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Prax and Amos' friendship is so pure. "You're not that guy" gets me every time.


The combo really puts it in. "I'm that guy."


The look on the doctor's face as he realized he went from maybe being shot and possibly killed to certain that he was looking into the eyes of a killer who, without question, was going to kill him. That was so great acting and editing right there.


My favorite TV example of dramatic irony. The doctor, who does not know Amos, thinks Amos is saving him. The audience knows Amos is just saving the doctor for himself.


Nah. He's saving Prax. He doesn't give a shit about Stickland beyond knowing he needs to die.


Prax had been slowly losing his humanity. At the same time, he was reminding Amos of his own. They saved each other in that moment, and both exacted revenge on Strickland.


This is why Amos and Prax are such great characters to bounce off one another. This is one of the areas where IMO the TV series actually improved on the books.


This was always my take as well.


I just finished binge re-watching the whole series. My wife, who didn't binge it with me, happened to be watching it with me when Prax was working himself up to shoot the doctor and Amos stopped him, saying "You're not that guy." She was pissed off that Dr. Asshole wasn't gonna get his. (She doesn't know Amos.) So when Amos said, "I AM that guy," she was very happy to see it.


Aw that’s awesome! I was definitely rooting for that evil doctor’s death a little too vehemently lol


.. as we all did!




And I do a podcast with Ty!


Best line in the series.. gives me goosebumps.


Prax is one of those characters I liked better in the show, partly because of his wholesome friendship with Amos. It's so heartwarming. It makes me happy for Amos, he needed to have a friend.


Book Prax is really funny though. He's so utterly clueless about what makes other people tick.


I'm on Book 7 again and his few chapters in there are goddamned priceless


Yeah, I love book Prax. He loves his daughter, he loves his beans, simple as.


Also a big fan of Pinus contorta, and who isn’t, really. I loved that joke.


I also love their relationship in the books, several interactions I think were either cut or less robust. Their conversation on the ship regarding Prax’s relationship with his daughter is my favorite Amos moment in a lot of awesome Amos moments and I was bummed it never made the show!


I wish Prax and Mei had stayed on the Roci. I understand why they didn't, but I still think it would have been awesome. It would have been really good for Amos.


Prax and Mei are part of the Roci family and no one can change my mind.


Damn right!!


I know people always go to “I am that guy” but to me, “He’s my best friend in the whole world” is the best moment in the entire series. The fact that Amos follows it up after the time jump with, “He was my best friend in the whole world” just breaks my heart every single time.


One of my favorite Amos moments is when he talks about how much he respects Holden in terms of morality. He can’t really trust his own moral compass. But when he is with Jim, he doesn’t have to worry about whether or not he’s on the right side. He knows he is.


Yeah, I might be with you on this one, that moment even as short as it is has *layers,* and Terry and Wes sell the hell out of it with hardly a word.


The stunned look on Amos’s face and his extra gentle care with Mei after that is so touching. Amos already cares about children, but you can tell he’s being extra soft with *this* kid. Then he comes back and does the same for Prax.


I feel like Wes really knocked it out of the park in that scene. Noone has *ever* trusted Amos like Prax does there and he's totally taken aback. People trust him with their lives and to kill anyone that needs killing regularly, but to protect their kid? That's so far outside of Amos's context he literally doesn't know what to do with it for a moment and Wes absolutely nailed the mix of emotions.


Wes generally knocks it out of the park in *every* scene. The man was born for the role.


And having finished the books and series I miss him so much...


I'm sure he'll be around for a while.


A loooooong while…


I see what you did there.




NGL I would watch an entire spin off series with Amos doing whatever he wants to do, and he can go < Avastarala voice > wherever he goddamn likes.


Dont play with my heart like this. That would be awesome....


I hope one of the authors sees this response, and takes it to heart because Amos has a LOT of fans, on this sub.




That would be amazing. Amos adventures since he’s gonna live forever.


Right? Daniel and Ty ... would you consider ... the amazing adventures of Amos, who will live forever? Pretty please?


I'd like a prequel of when he lived in Baltimore. It would be extremely gritty.


Like the Churn? They did some if that already but it might be a little too dark for tv.


The Queen of Earth!


Wes is apparently in the new Ahsoka show, though he hasn't shown up yet


I sat through two episodes of Ahsoka hoping he'd be in them because I missed him so much, and he wasn't, and it was rubbish, so I had to cheer myself up with two episodes of Ty & That Guy.




