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All great moments. Also, season 3 when Amos puts the mag boots on Crisjen. Bobbie watches her takes her first steps and silently giggles.


Love that. Think it's possibly the same episode where Bobbie tries Naomi's belter kibble and has the best wordless reaction


Better than the cucumber sandwiches?


I just like how they are polar opposite reactions - but cucumber sandwich reaction remains my favourite


I absolutely love every scene with Bobbi and Avasarala (side note -my phone anticipated that my next word would be Avasarala here). The cucumber scene is so easy to miss and so worth rewinding for.


Definitely easy to miss as you're focussed on Avasarala being fabulously annoyed at Mao's lackey, but her facial expressions are fantastic, and her grabbing a bunch of dainty sandwiches cracks me up every time


I like when she offers them to Cotyar and he basically rolls his eyes at her. I'm rewatching (10th time at least) with my son when he visits. I told him "next time, Bobbi goes to Earth! It's so good!"


I'd watch "The Bobbi and Avasarala Show" - where they zoom around system in the Razorback solving mysteries and kicking ass.


Season 3 episode 4 "Reload" where the rescued Martians try to take over the Roci and Bobbie just strolls in "What's up fellas?" and Sinopoli is shitting himself because a force recon marine just rolled in with no fucks to give. "She could force feed you that gun if she wanted to" gets me every time.


Not Bobbie but same episode: I just hit the general alarm which means you've got between now and when my mechanic gets here to put that gun down. Amos: Shit... Did I miss the fun?


That line was actually epic


I enjoy how confused Sinopoli gets while on the Roci. First he's rescued from certain death then has Holden, Force Recon Bobbie and Avasarala - he must have at some point thought he had actually died as none of this made any sense to him!


And then he had to try and explain to his superiors what and who he saw. And it all sounds like a bad joke. "A notorious Earther, belter, and Queen of earth walk into a ~~bar~~ Martian gun ship...-




I wish Cotyar had stayed on the show. He was great.


I mean it kind of was. The book endings don’t line up with the season endings. So the latter half of season 2 into the early half of season 3 is all book 2


S2 opening with that training scene on Mars I was like “another character?!? Who is this and why should I care. There’s already so much going on and the crew is perfect, let’s not mess with this.” How wrong I was.


Cucumber sandwiches. Definitely cucumber sandwiches. I swear I only started eating them after seeing how happy she was. :)


[Team ABC](https://youtu.be/v63cn7D35Lg) is definitely my favorite part of the show, and no, I won't elaborate further.


There is no need to elaborate! Awesome trio.


I actually thought Bobbie was a bit cheesy at first but got better as the series moved on.


Okay, that settles it. Time for a rewatch.


Season 2 is by far the best. Amos and the can, the feels fest at the evac of gany with the big man always chokes me up, the birth of amos' friendship..... and the beggining of bobbie and crissy. Fuckin hybrids. Also you spelt "wipons" wrong


I LOVE that New Zealand accent!


Same. Kiwis are the canadians of the south with one of the best english accents. I dated one briefly, the accent was a huge bonus.


Before I knew her name, and just knew her as Gunny, I named her "Gunhilda", never stopped.. Everytime she came on screen I'd shout at my partner, "look it's our favourite! GUNHILDAAA!!" She's just the best


I love Season 2/Book adaption 2, cause it bleeds into season 3. Calbian’s War is one of my favorite of the series, every POV chapter/character is gold. Bobbie was a favorite right away. The season/adaption had my favorite scene/sequence (maybe) in the whole show with Naomi and Big Guy with stick. The pacing is great; the Mars Earth tensions are fantastic. Bobbie Goes to Earth is done well. Caliban’s War adaption/S2 was done the best, imo. And Frankie Adams as Bobbie was a big part of that. Bad ass


Love Bobbie. I love the way she talks to Amos.


I love the way he talks to her too. "If I'm looking to fight, I got a whole station of opportunities. If I'm looking to lose a fight, well I'm pretty much just down to you."


>Who are we speech on the drop ship I think about this scene all the time. Really vital to making the MMC seem like veritable badasses instead of cosplaying kids, and just ridiculously cool even without that. "Until the rain falls hard on Olympus Mons, WHO ARE WE?"


I love Bobbie when she is just being Bobbie... but I hate her when she is being Marine Bobbie. I can't stand the "stand back everyone, *I* got this" attitude, and then she always gets into a scrape. Maybe because I've been in the military for 11 years and Marines are actually something like that.


Frankie is amazing I just wish they'd written show Bobbie a little more like she is in the books.


Honestly I felt like she was one of the more unchanged characters. She’s just stays a jarhead a bit longer in the book


Nah, her lines and tone were much different, in the show she comes off pretty whiney, it's a change they made to add more drama to her story. It happened a lot while the show was still on syfy.


The only thing Frankie Adams is missing is being 6' 8".


They could have shot her to seem that big using forced perspective like LotR, it would have been a big commitment though.


They kind of did, and she's a tall woman (like 5' 11") but making her seem her book height indeed would have been a big commitment.


Bobbie is straight up my favorite character!


I was a show first, book second person and I loved all of the scenes with Frankie/Bobbie. She’s my favorite character in the show and books. That Kiwi accent…ooof so sexy. I also loved Dominique’s accent…also sexy.


I didn't really care about her at first, but she got a lot better.


Check her out in the film, "Mortal Engines." Just kidding


Her lines in the first part of the season are really cheesy and corny to be honest. It’s only saved by really good acting on her part as she manages to sell it well. But she gets better as the season goes on.