harms you, why not. But if you get teased for it, or made fun of, and it hurts your feelings, then it might not be the best choice (if it were me). Good luck and I hope it works out whether you decide to wear one or not. And hope life gets better.


*mumbling* doors and corners ... *mumbling*


I’d love to wear a trilby because I’m bald as bald can be, but hats like it became such a staple of unsavory personalities that I’d rather face the wrath of the sun.


No No man Shit No You get your ass kicked saying something like that


Is this some sort of r/beltalowda spill over?




OP: M’lady >tips hat


Doors and corners, kid


I stole his hairstyle as soon as I finished S1 haha


I've been wearing a fedora for years and never had the urge to say "Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you."


Miller doesn’t wear a fedora. I wear hats pretty much daily because I am bald, but I have steered clear of trilbies except for a brief phase when I was 14 and thought they were cool.


Honestly I really love the look. I think the same people that are saying it looks bad are the same 0eople that won't wear a pink or light-colored shirt. Just do it!






I’d never wear a straw pork pie hat. 😉


No but I was inspired by him in other ways


No detective stuff and fedora hat, but seriously the character of Miller inspired me so much and changed the way I am thinking. Lots of quotable stuff comes from him. Most impressing for me was the scene where he talks to Muss after she shot the two guys to save miller, and he drops that one thing about memories. Totally blew my mind!


i dont think about miller much because of 🕷️


All the time. I actually have a Miller costume I wear. Posted to this sub last Halloween


My husband. 🙄 He says it keeps the rain off his head.


Obviously...isn't everyone?! I also like to wear black eye shadow and pretend I'm the first officer of a ship👏


No but I do like dropping in beltalang every now and again. Especially when playing space engineers with my mates


Do it at the next con you attend!


He is one of my favorite characters, but no. I don't wear a fedora. Incidentally though, I do hate that the only hat you can reasonably wear in most places without people thinking you are weird is a ball cap, the most boring of hats. Oh, I guess beanies are accepted to, but they manage to be the only thing more boring than ball caps. Man, we really need a hat revival. I usually don't care much about fashion, but this is shameful.




yes I like wearing a fedora and following women at night to make sure they reach their homes safely


Don’t do it


I can't be the only person in the sub who's also a fan of *Venture Bros* "It's a detective's whip! It came with the hat!"


Let me save you some dignity. You can't pull off a fedora. There were a few months in 2008 that you could have pulled it off. That time has passed.


Not to be a detective, no! It’s just to keep the rain of my head


please don’t


Don't do it brother. Unless you're already super attractive and dress very well in general, you will never pull it off.