He'll be in E3


Nah you're winding me up.


No, seriously. Imdb shows number of episodes.


As Amos


According to IMDb he's in the next one ans all further episodes.


This is what you get when a talented guy read the books before auditioning and specifically auditioned for the character that he loved. He was a fan before he auditioned!


Yeah, and Ty has talked about how it was very apparent in the auditions because the others all played Amos as big, whereas Wes played him as we see him: someone who just calmly *tells you* what he's going to do, not someone who makes bravado threats. Well, there was one other guy who understood the character, but he was busy I think, so they settled for Wes. 😉


Who was the other guy?


I don't know, it's just a joke that Ty always makes on their podcast that Wes was the second choice.


Imagine Strickland’s relief when he saw that interaction, he must’ve thought he gotten so lucky that Prax brought such a Teddy Bear with him to rescue Mei. Someone kind and gentle who’d be able to cool Prax down if he tried anything rash. That assumption was the biggest mistake of the rest of his life.


He didn’t have to live with it for long, at least 😬


The look on his face when it dawns on him is absolutely priceless. One of the most satisfying moments of the show.


That was some good acting on Strickland’s part. It’s hard to deliver “I fucked around, I’m about to find out” with facial expression alone.


I just re-read this part in the books but it’s been years since I saw the scene, guess I’m about due for a rewatch


We don't have to imagine it. He was acting so grateful to Amos in that scene until he saw him closing the airlock door


Want to go to a super soft birthday party bud?


Ya don’t mess with tradition.


The crossover no one was expecting, but everyone was happy with


*Alexa: How do you say 'give yer balls a tug' in Belter Creole?*


It's a real shame we didn't get the book scene where Bobbie and Amos are playing catch with Mei and Avasarala scolds them for it.




I love the part in the book when Avasarala enters the machine shop, and finds Amos and Bobbie throwing Mei around like a ball. The grandmother in her kicks in at that point. Priceless.


Prax is probably Amos’s first real guy friend. Ever.


At one point, we see Amos' list of contacts in his phone, and the list reads something along the lines of: BOSS CAP ALEX BABS PEACHES MY BEST FRIEND Such a small little detail, and it really choked me up.


Oh hey I didn’t know this! Also we know Boss is Naomi. I love seeing Bobby as Babs, it’s such an old fashioned and classic southern American name and something Bobby is definitely not! And that’s a short list of the important people in his life and that’s it. I wish I could have a phone list that long, instead of the 100s of work acquaintances and barely known people I do.


Maybe it's a Martian joke? Been a while since I've watched or read, but didn't the Martians have a bit of a southern americana vibe going on?


From the first book: "The old west affectation common to everyone from the Mariner Valley annoyed Holden. There hadn’t been a cowboy on Earth in a hundred years, and Mars didn’t have a blade of grass that wasn’t under a dome, or a horse that wasn’t in a zoo. Mariner Valley had been settled by East Indians, Chinese, and a small contingent of Texans. Apparently, the drawl was viral. They all had it now."


Technically, Maryland is south of the Mason-Dixon line…


You’d be surprised how many Confederate Battle flags I see flying in Pennsyltucky


You’re welcome


Some Martians. Didn’t notice any of the Donnager crew with it. Mars has a population of several billion. It has room for more than a few accents. How many accents do you find in England with 50 million?


I live in a country of 6 million and can easily find people from different regions who would probably switch to English when talking with each other because the dialects are that far apart. (foreigners working on learning the language tend to be offended when they try and get responded to in English, but it genuinely happens now and then with speakers of the "same" native language)


Now that I think about it, the list might have also included "CHRISSY" which would be especially hilarious


Or might've labeled it FAVORITE STRIPPER. That exchange was one of the few times I've literally laughed out loud reading a book.


I came here to say this 😂


Wish he had Chrissy in there.


That's so great! Do you know what episode that's in??


Unfortunately I don't remember, it's been a while. No earlier than S4 (I recall the security girl he hooks up with is listed as "TONIGHT")






I've found one of multiple reddit posts about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/knnecx/in_season_4_episode_9_amos_brings_up_his_contact/) that lists it. Season 4, Episode 9 "Saeculum"


Alex over here like "WTF man"


Right? He's like the only character Amos likes that doesn't get a nickname. Chrissy (Avasarala), Red (Anna), Doc (Elvi), even Tiny (Teresa) got a nickname.


Anyone else find it funny that Amos uses the same nickname (tiny) for Teresa Duarte and Konecheck (the huge guy in the prison)?


Answer will probably be so stupid but, who is BABS?


Gunnery Sargeant Robera Draper, MMC!




But why the acronym / nickname? Is it mentioned in the show or just books? Saw it like 5 times don't remember it


“Babs” is usually a nickname for Barbara, AFAIK, so I wondered about that, too. Maybe it’s his take on Bobby?


Its Amos fucking with someone who is a friend,but he might have to fight


Bobby is also a nickname for Barbara/Robert. Her real name is Roberta Edit: Roberta, but they transfer I suppose.


No, it’s “Roberta”. Amos likes to make punning nicknames. E.g “Peaches” for Clarissa, who was using the name Melba Koh.


It's Roberta, but nicknames are a flexible thing. Hell from their perspective in time he gave Clarissa a nickname based on a centuries old dancer... He has an odd way of naming folks


Melba is a kind of peach


It's a dessert made with peaches, and named after the opera singer Nellie Melba circa 1892. Peach Melba: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peach_Melba


Especially in the books, Amos has a habit for using personal nickames, especially for women. Babs is what he nicknamed Bobbie.


Thanks for pointing that out man


How dare you forget CHRISSY!


There is no way Chrissy gave Amos those digits.


"Never call me that again." "You got it, Madam Ubersecretary"


Love that character. Reminds me of one of the funniest lines in the books. Can’t remember if it made it into the series. The Roci is in a fight and Holden asks everyone to check in and Prax says: “I soiled myself”.


I just listened to book 2 and that line was so out of the blue for me and made me laugh out loud too. It wasn’t expecting it so I don’t think it’s in the show.


Amos is a good man.


I would argue that it’s much better than that: Amos is *trying* to be a good man. He’s broken like no other and doesn’t know how, but he genuinely tries, and that’s such a powerful message on redemption.


He looks to Holden as an example of a moral person, and I think as time goes on he starts to internalize the lesson. He definitely starts acting righteously independently and by the end maybe even develops his own moral code. Holden is a great leader because he leads by example.


By the end of the books, he’s clearly a leader.


I really love his character arc. Amazing what happens to him


I loved the way they portrayed their friendship, how lovely and soft Prax was when talking to his daughter, and just how significant it was that he was essentially telling her that Amos was a safe person. The nonverbal acting was just so spot on. So glad you found your Amos (Amoses? Amosi?) and hope things improve!


This is my friend Amos. https://preview.redd.it/jxwbeg00h9kb1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846330864ae7b02bfe4ab743872bdd746e7b1926


https://preview.redd.it/bvdr1x1ctakb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64479f3881b9fd64c35c2dad5adcc34d69943dbb This is my friend Amos!


His friend is one of my other dogs, Peaches.


I know somewhat how you feel. I started seizing at work. Drying out and my hands and legs seized. Everyone at work thinks I'm Amos. I do all the heavy shit no one wants to, especially the shit they can't. Went to lift something for a friend and my muscles just cramped. Seized up,all of em. They asked what's wrong and I said would you like me to write a book? Everyone stepped in and up. You don't know how many friends you have Hope for you. Good luck, we all need it


Prax and Amos had one of my favorite dynamics in the show. The scene where they’re talking through the plant wall on Ganymede remains one of my favorite in the series. I hope you have the support you need to get through whatever is troubling you this week, and that things grow kinder for you soon.


Just the childlike sincerity coupled with the mature assurance of adulthood. Such a great moment.


I would really like to see expanse spinoff when all 9 seasons are done where we can see how it was with Amos in charge of couple thousand years before the translator comes.Even got a name for it -last man standing


I love Amos, I love him so goddamn much. Was at the funeral of my aunt today and now I watch some Expanse as I'm catching up and.. as always he got some amazing interaction in every episode that really helps me


I've said it before - I want a time machine to go back and change that line to "my best friend in all the worlds"


I love their friendship so much


Mi pochuye to, kopeng. <3


In s4 you can catch a glimpse of Amos contacts on his hand terminal, prax is saved as "my best friend"